The angry voice of King Erxue echoed in Void, and the sound of the mountain of truth, Verdant Ruins slightly frowned, which had already flew out of the mountain of truth.

The king of Evangelion actually learned his own roots, and intends to move the Void walker with the tenth-order personal space directly to the Tibetan sword continent and the East contingent.

The Tibetan sword continent is responsible for the care of the sword swordsman. If he robs the Scarlet Sun Demon God for his continuation of the Tibetan sword, what is his heart? The East contingency is his first land in this World. It has a special meaning for him, and he has a blind eye to see that King Erxue is carrying many Golden Core Realm invaders. He can’t Do it.


The problem of King Erxue must be resolved.

“Divine Ability of Evangelion is very restrained to me. Unless I sacrifice a Japanese sword to break his Divine Ability, other attacks will be distorted by his mirror-like Divine Ability. If it is enough to attack formidable power Even he will move my attack back to fight against me, and the sword of the sundial…Scarlet Abyss sword…not able to take out too many times!”

Verdant Ruins’s Scarlet Abyss sword is only fourteenth-order. Although it is always used by Essence, Qi, and Spirit, it is still a while since it was promoted to the fifteenth-order divine weapon. It is estimated that it is only gestation. At the moment of Divine Ability, with the help of Divine Ability, it can be pushed up to the fifteenth-order divine weapon. Before he reached the fifteenth order, he could have a limited number of swords in the sun, probably in Scarlet Abyss. Before the sword was broken, he could not completely exhaust the Divine Ability of King Ergic.

After all, even if a powerful person is weaker, playing two or thirty Divine Ability is not a problem.

“Want to kill me, I have to see if you have this strength in Austrian law.”

Verdant Ruins’s body shape, the originally escaped body shape, once again moved toward the truth mountain to kill.

When Verdant Ruins turned around and turned back, Erwang Fawang’s eyes lit up, and he couldn’t think of threatening him with the East contingent and the Tibetan continent. He immediately intended to reveal the secret of Scarlet Sun Demon God on Verdant Ruins. He quickly converges his mind and goes straight to Verdant Ruins.

But he only met for a moment but found that Verdant Ruins didn’t come to him, but…

Going to the Golden Globe Realm Elder, the three Austrian teachers gathered to kill an alien cultivator.

“Be careful!”

Erqifa king shouting loudly.

But, late.

Verdant Ruins Full speed sword, how fast is it, Sky Splitting Sword’s sword light seems to be able to tear the sky, Shattering Void, with an incredibly rapid rip trail in Void, directly killing three Austrian Olympics The law teaches Golden Core Realm Elder that they haven’t had time to react in their Three Great Elders. Scarlet Abyss sword’s sword light is mixed with the flaming Sword Intent, which has been smashed with the three Golden Core Realms, accompanied by flames and energy fluctuations. Sputtering the Quartet, the three Golden Core Realm Elders were directly hit by him, stunned and incorporated into his personal space.

“Damn, give me a hand!”

King Ershio whispered, and his body was imaginary, and quickly moved toward Verdant Ruins.

A stranger who came to see him along the way did not dare to stop him and quickly evaded it.

Since these alien tycoons have smashed the idea of ​​continuation of the iron, they have naturally investigated the strengths of the tycoon continent, and they have a good understanding of the abilities of the second strongest entrant. Unless those who have tapped their own Divine Ability have reached the level of Peak, no one dares to confront the King of Essence.


The singular slaying of the singular singer, but Verdant Ruins did not confront him at all, the sword light shot, not waiting for the emptiness king to include him in the attack range, has been stunned by moving towards another Golden Core Realm Killed on the battlefield.

The speed of flying swords is itself related to the spiritual order of the cultivator.

Although the spiritual order of Verdant Ruins has not reached the level of Dharma Heavenly Transformation of one hundred and twenty orders, it has reached the critical point of the one hundred and nineteenth order. Among the many powerful people in the field, the spirit level can be with him on the relationship on Equal terms, I am afraid that there is only one person, and the flying swords at the foot of the king of Essence are said to have twelve orders. Even the eleventh order is not, just a ten-step High Grade flying sword. Compared with the 12th-order Sky Splitting Sword, the sword is so bad that he can only watch Verdant Ruins rely on the speed of terrifying to avoid his siege. In a few breaths, two Golden Core Realm Elders were killed by him, and eight Golden Core Realm Elders were born into his personal space.

“I can’t stop him alone!”

After killing for a long time, King Ershi had to face this reality.

“You must ask another powerful person to cooperate with me…”

His gaze turned and quickly fell to the Da Yan Emperor of the Holy Reign: “Da Yan Sheng Di, please take the shot for me, slightly intercept the Verdant Ruins for a moment, I will be very grateful.”

Da Yan Sheng Di looked at the 12th-order flying sword, holding at least fifteenth-order divine weapon. In many Golden Core Realm Elders, Verdant Ruins, in the eyes of no one, with greedy colors, more It is a taboo against him.

The candlelight gave the 12th-order flying sword and the fifteenth-order divine weapon, which shows the extent to which Verdant Ruins’s weight in the candlelight is heavy, and Verdant Ruins himself is not responsible for the candlelight. Love, it is said that cultivation is less than 40 years, and it has reached the level of not being inferior to High Grade Jindan, and even the best of Jindan. The hope of the great man in the future is great, and it is called the seed of the mighty class.

If this kind of genius character is dead, the candle in the Scorpio will inevitably go mad. When the time is angry, there is no force that can be withstood. He dares to intervene in it and waits for the candle to shine. Revenge invites the destruction of the entire Holy Reign.

I thought, Da Yan Shengdi has already shirked: “I just got the news that my three princes of the Holy Reigns are being attacked. I must rush to the rescue as soon as possible. I am afraid that there is nothing I can do.”

After that, it has already flown to the other side of the battlefield.


The illusion of the illusion of the king of the emptiness, once again moved towards the distant Yuan Xingzong, who belongs to the sacred sect of the sacred sect: “Yuanshu Xingjun, this child is mad, smothering my Austrian Elder Elder, and asking Yuanshu Xingjun to help Use me to intercept this child.”

Yuan Shu Xingjun glanced at the King of Evil, and looked at the Da Yan Emperor who had been away from the Essence King at the moment but seemed to understand what he was saying. “When you are ignorant, we are not saying good.” Now, we are only responsible for expelling those powerful aliens. This Verdant Ruins is not in the scope of our dealings.”

“I am a member of the material! If Yuan Shuxing is willing to stop this person for me, my Austrian law is willing to contribute to the material of Scarlet Sun Demon God.”

Yuanshu Xingjun shook his head: “Sorry, I won’t shoot!”

“30% !30% material!”

“Edfa King does not need to say much, to deal with the direct disciple of the candlelight, this risk is too great, I will not take this risk.”

After Yuan Shuxingjun finished speaking, he no longer spoke to the king of Erwu, and his body shape turned, and he rushed to another battlefield, far away from the two kings of Erfa and Verdant Ruins.

“Be as timid as a mouse! Scorpio is now an arrow at the end of its flight, and it’s hard to protect yourself. What are you afraid of!”

The king of Essence suddenly became angry.

However, he also understands that the forces such as Xingzong and Shengyan are different from their Austrian teachings. The Austrian teachings have lost two powerful people. The current battle is not knowing how many Golden Core Realm Elders will fall, and they are destined to be powerful. Injury, even in the end of the 陨 continent, for the sect inheritance they have to take risks, kill Verdant Ruins, and ask him to let him hand over Scarlet Sun Demon God, so as to ensure the sect inheritance continuation.

But the other seven Great Sage sects don’t have to risk this gambling in the future of the entire Sect.

“Golden! Verdant Ruins this child is stronger, it is just a golden dan! I don’t believe how long he can hold it! Even if I fill it with the life of Golden Core Realm Elder, I will kill him and put him I have taken it, we still have hope in the Austrian law. Otherwise, I am alone and supportive. When the matter goes by, the first one will not let go of my Austrian teaching.”

King Ershifa’s heart glimpsed, and screamed at the Golden Core Realm Elders who were running away: “Everyone, compose the battlefield, stop me, don’t ask to beat him, just ask to stop it, let me personally Shoot and kill it!”


The many Golden Core Realm Elders who got the order, despite their numbness, were brave enough to quickly form a large array of 20 and 30 people, and quickly moved toward Verdant Ruins. Compressing the living space of Verdant Ruins, it is not too long to avoid the inevitable Verdant Ruins colliding with a battle front.

“Twenty-six Golden Core Realm Elder…”

Verdant Ruins’s eyes are condensed.


Person and sword unites, quoted by Scarlet Abyss sword, he is like a torn sky, staring into the battle formed by the twenty-six Golden Core Realm Elder, crashing into the battlefield As if there is a fierce yang that has been detonated, the glare of the glare shines on the square, and it is so strong that it almost makes people unable to open their eyes. In that glory, countless words of light that seem to be the same color as rays of light are mixed in the glare. The moving towards the four sides, with Verdant Ruins as the center, seems to form a sword qi storm, and at the same time the twenty-six Golden Core Realm Elder is involved at the same time, even if Verdant Ruins deliberately spread the sword qi, reduce the formidable power, There are still four Golden Core Realm Elders on the spot. As for the heavy losses, the number of people who lost their power has reached 12, and these 13 people have been included in their personal space by his virtual hand.

“There are ten! This is almost equivalent to a Golden Crow inner core, a whole hundred rhymes!”

Verdant Ruins’s figure is flashing. At the time when the top ten Golden Core Realm players have not come back to his senses from this devastating blow, the Huanghuang sword light is once again shining on the sky. The three Golden Core Realm Elder are once again hit by him. Involved in personal space, the whole process of cooperation is more and more skilled.

However, such a fallacy, the attack of the king of Evangelion is also coming.

Divine Ability, along with the mirror behind him, reappeared, and countless mirrors shone down, completely distorting Verdant Ruins’s square dozen li Void…

Unfortunately, the pre-prepared Verdant Ruins did not wait for the twisting power to form. The power in the Scarlet Abyss sword has completely erupted. The glare of the glare burst out from the distorted Void, accompanied by the fierce and sturdy sword light. The tearing of a gap in the twisted Void caused Verdant Ruins to come out and rush to the next Golden Core Realm Elder square.

“It’s another kind of attack… The formidable power of this attack is completely beyond what you can have with a Golden Core Realm grower. Even if you are the best Golden Dan, or even Supreme Jindan, this level of attack is absolutely impossible. There are too many outbreaks, and when you can’t break out of these attacks again, it’s when you are ready to go!”

The eyes of King Erxue were filled with anger that could not be stopped.

The loss of the 19th Golden Core Realm Elder made him feel bad.

But now he has no choice but to go to the black, and he has to continue.


(It is said that the characteristics of the villains are the spirit of lofty ideals and heroism.)

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