“Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder.”

I have been ignored for a time without a raw sword. Took a deep breath, said solemnly: “Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder wants to get away from the mixed Yuan Tianzong Kaishan school, I do not know how to deal with the attitude of mixed Yuan Tianzong?”

Obviously he first turned his attention to the contradiction between Qinglanfeng and Yutian Tianzong.

However, Tang Xun, Yuan Bei, Zuan Kunlun and the others did not reject this practice. They also wanted to know what attitude Verdant Ruins had when he established Qing Lanzhuang and treated them with Yuan Tianzong.

“Mixed Yuan Tianzong?”

Verdant Ruins moved towards Mixing Yuan Tianzong in the direction of the glance: “Mixed Yuan Tianzong is the only one after another Sect that I can keep. He can exist as an affiliated Sect of Qinglan Peak, when bowing to Qinglan Peak Keeping your Sect’s inheritance intact is the last concession I can make.”

The words of Verdant Ruins undoubtedly make the people who mix Yuan Tianzong mixed.

The good news is that Yu Tianzong can maintain his Sect foundation after all, and the worry is that… from now on, they will have one more emperor on them, and whether they can guarantee enough Sect autonomy is a problem.

“Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder, our Promise Sword Sect is also willing to surrender to the Qinglan Peak established by Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder, and from now on, tribute enough resources every year to Qinglanfeng, Fengqinglanfeng for our Promise Sword Sect sect Master power.”

No raw sword master took a deep breath, said solemnly.

His attitude can not help but make the Qiang Kun Holy Land and the cultivator of the Six Devils quite surprised.

Among them, the Qiankun Holy Lord of Qiankun Holy Land is disregarding Verdant Ruins, the secret sound transmission to the stone sword ancestors behind the main sword: “The ancestors, what is going on here, not to say that we are fighting against Verdant Ruins this Child? I have already contacted the Primal Chaos organization behind me. The strong person who has been supporting our Qianlong Holy Land is willing to drop the endless Realm level of incarnation to help… his incarnation is Endless Realm, Counting his own strength and Divine Saint
The increase in the technique, the pressure on Jindan with no difficulty… plus the Primal Chaos organization behind the six devils, and your sword shadow… What are we afraid of? Why do you bow down to him? ”

“There was a change… I heard a message before I came. The people of Chamber of Commerce were not Verdant Ruins who used the powers he brought to defeat them. The reason why they could beat the Chamber of Commerce. The main reason is that Verdant Ruins itself… He defeated the Golden Core Realm Elder of the Chamber of Commerce in a sword, showing the terrorist power that is not weaker than the mighty level… We guess he is It’s not a step that has taken that vitality…”

“A crucial step? You mean… Powerful!! This is impossible! Before he left the contingency two years ago, it was only at the Transformation Realm level. How could it break through to the power level in such a short time? There is no possibility at all! Where are these messages heard? There is absolutely no logic at all.”

“Why is it impossible, don’t forget, Verdant Ruins spent a lot of time from the Ordinary cultivation to the level of the Transformation Realm sweeping the East… At the moment, he went to the end of the world and got the full support of the invincible giants. If it’s an ordinary person, I don’t believe it anyway, but Verdant Ruins… There are so many miracles happening to him… So I have to let the swordless master go to test it…”

When Shi Jian’s ancestors said this, they couldn’t help but sigh.

At this time, the Sovereign Lord is not knowing how to return.

It is him, other cultivators may not be able to complete the accumulation from Transformation Realm to the mighty in just two years, but the practice of Verdant Ruins itself is a miracle, in just eight or nine years from a Mortal Growing up to the extent of sweeping the East, now I have gone to the end of the world, and I have received the support of many resources from the candlelight. I have derived Divine Ability in one breath and reached Divine Ability Realm.

“And look! Look at how Verdant Ruins reacts. If he should bear it, then it turns out that he is actually strong in appearance but weak in reality. Then we will pull out our cards and let him understand our It’s amazing, and then surrendered to him on the surface, so that he can go on his face, and believe that he will make the right choice at the time.”

“That… if he insists that there will be only one Qinglan peak from the present to the east.”

The stone sword ancestors suddenly silenced and did not know how to answer.

The sound transmission between the two people was secret, and it sounded slow. In fact, one or two breaths had already been completed. At this time, Verdant Ruins lowered his eyes to the master of the sword without a slow attitude: “I think, my The attitude has been very clear. From now on, East Wild World will not have any completely independent forces except for Yuan Tianzong. Your Promise Sword Sect is naturally included. How, your Promise Sword Sect is not going to be Is my words in my eyes?”

“This… of course not… just…”

No Sword Master sees Verdant Ruins so strong, biting his teeth, ruthlessly said: “Our Promise Sword Sect is the inheritance of the swordsman in the sword shadow. We report this to the sword ancestor, the sword ancestor Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder’s statement is extremely dissatisfied, and claims that if Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder is willing to take the lead and not give anyone a way to live, he will take time to personally find you to exchange!”

When the master of the sword was finished, the eyes of some people in the place were concentrated on Verdant Ruins.

Nether sword ancestors.

The background of the Promise Sword Sect is the Nether Swordsman, an ancient man with a great Divine Ability.

At this moment, the powerful person has already expressed his dissatisfaction with Verdant Ruins. The next Verdant Ruins response will directly affect the attitude of all of them to Verdant Ruins, and even Qinglanfeng, and will even further affect the entire East. The pattern of World changes.

“The Nether Swordsman?”

Verdant Ruins looked at the innocent sword master: “Take me the name of the Nether Swordmaster?”

“I don’t dare, just…”

Verdant Ruins has waved directly, and has no retreat for tit-for-tat: “Since the Nether Swordsman is dissatisfied with what I have done, then you will let the Nether Swordsman come to me directly. Moreover, I don’t need it later, now, I have time now!”


Verdant Ruins, who saw that he has moved out of the Nguyen Swordsman, is still not arrogant. The sorcerer can’t help but feel angry. The current tone is soledmnly: “Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder, Nether Swordsman is too old Man Sect, this kind of machine There is no need to disturb his Old Man Sect in the trivial matter. I understand that the meaning of these words is clear. Once I have invited the Nether Swordsman, I am afraid that this is not so good.”

“hehe, every day, what do you mean, is it a waste of time to give you the ultimatum as my current status?”

Verdant Ruins stared at the innocent sword master in front of her eyes, and her eyes gradually became cold. “Give you ten breaths to call the Nether Swordsman. Otherwise, I will be ruthless. You will be the first sacrifice of my unification.” Product!”

The eyes of the master without the sword suddenly swelled, and a cold sweat was released from the forehead.

He has no doubts about the true and false words of Verdant Ruins!

“Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder, you are bullly intolerably…so, no wonder about me!”

In the eyes of the unsuccessful sword, with fear and anger, the next moment directly cast the mind to the temple of Primal Chaos.

During this period of time, there is a big deal in the aspect of the sword shadow. Heavenly Dao has no time to take into account the situation of the East Wilderness. It has given a lot of support to the Promise Sword Sect, like the core of the Swordless Master, and they have regained the son. The identity of the Primal Chaos, despite the lower order, is not to mention the Primal Chaos Temple.

With the no-sword master contacting the Nether Swordsman, the Sect forces who had some squirrels and thoughts on the scene were all stunned and did not dare to say a word.

If the Nether Swordsman really descended and defeated Verdant Ruins, then although Qinglanfeng can still nominally rule the entire East World, but as long as one day does not move the big stone of the Nether, the one can not become the East World. Ruler.

in contrast……

If the Nether Swordsman who is a powerful person chooses to be a good person because of the identity of Verdant Ruins and so on…

Then, Qinglan Peak will not be able to stop any unified forces in the East.

“Ten breaths, it’s over.”

In the square, the dead atmosphere lasted for a moment and was interrupted by the sudden opening of Verdant Ruins.

Then he did not hesitate to order the several Golden Core Realm strong people around him: “Kill, sacrifice sword!”


Several Golden Core Realm strong men who got the order should drink at the same time, and two of them are more and more out of the crowd.

Although the gap between the four realm of True Yuan Realm, Transformation Realm, Endless Realm, and Golden Core Realm is not huge, the level of Golden Dan is relatively high, Transformation Realm, True Origin 3rd-layer realm , or to be strong, especially the Golden Core Realm strong first strike can break the power of the Golden Dan, formidable power is several times more than the Ordinary attack, for the last one of the two Realm transformation Realm strong, there is very A big probability can hit it.

“Stop! Stop! I have already informed the Nether Swordsman, and the Nether Swordsman will soon descend on the next Venerable Lord incarnation, and I will say it to you soon…”

The Sword Master saw that the two Golden Core Realm strong men suddenly became scared and shouted, and he turned to Verdant Ruins, shouted: “Verdant Ruins, are you afraid of this? Worried about Nether Swordsman Once it comes, it will tear up all the camouflage that you interweave, so that the Blue Peak is caught in the siege of all Sect?”

“Bai attack?”

Verdant Ruins’s eyes are swept away by one after another, such as the Holy Land, the Devil’s Six, the giant dragon mountain range, and the Faromen. Expressionless: “As long as they have the courage! If they want to besiege, I am just right. Once and for all, all of Sect will be completely solved, thoroughly sweeping the East World, and reinventing the entire World Wild World, creating a continual continent centered entirely on the Qinglan Peak!”


Nothing is going to say something. At this time, a powerful pressure suddenly spreads from Void. Then, Heaven and Earth Origin Qi, which is dozens of kilometers away, begins to condense quickly, a form, gradually condensing. forming……

Seeing this forms, the face of the Swordless Master suddenly emerged with the joy of life, and quickly screamed: “Come, come, Nether Swordsman is coming! Verdant Ruins, dare to work The ancestors drive! Even if you have a background in the sky, you will never be light!”

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