Not only the flying swords, but also the reaction of the Lonely Juggernaut and the Dragon Sword Juggernaut are not so good. The two men stared at each other and watched the field constantly waving a sword formidable power to the extreme. Sword light, there is a sense of dreams.

“This is… Big Divine Ability? But… how can he release the Big Divine Ability to such a degree!? True God, a Divine Ability, he has been able to find three powers that are not inferior to Big Divine Ability’s sword light…this…there is such a big Divine Ability in the world?”

“Only the field can fight against the field! When is the divine Realm invincible giant in the field of sacrifice, why wouldn’t it be a Divine Ability Realm? Is it wrong for me, or suffering True God? Staying?”

“White Market… Where is this Divine Saint?
? These enchantings have been cultivated in the Scorpio! ? ”

“hong long long !”

There is no long battle, and here is the place near the Baihong Jianmen. It will not take long for the Changhong sword master to come, and the suffering True God is not the previous victory, and it becomes heart-wrenching.

“Fast? I see how fast you can!”

With coldly snorted, the ugly face of True God suddenly slammed the pressure, the power of the whole field was shrunk to the extreme, with the help of Divine Ability, the steady flow of moving towards Verdant Ruins strangled, the great will Verdant Ruins is completely buried in the field.


“hong long long !”

Surging energy floods accompanied by suffering True God’s field surges instantly shattered Verdant Ruins’s violent territory consisting entirely of sword light, and it seems that the next Verdant Ruins can be swallowed in the blink of an eye.


Verdant Ruins is also a shouted in a low voice, Sword Technique, a horrible energy torrent that is several times stronger than the previous sword of the Japanese glory, suddenly erupted from the Scarlet Abyss sword. In the open, the front ushered in the torrent of the tsunami, and the two forces clashed in the center of the intersection. In an instant, the forces in the field of the range of the range of the hundred cents of the collision range were smashed and turned into The vacuum, even… In the vacuum that is rectangular, it shows a giant sword phantom, and it seems that the whole field has been torn apart by this sword.

The field is torn, Verdant Ruins is stunned, and in the face of suffering True God, which has just been torn, and has not yet had time to tear the broken field, a shining sword light has re-emerged beyond the limits of ordinary people’s imagination. !


“hong long long !”

The power of True God’s original cohesiveness has been torn apart by Verdant Ruins’ previous sword. The rest of the field has never been able to make up for it, and this moment is once again facing the Japanese attack that was just inferior to the previous sword. Originally, there were more than 30 kilometers in the vertical and horizontal directions. The majestic field of energy surged like a piece of torn cloth. In a moment, it was torn out with a huge gap of nearly ten kilometers in diameter!

The rolling flame is mixed with the suffocating blazing heat after the tearing of the field, and the remaining momentum is in the middle of the field. True God goes.

Sword light glory, blazing glory, the edge of the direction, the gods are easy!

Although this blazing sword light has not completely broken the field of suffering True God, it is still completely offset by the power of the next field, but the horrible heat wave of the assaults the senses is finally letting the aloof And remote’s divine Realm incomparable giant complexion greatly changed, looking at the majestic field that was torn out of the vacuum of nearly ten kilometers, the mouth could not help but burst into shock and exclaimed: “This is impossible!”


In the misery of True God, because the field is almost devastated by the frontal tears, the third seems to be the star-like sword light, once again shining from the field.

The previous two swords were curbed by the power of True God’s field, although still awesome, but most of them were offset by the power of True God’s field, so that there is no world-shaking power. But this sword is followed by the two swords that had torn the field of True God in the past. In the field where one third was torn apart, the sword light broke out completely, like a sudden rise. In the hot sun, there is an explosion of suffocating horror.

The glory of the gods is magnificent.

True God, the power of the field that has been weakened by the previous three swords seems to be exposed to the snow and ice in the raging sun, quickly melting away, and the blazing radiance is swept away by the glory of the scene, the True God in the center of the field, let this Standing in the cultivation world, the most popular Divine Saint
For the first time in the eyes of the giants, the color of panic was revealed.

“This kind of formidable power…how could there be such a formidable power… Yan Di!”

True God no longer dared to have a small break on Verdant Ruins, his mouth bursting, and a statue full of flames suddenly appeared on top of his head, suppressing the power of his field.

The icon of Yan Di!

This is a treasure that True God has gained from an ancient Cave Mansion. Its order has reached an astonishing fifteenth order. He often only sacrifices this object when he is in the same position as the invincible existence of divine realm.

As soon as the icon of Yan Emperor came out, a glimpse of the sacred light appeared suddenly from the icon, and the power of part of the field of True God was merged into one, and it became a sturdy barrier. It was blocked in the sword of the sun. In front of the sword light.

For a time, it was like a meteor falling into the earth.

A circle of shock waves visible to the naked eye blasted from the sword of the Japanese sword, and the air squeezing all the around, forming a huge ring, inside the ring, countless lightning, magnetic storm, ambiguous Shooting, mixed with a kind of doomsal scent sweeping the moving towards all directions, sweeping away all the clouds in the range of hundreds of kilometers on the spot.

Even though it is far from suffering, True God and the others, there are some absent-minded flying swords, saints, dragons, swords, saints, lords, and blacks, and the others, under this energy shock, each and everyone It is also a change of color.

“Retreat! Retreat! Rewind!”

“This power… is no less inferior to Divine Ability, and it is a 100-kilometer, non-destructive Divine Ability…”

“My goodness… a great man can actually be with a Divine Saint.
Fight to this extent? If I am not mistaken, just now… Lord Baizheng has torn the realm of suffering True God! ? ”

The horror and incredible screams constantly rang from a few people. At this moment, the six people refused to regenerate and kill each other. Each and everyone moved toward the outermost speed and fled.

The power of this shock wave is not bound by the field, it is vast and devastating.


This is not the end!

When Verdant Ruins was on the streamer of the icon of Emperor Yan, the horrible anti-shock force swept through Verdant Ruins for the first time, causing Verdant Ruins five viscera and six bowels to collapse at the same time, even though Up to ten levels of recovery characteristics can not make up for such a serious shock injury in the first time.

However, his face has not changed, and the spirit of World is even more Sword Intent!

Divine Saint

In front of this suffering, True God is a Divine Saint.
An invincible existence that truly stands in the middle of nowhere, a supreme giant that is enough for Ruler’s countless continents to live and die in the future, and now, a Divine Saint
However, he was almost unable to breathe, and even forced to the end of the mountain, what a brilliant achievement, what a great record.

At the moment, from pushing this glory and greatness to the unprecedented Peak, the Divine Saint is in the midst of the mighty world.
Just a step away, an unprecedented feat is in front of him, how can he halfway?


The more violent Sword Intent is detonated in the Verdant Ruins Spirit World!

Suddenly, Verdant Ruins was almost the fastest, almost beyond the speed of the same cultivator gaze limit, actually a bit faster, with the body of all True Origin, Scarlet Abyss sword all the power flow, even the Sword Intent The burning speed and power have all climbed to an unprecedented level. His whole person seems to have broken into a high-speed space and high-dimensional World that the ordinary people can’t capture. It has just been strangled. It is reasonable to say how it should be. The sword of the Sundial, which was prepared with the gas, was once again formed on the sword front of Scarlet Abyss sword, and then…

break out!

“hong long long !”

The statue of Emperor Ruins, who blocked the sword of Verdant Ruins, shot a more dazzling Huaguang in the second sword, and this layer of Huaguang was like the last sorrow of the returning light, accompanied by the sunken sword light. , completely dimmed.

“How is it possible… Divine Ability is able to release to such a storm!”

True God looked at the rays of light, lost the charm of moving toward the statue of Yan Di, who fell down, and stunned his brain.

This battle today almost subverted his understanding of common sense!

But the next moment he didn’t have that many thoughts about why the Divine Ability of the people in front of him could be so unreasonable because Verdant Ruins’ fifth sword came…

With the fifth sword smashing out, the field of True God has been crushed and fragmented, losing the barrier of the field. In his vision, the blazing sword light of Huang Huang is like a fallen sun, carrying people desperate. And the suffocating, hot, assaults the senses, seems to burn the invincible existence of his divine Realm, completely erased from the whole world.


Divine Saint

He is Divine Saint

Invincible Divine Saint above the border of Saint
, a Divine Saint
How can you be willing to admit defeat in front of a powerful person?

“Do not!”

True God roars low and the voice contains infinite anger: “I am Divine Saint
! Little Saint, I dare to humiliate me! ”

Low God within the body, the Force of Origin Source belongs to the field, and it suddenly burns. The field that has been smashed by Verdant Ruins’s five-day sword seems to have been injected into the field. The measurable power of the vastness is soaring.

At the same time, on him, Divine Saint
The breath of the field is soaring, and the power of the field seems to have been blessed by the deeper and mysterious power of the stalwart. The power of the tumultuous field has become more sturdy and richer than before. From the inside out, it spreads wildly. Verdant Ruins’s fifth smashing sword of the sundial broke into the field of outward spread. The whole field was shocked, layered to resist, and the layers were worn away, which was enough to tear in the field. The sword light of a few kilometers is quickly crushed, and it is annihilated…


(Seeking a recommendation, asking for a wave of support!)

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