
“Survity True God!?”

Behind Verdant Ruins, Silent Juggernaut, Flying Fish Juggernaut, and Dragon Sword Juggernaut screamed at the same time.

Tribute True God!

Black Flame teaches the three big divine Realm one of the supreme giants True God actually arrived.

The savvy Juggernaut, the Flying Sword Juggernaut, the Dragon Sword Juggernaut, and the others, who are unidentifiable, are really just a great person of the Ordinary. They are not too big a threat, but he is obviously one. The position has raised the personal space to the tenth order, the ability to make the personal space to accommodate the living creatures, suffering True God this diignified Divine Saint
The deity is hidden in the personal space of the mighty person. At the moment when the black flames are taught to exchange two powerful people, the True God will be brought out of the personal space, and at the same time, the secret will be secreted. The King of Blood and the King of the Zen Machine are included in the personal space, and they are retreating…


At the moment when the figure was suddenly swept by the force of the field, Verdant Ruins was also the first time to include Yunfu Juggernaut and Tibetan Sword Sword in his personal space, and at the same time he pulled out and retired, trying to withdraw from the coverage of this field. Out.


His retreat is fast, and the field of True God is spreading faster.

At the time of his retreat, the field of suffering True God has completely overthrown him, and then the invincible existence of the divine realm in this black flame teaches nothing to ignore the big bully, even the opening nonsense is not willing to Said that in the next moment, he had already sacrificed his Divine Ability, a dark red streamer rushed to Verdant Ruins, and the streamer turned into a magma-like strangeness, which was filled with a black flame. In the flames, there are countless souls that make painful screams, shrill sounds, shocking people, and almost uncomfortable vomiting blood.

“True God, you dare to enter the territory of our Baihong Jianmen to attack our Baihong Jianmen’s power, do you want to fight with our Baihong Jianmen?”

“White Market, be careful, this is the Divine Ability of True God. It is called the Nethery Breath. This Divine Ability can’t be confronted positively. Otherwise, the ghost contained in the Nether Breath will entangle the spirit that attacks you, making you feel the soul. At the same time, those magma-like substances will explode after hitting the target, forming a lava field, and finally completely envelop the enemy… quickly retreat, absolutely impossible to fight with it!”

“I have already circulated Sect. When a musk time, Changhong sword will come, we will hold on, save the White House, and then immediately retreat into the forest of nightmare!”

Flying fish sword saint, Silent Juggernaut, Dragon Sword Saint and the others at the same time, the first time moved toward the suffering in the field True God kills, in which the Silent Juggernaut is beginning to understand the rules of the world, try to enter Among Dharma Heavenly Transformation.

“Your opponent is us.”

Didn’t wait for the flying fish sword saint, the silent sword saint, the dragon sword saint and the others rushing to the suffering True God, the black lotus king, the king of Galois, and the mysterious power with the tenth-order personal space have come forward, will The three stopped in one fell swoop.

“Black Lotus King, are you trying to fight with our Baihong Jianmen?”

Dragon Sword Sword shouted.

“Hahaha, Long Sword Juggernaut, the two major Sects are in full swing. That is not a simple matter. Moreover, as far as I know, this man is not the person of your Baihong Jianmen. We just don’t kill you a few. Leave you a life, just simply take this person away. Do you think that Baihong Jianmen will attack our black flames for an irrelevant person regardless of the pressure from Shinto?”

Black Lotus is laughing, and expression is extremely easy.

“Although he is not a Baihong Jianmen, but the origins are equally unusual. He is a member of the Scorpio. Do you fear that Black Flame will offend Scorpio?”


The black lotus king was owned, apparently never thought of Verdant Ruins and such backgrounds, but he soon sneered again: “If he is really a scorpio, it is estimated that the marginal figure that’s all, otherwise, want to save the sword Why do you want to be the hand of Bai Hong Jianmen? Moreover, even if he has enough right to speak in the Scorpio, he is only at the end of its flight, there is Heavenly Dao staring, now even the gods and ghosts are marked Their idea, how can we blackfire teach even if one of them is killing one of them? Want to retaliate against our black flames? Let them wait until they see the dangers in front of them.”


“hong long long !”

At this time, a horrible explosive force suddenly erupted from the field of True God. The ray of light broke through the blazing flames, positive and True God’s Divine Ability slammed into the air, the moment when the two forces collided, the whole field of True God continued to surge, and the mighty power was mobilized as if the tsunami was infused into the gloom. The power contained in this breath is called hiding the sky and covering the earth, and the sword light that Verdant Ruins strangles is instantly shattered.

“White market, retreat, can’t be hard! Only the field can compete against the field!”

The lonely Juggernaut in the distance saw this scene suddenly and screamed.

However, the smashed Verdant Ruins seems to be unable to hear the screams of the Lonely Juggernaut. The eyes are staring at the force that is interspersed with the whole field, as if Mount Tai is pressing, and it is like a mighty avalanche. The sorrowful breath, the Sword Intent in Spirit World, seems to be a sun that has been ignited in one fell swoop.

“Lighting up!”

For a long time, because there is no real opponent, he can only barely guess how much of his Divid Ability is in the light, but how strong it is, but it is always impossible to judge.

The three big divine realm invincible giants belong to the Ordinary divine Realm, which represents the most average and most ordinary level of divine Realm, and now he has to try, whether his limit can be compared with the divine Realm Invincible presence confrontation!


Sword Intent broke out and activated Divine Ability!

The next moment, Verdant Ruins’s strength is like a landslide and tsunami, and it is completely collapsed. The front of Scarlet Abyss sword seems to have burned a blazing day, bursting with endless brilliance, strong rays of light, and even It’s like dispelling the power of True God’s field.


The sight of True God’s affliction on Verdant Ruins seems to be somewhat unexpected for his ability to break out of this power, but…

That’s it.

With the direction of his virtual hand moving toward Verdant Ruins, the direction of all directions is like a mighty tsunami, like a volcanic eruption, sweeping endless, endless powers to the Divine Ability In the gloom of the breath, this Divine Ability is no longer Divine Ability, but a potential for Heaven Falls and Earth Rends that can destroy everything in front of you. In the flame of black, there is endless. The soul mourns, screams, stabbing the eardrum, enough to stab the soul of ordinary people, and the consciousness collapses.


“hong long long !”

It’s like a falling meteor striking a mighty torrent of magma, endless rays of light and horrible shock waves, which broke out in an instant, and it’s all about the space within the range of severe ten meters around Verdant Ruins. And collapse, even if it is the field of suffering True God, this moment is also smashed out a hole more than 30 meters in diameter, making this range a vacuum in the field.

“A good attack…formidable power is not inferior to the big Divine Ability of a single attack…but, facing the invincible presence of a divine realm, it is too overestimate one’s capabilities.”

True God had a slight surprise on his face, but there was still not much change. The whispering breath was destroyed by Verdant Ruins, and more of the power of the field was mixed with the energy characteristics of a faint breath. The field centered on Verdant Ruins will soon be completely flooded, and then a more majestic, more violent torrent will flow, and moved towards Verdant Ruins.

At this time, Verdant Ruins is like a Mortal Martial Artist standing in front of the river, trying to use the sword in his hand to resist the wave of rushing in front of him. It seems that it is so unbelievable, how to look at it. No hope.


Verdant Ruins stood in front of this Divine Ability without any change after using the sword of the Japanese glory to smash the power of the most Peak. The Sword Intent has been burning, erupting, and sneaking in his spirit World. The screams and mournings of countless souls, three meters away from him, have been burned into ashes by his own Sword Intent and the blazing glory of Long Yuanjian. He stands like this, as if he would never Retreating reef, moved towards the front of the secluded breath, a sword, a sword, another sword!

“hong long long !”

The faint breath of the increase in the power of the field is raging wildly, but it is like the waves that are slap on the reef, no matter how many times they come, it is still difficult to escape the final smash and sprinkle the fate of all directions.

Some attacks, maybe a sword can not be crushed, then, two swords, two swords can not be crushed, then three swords!

If it is smashed, the power of the field is still coming from all directions, forming a more violent offensive, then four swords, five swords, six swords, seven swords, eight swords, nine swords, ten swords…

Windy! rainstorm! Ben Ray! Tsunami!

In the beginning, True God was able to maintain a calm, looking at Verdant Ruins struggling in front of his field and Divine Ability attack, as if admiring a final struggle beast, over time, His field and Divine Ability’s power waved, a wave of sweeping, a wave of shock, but it can’t help but Verdant Ruins half-time, his face can not help but look hard.

Not only the suffering of True God, even the black lotus king, the king of Galois, and the mysterious power who thought that Verdant Ruins would soon be solved, looked at the sword in the field of suffering True God. Verdant Ruins, whose Divine Ability is constantly annihilating and smashing, has gradually solidified.

“This… this is…”

I knew that Verdant Ruins was very strong, and it was arrogant to fight against the divine realm’s flying fish sword saint, but it was unconsciously open mouth…

“Mr. Bai Hui… Actually in the field of a divine realm invincible giant, the Divine Ability of the invincible giant?”

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