“噗chi! ”

Blood spit.

Verdant Ruins’s face was flushed, and the whole body seemed to be at the limit of a crash.

However, seeing all directions is more and more violent than the hardships of True God during the heyday of the glory. The power of the field is as strong as the tsunami, and his eyes are also swept out. Fine light!

“Give me something!”

Strong support for the almost collapsed body, the sixth sword of the Japanese sword, once again pulled out…

However, unlike the first five swords, the sixth sword of the Japanese sword is not the True God in the middle of the field. Instead, he returns to the gap between his fields that he was previously torn by himself and has not yet been completely repaired. The sword broke out.

Suddenly, the sharp sword qi mixed with the burns void completely violently broke out in the gap of the field that had not been completely repaired, tearing the original thick and sturdy field, a vacuum of nearly ten kilometers in diameter. The crack is like a smashing of the heavens and the earth, extending from the inside out…

“hong long long !”

The sound blasts!

Taking advantage of the fact that the power of this field was shattered, Verdant Ruins’s sword was broken, and the whole person seemed to tear the ray of light of the rainbow, and the real power of True God rushed out of the field. Out.


It’s almost incredible!

“hong long long !”

The violent temptation of True God’s field-wide Verdant Ruins is accelerating again in Void, and the thunderous roar of breaking the sound barriers is constantly ringing in Void. When suffering, True God burns the field and relies on Divine Saint.
When the power of the field was completely restored, Verdant Ruins left him…

It has been expanded to 40 kilometers!

The life of True God is 30 kilometers in diameter, but this 30 kilometers is centered on him. The radius of the field is still only 15 kilometers up and down, 40 kilometers…

Far beyond the scope of the True God field of suffering.


Verdant Ruins shouting loudly broke out at all speeds, and the Void behind him seemed to be too fast, because it formed a dark gray ditch that was swallowed by rays of light, just like a Heaven’s Scar.

At this time, in order to avoid Verdant Ruins, the suffering of True God has already withdrawn from the flying fish Juggernaut, Longyan Juggernaut, and Lonely Juggernaut, which are nearly 100 kilometers away, and suddenly reacted, looking at the Divine Saint
Surgery, and burned the source of the field, the power climbed to the unprecedented suffering of True God, the three people with the slightest hesitation turned and ran, not giving the black lotus, the king of Galois and the others a half-blocking time.

“The obstacle! I want you to die!”

Burning the suffering of the field source True God made a scream of anger to the extreme, bursting at full speed, and there was a 12-step flying sword at the foot, which swept the vastness of the field far beyond the ordinary divine Realm. Force, the mighty moving towards Verdant Ruins, the people are not there, the field is rolling, and it has already brought about dramatic changes in the sky. For a time, hundreds of kilometers of lightning and thunder, storms, all around the magnetic field is The disturbance was a mess.


Before the Divine Ability was ignited, Verdant Ruins’ speed was already 40,000 kilometers per hour, and the light-speed state, and Sword Intent, spurred the ultimate full-speed flight, his speed reached Hundreds of thousand kilometers, incredible, suffering True God to catch up, even relying on the power of the field to burst the airflow and vitality in front, and vacuum it, but…

After a few breaths, Verdant Ruins was still unable to see the shadow.

What is the concept of hundred thousand kilometers per hour?

That means that he only needs one or two breaths to fly out of a hundred kilometers, which is something that extraordinary field-level invincible giants can imagine.

I am afraid that only those who step into the hole will touch the space Law, and the flying sword at the foot can’t be lower than the 12th order.

“You can’t escape my palm…”

Behind Verdant Ruins, there was a long-awaited tragedy True God’s angry roar, but the sound was farther and farther away from him.

The direction of his escape is Baihong Jianmen. The suffering True God, even if he is courageous, does not dare to go alone to the Baihong Jianmen. It is necessary to know that the power of Baihong Jianmen is stronger than the black flame. If it is suffering True God really dared to invade the Baihong Jianmen territory, waiting for him, is bound to make him a wounded Thunder strike, if he is too difficult to tell good from bad, even the danger of falling on the spot.

Sword light broke.

Verdant Ruins flew forward for thousands of kilometers. When using Observing Qi Technique, I felt a strong breath of True God. I crossed the sky and went straight to the direction of True God. Obviously, This is the divine Realm invincible giant of Baihong Jianmen.

Unable to sense the breath of True God, and the divine Realm giant of Baihong Jianmen blocked the Verdant Ruins to stop.

Once I stopped the sword, the fierce battle that caused the body’s serious load had already hit every cell in the body like a tsunami, so that the whole person was immersed in the pain of being crushed and shattered from the inside out, and his face was pale. The whole body is constantly shaking.

This pain…

It was not inferior to the six-turn sword qi that the residual sword used on him.

“My guess is good. It’s not my Sword Intent, but my body. My Sword Intent is burning, but it doesn’t burn to the true extreme, but it’s not limited to my Divine Ability formidable power. It’s my body, the full speed is out of the sword, the load is skyrocketing, if I just chose to continue and suffering True God battle… relying on Divine Saint
Surgery, a dozen swords down, even if the suffering of True God burning field will be torn and shattered again, but correspondingly, my floshy body will also completely collapse, even Scarlet Abyss sword, because of the sword of the sun The frequency is too fast to collapse… the end result will be the jade stone burning…”

Verdant Ruins senses his own state and has an intuitive understanding of the situation he is currently facing. Without the backtracking, he can burn a jade stone with the divine realm invincible giant. If the backtracking is still…

Of course, even if there is a retrospective, you can restore your status to a Peak. The possibility of killing a divine Realm is still low.

Which Divine Saint?
The Primal Chaos ranks are not in the twenty-ninth order? And the body generally has a reserve resource of hundreds of rhymes. At the crucial moment, Primal Chaos can be rushed to the 30th order and escaped by teleportation.

“Fleshy body tempering is imminent.”

When he really made up for the problem of fleshy body, he defeated Divine Saint
It will no longer be a luxury.

And at his speed…

As long as the invincible giant of the divine Realm did not transmit, otherwise, once it was defeated, wait for the only end of the divine Realm invincible giant.


No one can escape under the light.


For a while, Verdant Ruins only put out a breath.

The power of the tenth-order recovery feature allows him to in the body to create a special kind of energy that nourishes his body, so that the almost collapsed cells are quickly repaired and reborn, so that a small half-hour rest, his physical state A lot has been restored, although the pain is still there, but there is no abnormality on the surface.

Waiting for a small half hour here, the same moving away towards the direction of the Lonely Juggernaut, the Flying Fish Juggernaut, the Dragon Sword Juggernaut finally came over.

“White Market!”

“Lord Bai Hui, you are fine.”


The trio looked at Verdant Ruins, who was almost innocent, and couldn’t help but smile.

Verdant Ruins is also a slight dagger: “Is the black lotus king not chasing you?”

“Hahaha, this is the site of my Baihong Jianmen, they have this courage.”

“The White House is assured, my Changhong sword master of Baihong Jianmen has gone to the suffering of True God, slamming the suffering True God, the Divine Saint of True God
The technique has already been applied, and when the Changhong Sword Lord is coming, his Divine Saint
The technique will also dissipate. At that time, I will have Divine Saint in front of my Baihong Jianmen.
The Changhong sword master of the surgery must not dare to impudent again. ”

Silent sword saint with a faint smile.

Divine Saint
Because of the ability to add energy, after the arrival of Saint, divine Realm, the effect has been somewhat unsatisfactory. After all, the core of Domain Realm is the domain. The core of Tearing Void Realm is Law, even if the Shattering Void is also Law and energy. Combine to break Void, if you can lean on Divine Saint
The skill will raise oneself, and even two realms, and still be able to take advantage of the battle.

Same as divine Realm, one with sixth-order Divine Saint
Domain Realm strong in Divine Saint
At the time of the outbreak, the invincible giants of the five or six Ordinary divine Realm were defeated.

Of course, the exception is the speed of the divine Realm.

After all, everyone knows Divine Saint.
The drawbacks of the technique, if it is not good at speed, and his rival four or five divine Realm invincible giants only need to temporarily evade the edge of his Divine Saint
The outbreak time of the surgery can be.

“Lord of the White Market… What is Divine Ability with your dealings with True God?”

Silent Juggernaut said this, with a look of Legendary-like horror in his eyes: “It won’t be legendary… No Divine Ability?”

“No Divine Ability!”

These four words make the flying fish sword saint and the dragon sword saint breathe a little.

Divine Ability, this is the great Legendary that shines on the World of Gods since ancient times. In addition to the rumors of the Divine Ability in the ancient times, for almost 10,000 years, no one has ever heard of anyone. Divine Ability evolved.

If Verdant Ruins is derived from Divine Ability…

He will be the first person in the age of God.

“I don’t know if I am a Divine Ability. There are too few references.”

Verdant Ruins shook his head.

Silent Juggernaut, Dragon Sword and the others listened to the nodded.

At this time, Long Yao Juggernaut seemed to get any information. In the heart, suddenly he pointed to Verdant Ruins. “Lord Bai Hui, our Changhong sword master has asked you to go to Baihong Jianmen. I don’t know if you can enjoy your face. ?”

“This time, thanks to Changhong Sword Master’s shot to stop the suffering of True God, I was able to retreat from the whole body. I came to visit and thank you.”

Verdant Ruins Road.

Silent Juggernaut and the others understand that Verdant Ruins’s speed is really to escape, and True God can’t stop him at all, so now is nothing more than taking care of the face of Baihong Jianmen that’s all, and now several people are very fond of Verdant Ruins. Great increase.

Especially in the scene of Verdant Ruins’s True God Divine Ability in the field of suffering True God, the depth of his heart is even more intimate.

Divine Ability Realm ……

It’s already sturdy to this level. If he can breakthrough again, he will step into Divine Saint.

The entire gods will be eclipsed by his Divine Ability.

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