“The Nether Swordsman!”

“Great, Nether Swordsman has come! This is a sound… It is far more than anyone, even if the Golden Core Realm is far from being able to compare with the Nether Swordsman…”

“I saw no, I saw no, Nether Swordsman, is the Nether Swordsman, this is the true patron of our Promise Sword Sect, our stepless Sword Sect can survive the stabilizing force!”

“When you hear the Nguyen Swordsman, even in the sword shadow, you can be regarded as a highly respected big man. Your identity is respected. At the moment, the Nether Swordsman is coming, you will be able to lay the East Wilderness, break the Verdant Ruins and unify the East World, and dominate the entire East World. The ambition of resources.”

“Hey, this incarnation… Although the momentum is amazing, why do I feel that the strength is not strong, it seems that it is not a powerful main battle incarnation…”

“What do you know, the invincible existence of the Nether Swordsman wants to transform the Ordinary incarnation into the main battle incarnation is not a matter of thought? Even if it is not the main battle incarnation, the incarnation alone carries the power of the Sword Intent, Sufficient to kill the ordinary True Yuan Realm, and even the Transform Realm strong on the spot, you dare to sneak into the power of the incarnation of the Nether Sword, don’t even know how to die.”

As the incarnation of the Nether Swordsman gradually formed, some people in the place boiled up, especially the many cultivators on the Sword Sect side, and they were even more excited. Some Elders who had never seen the true body of the Nether Swordsman could not bear it. Excited and shouted to vent their emotions.

Compared with the excitement of the forces such as Promise Sword Sect, Qiankun Holy Land, and Shenmo Six, the emotions of Yuan Tianzong, Azure Lotus Sword Sect, Golden Crow and other forces are complex, and Qinglan Peak is calm, especially the core Lancome, Yuankong Peak Master, Zhenhai Wang, Haoyue, some of them, looking to the formation of the Nether Swordsman face full of calm, just from time to time when sweeping Verdant Ruins, full of awe and incredible.

However, some middle and lower layers of the Qinglan Peak, which are ignorant of the situation, are somewhat uneasy, but this kind of uneasiness has quickly precipitated after seeing the high-rises of the Qinglan Peak. Although they have a worried color, they also Not to be revealed.

This scene fell into the eyes of the stone sword ancestors who had been secretly observing the changes in the face of the Qinglan Peak. Suddenly, his heart sank, and the feeling of the handsome event quickly rushed into his heart, completely occupying his heart.

“Hope…the news is just exaggerating…otherwise…”

Shi Jian’s ancestors thought with anxiety.

“Jian Zu! Jianzu adults, you are finally here… You don’t know… just Verdant Ruins this child, how arrogant the words, like a look that doesn’t put you in the eyes, because of this, I can’t wait for the subordinates to Don’t alarm Jianzu…”

No life sword main expression excited, seeing the incarnation of the Nether’s sword ancestors formed, suddenly began to stir the wind and rain.

But his words have not yet had time to finish, and have been reprimanded by the Nether Swordsman.

“shut up!”

Two words, suddenly let the sword of the innocent sword stunned, Nono’s dare not say anything, but he is looking at Verdant Ruins’s eyes full of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, the more the Nguyen Sword is angry Then, when you anger your Verdant Ruins, the more natural it will be.

If the sword ancestor can directly give him the heavy responsibility of disregarding him as a candlelight, he will even kill him on the spot…

That would be great.

“Is Verdant Ruins?”

The eyes of Nguyen Swordsman fell on Verdant Ruins with a stern look in his eyes: “Don’t you know, now our sword shadow is in a cooperative period with your Scorpio, in order to unite against Heavenly Dao? Even if you belong to the candlelight I have not confirmed the direct disciple, but I have also got the news. You have very high authority in the Scorpio and belong to the core members. At this time, why do you want to squander the power of my sword shadow completely from the East World? Going out? Is it difficult to take advantage of my own core members and not put my sword shadow in the eye?”

Verdant Ruins looked at the Nether Swordsman in front of him, and expression was a bit of an accident.

He thought that the Nguyen Swordsman had lowered the incarnation, and he must inggressive to ask the sin, but he did not expect that, in the end, the Nether Swordsman was actually only an Ordinary incarnation, the strength of the incarnation was weak, and even the lowest standard of the main battle incarnation was not. From the perspective of his speech attitude, he is also a lot of refusing to drink, and does not have to completely tear his face.

Since Nether Swords has left room for him, Verdant Ruins is not good at directing swords and shouting and killing. After all, Nether Swordsman is telling the truth, Scorpio and Sword Shadow are indeed part of the cooperation period, or in addition to Heavenly Dao, Eternal In addition to the sacredness of the gods, and the infiltration of the top, the other top Primal Chaos organizations are potential cooperative allies, in order to survive the battle of the three major Primal Chaos.

I thought that Verdant Ruins’s attitude was slightly relieved: “The Nether Swordsman is a veteran powerhouse. It’s been known for thousands of years, so naturally understand that one of the gods’ worlds is not on the table. The unspoken rules, any powerful person born outside the continent, are qualified to divide the local continent that they are born into into their own private territory, and no one can impose interference.”


The face of Nguyen Swordsman changed slightly, and his eyes suddenly looked up on Verdant Ruins, with a hint of suspicion: “Although I only dropped an Ordinary incarnation, the incarnation’s inductive power could not be compared with the body, but I can judge it faintly. You don’t have Divine Ability in your body… Didn’t you derive Divine Ability, can you call it a powerful person? Even if you have a strong force, you are qualified to monopolize the East?”

Nguyen Swordsman glanced at the faces of several Golden Core Realm, Endless Realm, and Transformation Realm behind Verdant Ruins. His eyes glimpsed: “If you really want to compare forces, I can pull out the team, than you.” These people are only strong or weak in front of you!”

This point Verdant Ruins naturally believes.

The Nguyen Swordsman is one of the oldest kinetics. It has not been known for thousands of years. Although he refining a special Bloodline, his lifespan has been greatly extended, while the cultivation base is difficult to re-enter for life. To talk about the forces and the subordinates of Golden Core Realm, I am afraid that many of the Dharma Heavenly Transformation levels in the sword shadow cannot be associated with his terms.

“The sense of breath is sometimes not absolute.”

Verdant Ruins calmly replied.

I took a look at the many cultivators in the East, and he was too lazy to kill all the cultivators with all the heart in the East. In this case, the best way is to use absolute power to convince them, so that they will not give birth. Any thought of rebellion.

In the past, although he had the strength of the battle, he could only have the transformation base of the Transformation Realm level, so that these people still have hope in each and everyone, but now…

“The Nether Swordsman, I have a sword. After you have finished reading it, will you say that I am qualified to dominate the East, and how is it classified as my territory?”

Although Nguyen Swordsman did not know the great confidence of Verdant Ruins, his core authority in Scorpio made him have to take care of it. This is why he did not drop the main battle incarnation of the Golden Core Realm level for the first time. .

Right now, Verdant Ruins said, “Oh, then I will wait and see! See if you have the ability of a powerful person! If there is, my sword shadow will withdraw from the East and the World immediately. All kinds of arrangements and inputs left in you will be transferred to you! Congratulations on becoming the owner of the East!”

As for what would not be…

Nature does not need to elaborate.

Verdant Ruins nodded.

The dialogue between him and the Nguyen Swordsman did not deliberately suppress the voice. All the people in the room heard it clearly. When Verdant Ruins claimed to have the cultivation base of the mighty person, he wanted to classify the East Wasteland as his own territory. The Sect forces came to feel the brain.

Even with a high degree of weight, the leader who rules the behemoths of Holy Land, the Devil’s Six, the Faromon, and the giant dragon mountain range is no exception.

“The mighty!? Verdant Ruins actually claimed to be a powerful!”

“Verdant Ruins… Was it not the Transformation Realm when he left us in the East, two years ago, and it took two years to become a powerful person? Is it easy to get Divine Ability to become a powerful person? But I remember a lot of books. There have been records in it, Jin Dan to the stage of Divine Ability, which is equivalent to the lifelong shackles of countless people, there is no peerless opportunity, or there is no huge force behind the support, it is impossible to be broken, is it that I am wrong?”

“Two years, from Transformation Realm to Divine Ability Realm? Are we not practicing the same martial dao?”

A variety of voices continually rang from the crowd, and everyone looked at Verdant Ruins, who was vacated from the high platform and rushed to Void, and was a dumbfounded color.

“The mighty…”

Shi Jian’s ancestors clenched their fists tightly, and their palms overflowed with blood, and his face was full of pain.


This time, the Promise Sword Sect is all over!

Even if Verdant Ruins hasn’t sent a sword yet, he seems to have seen the result of Promise Sword Sect!

Ten thousand years of inheritance will be cut off from here!

“No, no, fake, absolutely fake! He can’t be a powerful person in a two-time period with a Transformation Realm cultivator!”

Without the sword, the Lord Verdant Ruins, who is already in the Void, is full of panic and fear of the next scene.


Verdant Ruins, who is based at Void, does not stop his unification of the East because of his fears, and plans to use this continent as his own territory.

“Please look at the Nguyen Swordsman!”

Verdant Ruins said faintly.

Nether sword ancestors nodded.

And almost at the moment he nodded, a radiance that was so strong that his eyes could barely look straight out suddenly broke out from Verdant Ruins’ body, as if there was a fierce yang in Verdant Ruins, carrying the mighty glory of the gods, In the meantime, his spiritual world is completely flooded.

“This is… these rays of light, not rays of light… Sword Intent… This is Sword Intent! Sword Intent that can affect me??”

The original calm face of Nether Swordmaster suddenly stared wide-eyed, his eyes were like electricity, and he directly tore the layer of shining light in the Spiritual Plane. Then he witnessed a peerless sword qi, fallen from Verdant Ruins. The next sword erupted out, with the embarrassing power of the big day, tearing the sky, and in a flash will be all over the sky, all twisted into pieces.

That mighty sword qi, for a long time, the sturdy and brilliant Sword Intent, for a long time, as if a round of never-extinguished yang, across the sky, shining through the ages!


(Third, ask for recommendations.)

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