Considering the calculations and utilitarianism of Tie Yufeng’s Peak Master Zhou Cunyu, Verdant Ruins has made a slight move. It is already a matter of thinking: “I will investigate the matter of Tie Yufeng. As for the moment, you use it for my message. In one case, I can also give you an opportunity to make a sin.”

Zhou Cunyu listened, suddenly said with great happiness: “Please Supreme Elder, although I told you that if I can do it, I will do my best to complete Elder’s account.”

“I have a lot of criminals in the hands of the Peak Master. You are investigating the authenticity of one after another. If someone still reports a false report under the information that I gave them a chance, I will inform you immediately.”

Verdant Ruins is slow.

Since the iron master Peak Master Zhou Cunyu wants to replace the Tibetan Jianfeng and become the main peak of the Sword Sect, then he will never let go of any stain of the Peak Master. After all, these stains are his powerful ability to exclude competitors. Weapons, handing this matter to him, he will definitely handle it as his own business.

In addition, he has been operating in Sword Sect for many years, and even has the heart and the Jianfeng wrench wrist, which is bound to control the weak power. Investigating these things naturally can also have extremely high efficiency.

Zhou Cunyu led the people of Tieyufeng to take charge of the trivial matters, while Verdant Ruins stared at Zhou Cunyu, so his workload would undoubtedly be reduced.

“Since you have the heart to replace the Tibetan sword peak and become the new Sect Sect of Sword Sect, you naturally have to show enough ability. It is an opportunity for you to investigate the authenticity of other mountain peaks. Can you get it? My approval, just look at this time, I hope you will not let me down.”

Zhou Cunyu listened, and suddenly excitedly promised: “Please Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder rest assured, I will be clear about the investigation of these peaks, and I will never let go of any black sheep.”


Verdant Ruins slightly nodded, at the end, I said: “You came to visit me specifically, it is not to apologize to me for the matter of the day.”

“Nature is not.”

Zhou Cunyu said, hesitated for a moment, said: “I came here this time, there is actually one thing to report with Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder, according to the news I got, the famous Jianfeng Peak Master, Aurora Peak Peak Master, Epee Peak Peak, and some of the most powerful peaks in our Sword Sect, will have a meeting tomorrow night, the location is the famous Jianfeng, this meeting, by the sword sword statue two eldest disciple Xu Wei, Zhong Xuan Two old Golden Core Realm strong people personally hosted, a total of twenty-six Golden Core Realm strong people attended, as for the next level of representative figures reached more than 60, some of whom represent the Tibetan Sword Sect The forces of the 36 peaks, and some are the Sects that existed in the possession of the Sword Sect. The things that were discussed were related to Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder… They also invited us to the iron jade peak, but they were We Tie Yufeng refused.”

“The twenty-sixth Golden Core Realm is strong, there are ten peaks, and there are some Sects that are attached to the Sword Sect.”

Verdant Ruins expression is indifferent: “These people and everyone want to do something, rebellion is not good.”

Zhou Cunyu saw Verdant Ruins hear the number of the twenty-sixth Golden Core Realm strong, and there was no jealousy and trouble in his face, and his heart was relieved in relief.

Verdant Ruins was able to defeat the four Golden Core Realm strongmen of the North Moon Peak as soon as two years ago, showing a far greater strength than the Golden Dan, and now follows the sword cultivation for two years, although It can’t be said for a long time, but it can be concluded that his cultivation base must have grown a lot. This is why Zhou Cunyu took the risk and braved the sin of the Sword Sect in the possession of Verdant Ruins.

Of course, Zhou Cunyu had spent eight Eighteen rhymes on Verdant Ruins. This is a major reason. Otherwise, he may not be involved in Xu Wei, Zhong Xuan and the others. This obviously used against Verdant Ruins, Supreme Elder. The meeting, but will never risk the crime of hiding these core figures, powerful mountains, and telling Verdant Ruins.

“I don’t know the specific purpose of these people, but… I’m afraid to appoint Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder with the sword swordsman. You are the second Supreme Elder for us… After all, before you, we have hidden Sword Sect There is no second Supreme Elder, even if the current super-descendable Sword Sect Elder is only Elder, who is sitting in the Wan Jianfeng, it is far from the Supreme Elder mention on equal terms Put together, it is estimated that I want to form a pressure, so that Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder, you ask for your own sword, and resign as Supreme Elder, down to Ordinary Elder… After all, even if the sword is the same, at best, it is only As a Sword Sect future sect master, that’s all… It will take a while to become a sect master, let alone a Supreme Elder with a weight above the sect master?”

“I know.”

Verdant Ruins complied, but there is no such thing as follows: “You don’t have to pay attention to these things. Just review some of the peaks. Remember, secretly review, I give you this right, but it does not mean that you can take this right. Going to be a good fortune, understand.”

“Yes, please rest assured Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder.”

Zhou Cunyu saw that his purpose has been achieved, and the present respectful promise.


“Come Yu retired.”

Zhou Cunyu paid a respectful ceremony and left the courtyard.

When he left the courtyard, a corner of his mouth had already hanged a smile, the news had been passed to Verdant Ruins, and then, waiting to see the good night between Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder and other peaks.

“Zhou Cunyu…”

Looking at Zhou Cunyu leaving, Verdant Ruins shook his head.

He can see that this is simply Zhou Chongyu’s conspiracy, the purpose is to hope that he and the famous Jianfeng, Aurora Peak, Epee Peak and other forces torn face, so that these are qualified to compete with him to hide the Sword Sect sect master throne The mountain peaks are bound to be killed by a stick by Verdant Ruins, sweeping into the trash can, without these powerful peaks competing with him, the remaining peaks, stronger than him, may not be fair to him, than they are fair But they may not have their strength, and they can suppress the overall situation.

In Zhou Cunyu’s view, I am afraid that only after the conflict between Verdant Ruins and these peaks has completely erupted, he will continue to make no big mistakes, and work hard to fulfill the task of Verdant Ruins, hiding the throne of Sword Sect’s future sect master. Place where water flows, a canal is formed into his hands.


A Sect, mutual design, intrigue is not the mainstream, the most important thing is to be able to unite all the power of the entire Sect and unite as one.

In his view, such a talent can be called a qualified sect master, a qualified sect master.

And Zhou Cunyu…

Obviously not qualified.

“The problem faced by the Tibetan Sword Sect is really not much. In a hundred years… The sword sword has not appeared for a hundred years, so Sect is so chaotic, so it can be seen that the Sword Sect itself is also There are no small problems… Big chaos needs to be ruled. If this is the case, then let’s get down and try to solve the problems facing Sword Sect in one step.”

Verdant Ruins muttered in the direction of the famous Jianfeng, and there was a glimmer of cold light in his eyes.

Just as Verdant Ruins thought that the people who came to visit were almost there, an unexpected person suddenly appeared in the courtyard of Verdant Ruins under the leadership of Su Xiao.

Su Xiao looked at the man behind him who was hiding in the black robe. He was a little excited. After a while, he turned to Verdant Ruins. “Mr…. sect master came to visit…”

With the black robe man behind him pushing the hat to the back of the neck, it is the appearance of the Sword Sect sect master.

Xiao glimpse of Verdant Ruins, hesitated so slowly, but still bowed his head: “Supreme Elder.”

“Sect Master Xiao.”

Verdant Ruins said quietly.

Xiao phantom, Tibetan sword sword respect eldest disciple Xiao Congyun’s son, younger to the Golden Dan, and won the Sword Dao True Essence, was regarded as the Juggernaut, is now the Sword Sect sect master.

For this Tibetan Sword Sect sect master, Verdant Ruins only wants to summarize in one sentence, the corpse meal!

Yes, it’s a corpse meal!

On the throne of the Sword Sect sect master, Xiao Yingying did not make any big mistakes, but he did not make any merits. On the contrary, he occupied the sect master throne, and most of the time he used it for retreat. As a cultivation environment that can be enjoyed by the sect master, it is hard to repair day and night, and the strength of cultivation is almost a fight with the sword and sword.

Despite a hundred years, he did not endanger the interests of the Tibetan Sword Sect, nor did he make any evil things, but as a dignified Tibetan Sword Sect sect master, a big Sect’s helm, inaction, is the biggest fault. .

If it is not because his Sword Sect sect master spends most of his time on retreat, he is not very concerned about the Sword Sect. The situation of hiding Sword Sect will definitely not deteriorate in just a hundred years. To the extent, after the Jianfeng Peak is the first peak of Sword Sect, not to mention the current Aurora Peak and the North Moon Peak, even if the Aurora Peak and the Beiyue Peak are in their heyday, they cannot compete with Tibetan Jianfeng. I really want to manage the Sword Sect atmosphere, suppressing the arrogance of the Aurora Peak and the Beiyue Peak. It is difficult to make a North Moon Peak and Aurora Peak in a short time.


He did not.

“Sect Master Xiao does not continue to stay in your Tibetan Jianfeng retreat cultivation, early cohesion of the golden dragon, come to me I do not know what is going on?”

Xiao glimpse looked at Verdant Ruins, but he couldn’t understand the depth of Verdant Ruins, but considering the importance that the sword swordsman attached to Verdant Ruins, and today he asked Duan Jianfeng’s uncle, Shi Shu and what he said. Discourse, he still slightly lowered his attitude: “I came here to pay for Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder.”

“Apologize? Sect Master Xiao didn’t do anything to harm Sect’s interests, but what about the apologetics?”

In the eyes of Xiao Jiying, there is a glimmer of color: “I have not done anything to harm Sect’s interests in the past years, but I am a Sword Sect sect master, watching the Aurora Peak, the North Moon Peak, and other peaks constantly. Sitting big, becoming arrogant, arbitrarily oppressing the same side, but after looking forward, ignore it, indirectly condone their arrogant arrogance, this is my biggest fault, therefore, I came here, want to Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder resigned, please Supreme Elder allowed me to resign from the Sword Sect sect master and let the pros.


(Everyone brainstorms, what new features should there be in the 55th order of Primal Chaos?)

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