“Dongyang Young Master!”

In front of the royal treasure house, looking at Verdant Ruins, who suddenly disappeared and suddenly appeared, Long Yu Princess hurried up and looked relieved.

“Well, now is not the time to say this, we will immediately open the royal treasure house and say that the treasure house has always been sitting in the town of Shenwei, others will feel peace of mind, now the gods and kings leave, they will soon react, we will enter the treasure house as soon as possible Then, take all the things in the treasure house and talk about it.”

Verdant Ruins Road.

“However, how do we get into the treasure house? If you want to enter the royal treasure house, you must cooperate with the gods who have the royal direct Bloodline, but Shenwei Wang is not here now.”

“I have a way for this.”

Verdant Ruins snorted.

He did not hesitate to change his life. He used 49 Great Amplifying Sword Qi to leave a sword mark on Shenweiwang. The main purpose is not to be the other, but to get the blood of Shenweiwang.

As long as he gets the blood of Shenweiwang, he can change into a god king with change.

After changing into the king of Shenwei, although he could not obtain the Divine Ability method mastered by Shenweiwang, he did not have the memory possessed by Shenweiwang, but whether it was Spiritual Fluctuation or True Qi fluctuation, it would become exactly the same as Shenweiwang.

“Miss Long Yu, the next thing I hope you can keep a secret for me, can’t be mentioned to anyone.”

Dragon Rain Princess saw Verdant Ruins’s prudent appearance, and nodded with force: “Dongyang Young Master, rest assured, I know that everything you do now is for me, I will never take whatever happens today. The matter is mentioned to people other than the three of us.”

“it is good.”

Verdant Ruins nodded.

At this moment, he also took a lot of danger.

The use of change in front of Dragon Rain Princess is undoubtedly the result of exposing his own Primal Chaos to 50th order. If Dragon Rain Princess really wants to deal with him, he will take his Primal Chaos and other orders as his own. Just ask Azure Dragon Supreme to take the shot. With his current cooling status, I am afraid that it will be a problem to save my life.


In order to get the most precious resources in the royal treasure house, he had to make this choice in order to get the best of the world and solve the crisis facing Earth World.

Thinking of this, in the eyes of Long Yu Princess, Verdant Ruins’s body shape suddenly changed. After a long time, it has completely changed into the appearance of the gods, the breath, the spirit, even the look is exactly the same, and the real gods There is no difference.

The only problem is…

When he changed into a god king, it was obvious that a virtual Small World caused a terrible load on itself. This kind of load was even higher than the previous change to God Beast.

“This… Dongyang Young Master, you are…”

“Dragon Rain Princess, now is not the time to explain, I will not last long, we will enter the royal treasures as soon as possible!”

Verdant Ruins changed the god of the gods and shouted, with the dragon rain Princess quickly came to the palace gate of the royal palace, eyes focused on the Array at the entrance of the palace, he quickly injected his own True Qi into the Array .

As the change of the game brought his True Qi fluctuations into harmony with the gods, the Array at the entrance of the palace was quickly activated by him, and the dragon rain Princess suddenly came forward and dropped a drop of his own blood.

The blood enters the Array, and the Array is streamed. The space fluctuations visible to the naked eye suddenly spread away with the Dragon Rain Princess as the center.

Under the influence of this space fluctuation force, I was originally sitting in the imperial city and thought that the royal treasure house had Shenweiwang in the four people who could sit back and relax. The strong ones were awakened at the same time, and a powerful atmosphere mixed with the power of World. Then, accompanied by bursts of repressed anger: “The royal treasure house was actually opened!?”

“Shenwei Wang, what do you want to do? At this moment, the position of the emperor is pending, you can open the royal treasure house privately!”

“Shenwei Wang, you are dereliction of duty, you are not afraid to face the punishment of the contract at the time!”

Among the roars, the mighty World Power has surged, and in a moment, hundreds of kilometers of space centered on the royal treasure house will be completely banned.

But these World powers can’t hold all the space, but they can’t control the Array of treasures that have already been activated. With a burst of glare, the Dragon Rain Princess, which was already in the midst of space fluctuations, disappears instantly and is sucked into the front door. Among the closed treasures.

While almost the Dragon Rain Princess was inhaled into the royal treasure house, Verdant Ruins had already marked the meta-lock on the Dragon Rain Princess.

In order to ensure the normal operation of the dimension lock, he deliberately added the Primal Chaos to the dimension lock, which made the equal order of the dimension lock temporarily increase to the 7th grade, the power of the 7th grade dimension lock, and suddenly broke the barrier of the royal treasure house, directly let He followed the dragon rain Princess and everything was gone into the transmission. With the space around all around being blurred and distorted, the two of them appeared in the peak of an incomparable gigantic.

There are a total of thousands of peaks in this mountain. Each mountain is not less than one meter according to the size of the mountain. The small one is less than one kilometer, while the large one is more than ten kilometers or even tens of kilometers.

Thousands of mountain peaks are filled with this world, crowded with heaven and earth, and at the end of the heavens and earth, it is a gray color. At the end of the gray color, there is a rainbow of seven colors, falling from the depths of Primal Chaos. Underneath, penetrated into this piece of World, making World solid and there has never been a collapse.

“The rainbow is…Great Dao…the power of Great Dao…”

Verdant Ruins’s eyes were concentrated in the seven-color rainbow, and couldn’t help but a deep breath: “This is a Primal Chaos Supreme World!”

“Dongyang Young Master, you… how did you get in?”

Dragon Rain Princess See Verdant Ruins, expression is full of surprises.

“I have my own way.”

Verdant Ruins said: “If you don’t want to be late, let’s take a look at some of the thousands of peaks.”

Dragon Rain Princess looked at Verdant Ruins, her eyes were a little weird, but for a moment, she was still nodded: “Well, let’s check it out.”

While speaking, she is slightly looking up, moving toward the 10,000-kilometer Small World Center, where there is a huge mountain with a diameter of tens of kilometers, the peak is as high as ten ten thousand meters, which is the first of all the peaks. There, she felt a sense of meditation, and she could feel the breath of a Bloodline call.

“Dongyang Young Master…”

“Where? I will take you there.”

Verdant Ruins said, with Dragon Rain Princess, quickly moved towards the mountain in the center of Small World.

Although he can’t tear the space in this Small World, but by his own understanding of Law and the mystery of Divine Ability, thousands of kilometers are still quickly crossed by him. In a short time, the two have come. Going outside the mountain.

There is obviously more than one Array on the mountain. These Arrays are mostly used to guarantee the quality of some resources except for several defensive Arrays. Therefore, Verdant Ruins standing outside the Array can clearly see the inside of the mountain. The ray of light, the jewels of the jewels rush to the stars, if not because of the Array cover, these breaths will be filled with Void, the entire Small World will shine.

When Longyu Princess came out of the mountain, the Array of the mountain seemed to have some strange feelings with her Bloodline Power, and a streamer directly entered her body.

“Miss Long Yu, you are fine.”

Verdant Ruins saw this scene and quickly asked.

“I’m fine…”

Long Yu Princess replied as he digested the information.

For a moment, she only expressed the complex bite of her lips: “This mountain is indeed the remains of our imperial empire, the empire of the Emperor of the Dragon Empire. There are not only the cultivation resources that quickly cultivated from Longevity to the divine Realm… It also records a different kind of surgery, this different technique can make this Small World refining into my private Small World, and this Small World is not only owned by Supreme, but also the lord of the ruins has killed nine Thanks to the Primal Chaos, God Beast, with the power of the nine Primal Chaos God Beast, the Array is able to last for nine thousand years, and its effect is to make this Small during this time. World has the stability and resilience of Primal Chaos Supreme.”

Verdant Ruins immediately understood the meaning of Dragon Rain Princess: “You mean… This Small World is only 10,000 kilometers apart, but its stability and firmness are enough to match the Primal Chaos giant’s Small World?”

Dragon Rain Princess nodded.


I was convinced by Long Yu Princess that even if Verdant Ruins was ready, she couldn’t help but the great talent took a deep breath for the Ruler defender.

Goth Beast in the nine Primal Chaos.

You know, God Beast, which is in Primal Chaos, is almost equivalent to Great Dao incarnation. Compared to the giant Primal Chaos, the advantage is not in Divine Saint.
Under the real world, under Unrivaled Realm, the power of a Primal Chaos God Beast is definitely worthy of the top ten Primal Chaos.

The powerful Primal Chaos, God Beast, was killed by the ruins of the lord, in order to give such an Array to his descendants, so that future generations can take advantage of the power of World. The rapid rise of speed.

after all……

Even a Small World with a diameter of only 10,000 kilometers is reliable. It is not inferior to the world’s stability of the Primal Chaos giant. It is far more powerful than any one thought Great Boundary. Let Dragon Rain Princess make this Small World. After refining is mastered, her combat power is estimated to be promoted to the extent that Tianjian Wang can’t fight.

“Dongyang Young Master, I refining this World, it takes three to four years… In these three to four years, this Small World thing you use casually, you can take anything that is useful to you.”

After the Dragon Rain Princess finished, it seems that he has been fed up with such a lack of strength, and the life of the precarious, squatting, has already stepped into the mountain of 100 kilometers in diameter.

“Three or four years?”

Verdant Ruins is slightly startled.

If you wait for three or four years, wouldn’t you miss the 16-year deadline for returning to Earth?

I thought of this Verdant Ruins and hurriedly shouted: “Miss Long Yu, wait a minute!”


Dragon Rain Princess has entered the mountain at the moment, and there is a defensive Array outside the mountain. This defensive Array, although only ten 7th grade, can not be embedded in Small World, with a constant supply of power, unless he can take this Array in one breath. Crush, otherwise, it is impossible to force the Array to open.

Verdant Ruins looked at the dragon rain Princess, who couldn’t wait to enter the state of Small World refining, slightly took a deep breath.

this moment……

He has a feeling of faint…

In front of this dragon rain Princess, it seems that he is not as innocent as he imagined.


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