Candlelight, no leakage, hate, emperor, colorless, clear!

Each one belongs to the most Peak characters of World, each of which belongs to the invincible existence of the power of God Beast.

Such six strong players in the Void hit a big fight, resulting in a lot of movement, fully called sky and the earth turning upside down.

However, the candlelight man was ambushed after all, the five big divine Realm invincible giants glaring at his heart was involved in the remnant sword, the Thunder hit, on the spot he was seriously injured, the speed is even let him run backtracking There are no opportunities.

Be aware that backtracking before injury and backtracking after injury are two very different concepts.

Before the injury, he used the retrospective technique to make a big blow when he was forced to go to the end of the mountain. After hitting one or two people, he would go back to the heyday. When he returned to the heyday, he could turn around, but then use the retrospective after the injury. It is also the state after the injury, meaningless.

“The movement is too big, quick and fast!”

“No problem, no leaks, we will limit the battlefield to the same area, and this area is disturbed by various methods, not to mention incarnation, even if it is a transmission, I want to transfer it to this piece. Scope, the people of Tianzhu want to come to help the candlelight, can only fly slowly, and the place we choose, from the Tianzhu, Baihong Jianmen, even if the full speed of flying more than a day and a half, this time is enough for us to spend The retrospective of the candlelight, and he was frustrated!”

“Hahaha, candlelight, you have today! Today, I will report you the sorrow of my discipline!”

In Void, Heavenly Dao’s Great Dao faces have a cozy smile, especially from the hate, and they are extremely excited.

He can almost imagine the great rewards of killing the candlelight, sweeping the sky, and waiting for the future to leave the World of God.

“Okay, don’t talk nonsense, concentrate, don’t overturn the ship in the gutter, the candle is not weak, it is best to collapse his fleshy body directly, and then wait for his backtracking time, so that we still have time to recover. To avoid giving birth.”

No missing road respect said solemnmn.

In fact, his calculations this time, although well-prepared, are not foolproof.

If it is not because the opportunity in front of you is really good, killing the candle in one fell swoop, the probability of overthrowing the Scorpio is extremely high, otherwise he is not willing to take this danger.


Several Taoist respects are still respectful for the absence of the Taoist priests, and the current offensive against the candlelight is more and more fierce.

“The sword!”

The candlelight man looks really embarrassed at this time, Divine Saint
The breath of the technique is constantly filled with him, but it can’t avoid the fact that the power of the field has been torn apart. However, his eyes are full of brilliance. When he realizes that the defeat of his turn is inevitable, he suddenly shot. It was actually a life-long resistance to the weakest of the eight Great Dao statues, and suddenly appeared in front of the remnant sword. Behind him, the silhouette of a huge golden dragon appeared in a moment, exuding the vast and magnificent atmosphere.


The candlelight slammed into a low voice, and the virtual hand was pressed. The golden dragon behind it broke out with a deafening roar. The sound of Nine Heavens swayed the soul of the gods, and the soul of the Taoist priests was slightly chaotic, and the first remaining sword was more It’s almost a distraction, and there’s almost no resistance.

“Destroy the fairy!”

But when the candlelight is about to strike the broken sword, the whole world has been coping with the overall situation. The Da Luoxing plate in his hand suddenly turns into a starry sky, and is portrayed in the sky. A star pattern on the sword interacts with each other, and in the center of the two, that is, the position where the candle is in the place of the person, a strange vortex like a black hole is created, and the candle is swallowed up by the enemy. The endless Force of Void from the black hole The whirlpool of the swells came out like a hole in the sky. Under the power of the Shattering Void, the candle shone on the broken body and instantly collapsed.

At this time, the remnant sword was also awake from the scream of the real god, watching the candle that was collapsed in one fell swoop, and immediately made a pleasant laugh: “Hahaha, you thought I would not know you. The mysterious method of dragons, do you think that I don’t know your skills in the world of dragons? I have already told the five masters of the means that you have mastered, and used them as bait to introduce you into our cloth. In the third trap! Next, I hope that when you return from the retrospective, you will be able to win our new round of fire!”

I hated the Taoist statue and looked at the candle that was annihilated in front of the remnant sword. The face also had a faint smile: “You did a good job, well, let go, then wait for him to go back. Return, and then send him on the road completely, as long as we do not leave a half body, soul, even if the tenth resurrection is reluctant to resurrect him.”

There is no missing road, but it is always on the outer periphery. He must make sure that he will leave the first one if something goes wrong.

Primal Chaos and his responsibilities are not allowed to put himself in danger.

Twelve hours, blink of an eye.

As the twelve hour arrives, the figure of the candlelight appears suddenly, but it is still a serious injury.


“The candlelight, your backtracking has been used, today is your death!”

Several Heavenly Dao sects screamed at the same time, and the powerful attacks swayed in all directions.

The candle on the face is full of dignified color, but for a moment, he seems to receive any news, the body’s depressing breath is slightly loose, the next moment he has been a gaze, directly fell to the residual sword outside the encirclement Body: “Other people can not die, but the sword, even today, even if you are willing to take care of your life!”

After all, the golden dragon shadow behind the candlelight once again sent out a bright dragonfly, and the sound waves visible in the eye of the circle were constantly moving away from the power of the field in the candlelight, and it was actually alive. Dao’s encirclement was shredded, and then the silk surrounded the gap as if it were streamed to the slashing sword.

“The burning of the source? The fight of the trapped beast that’s all, the candlelight is the last blow!”

“The last blow? He thought he could escape? The colorless world!”

“Take me a little emperor!”

On the Heavenly Dao side, several Great Dao sneers at the same time. The next moment, the powerful Divine Ability sacrifices, completely traps the body of the candle. The collision between Divine Ability and the field causes great energy fluctuations in the Void, and the fluctuation is strong. It swept hundreds of kilometers and destroyed all the materials and creatures in this area.


The candlelight shouted and shouted, and a burst of violent temperament compared to the previous Peak period, it was hard to fight against the emperor of the emperor, and it crashed into the colorless road. In the world of colorless law, powerful forces surged out, tearing the colorless law of the colorless Taoist circles, and then Void stepped on as if to break through the encirclement of the Five Great Dao.

“No use, candlelight, fate.”

Seeing that the candlelight is in danger of breaking through, there is no leaking road and a low voice, and the starlight flow in the hands of the Da Luo star plate turns into a starry sky, as if the space has been moved, and the space in front of him is completely rotated, so that the original moving towards the encirclement He fled to face the Qing Dynasty.

But when the man was sent to the Qingwei Road in front of the candlelight, it seemed that the candlelight of the mountain was exhausted. The Huanghuangjinlong on the top of the head made a deafening shout, and his body shape soared and became a thousand. The golden faucet of the rice, like a sophomore God Beast, swallowed down against the Qing Dynasty.

“Want to drag one person before you die? Haha, will we give you this opportunity?”

When I laughed at the hateful road, I had to stop the candlelight and save the silence.

Even if there is no missing, it is again to move the Da Luo Xing plate in his hand. A circle of starlight is entwined with the golden dragon dragon phantom of the Taikoo Go Beast.

With the power of the Da Luo Xingpan, the formidable power in the desperate blow of the candle can be easily moved and dispelled by 70-80%, and even if the rescue is not effective, the cultivation is clear. The base can also block the shot from the candle.

“Yes, then let us see if you really can save him! No leaks, let my ten world ring will meet your Da Luoxing dish!”

At this moment, a sound suddenly stunned from the Void, and then a ring descended from the Void, directly on the starlight that was formed by the Da Luoxing disk without missing the road, making no gaps. The power of the Daluo’s star is scattered.


Hearing this voice, the face of the face is slightly changed.

The sky is in the sky, and the people are here.

At the same time, almost at the same time as the Cangwu people shot, a sly sword light has been smashed with the smashing of ordinary people, blooming Void, going straight to the hate, killing, and endless ray of light and heat, completely The eyes of all people are filled with, and in the endless brilliance, there is a burst of dragon sounds that have been passed down from Taikoo!


“White Heng!”

Originally intended to rescue the Qingdao Daozun from the hateful sage to send out a full of hateful roar, the vast field of force surging voice towards that like a big day-old sword light swept away, trying to block the sword light 斩kill.

It is a pity that the strongest means of hatefulness is the Parting Regrets Heaven Realm.

With Parting Regrets Heaven Realm’s hateful respect, it is called Heavenly Dao’s fifth honor, but his Parting Regrets Heaven Realm falls into Verdant Ruins’s hand, how to resist the white slasher’s sneak attack sword?


The vast expanse of the field is crushed and torn by the sword shadow layered with endless brilliance and heat. The burns void completely has a sword shadow with the trend of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. Respected body, in an instant disintegrated all the defenses against the hate, Astral Qi!


This is not the end!

Almost the white light sword master’s sword light teared away the field of hateful respect, disintegrated his defense armor, and the bodyguards gradually dissipated, while a new sword light, once again stunning Void.

“Scorpio! Scorpio Sword!”

Originally, he barely slammed the white slasher and attacked a sword. He was about to take a breather. He felt the screaming light when he felt the second screaming. When he heard the screaming pain, the next moment, this road was smashed by the sword. The sword light that has been killed is hardly ruined by any defensive intrusion into the body. It only takes the next moment to crush the dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. .


At the crucial moment, he was stunned by the hate, and with a circle of space, the ripple was dissipated from where he was, and his figure disappeared without a trace.

“Don’t dare to use teleportation in the midst of space chaos? Pray that you won’t get stuck in the space mes!”

A shadow with a waist-shouldered hair appeared in the sword light, and the voice was full of coldness and crispness.

It is the Scorpio Swordsman.

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