“One hundred 40 four hundred one hundred 40 six hundred one hundred 49…”

Verdant Ruins smashed the sword and relied on the speed advantage brought by the cracked sword. He chased after the pursuit of the king of the evil spirits again and again. For a moment, he had already defeated the six battles composed of the Austrian law. The number of oysters of the Golden Core Realm Elder has reached a hundred and fifty, and as a cost of breakthrough, his sword of the sun is also a sword.

“Can’t go on anymore, otherwise the time it takes for Scarlet Abyss sword’s damage to be repaired will rise geometrically.”

After breaking this square, Verdant Ruins had to temporarily stop his body shape, and then his body was twisted and turned into a sword light, going straight to the truth mountain and rushing away.

Obviously, this is intended to be temporarily retired, otherwise it would be life-threatening to fall into the trap of Evangelion.

“Do not!”

After seeing that his party paid such a huge price, Verdant Ruins actually turned and fled. The king of Erxue screamed with anger: “Verdant Ruins, I am swearing to the sky, even if the ends of the earth will cross Void, kill you. Until now, I will contact the Void stalker and come directly to the Eastern continent of your origin. I will inevitably wash the entire East contingent, making the East continent blood flow into the river!”

“When you can go back to the East World, let’s talk.”

Verdant Ruins sneered, and soon disappeared at the end of the horizon.

However, although he said it is easy, but his heart is full of dignity.

It is true that such a powerful person of the king of Essence is coming to the East and the continent, and the blood of the East is not empty.

It may be that he does not have the power to stop the king of the evil spirits. What he can do now can only be delayed, and he tries to delay the speed of the king of the evil kings to the east or the contingent.

“Tibetan continent is better, the owner has a strong defensive power, especially the sword array on the burial sword peak. If I control it, it is not difficult to kill the evil king. The key is the east continent… now I can do it. It is to find out the Void walker, the first Void walker step, let him use the incarnation technique, so that less can be delayed for a month, as long as it can be dragged for a month, this month, Whether I am repairing Parting Regrets Heaven Realm and buying the core of the big day, I can smoothly turn around and solve the immediate stalemate.”

Verdant Ruins thought, there was a message about the Void walker in the mind one after another flashed.

He helped the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce and became the Void singer of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce. In order to understand the cost of remuneration, he naturally understood the characters who walked in the circle of Void.

The number of Void walkers is not much, and the High Rank Void walker who can have ten-order personal space is very rare. After flashing a path of thought in his mind, he directly activates the push and starts to calculate the illusion. Who is the Void performer who is in the mouth of the king?

As each and everyone Void’s information flashed through one after another in the mind, Verdant Ruins quickly locked the two.

“The Viking Walker of the Chamber of Commerce in Vientiane is lacking, and the annihilation of the annihilation…”

There was some cooperation between Verdant Ruins and the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce. There was also a transaction with the annihilator. He was slightly indulged. He was the first to contact Xing Fu of the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce.

“His White House, haha, but there is another piece of treasure that needs to be shot? Find us in the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce.”

“Xing Fu President, I contacted Xing President this time. I want to talk to you about the transaction. I don’t know if I can introduce Xing President.”

“Ming a lack of honor?”

Xing pays a little bit strange. For a while, I said: “I have nothing to say about it, but I have to tell you clearly in advance about the White House. The lack of the Ming is the Void walker who is respected by our Chamber of Commerce. I can’t order him. This is also to please the White House.”

“I understand.”

Verdant Ruins nodded.

Xing paid complied and quickly contacted.

However, for a moment, Xing Fu got the response from there, and some regretted: “Not good means that the white lord, the Ming singer had just sent a thing to the surrounding continent four days ago, and had to rest for a few days before he could I took the task again, so we are afraid that we can’t help it.”

“Do you have to rest for a few dozen days…”

Verdant Ruins had a faint smile on his face, but there was no disappointment.

The lack of the Ming dynasty is solved.

“There is a laborer who pays the President.”

Verdant Ruins thanked him.

“I didn’t help, please ask the White House for your understanding. I hope we can have other cooperation next.”

“This is nature.”

Verdant Ruins snorted and soon moved toward the annihilation of the station at the Primal Chaos Temple.

He cultivation Burning Life Secret Art, every realm has to give cultivation experience to annihilation, he is currently only given the experience of the annihilation of True Yuan Realm, Transformation Realm, Endless Realm, Golden Core Realm’s cultivation experience due to time The reason, not given, is an opportunity.


As Verdant Ruins walked through, he came to the door of a large temple built on the volcanic crater.

However, the whole annihilation of Verdant Ruins was not the volcanic crater of this personal space, but the blazing sun on the top of the sky. The three blazing suns, though alone, are not as good as those in the scorpio. But the three are integrated, and the special method forms a unique field of stagnation, so that any fire attribute cultivator has the function of “twice the results for half the effort”, relying on this cultivation Holy Land, The annihilator did not know how many top powers were cultivated.

“The whole world, if anyone is the most likely to have a large core of the day, it must be annihilated… but I don’t know if I can buy a big core from the annihilation sect…”

Verdant Ruins is indulging, and there is a faint guess.

If he is really willing to inform the annihilation of the theory of fission and fusion, with this cultivation experience that is enough to push Burning Life Secret Art to a higher level, it will not be a core of the big day. The difference is that…

He is reluctant to give up.

“that’s all, although fission and fusion experience is rare, but the most important thing at present is to disintegrate the immediate crisis as soon as possible, to resist the revenge of the Austrian law, the evil rebellion, if it can not stop the revenge of the evil king, even though I will experience these experiences. What is the use of the experience to bring into the loess?”

Thinking of this, he has moved away towards the reception desk in front of the square.

“Is this gentleman coming to me to annihilate the sect? I don’t know what is going on?”

A disciple at the reception desk saw the Verdant Ruins instrument out of the ordinary, and asked with respect.

“I am the cultivator of Burning Life Secret Art. I have a new understanding of Burning Life Secret Art. If this method is perfected, it will inevitably double the Burning Life Secret Art formidable power and even make Burning Life Secret Art reach the level of formidable power. On the level of the gods, I am looking for you to annihilate the sect of the lord to do a deal.”

“A new insight into Burning Life Secret Art that can be perfected to bring the Burning Life Secret Art to the top of the list!”

The disciples in charge of the reception breathe a little, and he naturally knows that if Burning Life Secret Art can become a significant meaning for the whole annihilation, the moment is busy: “Mr. please wait, I will inform us immediately to annihilate Zong senior.”

Verdant Ruins nodded.

It didn’t take long for the waiting time. In a short time, there was a voice mixed with the power to open the Void. “It turned out to be a small friend of Baixu. I also asked the Baiyun friends to embark on this Void bridge and come to our school.”

Verdant Ruins set foot on this Void bridge, and the space around it suddenly changed rapidly, accompanied by the shuttle and twist of the environment. In the blink of an eye, he appeared in a suspended palace less than 100 meters in the volcanic crater. The meter is the volcanic crater that is constantly tumbling and surging.

Inside the palace, a middle-aged woman who looks like 30 years old and two old men are already waiting.

“Southern glass sect master.”

Verdant Ruins saw a slight tribute to the woman headed.

The sect master Nanli is also a slight dagger, and introduced: “These two are our annihilation of the Elder and the true Elder, these two Elders know the Burning Life Secret Art very deep, white The lord of the market has a novel insight into Burning Life Secret Art to tell the two Elders that the two Elders will be able to judge the value, and the White House can also be grateful for our annihilation.”

“This is nature.”

Verdant Ruins turned to the two great Elders, and said: “Any derivative of the Divine Ability that is related to the fire attribute is the ultimate source of flames, that is, the big day True Fire, the Southern Bright Trigram Fire, the red. Lotus industry fire, Xuan Ming smoldering fire, and among the four flames, the formidable power and the overbearing nature are led by the big day True Fire, Burning Life Secret Art is no exception, my cultivation Burning Life Secret Art is based on the celestial The core of the big day, watching the change of the big day and the golden Crow in the core day and night of the big day, faintly feel the true meaning of the operation of the sun, and further deriving according to these truths, combined with the one-word Sword Technique taught by Bai Hengjian. Finally, the Burning Life Secret Art Third Layer was built in a very different way.”

“White Hengjian Lord?”

Nanli heard Verdant Ruins mention this name, and was slightly surprised: “I don’t think that in addition to the relationship with the candle, the White House actually knows Bai Hengjian, and really travels vastly.”

Just like the Scorpio is supported by a candle, the Baihongjianmen actually support the main sky by the Baihengjian. Although her strength is worse than that of the candle, she is not listed as a ten. The big top powerhouse ranks, but she is very young, coupled with the strength of the second echelon after the top ten powerhouse, making her no less inferior to the candlelight. Many times Baiheng’s name is often It is better than the name of the candle.

“Southern sect master overpraised, this is my thoughts on Burning Life Secret Art Third Layer, and I have put it into action.”

After Verdant Ruins finished, he directly condensed a message into a jade symbol and handed it to the sect master of Nanli. The sect master moved towards the Yufu. After only a moment, she saw the mystery. Suddenly became awe-inspiring: “Two Elders and see.”

“it is good.”

Two Great Elders can’t wait to pick up Yu Fu. After exploring the spirit and pondering it, the face suddenly shows a horror: “This kind of thought…”

“Fission? Fusion? Is the continuous flow of energy from this source?”

The two Elder eyes were suddenly attracted by Verdant Ruins’s jade and carefully studied.

However, they only studied for a moment, and they have already discovered that there is no such thing behind…

“What’s behind? What’s behind? What about information about fusion?”

Zhenyang can’t wait.

“Two Elder don’t be impatient.”

Verdant Ruins had a faint smile on his face: “The two Elders may wish to verify the truth of my theory first, and then we will discuss the transaction again.”

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