
As Verdant Ruins stepped into the kingdom of Small World, a huge breath suddenly rushed, carrying the Mount Tai pressure-like pressure to lock the shape of Verdant Ruins.

“The god is king and slow.”

Before waiting for the terrifying breath to turn into a devastating offensive, Verdant Ruins quickly said: “Please ask God King to show up.”


The king of Shenwei flashed in front of Verdant Ruins, but his power of World became substantive in an instant. The power of the powerful World is moving towards Verdant Ruins. He is completely trapped in his own world.

“Your identity, your purpose.”

“I am Dongyang. Before I tell you the purpose of Lord Shenwei, please allow me to introduce one person to God of God.”

After Verdant Ruins finished, Yuqing incarnation pretended to open up his personal space, and then, Long Yu Princess had already come out of his personal space.

The eyes of Shenwei Wang glanced at Longyu Princess, which seemed to have sensed the special state of Longyu Princess and the omnipresent airpower of the entire Dragon Empire. The face changed slightly, but these changes lasted less than half. Breathing has returned to the original.

“I believe that God King Wang has already recognized her identity. The only successor of the current Royal Bloodline, Dragon Rain Princess.”

Shenwei Wang was silent for a moment, and for a while, he slowly said: “This is related to me.”

“At present, the situation of Xiaolong Great World should have been heard, even though there are Kings of Light, King of Caixia, King of Purple Jade and the others who want to protect the Dragon King of Princess Safety, but more are like King of Thunder, In this case, in order to ensure the safety of Dragon Rain, the best way is to make Longyu Princess itself have enough self-protection.”

Verdant Ruins said this, looking at the expressionless Shenwei Wang: “And want to let Long Yu Princess have enough self-protection power, the best way is undoubtedly to open the royal treasure house, let Long Yu Princess get the original lord of the ruins The inheritance that remained in the royal treasure house made it the top powerhouse of at least one thought Great Boundary. At that time, she was called safe, and she was able to break through the blockade of the royal mausoleum and see the others. Azure Dragon Supreme, please come to Azure Dragon Supreme, Sweeping Across the World, and lay the big picture.”

“Open the royal treasure house…”

Shenwei Wang was silent.

Although he spends most of his time in the imperial city to guard the royal treasure house, this does not mean that he knows nothing about the outside world. On the contrary, he still understands quite well, at least not in those anti-kings. Under the power.


“My duty is to guard the royal treasure house, and to open the royal treasure house, you must have the order of the emperor.”

“The order of the Emperor’s Majesty? At present, the Dragon Kingdom’s direct Bloodline has been degraded, leaving only the Dragon Rain Princess, she is the deserved queen of the entire Dragon Empire, what order is needed.”

“I don’t know if there is any residue in the Royal Directline. I only know that the person sitting on the throne of the Emperor of the Dragon is not the Dragon Master. If she really wants to open the royal treasure, wait for her to get all the kings, The approval of the Dukes became the Queen of the Dragon Empire, and I will assist him in opening up the treasure house and taking out many treasures collected in the treasure house.”

“The current Xiaolong empire is simply a leaderless dragon. There is an urgent need for a royal man to end the current chaos of the Dragon empire. This person is not a dragon rain Princess. You can’t understand this simple truth. As for the dragon rain Princess Ascended to become the Queen of the Dragon Empire. Do you think that when she asks for Azure Dragon Supreme to sweep the big game, there are other kings and dukes who dare to oppose her orders?”

“So, wait until she asks Azure Dragon Supreme to become the Queen of the Dragon Empire. If she orders me at that time, I will obey.”

Shenwei Wang said this, expression is staring at Verdant Ruins: “It is my duty to guard the royal treasure house. In any environment, this duty will be the most important meaning in my life.”


Verdant Ruins looked at a god-dead king who did not open the royal treasure house without the command of the emperor, and suddenly disappeared.

I can’t think of this god Wei Wang is such a rib.


Thinking about it, it is also reasonable.

After all, who can guarantee that the royal direct Bloodline is really being killed? If this is not the case, Shenwei Wang opened the royal treasure house at this time, then those royal members who are directly under the Bloodline are not without any hope?

“Okay, please come back. Without the command of the Emperor, no one should be close to the royal treasure house. I did not attack you at the first time in the scope of your invasion of the royal treasure house because it confirmed the identity of Your Highness Princess. Give Your Highness Princess a face.”

Shenwei Wang said coldly.

Dragon Rain Princess had no choice but to turn to Verdant Ruins for help. “Dongyang Young Master, what do we do now?”

“Do you know how to open the royal treasure house?”

“Know that opening the royal treasure house is divided into two steps. The first step is to find the door to the royal treasure house from the space. This step can only be achieved by Shenwei Wang through his own unique True Qi. Another step is The royal family must be verified by the Bloodline. Once verified, it will naturally be transferred to the royal treasure house.”

Long Yu Princess said that the tone was slightly stopped: “However, as far as I know, it seems that only the royal Bloodline holders will be transferred to the royal treasure house.”

Verdant Ruins couldn’t help but frowned.

For a moment, he thought of something: “It looks like you can only try to plan two.”

“Plan 2?”

Long Yu Princess is somewhat puzzled. What plans are there?

Verdant Ruins did not answer in detail, and the figure appeared on the front side, and suddenly appeared on the side of Shenwei Wang, and went directly to Shenwei Wang.

“hmph! ”

God Wei Wang scorned, he felt that the boy in front of him at best Divine Saint
The cultivation base of the real body, but the man behind him, has a mysterious atmosphere, he actually can not see the depth of the other side, therefore, in the face of Verdant Ruins raid, he just mobilized his own World Force to suppress it, most of the energy is concentrated in Yuqing incarnation, guarding against his sudden attack.

This kind of mentality, however, made Verdant Ruins break the power of the suppression of Small World, and directly shrouded the gods in his own attack range, and then waited for the next attack of Shenwei Wang to get started, Verdant Ruins Primal Chaos, stagnation, and transfer are simultaneously activated…


He took the king of the gods directly, and he appeared in the nameless wilderness that was tens of millions of miles away from the imperial city.

Perceived by changes in the environment around, the face of Shenwei Wang suddenly became extremely ugly, and immediately whispered: “You are courting death !”

The next moment he seems to be going all out, killing Verdant Ruins and then returning to the Imperial City with the fastest transfer.

“Da Yan sword qi, out!”

At the time of Shenweiwang’s shot, Verdant Ruins’s 49 road sword qi burst out at the same time, swaying in the world of Shenweiwang, ignoring the power of World that Shenwei Wang turned for the first time.

Under the power of World, Verdant Ruins’s screaming screaming qi is crazy, and the mighty World Power is crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood to directly crush Verdant Ruins’ body shape.

Verdant Ruins can’t avoid this scene, and even if he fights his own life, he will hurt the posture of the gods.

“If you think that I will be in love with you because of Your Highness Princess and your relationship, then it is a big mistake. Look at the treasure house and die!”

“hong long long !”

World’s crushing, innocent defense of Verdant Ruins is directly crushed by the mighty power of World, like a vast star falling and bombarding a small Mortal, making him “fragile” on the spot. Divine Saint
The real body is annihilated.

However, when he crushed Verdant Ruins, Verdant Ruins did not care about the life and death of 49 Great Amplifying Sword Qi. It was also a stubborn breach of the power of God’s World, leaving a sword mark on him. .

Unfortunately, this level of sword marks does not say that it has caused serious damage to Shenwei Wang. Even the qualifications that have affected him are not. Under the recovery characteristics, one breathing time is less, and the sword marks have quickly healed. , restored as ever.

“overestimate one’s capabilities !”

God Wei Wang faintly said, the picture of the royal treasure house emerged in his mind, it is necessary to use the transmission to return to the royal treasure house.

“weng weng! ”

Just as Shenwei Wang intended to send it back to the royal treasure house, Verdant Ruins, which had been crushed into powder by the power of Shenwei Wang World, once again condensed, and it was as good as ever.

This scene makes the gods king complexion changed.

“Is it a retrospective that can be derived from Primal Chaos and other 40 steps… In addition to the ruins of the Lord and a few Supremes, some of us can raise Primal Chaos to 40. the above?”

Shenwei Wang is still confirming the correctness of his own guess. The Primal Chaos Temple suddenly became blurred. At this moment, he seems to be directly deprived of the identity of son of Primal Chaos and was completely returned to the prototype. Son of Primal Chaos All kinds of characteristics disappeared without a trace.


“weng weng! ”

Verdant Ruins, who used the freezing technique to solidify the power of the gods of the Primal Chaos, immediately resumed the use interval of the transfer with stagnation, and then sent a delivery, and the figure disappeared in front of the gods, disappear without a trace.

“Transmission! How is it possible? He just used the transfer technique. How can it be applied again immediately? Even if the transmission is upgraded to the tenth order, it is impossible to make the transmission unrestricted… Damn… the royal treasure house is dangerous! ”

Shenwei Wang instantly understood the seriousness of the problem. In the first time, he would enter the Primal Chaos Temple and contact the two Grand Dukes of the Primal Chaos Temple to help him guard the royal treasure house. Let them immediately stop the generations who glimpse the royal treasure house. It is customary for him to contact the Temple of Primal Chaos to detect the Temple of Primal Chaos.

The presence of the Primal Chaos Temple has long become blurred, and he could not sense half a point, let alone the two Grand Dukes through the Primal Chaos Temple, and they went to intercept the invaders of the royal treasure house.

“Damn! Block Primal Chaos and other ranks? Is it this child? Sometimes the Lord of Light, the Lord of the Gods, a great blessed treasure, or… He is the king of the gods or the Lord of Time. And the pieces that are going to be destroyed inside us…”

With a resentment, Shenwei Wang flew at full speed and quickly flew away from the Imperial City, which was more than 20 million kilometers away.

At this time, he only hoped that his speed was fast enough to stop the mysterious man and Long Yu Princess from pursuing the royal treasure house.


(I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival, Shangyuan Festival, and Yuan Xi Festival.)

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