There is Yuqing incarnation, Dragon Rain Princess does not dare to “impudent” after all, this moment Verdant Ruins is deeply grateful for the decision to retain the identity of Yuqing incarnation.

“We have to discuss how to arrange it next time. We are still looking for the King of Light or looking for help from other kings.”

Verdant Ruins said, his eyes turned to Dragon Rain Princess: “You went to see the King of Heaven, can you see his face?”


Dragon Rain Princess shook his head: “When we went to the Tianjian Plateau where Tianjian Wang is located, Tianjian Wang has left, even if people in Tianjian Plateau don’t know where he went, we waited there for a while, and we were When the strong attacker led by the Dagger King and Longevity King had to retreat temporarily, and then was intercepted by the Four Sea Kings, I was quickly taken away by the King of Destruction until I finally met Dongyang Young Master.”

Yuqing incarnation on the side lifted up…

He would like to express his presence.

Incarnation also has human rights.

“It seems that Tianjian Wang can’t work here… According to my understanding, Lei Pingwang obviously wants to be self-reliant, and the four sea kings… should cooperate with other forces. In other ideas, the bright king wants It’s the most trustworthy thing to do from the Dragon’s court, but… they’ve become the target of the public now, everyone is staring at them, but it’s the most dangerous place, and the power of the remaining kings is Only the king of the gods and the peony king and the line were left. Among them, the king of the gods was supported by the eight kings and the king of the extermination. The influence was strong. The peony king was together with the red blood king, and the power was inferior… but this Neither side has the breakthrough. The mountain range has been able to see the Azure Dragon Supreme… Again, their position is not completely certain.”

Verdant Ruins analyzed it a bit and finally found that the situation of Dragon Rain Princess was actually a crisis.

From the way he saw it to the Great World, he was immediately seen by the king of Great Dragon, seeing Azure Dragon Supreme, and then swaying all the forces under the protection of Azure Dragon Supreme, and the scene of becoming a queen was very different. far.

“I am a bit strange. Doesn’t everyone want to do the anti-king rule? After all, Azure Dragon Supreme is too risky to become anti-king. It is reasonable to say that most people should support you. Why is it similar to the four seas? Wang, these people actually will start with Longyu?”

Verdant Ruins asked indulging.


Dragon Rain Princess is also somewhat confused.

After a moment, she seemed to think of something, suddenly said: “It may be the reason for the royal treasure house.”

“The royal treasure house?”


Dragon Rain Princess is nodded: “Going out, even the Lord of the Ruler ruins of our Great World, I can’t guarantee that I will be able to come back alive, in order to leave inheritance to future generations, let future generations inherit it. Growing up quickly and continuing to rule the Great World, our Lord of the Dragon Empire’s founding emperor’s ruins deliberately left a part of the rich resources in the royal treasure house. If this resource can be obtained, even if it helps its cultivation. In the realm of Primal Chaos, it is not a luxury to become a Supreme giant… If I have not guessed wrong, these people should want to coerce me to open the royal treasure house and put all the treasures in it as their own.”

“The resources that make people cultivate into the giants of Primal Chaos…”

Verdant Ruins listened, and couldn’t help but feel awkward.

No wonder.

One thought Great Boundary’s top power can theoretically be Longevity, but their lives are actually related to their World. Once they are too wounded to maintain World’s stability, at the moment of World’s collapse, there is still the possibility of death. .

But Primal Chaos is different…

In the case of Primal Chaos, the existence of World is closely related to their corresponding Great Dao. World is blessed and increased by the power of Great Dao. The energy is strong and continuous, and it is the real life and the sky. Longevity Not dead.

For this reason, countless people are almost crazy about the pursuit of Primal Chaos.

Not to mention Primal Chaos, in addition to lifespan, the strength is quite different from that of one thought Great Boundary. This can be seen from the weakest Primal Chaos World diameter can reach a thousand thousand kilometers.

One hundred thousand kilometers of World, and the Great Dao’s power blessing has become more sturdy, and it has been smashed in one breath. Any one of the world’s Small World will be crushed by crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

In order to achieve Primal Chaos, the king of these one thought Great Boundary is in danger, and it is entirely reasonable.

“How can the royal treasure house be opened?”

“I heard from the Purple Jade King that the opening of the royal treasure house needs to meet two conditions. One is the spiritual brand of our royal Bloodline and the royal Bloodline. The other is the power of the gods who guard the royal treasure house. The strength of both of us can open the royal treasure house. Of course, we still need to be ordered by the lord, but now we have no leader in the dragon empire, and we have not elected a new emperor, so this condition cannot be Established.”

“Shenwei Wang?”

The one thought Great Boundary, who is guarded in the royal treasure house, is the strongest behind Tianjianwang.

“Opening the royal treasure house requires the gods to shoot the king… It’s hard to be done, and the gods have already betrayed your royal family?”

“will not.”

Dragon Rain Princess shook his head: “According to the Purple Jade King, anyone in our Dragon Empire may betray the royal family, but Shenwei Wang will never, because he has no reason and motive for betraying the royal family…”


Verdant Ruins surprisedly said.

“I don’t know… After all, I came to the Great World for a very short time. Even if the Purple Jade King and Caixia Wang taught me a lot of things, there are some things I still can’t figure out in a short time…”

Dragon Rain Princess is a little bit annoyed.

“It seems that our hope of breaking the game is in the royal treasure house. Miss Long Yu, if you can get the cultivation resources of the royal treasure house, you can achieve Primal Chaos, even if you don’t achieve Primal Chaos, as long as you can reach one thought Great Boundary Peak, we are currently facing Everything will be solved.”

“Go to the royal treasure house?”

“Not bad!”

Verdant Ruins’s nodded: “This is the only hope we can make Ruler’s own destiny passive. Do you know where the royal treasure house is?”

“Know, just in the Imperial City…”

Longyu Princess said this, looked at Verdant Ruins: “Just, there are also a lot of strong people in the Imperial City, plus Shenwei Wang… We may not be able to sneak into it. Shenwei Wang and Tianjian Wang were once alone. A sword killed 18th-order God Beast…”

“Stop the 18th-order God Beast…”

Verdant Ruins listened, and his heart was awe.

Even if the thunder is king, the strength is slightly stronger than the 18th-order God Beast, but this tyranny is extremely limited. It is possible to defeat and defeat the 18th-order God Beast. If you want to kill it, there is no possibility.

And Tianjian Wang and Shenwei Wang can actually kill the 18th-order God Beast…

The nature of things is completely different.

“In any case, try again, as for how to enter the Imperial City…”

Verdant Ruins’s eyes fell on Yuqing incarnation, and Yuqing incarnation was also timely to brush out the sense of existence: “Give it to me, it is not a problem to bring you into the Imperial City. You only need to clearly inform me of the location of the royal treasure house. Just fine.”

“it is good.”

Long Yu Princess soon informed the Yuqing incarnation of the royal treasure house, and Yuqing incarnation also pretended to include Long Yu Princess in the personal space of Verdant Ruins.

After doing this, he received Yuqing incarnation, his body fluttering, like a streamer moving towards the direction of the Imperial City.

The dragon’s contingency in the core of the Great World is about 30 million kilometers. Fortunately, the place where the four kings and the others traveled is the imperial city. At this moment, there are only less than one million kilometers away from the imperial city. In less than half an hour, Verdant Ruins has appeared outside the Imperial City, which covers more than a thousand kilometers.

The entire Imperial City is shrouded in a huge 19th-order Array. Although it is not a preparation period, the largest 19th-order Array of formidable power is not completely turned on, but the 18th-order Array as a secondary array is opened three, one is responsible for exploration. One is responsible for defense, and the other is responsible for the energy operation in the Imperial City. As for the attack Array, it does not open.

Verdant Ruins runs the Stand upright Divine Ability, which converges to the level of only the Golden Core Realm.

This cultivation base is extremely Ordinary among the Emperor Dragons. Or, below the divine Realm, it belongs to the Ordinary level in the Emperor Dragons. After all, the Emperor Dragons are the guards of all around, at least the divine Realm. The imperial guards who are stationed outside of Void are even more at the Shattering Void. After all, if the enemy wants to attack the Emperor Dragon, the first attack is the fortress outside the Void battlefield.

Just like Earth World’s war between the two countries, when the battle broke out, it was necessary to destroy the other’s space-based weapons. Otherwise, it will inevitably face a situation in which passive beatings are difficult to fight back.

“The royal treasure house.”

Verdant Ruins quietly entered the imperial city, and then relyed on the Stand upright Immortal Arts in the imperial city, constantly approaching the royal treasure house.

However, the Array of the area where the royal treasure house is located is heavy. Verdant Ruins has the Stand upright, which is completely independent of Immortal Arts. This does not mean that he can completely ignore the Array. In many cases, he can only take advantage of the opportunity of guards going out. Follow them into the Array, so that the speed of the advance is naturally very slow, until he actually came to the square outside the royal treasure house, it is already half a month later.

“Shenwei Wang actually enveloped his World in the royal treasure house. Anyone who is close to the royal treasure house within ten kilometers is equivalent to stepping into his World. He will certainly feel something… This is a solution. ……”

Verdant Ruins looked up and glanced at the environment around.

Array , and still an 18th-order Array.

Although the attack in the 18th-order Array is not yet open, Verdant Ruins has reason to believe that once Shenweiwang is attacked, someone will inevitably activate the Array until that time…

Under the 18th-order Array coverage, even if it is similar to the top powerhouse in one thought Great Boundary, such as Tianjian Wang, there is absolutely only a dead end.

“Lured the tiger away from the mountain is not used. The duty of Shenwei Wang is to sit in the royal treasure house. No matter what changes in the outside world, he will not easily leave the scope of the royal treasure house… Then, you can only let the dragon Rain Princess is going to move with emotion, if it doesn’t work… then use my dangerous plan that is likely to expose my Primal Chaos.

Verdant Ruins flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes.

The next moment, his body flashed directly into the Small World range of Shenwei Wang, appearing outside the royal treasure house covered by his Small World.

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