
I heard that Xiao Xiaoying said this, Verdant Ruins had some surprises.

And Su Xiao, who is on the side, can’t help cry out in surprise: “Zong Master…”

“I was competing for the sect master. I actually saw the special cultivation environment that sect master can have. In fact, I have not contributed to the Sword Sect for many years. I still don’t choose a new successor. It’s my selfishness. I want to use the convenience of the sect master to build the High Grade Jindan with the body early into Perfection, and even break through to the level of the best Jindan… because of this, I died and occupied the sect master. Even the North Moon Peak and the Aurora Peak were in chaos in Sect. It was also a blind eye. On the one hand, I didn’t want to be distracted by this matter, on the other hand… It is worried that the North Moon Peak and the Aurora Peak will be irritated, causing the two peaks to start in the Tibetan Sword Sect, affecting the stability of the Sect…”

“I am afraid that I am not afraid that the two peaks will affect the Sect turmoil, but I am worried that these two peaks will focus on your sect master throne, so that you can no longer practice peace of mind?”

Verdant Ruins coldly snorted and said.

“Is this impossible?”

On the side of Su Xiao couldn’t help but interject: “The power of Tibetan Jianfeng is above the Aurora Peak and the North Moon Peak. If the Peak Master of these two peaks is still sensible, they should know that they are difficult to get from the Tibetan Jianfeng. Grab the sect master throne.”

“It’s very difficult, but that doesn’t mean they can’t do it, even if it’s really impossible. Once the Aurora Peak and the North Moon Peak are eyeing the Tibetan Jianfeng, the Tibetan Jianfeng may have been up and down for a long time. It’s hard to have a peaceful and peaceful day. Once this peace is broken, all kinds of large and small problems will come along. When the sect master is able to have enough time to retreat cultivation, Out of his unique Golden Dan, step into the Divine Ability door.”

Verdant Ruins is indifferent.

And Xiao Mengying bowed his head under the accusation of Verdant Ruins, silently refuting.

Innate Talent of Xiaoyingying is good, but it can only be called Ordinary genius. It’s worse than the genius of the peerless genius. In his life, it’s probably the limit to become a High Grade Jindan, even the High Grade Gold. Dan estimates that he has to rely on a lot of external forces to achieve. If you want to make a special golden dragon and get a ticket to Divine Ability Realm, the position of the Sword Sect sect master must not be shaken.

Once the convenience of the sect master is lost, High Grade Jindan is his limit. At best, he will ask for the sword and swordsmanship. He will receive the resources and will repair the High Grade Jindan to Perfection.

After Jin Dan’s Perfection, if you can’t develop Divine Ability, you can only look at God’s will.

All kinds of factors formed the fact that Xiao Yingying stood by and watched Beiyue Peak and Aurora Peak.

“The selfishness is too heavy.”

Xiao plundered his head.

“The location of the Sword Sect sect master throne is really not suitable for you to sit down again, but you have to grow beans and beans. After so many years, you have become a Sword Sect sect master, and the situation of Sword Sect has deteriorated. Right now you If you want to get rid of the Sword Sect sect master, you have to make all the one after another. When you solve these problems, I will ask for the sword and ask you to bury the sword in the retreat. As for the retreat, Whether you can break through to Divine Ability Realm, look at your own creation.”

Verdant Ruins Road.

Xiao’s glimpse of his face, but still respectful promise: “Follow Supreme Elder’s instructions, I don’t know what Supreme Elder needs me to do.”

“You do not know?”

Verdant Ruins looked at Xiaoying: “Don’t tell me at the party on the famous Jianfeng.”

“Name Jianfeng?”

There are some doubts in Xiao Yingying’s eyes: “I visited this day at Martial Uncle Duan of Wan Jianfeng and asked him about the cultivation. He did not return to Jianjianfeng… I will ask the question what happened… …”

After that, he had already taken out a message, and passed the message in front of Verdant Ruins.

Soon, Yu Fu was slightly shocked, apparently there was a reply.

When Xiao Mengying carefully checked the news in the Yufu, his face suddenly changed, and he couldn’t help but scream: “Noisy! This…the two uncles do not have the attitude of the ancestors.” In the eyes!”

After reading him, he quickly turned to Verdant Ruins. “Supreme Elder, I think this is necessarily a time when the two uncles are confused. I went to Mingjianfeng and advised the two uncles to let them immediately disperse this party!” ”

Verdant Ruins looked at Xiao Yingying, and the expression was a little indifferent: “I will let you solve this problem first. If you can’t solve it, then I will personally shoot it!”

“In person…”

Xiao phantom heard Verdant Ruins say that expression is slightly stunned.

Although everyone’s impression of Verdant Ruins was still two years ago, he defeated the four senior Golden Core Realm strong players in the North Moon Peak, but with his induction and the sense of Verdant Ruins by Duan Jianfeng, he understood that The Supreme Elder is not as simple as they thought.

In the past two years, he has followed the sword and swordsmanship in the funeral Jianfeng. It is feared that some kind of earth-shaking changes have taken place. The changes have been made. Once they are displayed, they are enough to confront the current Xutu and Verdant Ruins. Uncle Shi, and dozens of Golden Core Realm strong in many Peak Masters are crushed.

Therefore, he must not be able to watch this happen.

“Please Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder rest assured that I will handle this matter and will never disturb Supreme Elder.”

“I hope so.”

Verdant Ruins said nothing.

After a ritual, Xiao rushed away from the courtyard.

“Sir… Supreme Elder, the peaks of Jianfeng, Aurora and other mountains really want to be unfavorable to Mr.?”

Su Xiao looked at Verdant Ruins, some worriedly said.

“Is this important?”

“If the people of Jianfeng Peak and Aurora Peak dare to do this, Mr. may wish to enter the funeral Jianfeng. There is a powerful Array guardian on the funeral Jianfeng. These ancestors were arranged by an Array of friends at the same time. Unless the demons who have become Divine Ability are personally shot, no one can hurt you half a minute. When the sword swordsman comes, you are reporting this thing to the Tibetan sword sword. I will understand your difficulties.”

“Hiding to the funeral peak?”

Verdant Ruins smirked: “Tibetan swordsman asked me to investigate the thirty-sixth peak of Sword Sect for him. If I hid the Jianfeng peak, how can I investigate? Well, I know this thing, Xiao Mengying can It’s best to solve things, if not, then I will personally.”

Su Xiao saw Verdant Ruins expression calmly, a victory in the grip, is trying to persuade, but soon, she also thinks that two years ago, Verdant Ruins was interested in helping the Chamber of Commerce out of the dilemma, but almost because of her The distrust of the Chamber of Commerce is a scene of self-inflicted, and if it was not because of Mr. Verdant Ruins’ great divine prestige, the Chamber of Commerce is afraid that it will be over.

Thinking of this, she is no longer talking at the moment, waiting to wait and see.


One day passed quickly.

On this day, the Tibetan swordsman left, and the Sword Sect inside and outside can be described as a sudden change of the situation. Countless Peak Master and Elder characters rushed to leave, racking their brains for their future.

On this day, Verdant Ruins did not go to the famous Jianfeng as Zhou Cunyu guessed, preventing the formation of the alliance led by Xu Wei and Zhong Xuan, the two leading swords, and the quiet disciple. In the Chamber of Commerce, the situation changes.

Just as Verdant Ruins thought that there would be no major event on this day, a fierce battle wave broke out, and all the cultivators in the range of 100 kilometers from Sword Sect were suddenly alarmed.

“It’s the name of Jianfeng!”

Su Xiao, Su Shi, Xing Lian, Jin Yin, Si Tongzhen and the others, who had been paying attention to the movement of Jianfeng, ran to the courtyard of Verdant Ruins for the first time.

“Supreme Elder didn’t go to the famous Jianfeng, so who is shooting at the famous Jianfeng?”

Jin Yin wondered.

“Would we like to report Supreme Elder and go to see Jianfeng?”

Susie moved towards Verdant Ruins’s courtyard and glanced at it.

Su Xiao hesitated for a moment, reminiscent of Verdant Ruins’s conversation with Sect Master Xiao yesterday, and finally shook his head: “We are all able to sense this mighty energy fluctuation, let alone Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder, and now Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder doesn’t show up… it should be his own consideration.”

After that, she said to Jin Yin: “Elder, please trouble you to find out what happened to Ming Jianfeng.”

“it is good.”

Gold tone complied, the first time vacated, moved toward the direction of Jianfeng.

“We are going together.”

Xing Lian and Si Tongzhen followed.

Su Shi and Su Xiao stayed outside the courtyard of Verdant Ruins and waited for the next step.

In a short while, Jinyin has already passed the news: “It is Tibetan Jianfeng! Tibetan Jianfeng and Mingjianfeng, Aurora Peak, Ejinfeng Peak and other mountain peaks.”

“Tibetan Jianfeng and Ejinfeng, Mingjianfeng, Aurora Peak hit?”

Su Xiao slightly startled, then immediately as if he realized something, suddenly changed his face.

At this time, Su Shi took out the communication Yufu. Obviously someone sent a message to her by using the message Yufu: “Tibean Jianfeng did fight with the peaks of Ejinfeng, Aurora, and Jianfeng, but it is exact. It is said that it is not the peaks of Tibetan Jianfeng and Ejinfeng, Mingjianfeng, but more than 30 masters led by Sect Master Xiaoying and the 20th headed by Ejinfeng, Aurora Peak and Mingjianfeng. The six Golden Core Realm strong and hundreds of Transformation Realm, Endless Realm strong … … Jian Jianfeng masters are not all out, only half of the shots.”

“Only half of it?”

This result makes Su Xiao somewhat wrong: “Sect Master Xiao is not only the Sword Sect sect master, but also the Tibetan Master Peak Master. His order, is there anyone in the Tibetan Jianfeng who can’t follow?”

Su Shi shook her head, she did not know what happened at the scene.

At this time, the sword light at the end of the sky whizzed at a very fast speed, and it was a singularity that accompanied the golden sound to go to see the lively.

Sitong Zhenyi rushed to this Void and quickly shouted: “Not good, Xu Wei, Uncle Xu, with the 16th Golden Core Realm and dozens of Endless Realm, Transformation Realm, True Yuan Realm Master, moving toward us The direction of the Chamber of Commerce, the purpose is to force Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder to take up the position of Supreme Elder from the sword, and since then leave the Sword Sect, never step into Hide Sword Sect in one step!”


(Third! Can everyone come to a ** referral ticket.)

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