“Verdant Ruins, you should be in the continuation now? We are now curious about how easy it is for you to travel back and forth between the East and the East. What method do you use with no difficulty to cross these tens of millions of kilometers? Far away?”

Nalan asked curiously.

“As a member of Scorpio, you should know that Primal Chaos has reached the incarnation technique derived from the twenty-fifth order? It is very simple to do with no difficulty. It is only necessary to have incarnation. The personal space can be upgraded to the tenth order. In addition, the transfer can be done by the 30th order of Primal Chaos. However, the cooling time of the transfer is longer, and the advantage is that the mental mark is not required as the coordinate, and There is no weakness, and incarnation requires coordinates on the one hand. On the other hand, the effect of weakness is unavoidable. It is said that even if the incarnation is upgraded to the tenth order, it will still produce at least one day of weakness and three days of recovery. ”

“Ten-order personal space with incarnation… This is the route of the Void traveler…”

Nalan翡 naturally knows the magic of incarnation and personal space. Hearing what Verdant Ruins said, it was a bit wrong, but it is reasonable to think about it.

Void practitioners may have to pay the price of ten-order personal space, but the biggest advantage is that they can quickly acquire a lot of cultivation resources. After all, every time a Void walker runs, there are basically a few points, even a ten-point rhyme gain, even if Counting his ten-day cycle recovery, one year, you can still get the net profit of three-four hundred rhymes. This kind of income is not a big one, even though some divine realm giants can’t reach this level.

However, in order to reach a ten-day cycle, the incarnation technique must reach at least a fifth order. That is to say, the Primal Chaos of the Void Walker has reached the twenty-ninth order. This level is at least the starter level. Otherwise, , can not keep up to twenty-nine Primal Chaos and other orders.

“Void singer-raised Primal Chaos is not good at killing. It has always been the favorite target of the son of Primal Chaos hunters. Verdant Ruins, you still have to be careful, don’t be too high-profile in the World of Heaven, lest Being stared.”

Nalan shouted.

Verdant Ruins stunned and then nodded: “You rest assured, I understand.”

The combination of backtracking and Body of Undying makes it almost impossible for him to kill if he doesn’t step into the trap or is deliberately targeted, but Nalan is kind enough to remind Verdant Ruins that he will not say anything.

“I don’t know Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder. What do you want to do when you return to the East?” As long as we mix Yuan Tianzong, we must do our best to go through it.”

Tang Xun has some cautious probed.

“This time I came to the East Wilderness for two purposes. The first purpose was because of the Chamber of Commerce. But now that the problem has been solved, then there is only a second purpose. The purpose is to make the East Unification, from now on, the East World, will become a whole, there is no longer the so-called nine Great Sage, ten Great Sage, even if it is similar to Myriad Forms City, Tiannao League and other forces, will never be presence.”

Verdant Ruins said calmly.

But this remark was to make a burst of stormy waves in the hearts of everyone.

Especially Tang Xun, a long time ago when Verdant Ruins rose strongly, he expected that there would be such a day, but he did not think that this day will come so fast, they have not yet had time to operate in Sword Intent When the power is found and the right backing is found, Verdant Ruins has already given birth to the idea of ​​occupying the East and becoming the lord of the East.

For a while, Tang Xun returned to God, and some concealed reminder: “Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder, the difficulty of this matter is not low… Need to know, behind the many Sects in the East World, basically there are some weak Supported by the Primal Chaos organization, these Primal Chaos organizations are often unable to interact with the Scorpio, the Supreme Court, the Temple, the Wings of Red, the Heavenly Dao, the Eternal, the sacred, and the gods. There are a number of powerful people sitting in the town. If we just ordered them to surrender to us and become the leader of the East World, these Primal Chaos organizations will not say anything, but… if you really intend to unify the entire East No longer give those Sect any way to live, which is tantamount to the interests of the Primal Chaos organization behind them, and the Primal Chaos organization will never be able to give up.”

“I won’t be willing to give up? What are they not willing to give up?”


Tang Xun looked at the Duanmu copper behind the Verdant Ruins with the Golden Core Realm cultivation base. He said: “There are inevitably one or two incarnations in the Primal Chaos organization, which lowers the main incarnation load. The great powers, once these powerful players drop the main battle incarnation of the Golden Core Realm level, their combat power… fear that the unusual Golden Core Realm can withstand the strong, therefore, Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder should think twice… ”

“Yes, I think that the Primal Chaos organization will choose to quit the East World and let the interests of the East World, the only thing I need to talk about is the sword shadow, but I believe after talking to me. The person with the sword shadow will also make the right choice. If Tang Xunyuan does not believe it, we may wish to wait and see.”

Tang Xun saw that Verdant Ruins had decided. Although he continued to dissuade him, he did not know how to open it. Now he has to wait for this matter before calling Sect executives to discuss a suitable solution.

After a brief encounter with Tang Xun and the others, Verdant Ruins returned to the palace he had left for his residence.

When I came to my palace and had not yet had cultivation, Nalan had already chased it up: “Verdant Ruins, are you really going to take the opportunity to unify the East? In the recent period, Heavenly Dao was uprooted in the East, many Primal Chaos organizations. Losing the suppression of Heavenly Dao is a very active, and the sword shadow, which is the same as Tianyi, is a well-know figure. Moreover, the choice of sword shadow is the second largest force after the creation of Xuanmen. It is said that the Promise Sword Sect has already produced a batch of son of Primal Chaos with the support of sword shadow. Although there is no High Rank, the overall strength has increased a lot, and the sword shadow has been in the Promise Sword Sect in these two years. The investment in the body is so huge that it is obvious that they do not intend to give up the benefits of the East Wilderness in a short time. In this case, if you want to unify the East, they will definitely become your biggest obstacle. One is not good, there may be a big power. The incarnation of the Golden Dan level is lowered to stop you.”

“Incarnation in the Jindan level, what about it?”

Verdant Ruins smiled and didn’t explain it carefully. Instead, he said: “Go and the people in Zhenhai Hall carefully inquire about the specific process of destroying the Chamber of Commerce. After you get through, you will naturally understand my confidence. Where did it originate?”

“The specific process of destroying the Chamber of Commerce…”

Nalan 翡 slightly startled, looking at Verdant Ruins stepping into his room, after all, did not follow the past, but turned around, looking for the town hall and the others went.


Time passed, and it was three days in the blink of an eye.

In the past three days, the entire East World has been called rising winds, scudding clouds, and Verdant Ruins, which has been calm for two years, with the arrival of Verdant Ruins, once again stirred up endless wind and rain, especially Verdant Ruins dispatched several Golden Core Realm Dozens of Transformation Realm and Endless Realm have stepped into other Great Sage sects, inviting the sects of the sages to go to the wonderful mountain range to hold meetings, and let everyone on the entire continent be both shocked and angry.

These Golden Core Realm, Endless Realm, and Transformation Realm, which belong to Sword Sect, can be different from Verdant Ruins.

Verdant Ruins considers that he and these people belong to the same land, and they are more or less temperate, at least not directly killing the killer, but many powerful people from the Tibetan Sword Sect do not have this idea. They completely follow the command of understanding Verdant Ruins, who dares not to stand, kill without mercy.

Among the many saints who are proud of Sect, they are regarded as the pillars of the pillars, True Yuan Realm, and even when the Transform Realm learns that Verdant Ruins has called their true purpose, they want to fight against it. However, without exception, the Sword Sect has been attacked by many powerful swordsmen.

In just one or two days, in the Great Sage, and in the next-class Sect, the fallen Prominent Saint Boundary has reached double digits, and the True Yuan Realm has reached three. It is the Promise Sword Sect, which is a ruin of a Transformation Realm level.

Under such bloody and cruel persecution, even though these Sects are unwilling, they can really come on the third day. The square in the other mountain range, which was originally a collection of disciplines, is still full of people.

Even if these and everyone are full of anger, some of them have a well-thought-out, and it is obviously a matter of waiting, and waiting for Verdant Ruins to watch the show.

As time approaches, Verdant Ruins appears on the high platform in front of the square, accompanied by Nalan, Tang Xun, Yuan Bei, Zuo Kunlun, Wen Hui, Nanshun’s ancestors, Chi Wu’s ancestors and the others.

However, Tang Xun, Yuan Bei, Zuo Kunlun, Chi Wu’s ancestors, Nanshun’s ancestors and the others, although accompanied by Verdant Ruins, are obviously not as close as they used to be, obviously, for Verdant Ruins. Unifying the East, and swallowing their Sect ancestry inheritance even if these Sects with the best relationship with Verdant Ruins don’t support him.

This scene falls into the sighed in relief of some people who are relieved.

Verdant Ruins looked at everyone’s eyes. Expressionless came to the center of the platform. There was no nonsense: “You, we are all old acquaintances, and we didn’t meet each other twice. If you are polite, I won’t say more. I believe that the purpose of summoning you today is also clear. I don’t think there is any need for the situation of the nine worlds of the East World. From now on, there will be only one voice in the East World, that is, I belong to Qinglan Peak. the sound of!”

Even if I had psychological preparations in advance, when everyone really heard Verdant Ruins say this, everyone in the room couldn’t help but whisper a whisper. Most people are expressions dignified, as if they had expected They don’t obey Verdant Ruins and merge their Sect into the Qinglan Peak. Verdant Ruins will have a gust of wind and rain in their Sect.

“Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder…”

The Swordless Sword Sect’s lifeless sword master has been indulging for a moment, but when he comes forward, he has to say something, but Verdant Ruins does not listen to it. He continues to advance his own plan: “Now, go straight to the final link… …”

Speaking of this, his eyes moved towards one person after one after another, with a horrible power in his eyes: “For my proposal, who agrees, who is against?”


(Today, five chapters are offered, start now!)

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