The two Elders of Zhenyang and Youye are extremely efficient.

They have a lot of research on the Burning Life Secret Art this cultivation technique, and now they have the idea of ​​Verdant Ruins, which has verified that it has returned to less than an hour.

“how about it?”

Nanli sect master asked.

She also saw Verdant Ruins’ new understanding of Burning Life Secret Art. If his statement is true, Burning Life Secret Art’s formidable power can definitely add a lot to the extent that it is not inferior to the Divine Ability. Endless Realm, the annihilator’s Endless Realm is twice as strong as the regular Endless Realm.

Not to mention Golden Core Realm, and Divine Ability Realm, which has not yet been deduced.

“Very good, the increase in formidable power is beyond my imagination.”

“But the drawbacks are also very obvious, unless you have polished your own True Qi and mastered it to the extreme. Otherwise, if you are not careful, it will cause True Origin to get out of control and blow yourself out.”

“This is true under normal circumstances.”

Verdant Ruins said: “However, don’t forget, Endless Realm is behind Golden Core Realm. What is Golden Core Realm? Time! Three or four times lifespan at Endless Realm and Transformation Realm, so they have plenty of time. To polish your own True Qi, enhance your control over True Qi, and I can assure you that if you really become a golden dragon in this way, Jin Dan’s first hit will force out the ordinary Golden Core. Realm is three times stronger… If you can have an Array, even an Ordinary Array that can only increase the effect by three 50%… can make the ten Golden Core Realm strong match the attack power that is not inferior to Divine Ability.”

“Ten Golden Core Realm’s strong Arrays work together to create a formidable power that is not inferior to Divine Ability’s hit…”

This prospect suddenly made Nanli’s eyes shine.

It is important to know that in the cultivation world, three-four hundred Golden Core Realm strong people can only create a powerful person who has become a Divine Ability. Even if the annihilation is a top-ranking, the probability of Golden Core Realm breakthrough to a powerful person is higher. It is still only one of the two hundred Golden Core Realm strong people who can breakthrough, the whole annihilation, the Golden Core Realm Elder four thousand people, these four thousand people often rely on the battle array, probably can block the number The sharpness of the ten powerful people can be shut down by nearly 100 powerful people if they guard the front of the mountain gate, but…

All of this must be done in the context of the right place and the right place.

If you go out for a crime, the ten powerful people will be able to completely defeat the four thousand Jindan in ten days and a half.

At the moment, according to Verdant Ruins, once the annihilation of this improved Burning Life Secret Art is completed, the ten Jindans can use the power of Array to break the formidable power that is not inferior to Divine Ability…

Doesn’t that mean that the first wave of their four thousand Golden Core Realm Elder attacks is almost equivalent to four hundred powerful players at the same time?

Four hundred powerful people…

Not to mention Dharma Heavenly Transformation, even the invincible power of divine Realm, will be torn in the field in an instant, bursting!

After all, in the case of a battlefield, even if a divine realm giant is caught in the battle of hundreds of powerful people, there is only a dead end, not to mention four hundred powerful.

Thinking of this, the breathing of Nanli gradually became more and more urgent.

Although it is unrealistic to let the annihilation owner change the Burning Life Secret Art, as long as a quarter of the people will brand the new Burning Life Secret Art cultivation, the annihilation is equivalent to a force that threatens the divine Realm invincible giant. … This power is also the biggest card to be annihilated.

“How do you trade?”

South glass sect master said solemnly: “Lord Baizheng also asks for rational price, don’t forget, according to the agreement, your cultivation experience should be unconditionally provided to us.”

“I need to provide you with the cultivation experience of Burning Life Secret Art, but the technique of cultivation that I created according to Burning Life Secret Art has gradually separated from Burning Life Secret Art, which is new to blue and blue. The law is not in the scope of our agreement.”

Verdant Ruins said with a smile: “As for what I need, I believe that the annihilator can definitely come out, I want a big day core.”

“The big day core.”

Nanli’s face changed slightly: “Does the White House not think that this price is too high?”

“Southern glass sect master, please listen to me, I want the core of the big day, not the core of the big day that you ignited, as long as it is the core of the big day, as the price is too high… I don’t think I can make an Ordinary The cultivation of the gods became the sacred cultivation. This price is not as good as this price.”

“Not the core of the big day that ignited…”

The South Glass sect master is slightly indulged and seems to be considering the gains and losses.

After a while, she slowly started talking: “I can promise you, but if there is something wrong with the cultivation Burning Life Secret Art, you need to be on the sidelines.”

“Yes, as long as those of you who practice Burning Life Secret Art’s discipline, deacon, and Elder meet the standards of practicing Burning Life Secret Art, I will teach you a few people who have built Burning Life Secret Art.”

Verdant Ruins said: “However, for some special reasons, I am afraid that you have to worry about your annihilation of the ambassadors.”

“Is it true?”

The South American sect master has more than one Void walker, but Verdant Ruins proposes to mention the Apocalypse, and for special reasons, she is still nodded: “I will let him go.”

“This is my coordinates, please also be as soon as possible.”

“After an hour, the singer will go.”

“Then I will wait for the ambassador to drive.”

Verdant Ruins made a slight sigh and retired.

After Verdant Ruins left, Elder Elder came forward and soled solemnly: “Sect master, do we really have to hand over the big day core to him? The big core of the day we never completely ignited it, but… already I have poured into the resources of hundreds of rhymes, and the price has become unusual for the core of the big day. I think it’s better to let Anp with our people, then…”

Speaking of this, in the eyes of the gods, the cold light flashed, the virtual hand, made a gesture of killing.

Nanli indulged in a moment and finally shook his head: “There is too much involved. This white market, not only knows Bai Hengjian, but also directs the disciple of the candle, even his Burning Life Secret Art is a candlelight. The relationship is purchased from our annihilation sect. Once we kill it, it will inevitably provoke the candle to anger. Even if the candle is taken seriously, it will not be us for the time being. The revenge from Scorpio is still not to be underestimated. The price that needs to be paid is far more than a big day core… Of course, the most important thing is that we are afraid that it may not be able to give birth to this child, and ask him the experience of his Burning Life Secret Art.”


“Why do you think Scorpio will put a cultivator that is not yet a powerful person in the first step of the Primal Chaos battle?”


When you think about it, you understand: “His Primeal Chaos?”

“Yes, it is Primal Chaos. The Primal Chaos of this white is not as simple as we thought. Once his order is 30, it is transmitted. We annihilate the sect again. It’s not easy to make him jealous. When it’s not good, people are offended. We haven’t received any benefit from annihilating the sect. It’s regrettable.”

You have listened to it, although some are not willing to give such a big core in vain, but in the end it can only be nodded.

Raw oysters are different from killing.

It is too difficult to grow a cultivator with a transfer.

Unless they have the means of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, the goal is directly hit in the Spiritual Plane, so that he has no time to launch the transmission, otherwise…

There is no other way.

Verdant Ruins’ modified Burning Life Secret Art cultivation method is extremely demanding on the spirit level, plus his Golden Core Realm cultivation base. It is conservatively estimated that his spiritual order is at least 110 steps, which is strong. I am afraid that even the first priest in Heavenly Dao can’t crush it in the Spiritual Plane.

“The loss of more than four hundred rhymes that’s all, if more than four hundred rhymes can be exchanged for the strength of a divine realm invincible giant, it is worth … especially now that the whole atmosphere of the wind and rain is swaying, the war seems to be at the moment, Any powerful force has become crucial, and there should be no sloppyness.”

Youye, Zhenyang two Elder nodded.

“I am going to talk to the singer, the two Elders are ready to pick up the materials, and pick the right Burning Life Secret Art grower. We want to make this adapted Burning Life Secret Art pie as fast as possible. It comes in handy.”

Nanli said, his body flashed and disappeared.



Verdant Ruins flew at full speed for nearly an hour, far away from the scope of the Truth Mountain. When it was estimated that the time was almost over, it was suspended above a jungle, waiting for the arrival of the sage.

A moment later, Heaven and Earth Origin Qi condensed, a vortex with a diameter of more than a kilometer. In a short time, a middle-aged man looking like 40 appeared out of the vortex.

It is the annihilation of the Void singer.

“I have seen the sages.”

Verdant Ruins makes a slightly ritual.

Although the singer is a powerful person, but also knows that Verdant Ruins is a direct disciple for the candlelight, he does not dare to neglect him: “His White House, this is our trading.”

The singer said that he took out a treasure box. As the treasure box opened, a violent and violent energy torrent suddenly rose to the sky, turning into a smooth sleek Void, as if the singer’s hand was holding it. It is a strong yang.

“The big day core.”

Seeing the big core in the treasure box, Verdant Ruins suddenly showed a happy look.

With the core of the big day, Scarlet Sun Demon God will be ready to start.

“This is the two cultivation experience of Burning Life Secret Art Endless Realm and Golden Core Realm that I have re-edited according to my own understanding.”

Verdant Ruins handed over a jade symbol with a lot of information.

Soon, the two have already handed over the money in one hand.

One of them represents the Scorpio, and the other represents the annihilation of the ancestor. They belong to the top forces of the famous name in the World of Heaven, but they are not afraid of what tricks they will play in this transaction.

“If this rebuilt Burning Life Secret Art really has the kind of effect that the White House has said, I have to thank the Lord of the White House here.”

“Anpeng is a polite person.”

Verdant Ruins said, pretending to ask inadvertently: “Here is the contin continuation of the 陨 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

“The king of the Austrian law of Austrian law?”

The singer of the singer is slightly startled, followed by said with a smile: “I really recognize this person. He had had several transactions with me that year. I met each other, and I met him, but I wanted to see him. Trading? If it is necessary, I will ask him to come and meet with the White House. I believe that he will give it to him.”

As a powerful person, the singer is both a Void singer and a core member of the annihilation sect. The attitude toward the emptiness king is obviously higher, and there is a feeling of calling the younger brother.


(It turns out that having the ability is not enough, there must be a background.)

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