“Okay, let’s go back.”

“Yes, I am going to retire.”

Duobao really promised to leave, and he left with relief.

“The effect of instant flower bloom is still there. It is that my current understanding of this Immortal Arts is too bad. I have to repair it to great accomplishment as soon as possible!”

Verdant Ruins looked at the Duobao real person group that left, and measured it in his heart.

Instant flower bloom This supreme Immortal Arts and his fit is not high, a little estimate, to repair this Immortal Arts to the great accomplishment, less to say that it takes hundreds of rhymes in the creation of the gods, and Take up the hundreds of rhymes that make up the gods and jade, you have to find ways to make up for the things in the road.

For a time, his gaze could not help but fall on the eleventh-order flying sword and the eleventh-order divine weapon contributed by the Xuan Bing.

“Flying sword, divine weapon, sold through the Chamber of Commerce, it is time to start the reputation of the Chamber of Commerce. I estimate that the relationship between me and the Chamber of Commerce is also found in the sky… It doesn’t make much sense. As for the frost divine armor… The thirteenth armor should be resold to the Scorpio. Any divine weapon weapon can be called strategic material, not to mention the value of the divine weapon. Equal-order armor?”

I thought that the spirit of Verdant Ruins had already been projected into the temple of Primal Chaos.

“The things that make up the continent are almost solved. Wait for the results in the sacred pavilion. When I leave a coordinate in the continuation of the continent, I can get back from the continuation of the continuation.”

Now he has a retrospective approach, even though the creation of the continent is far from 100 million 80 million kilometers, the weak effect is still nothing, anyway, a retrospective, it is the resurrection of the original. status.

With thoughts, Verdant Ruins stepped into the Chamber of Commerce.

At present, Verdant Ruins has already brought the Chamber of Commerce into the Chamber of Commerce, so that the Chamber of Commerce and the East World are interoperable. Even with the Sword Sect, many people from time to time are in the Chamber of Commerce. Residing in Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce is now a bit of a big Chamber of Commerce, no longer as it was before, completely supported by Verdant Ruins.

With the arrival of Verdant Ruins, more than a dozen of the Chamber of Commerce also saluted Verdant Ruins.

Alliance lord, adults, masters, Supreme Elder, etc., all sorts of names.

Verdant Ruins waved and finally said: “I will call me President in the Chamber of Commerce.”

A dozen of the Chamber of Commerce stunned and quickly added: “President.”


Verdant Ruins turned to one of the women and soon recognized her: “Su Shi? Su Hui is here?”

“Supreme Elder… No, President… Miss. He’s not in the Chamber of Commerce. If the President has something to tell me, then let her come.”

“Well, I have two items to sell, one eleventh divine weapon and one eleventh flying sword. At the same time, you may wish to hold an auction based on these two items. With this auction. Starting with the name of our Chamber of Commerce, you can promise that valuable goods can be delivered to your door.”

“The eleventh flying sword…”

Su Shi heart startled, but still hurriedly said: “Yes, let’s arrange it.”

“Well, that’s the matter, let’s arrange it.”

Verdant Ruins said that he was planning to leave the Chamber of Commerce.

“Supreme Elder !”

Just as he was about to leave, Duanmu copper suddenly shouted.

“Oh, Duanmu copper Elder, something?”

“Supreme Elder, the last time I saw Elder, I seemed to be interested in war. I even focused on the Austrian Scarlet Sun Demon God from Apocalypse?”

Duanmu copper slightly lowered some sounds.

“Yes, that’s the Dharma Heavenly Transformation war, who doesn’t want it.”

“There is a good chance at the moment.”


Verdant Ruins waved his hands and the environment around all changed rapidly. In the blink of an eye, the two were already in a room like a living room: “Talk about it.”

Son of Primal Chaos has no change in the power of his personal space. Duanmu Copper is not surprised. He just admires that’s all for Verdant Ruins’s vast personal space. He also dared to keep Verdant Ruins’s inquiry. And quickly said: “Is the adult remember the words of the old furnace of the President and the Scarlet Sun Demon God? The Austrian Faculty got the refining method of Scarlet Sun Demon God, collecting materials and refining Scarlet Sun Demon God ?”

“Not bad.”

Verdant Ruins heard this as if he had thought of something, and he was in the heart: “Is it impossible for Austrian law to refine Scarlet Sun Demon God?”

“Successful, but it can be regarded as no success, the last step, a big core!”

“Day of the core?”

“Yes, the core of the big day belongs to the product after the sun is extinguished. If this kind of thing is used for cultivation, it is a pity that the cost of re-ignition is too expensive. Therefore, it is quite ridiculous for most cultivators. Few people deliberately keep it, and those who have reservations often have their own considerations. At present, Austrian law is acquiring the core of the big day. Even if he collects the core actions of the big day, it is very secretive, but the attraction of Scarlet Sun Demon God The power is too big, and some people have already exploded the news, so that many forces have put their ideas on the Austrian law.”

“There are still people who have violently smashed the news. These people, it would not be the death of the Austrian law.”

“Pretty close.”

Duanmu copper smiled a little embarrassedly: “God refining sect should want to use Scarlet Sun Demon God as a bait to lure many cultivation people nearby to kill Orpheus and rob the Austrian Scarlet Sun Demon God, but because of the current crowd It’s not yet clear that Scarlet Sun Demon God’s refining is true or false. Most of them are just standing still and not trying their best to inquire about the news of Scarlet Sun Demon God. There are really few real hands. After all, Austrian law is also A huge force with three powerful people sitting in the town, even if we had a strong score when we built Sword Sect.”

Verdant Ruins listened, but it was quite heart-warming.

Scarlet Sun Demon God !

That is the war of Dharma Heavenly Transformation.

Even if the war is not logical and flexible compared to the real Dharma Heavenly Transformation, it is enough to deal with ordinary people.

In particular, most of the cockroaches can be considered sexually manipulated.

Just as Mecha wears it, someone-controlled warfare is better than no one-controlled warfare. At least the logical aspect will be completely compensated. The only drawback is the ability to rely on Dharma Heavenly Transformation-level terrorist attacks. Defense power to make up.

With such a Scarlet Sun Demon God, it is almost equal to a multi-powered level of help.

And it is not a general power.

“I have One Qi Becomes Three Purities. If I use One Qi Becomes Three Purities, I will use Verdant Ruins or Verdant Ruins to control Scarlet Sun Demon God. In front of me, my deity will kill me…”

Thinking of this, Verdant Ruins suddenly lit up.

Such a combination, even if it is true to the existence of the real Dharma Heavenly Transformation level, is it possible to have a battle?

“Duanmu copper, I will find a chance to send you to the contin continent, you pay close attention to the news of Scarlet Sun Demon God on the contincontinent, once the news of the completion of Scarlet Sun Demon God is confirmed, the first Notify me at one time.”

“It’s my pleasure to work for Supreme Elder.”

Duanmu Tong was pleased with the promise.

He really gambled, and this time, he should have been truly recognized by Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder.


Just as Verdant Ruins was preparing for a self-contained continent, the power of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth suddenly broke out in a town far away, and the energy flow of a Void was reverberating, almost The matter and life of hundreds of kilometers are turned into powder.

“The sword!”

In the torrent of destruction, a painful anger rushed into the sky, accompanied by a tens of kilometers of majestic fields!

“Kill! He has been seriously injured by our previous Array attack, and today will die!”

“Hahaha, candlelight, you have today! Today is your jealousy next year, you can rest assured that when I arrive, I will definitely go to your grave to give you a fragrant!”

“From today, the daylight is shining, no longer exists!”

In the roar, each and everyone is full of heavy, majestic sounds.

A stalwart silhouette in a mixed field is hidden in a distorted Void, and only a trace of energy fluctuations in the Void can cause devastating damage to the other hundred kilometers. a path of huge cracks tearing the earth, bombarding the ground hundreds of kilometers.

“My goodness! That is… that’s the top powerhouse in Heavenly Dao, the invincible presence of divine Realm is hateful! It’s a hate!”

From the top of a mountain with hundreds of kilometers in the battlefield, two Golden Core Realm, more than a dozen True Origin, Transformation Realm, and Endless Realm cultivators looked at the film and leaked the Heavens and exterminating the Earth from time to time. The battlefield of breath is filled with fear of restraint.

“It’s not just about hatefulness, but also… that’s the big Luoxing disk! There’s no such thing as the Da Luoxing disk! Heavenly Dao is one of the four great treasures!

“The colorless law world, the colorless law world, the colorless road is also!”

“That is… the Emperor’s Heavenly Disintegration! The Emperor’s Emperor’s Emperor’s Avalanche!”

“There are also the Qingwei Daozun…Heavenly Dao Eight Great Dao’s five Great Dao respects are shot together, killing the scorpio and shining on the people! Killing one of our top ten top powerhouses! It’s finished! If the candle is in its heyday, it’s not impossible to honor the Five Great Dao with one enemy and five rivals, but he is now clearly undermined, how can he be surrounded by Heavenly Dao in the Great Dao Killing out of the crowd?”

“When the candle shines on the man, the scorpio is equal to being annihilated by half… How can I fight Heavenly Dao again? At that time, Heavenly Dao does not need to launch the Primal Chaos battle with Scorpio, relying on the strong ones in Heavenly Dao. It is possible to completely defeat the Scorpio with the power of dignified righteousness, and organize this Primal Chaos into history!”

Numerous exclamations followed in the dozens of people, looking at the battlefield of fear that the heavens and exterminating the Earth hundreds of kilometers away, everyone has a heartfelt shudder.

It’s changing!

The days of the World of Heaven are going to change!


(To what extent will the situation eventually evolve? Predict the emperors, show up, and, for the sake of recommendation!)

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