At the same time, Scorpio’s swordman forced the use of teleportation to get away from the hateful sorcerer. At the same time, the candle hits the man’s blow, which is called the burning soul, and is also the body of the Qing Dynasty.

If there is a leaky sacred Daluo Star plate that will weaken the attack of the candlelight, and with the help of the two haters, the Qingwei Taozun naturally does not have to worry about any damage, but at the moment, no leaks are respected by the sky. The masters were restrained, and they were forced to flee with the teleportation under the combined attack of Bai Hengjian and Cangwu Swordsman. The candle was taken by the attacker and he could only rely on him to resist!


For a time, Qingwei Daozun issued a desperate roar, forbidden technique, the power of the field is like boiling hot water, suddenly boiling, and then turned into a huge wave, rolled to the candlelight, the burning one hit.

“hong long long !”

The collision between the two fields is like the collision of two continents. All the energy and material in the tens of kilometers are completely annihilated into nothingness. Among the annihilatory forces, the faintly passed down the Qing Dynasty. The screams: “No leaks, save me!”

“Not good !”

It was cry out in surprise when the sky was trapped by the Ten Circles. For a time, even the Da Luo Xingzhen was not allowed to recover. The virtual hand suddenly slammed into the direction of the candle. Suddenly his field is like two rivers of stars, rushing into the attack of the candlelight. The star river is constantly disintegrating and cracking in the collision with the people in the candlelight. It seems that it may be completely destroyed at any time.

It is a pity that the state of the retrospective of the retrospective of the candle is serious, and at the moment, he is also playing the secret method of burning the source. The subsequent weakness is actually a special way of living in this special way. The Qingwei Daozun rolled out from the attack of the man.

“Da Luo Starry Sky!”

Rolling out the clear and respectful, no trace of the road, and suddenly waved, the Da Luoxing, which has been quickly suppressed by the sky, suddenly burst into a starlight, starlight, and the space within a dozen kilometers of the square The chaos, even if it is the supreme existence of the divine Realm, has created a illusion of being confused and unable to distinguish between the southeast and the northwest.

“Hey, it’s a failure, go!”

Take this opportunity, without a sigh of regret, and with a clear sigh, quickly get out of the battlefield.

The colorless Taoist, the Emperor and the Emperor of the Emperor did not dare to fight again, followed by the unseen leader.

“do not chase after cornered enemy !”

The sky is yelled, stopping the white stalker and the swordsman who want to chase up.

With the power of three people alone, it is impossible to be an opponent who has no missing words, no subtle respects, no color, no respect, no respect for the king, and even the other people’s opponents. All the power is lost, and the Qing Dao Zun is even more damaged by the candle. But if these Great Dao respects choose to live with them, then the fate of jade stone will inevitably end up. The ultimate victory of one party is bound to be a tragic victory. It is estimated that it will survive.

And now…

It’s not enough time to fight until the jade stone is burned.

“The candlelight, how are you doing.”

The figure of the sky was flashing and appeared on the side of the person with the candle.

The candlelight shook his head and was about to say something. But the next moment, the power of the field was a burst of disintegration, and it began to collapse quickly.

“Not good !”

When the people of the sky saw this scene, they could not understand it. It was the source of the candle.

The first area of ​​divine Realm, this is the different foundation of divine Realm compared to Saint.

Whether it is Tearing Void Realm, Shattering Void, divine Realm, Unrivaled Realm, or even the ultimate one thought becomes a World, it is closely related to the field. It can be said that the strength and stability of the field will determine the future of a cultivation person, right now. The field of the candlelight is actually showing the situation of collapse… The weight of the injury, can be imagined, an inadvertent, let the field really collapse, the candle is afraid that it will fall realm, become Saint…

“Bai Hengjian Lord, this time you are getting close to you, feeling the breath of no-deep, respectful, and the others. Otherwise, the candle is afraid that it has fallen. But at this moment, I still need to take a candle as soon as possible. Returning to Scorpio to stabilize the injury, I can only look for opportunities next time.”

“My Junior Sister still needs to be taken care of in the Scorpio, and there is time in the future.”

Bai Hengjian is the main road.

The sky was smiling, but now there is no deliberation, and after nodded, the candle will be brought into the personal space, and the first time will be broken.

“Senior Sister, then I will go ahead first, and the ancestors of the ancestors, I also ask you to persuade more, to have the eggs under the nest, to be independent or to preserve inheritance, but… the times are different, Heavenly Dao, eternal wolf ambition, I can only save myself if I am united.”

Hold the swordman on the road.

“I will tell the ancestors.”

Bai Hengjian is slightly dagger.

Swordsman un’ed, and then seems to think of something, watching Bai Hengjian main: “What you just used is the sword of the sun? This sword is not because the maneuver is too small, you need to pour your life cultivation base to get out, Is the variability too bad and gradually abandoned by you? Why just…”

“This sword really needed to be exhausted by my life cultivation base, but I met a very interesting person a few years ago. He improved my sword. I am now able to control the sun. The sword’s formidable power, and, according to the inspiration he provided, gradually evolved the second sword of the sun…”

“Hey, can someone improve your Sword Technique? Don’t know where Divine Saint is.
? ”

“Not Divine Saint
, a cultivation base that is not capable of the cultivation base that’s all. ”

“The cultivation base of the omnipotent has not had such insights, so I would like to see it.”

“This person should also be your scorpio, named Bai Hui. You can see it one or two, but he is not a natural person. If you want to see a real person, you are afraid to drop incarnation.”

“I am going to see if I am interested, well, Senior Sister, I have to go first.”

“Well, you are holding the sword of the Scorpio, and you are given the sword by the four masters of Scorpio.

“I know.”

Swordsman slightly nodded, the next moment of the sword, with a strong sound burst to tear the clouds, dissipate without a trace.

And Bai Hengjian also bowed slightly, looking at the sword in his hand, associating with the bitterness of the sword that had just been thrown out of the day, and involuntarily also thought of improving the sword of the sun for him, and awarded her the sword of the sun. 2nd Style The White Market of the Sword of the Sun…

For a moment, she shook her head slightly.

The White Market is just an ordinary person. The mighty people are not yet available, and they are far away from the East. The World between the two is too far apart, fearing that they will not be socialized for the rest of their lives.

In addition, he awarded his own sword of the sun, and he also joined him in a Sword Intent to help him Sword Intent Perfection, and they have two grievances between each other.

At the moment, she no longer thinks more, but uses her mind to persuade her ancestors to make choices as soon as possible.


When the Scorpio changes, Verdant Ruins is sending the Duanmu copper to the contincontinent, and the body has just returned to the Tibetan Sword Sect.

He has left a coordinate in the continuation of the continent, and has given the core, Chen Shuo Primal Chaos and other ranks, the two of them, plus a Lingxi, three son of Primal Chaos monitor the movement of the creation of the continent, what is the matter Can also inform him the first time.

After returning to the Sword Sect, he did not run around, but waited quietly for the news of Scarlet Sun Demon God and the accumulation of the rhyme in the gods of the gods, in order to accumulate enough rhymes as soon as possible. This is the ultimate Immortal Arts repair to great accomplishment.

As for Perfection…

He has some dare not imagine how much rhyme to spend.

I learned that Tianzhu was alive, or that the truth was told to Verdant Ruins.

When Verdant Ruins came to the courtyard of the Cangwu people, there were already a dozen forms.

Tibetan, purple, orchid and the others are among them.

However, the three wonderful people and the others are not in the list, apparently his identity needs to be slightly avoided.

When I saw Verdant Ruins, everyone glanced at him. Even though he knew that his cultivation base was not high, no one was stunned at him.

“What is the injury to the Tibetans?

Verdant Ruins whispered on the side of the Tibetan body.

“Not optimistic, the field of candlelight is now gradually ruining, although the speed of the collapse of his field has been slowed down because of the timely assistance of the sky, but… this time he was first hit hard, and then burned the source of the field twice, the power of the field The domain structure is completely destroyed… the damage is too serious, and the current field is still slowly breaking down. Unless it can get the treasure that can stabilize the field, even if he is so supported, it is estimated that it will not escape after three or five years. Crash, the cultivation base fell to the fate of Dharma Heavenly Transformation.”

Tibetan true expression is dignified.

Once the cultivation base of the candlelight falls to Dharma Heavenly Transformation, despite the increase of realm and son of Primal Chaos, his combat power may still be enough to compete with the divine Realm, but with this momentum, I don’t have to think about it, but when it comes to Scorpio, I will be hurt by the temper. By relying on the people of the sky, I may not be able to prop up the Scorpio and let him stay in the position of the top ten Primal Chaos organization.

“Strength in the field of security? What can help the candlestick to stabilize the field, and even restore the field?”

“Forget it.”

The Tibetans shook their heads: “The stability of the field is not high, but it is very precious. The probability of occurrence in the Primal Chaos is very low, and even if someone buys it, it can help others in the field. The treasure is also unwilling to hand over, and if you don’t pass the Primal Chaos, you can only kill God Beast. The charms contained in God Beast and God Beast Primal Chaos fleshy body have the role of repair. But…but you must have adult 鲲peng and adult Primal Chaos! Adult Go Beast…Primal Chaos is also rarely sold, even if it is, the price is so high that it is staggering.”

“Adult Kuangpeng and Adult Primal Chaos…”

Verdant Ruins is dark took a deep breath.

Kun Peng, the fastest God Beast, is almost impossible to kill.

Primal Chaos, the most resistant God Beast, also has extremely tenacious characteristics.

If it’s just a Primal Chaos, it’s better, it’s not going to die, it’s going to be worn, and it’s going to be overseas in God Beast and Sacred Beast. Once you’ve wasted too much time on God Beast Primal Chaos, the huge movement will inevitably lead to Numerous Sacred Beast and God Beast came in, once caught in the siege of these Sacred Beast and God Beast…

All day Divine Saint
They are not enough to have those Sacred Beast and God Beast.

“Don’t think too much… I can only hope that luck is better. In the past few years, I have been able to refresh the treasures in the repair field, such as Qizhen paintings, such as rare treasure, and so on…”

When the Tibetans said this, they sighed: “Fortunately, there is no good news. Heavenly Dao’s five Great Dao respects have been sent to the space mezzanine for three days. It is said that it is still not Heavenly Dao appeared, there was lost, and the Qingwei Daozun was almost the same as the candlelight. It was only a little bit better. Even the second name was leaked. It was also destroyed by the sky. His name is Divine Artifact. Astronomical, threatening, I am afraid that before the first pass, or before the news of the realm drop of the candlelight, Heavenly Dao will not act blindly without thinking on the policy of our Scorpio.”

Verdant Ruins listened, slightly nodded, and the heart was a bit heavy.

The current situation of Scorpio…

It’s really a bit worse.

“Unfortunately, the strong sword voice is not willing to reveal their true identity and location, and their divine Realm invincible giants are rarely stepping into the World, otherwise if this counterattack can be invited to some divine Realm strong We even hope to leave Heavenly Dao five Great Dao respects one or two… Hey, how good.”

The Tibetans said, shaking their heads, but he also knew that this did not make sense with Verdant Ruins.

Perhaps Verdant Ruins Innate Talent is good. If you give him a thousand years of growth, it may really be a pillar of the sky.


They are no longer in the millennium.

The injury to the candlelight has already sounded the countdown to the demise of the Scorpio.

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