“That’s not it, I just ask that’s all.”

Verdant Ruins smiled and complied.

Asking the singer is just to ensure that nothing is lost, and the facts speculate that the Void stalker who knows Gao Pan in the mouth of the ethical king is the sacred sage.

This time he can be said to directly give Erlang Fa Wang Lai a bottom-up salary.

“If I have nothing, I will leave first. Afterwards, we will annihilate the cultivation of the Burning Life Secret Art. If there is anything you don’t understand, you have to ask the White House to give more advice.”

“This is certain.”

The sorcerer nodded, and then incarnation dissipated, forming a burst of vitality storm, spreading to all directions.

“Very well, as far as I know, the incarnation technique of An Pheng has not reached the fifth order. In the next period of time, I don’t have to worry about the evil spirits of the Void practitioners going to the East World or the Tibetan sword continent. However, if you want to solve this problem once and for all, you have to get started with Scarlet Sun Demon God.”

Verdant Ruins thought, with a slap in the face, Scarlet Sun Demon God’s three-meter-high body appeared in front of him.

The entire Scarlet Sun Demon God is three meters high, and there is a circle of sword wings like a sun-like sword. The sword wing is composed of a hundred and eight swords of nearly 30 meters long. Because there is no energy source, these swords are on the sword. There is no red light, otherwise, once activated, these slender red swords will spur the red sword, which looks like a radiance of red hair, so it is called Scarlet Sun Demon God. .

In addition, this demon god is made of a special metal, red body, this metal has a good orientation for True Origin, True Qi, if it is integrated with the power source of Scarlet Sun Demon God, it is amazing The increase in the effect, the cultivator wears it as a armor, and can also gain the power of Scarlet Sun Demon God. As for the degree of increase, it is related to the cultivation technique, combat style and form of cultivation.

“So, let me see what kind of power you have for this big guy!”

Verdant Ruins screamed, and according to the information of Scarlet Sun Demon God he had read, he quickly installed the red light core of the moment into the heart of the heart of Scarlet Sun Demon God.

With this big day core as the power source, the entire Scarlet Sun Demon God suddenly shocked, and many of the gods on the body also shone with the red radiance. These brilliances were intertwined to form a layer similar to the body Astral Qi. The peculiar existence has an amazing anti-strike effect.

In addition, the one hundred and eight handles of the slender sword behind it are also slightly stretched out, and the sword glow is swallowed, which makes the sword body that was originally nearly three meters long grows to nearly four meters. As for the escape red red The sword light is more than ten meters, it is like a round of red, rays of light.

Verdant Ruins’ Sword Intent was injected into Scarlet Sun Demon God, and Scarlet Sun Demon God was like Mecha. It stretched out slightly to reveal the space inside, which was just enough to accommodate one person.

Verdant Ruins came forward, Scarlet Sun Demon God’s armor was quickly wrapped in him, and with his True Origin, the True Origin and Scarlet Sun Demon God’s refining materials were perfectly guided, the entire Scarlet Sun Demon God is like incarnation, which is a layer of Astral Qi outside his body. It seems to be wearing a layer of Astral Qi armor up to three meters, but there is no discomfort.

“It is the highest crystallization of the year of the Red Sun, which is so amazing.”

Verdant Ruins’s consciousness extends to the control core of Scarlet Sun Demon God, and countless information has been drawn from his mind. The functions of Scarlet Sun Demon God are quickly recognized by him. When the information flows, it is constantly changing. Updated data about Scarlet Sun Demon God.

Such as energy content, damage, activation, etc…

This is the auxiliary system of Scarlet Sun Demon God.

If it weren’t for Scarlet Sun Demon God’s way of operating directly, rather than a virtual light curtain, he would even think that he is driving a Mecha of Future Technology World.

“Next, let me try the formidable power of Scarlet Sun Demon God.”

Verdant Ruins took a bit of curiosity, then…

With a virtual hand, a fist hits.

As he punched out, the consciousness also ignited the power source, which is the energy in the core of the big day. This energy is transformed into a giant pillar of flame under the transformation of Scarlet Sun Demon God. With Verdant Ruins spurted out in a fist. In an instant, the earth a dozen kilometers ahead was burned to ashes, and the solid ground was turned into glass.

“This is… the big day of the fire that condenses into the pillar of fire!?”

Verdant Ruins heart startled.

But the association with Scarlet Sun Demon God was made to fight Dharma Heavenly Transformation, and he quickly calmed down.

“weng weng! ”

With the Sword Intent turning, the sword wings of the 108-sword sword behind Scarlet Sun Demon God quickly spread out, and the mighty energy in the power source was continuously injected into the sword, making these slender and slender. The red light of the Excalibur is like a one after another shining light bulb.

“Sword out!”


The red mans are broken!

Under the spur of Sword Intent, one hundred and eight handles of the Japanese sword were shot on the Void at the same time. It was like a raging sun that was originally condensed and not scattered. The sudden bloom bloomed, and it burst into a glare that was so strong that people couldn’t open their eyes. Whistling and screaming the Quartet, strangling the sword to point to all the creatures in the range…

“The load of these Chiri swords on the spirit is so low? Moreover, the energy they use is the energy in the power source. For me, there is no consumption, which completely compensates me because Jin Dan smelt to Scarlet. The shortcomings of True Origin in Abyss sword…Sword array is almost equivalent to a continuous attack of Dharma Heavenly Transformation. Every sword is fully weaker than a small one. Divine Ability’s formidable power, one hundred and eight small Divine Ability, uninterrupted indiscriminate bombing…”

Verdant Ruins only thought about it, and couldn’t help but suck a cold air.


It is fierce!

It’s no wonder that Scarlet Sun Demon God is named after Chiri, and its most strong means of killing is the one hundred and eighty-handed sword.

Moreover, if you use this Scarlet Sun Demon God to deal with those Endless Realm, Golden Core Realm strong…

Meat grinder !

That is simply a meat grinder that is invincible!

If you have already owned this Scarlet Sun Demon God, Verdant Ruins even dared to face more than 400 Golden Core Realm players.

After a little understanding of Scarlet Sun Demon God’s attacking ability, Verdant Ruins once again made Sky Splitting Sword, tried the defensive power of Scarlet Sun Demon God, and finally found that Scarlet Sun Demon God’s defense is amazing, even Can be called a monk.

Even though Verdant Ruins inspires all spirits to stab Scarlet Sun Demon God with a 12th-order flying sword, it is no wonder that the True Origin defense on the surface of Scarlet Sun Demon God is nothing more than making the rays of light in that place a little bleak. The energy supplement in the power source, the bleak place will soon recover.

Verdant Ruins estimates that even if it is an Ordinary Divine Ability, Scarlet Sun Demon God can survive if it is not continuously hit, if it allows Scarlet Sun Demon God to have enough time to automatically extract the energy to supplement the peripheral shield. Let it resist dozens of Divine Ability, that is to say, as long as the frequency is not too fast, an Ordinary tyrant is exhausted and True Origin is exhausted, why not Scarlet Sun Demon God.

“I don’t know if it works with Scarlet Abyss sword.”

Verdant Ruins turned his mind and the next moment, Scarlet Abyss sword appeared in his hand and stretched out from the arms of Scarlet Sun Demon God.

“There is no impact?”

Verdant Ruins has a shape and the Scarlet Abyss sword in his hand has been waved.

With the Scarlet Abyss sword coming out, the Golden Dan in the Scarlet Abyss sword, which is completely condensed by the Golden Crow spirit, and the big day core in the power source of the Scarlet Sun Demon God seem to make a difference, making the power of this sword almost It has doubled in size and is beyond the level of Divine Ability to approach the Divine Ability level.

A sword emerges, the heavens and the earth are cracked, and a huge crack is like a canyon. It forms rapidly in front of him. Numerous trees and rocks are turned into powders under the blazing sword light with horror temperature. The range is longer than ten kilometers. .

“Double! This is almost the level of Dharma Heavenly Transformation!”

Verdant Ruins blinked in the eye.

Dharma Heavenly Transformation-level attackers and defenses will be blessed by the rules of heaven and earth, which will cause their own attacks and defenses to skyrocket, and the degree of inflation will be three to five times. Some Innate Talents can even increase their combat power to six. Times, even seven times, and during the gods of ten thousand years ago, more people have pushed the growth of Dharma Heavenly Transformation to eight times.

At present, the increase of Verdant Ruins is far from fashion, but the double increase has approached the Ordinary standard of Dharma Heavenly Transformation. If he increases his strength in the big day, he will have a sword. Strong, even in the big Divine Ability can be called the well-know figure.

“With this Scarlet Sun Demon God, my strength is enough to compete with Dharma Heavenly Transformation. The only drawback is speed!”

Verdant Ruins controlled the Red Devils, rose to the sky, went back and forth, and finally fell back.

The speed is slower than that of the 12th-order flying sword. It is estimated to be equivalent to the ten-order flying sword, and this speed is only equivalent to the weaker level of the powerful.

Inducted the energy left by the core of the big day, the face is also slightly black: “There is energy consumption.”

Such a Scarlet Sun Demon God is really burning money.

After experimenting with the power of driving Scarlet Sun Demon God, Verdant Ruins also came out of Scarlet Sun Demon God and then handed over the control of Scarlet Sun Demon God to Scarlet Sun Demon God’s Artifact Spirit, which was previously Help him understand the subsidiary system of Scarlet Sun Demon God resources and data.

Under the driving of Artifact Spirit, Scarlet Sun Demon God’s attack and defense are still tyrannical, but as he guessed, logic and flexibility have been reduced.

The attack side also fell a lot compared to the Verdant Ruins maneuver.

“If you just let Artifact Spirit control Scarlet Sun Demon God, it’s about the equivalent of Divine Ability Realm Peak, and it’s just Divine Ability Realm Peak on the battle, once the versatile person uses the Scarlet Sun Demon God logic. The trap of lack of sexual flexibility can completely destroy this Scarlet Sun Demon God.”

Spending a day trying, Verdant Ruins finally figured out the mystery of this Scarlet Sun Demon God.

Although its combat power is obviously worse than the real Dharma Heavenly Transformation class, the strength of the battle is already unquestionable.

“So, let me wait for the people of Austrian law to come to revenge. I would like to know, what method of the Austrian law of the Austrian law will kill me to the ends of the earth and put me to death.”

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