After taking the task, Verdant Ruins did not perform the first time.

The Jindan-class combat power may be very troublesome for the ordinary Golden Core Realm, even those who have become High Grade Jindan can’t guarantee that they can complete it successfully. After all, these Golden Core Realm players must be theirs. Sect’s top powerhouse, there must be Endless Realm, Transformation Realm, True Yuan Realm cultivator. Once surrounded by many powerful people at this level, the strong people who condense High Grade Jindan have to drink and hate in this kind of sea tactics. under.

Moreover, this task is 43 million kilometers away from the sky, and there are only one hundred rhymes to benefit, but also need to kill several Golden Core Realm strong, even if the mighty will hesitate.

After all, it’s not easy for the big guys to drop the incarnation of the Golden Core Realm, plus the 43 million kilometers away, which will eventually kill the big Golden Core Realm. The weak effect is afraid to last for several years.

In the past few years, once I have encountered any accidents…

That can be regrettable.

There is no need to put yourself in danger for a hundred rhymes.

But it’s nothing to Verdant Ruins…

The fifth-order incarnation technique reduces the weak effect of the next Ordinary incarnation to the extent that he can accept it.

Not to mention that backtracking can be used to trace back the weak effects.

And once incarnation has passed, then use the personal space to turn to the ontology, and wait for the ontology to reach the continuation of the sea of ​​clouds, to complete the task for him… a sword, enough.

This task can only be said to be fishing some faster that’s all.

As for long-term development…

The rhyme production is not even half of the east, and it is estimated that the yield of seventy-eighty is also a year. Verdant Ruins is too lazy to spend too much thought on it.

After all, the fact that a continent is occupied does not mean that you can continue to enjoy the rhyme output on the continent. From time to time, you have to clean up and suppress the resistance forces on the continent. This period will inevitably involve a lot of energy.

As for sending people in the past?

One, Verdant Ruins has no powerful subordinates now, two…

Does manpower need no expenses?

No good, who is willing to rely on you to do things for you?

Not to graze the horses and to think that the horses are running hard, sooner or later, will lead to a series of uprisings, and then there will be a lot of trouble.

What’s more, in addition to internal problems, there are external problems, and the strong knows staring at the continuation of the continuation of the sea and only one of his Verdant Ruins?

Therefore, Verdant Ruins did not pay attention to the mind of the cloud continent, playing the idea of ​​taking a wave.

“To go to the medium-sized, even small continent to perform tasks, the most important point is the loyal and reliable subordinates… At present, I can use the people… East China World is some, but the overall cultivation level of the East World is low, bullying Bullying is really continent. These small continents are similar. They don’t make much use in the contingent of the sea of ​​clouds. Then… you can only spend money on the Divine Ability of Magic Pod Soldiers…”

Verdant Ruins wondered if it would cost a lot to create a powerful monster that could exist for two or three years.


Even the ten-order monster, its real combat power is worse than that of the human Golden Core Realm cultivator. At best, it is comparable to the Endless Realm strong, and it is really not worthy of being used by him at a great cost.

With meditation, Verdant Ruins has fallen to the courtyard of the Chamber of Commerce.

“grown ups.”

When he arrived, he was waiting outside the yard, but he was yelled at the Peak Master, which was blocked by Su Shi.

With the sword and swordsmanship leaving, only one after another Supreme Elder’s Verdant Ruins is now in the Sword Sect, which is completely worthy of the existence of the next person, plus he shoulders the assessment of Sword Sect 30 Six peaks and powers, these peaks of different sizes suddenly touched the wind.

“Long Qifeng Peak Master came to visit.”

“Tianhua Peak Peak Master came to visit.”

“Tie Yufeng Peak Master came to visit.”


Verdant Ruins gaze at one of the Peak Masters who came to visit.

At this moment, there are nine people waiting for the Peak Master outside the yard, including the mighty tyrannical Peak Master Zhou Cunyu.

“Elder, these people have been staying outside and don’t want to leave. We are not good at expelling them. Please disturb the adults.”

At this time, Su Shi was also rushing forward and apologizing to Verdant Ruins.

“No problem.”

Verdant Ruins said a word, then to the nine Peak Master: “What do you want to say, follow the first come, then each and everyone.”

Nine Peak Masters glanced at each other, and finally Long Qifeng Peak Master Yin Fengnian first came forward: “pay respects to Supreme Elder…”

“come in.”

Verdant Ruins snorted and came to the hall.

As soon as I arrived at the hall, the Dragon Master Peak Master even refused to retreat. He had been squatting for the first time, and he looked like a heartache: “Supreme Elder, I am guilty of Yin Fengnian!”

“One by one, slowly, if the plot is minor and the attitude is good, I can leave a way out for you.”

“Yes Yes Yes……”

Long Qifeng Peak Master Yin Fengnian said, quickly confessed his fault of one after another in the past few decades.

Verdant Ruins listened, and faintly understood that the Dragon Master Peak Master is not a big evil person, just using the Peak Master position, greedy a lot of cheap, other things that harm the interests of Sect did not do anything, this kind of thing The plot is within the scope of the crime of redemption.

“Elder, during this time, I took advantage of the position of Dragon Master Peak’s Peak Master and left a lot of resources for my own use. Now I want to come. It is really regrettable. The words of Xinde’s founder will wake me up and make me stand on the brink. Only then did I decide to correct the mistakes. In order to make up for the mistakes I made at the beginning, I sold all the things and sold them to the thirty-six rhymes. All of them were turned over to Sect and disposed of by Elder. Afterwards, Elder How to punish, Fengnian will never have half a complaint.”

Yin Fengnian said, moving a box out of his personal space.


Verdant Ruins’s eyes fell on the box that Yin Fengnian took out. You don’t need to watch it to know that there are indeed things in the road containing thirty-six rhymes.

Unlike Tieyufeng, Longqifeng can only be regarded as a small peak. There are no strong Golden Core Realm among the peaks. It can take out the 36-way rhythm of the road, and it is indeed a ruin.


“Look at your good attitude, this thing is temporarily pressed, your Dragon Master Peak Master is also your temporary, and during your time of the Dragon King Peak Master, if someone else comes Reporting your crimes to me, or letting me know that your fault has not been consistent with what I have investigated. Then, you don’t have to do the position of Peak Master Peak Master. If the circumstances are serious, I will report directly. Collect swords and swords, and even personally, clean up the portal for Tibetan swords and abolish your cultivation base!”

Verdant Ruins’s words made Yin Fengnian in ones heart trembled.

Reminiscent of Verdant Ruins two years ago, with one person defeating the four major Golden Core Realm strong players in the North Moon Peak, if you really have to deal with their Long Qifeng, even the Long Core of the Golden Core Realm strong can not resist .

For a time, he quickly promised: “Please Elder rest assured that all the faults I have already explained clearly, and during this time I have tried to make up for it. Elder will definitely see a new and prosperous visit if he goes to Longqifeng. Long Qifeng.”

“I hope so, let’s go back.”

Verdant Ruins snorted.

As for the thirty-six rhythm of the Taoist things, he was taken down by him, and then handed over to the sword and swordsman together with Zhou Cunyu’s Eight Eighteen rhyme.

After the Dragon Master Peak Master left, Tianhua Peak Peak Master followed suit.

The purpose of Tianhuafeng’s coming here is the same as that of Long Qifeng. He admits his mistakes and apologizes, and eventually leaves the twenty-nine rhymes.

After Tianhua Peak, I will say that the peaks of Jianfeng, Jinyangfeng and so on.

These people seem to have heard similar information from Long Qifeng Peak Master Yin Feng’s mouth. They know that Verdant Ruins does not intend to kill them. Every and everyone is relieved and admits that they are very good at the same time. When they finally leave, they also crave themselves. The things that have been transformed into the roads have been handed out, and the number varies from 20 rhymes. It is only a minority that is similar to Long Qifeng’s one-piece rhyme.

For most of the day, Verdant Ruins only met the eight Peak Masters. At the last minute, Tie Yufeng Peak Master Zhou Cunyu entered the courtyard.

As soon as he arrived at the courtyard, Zhou Cunyu immediately apologized to Verdant Ruins: “Not long ago, Chongyu was eager to plan for the future of Sword Sect, and he took advantage of the influence of Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder to hand over the future plan to the Tibetan swordsman. It’s a ghost, and Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder is also blamed.”

“It’s nothing more than a careful thought to get the recognition of the sword sword statue that’s all, your starting point is also for Sect.”

Verdant Ruins said a little: “The other mountain Peak Master came here to admit to me, the cliffs are Lema, then the Iron Master Peak Master has come here for this purpose? Is it difficult to be like other peaks?”

“Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder Mingjian, we are not afraid to say that it is the clearest and fairest mountain in the 36th peak of the Tibetan sword, but in the past hundred years, it has not done anything that is contrary to the interests of Sect. Even though other peaks want to pull on our iron jade peaks, our iron jade peak is also out of the slightest hesitation, and also wants to help them to bring order out of chaos, but Sect is lost by the Tibetan swordsman. The influence of rumors, the building will be tilted, everyone will be mad, even though we iron jade wants to correct the Sect atmosphere, but it is difficult to support, can not return to the sky, and ultimately have to choose to be independent, this Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder can always go to our iron jade Peak investigation, if I have a half-say in Zhou Cunyu, I would like to bear any punishment from Elder.”

Zhou Cunyu made a speech.

Verdant Ruins looked at Zhou Cunyu.

Zang Jianjian is very capable of his evaluation, but also very motivated.

It seems that Zhou Cunyu had already noticed that the wind of the Sword Sect was wrong, and he was reorganizing his own style of iron jade. The purpose was to wait for this moment.

If all the peaks of the entire Sword Sect are smouldering, they will be able to maintain fairness and integrity, and they will be able to enter the field of swords and swords. The power to hold the Sword Sect was deprived from the hands of Jianfeng and delivered to his iron jade peak.


(If there is a copy of the manuscript, it will not move the word, and suddenly I want to break out today, hey, then I will send five chapters today.)

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