Verdant Ruins was silent for a moment, and after all, turned his eyes to other peaks.

What he has to do now is to get the benefits that belong to him.

As a place where the Ruler treasurer deliberately collects treasure for his family Junior, the value of the royal treasure house is not comparable to that of a regular Ruler, but it is above most of the one thought Great Boundary, enough for some newcomers. The Primal Chaos is a giant.

Verdant Ruins keeps on these peaks, and each mountain has almost a lot of extra out of the ordinary treasure.

These treasures or divine weapon tools, or heavenly materials, earthly treasures, or natural wonders.

However, Verdant Ruins is now clearly embarking on a different cultivation path than the orthodox. There are a lot of treasures for ordinary people. For Verdant Ruins, it is nothing. All he can do is to put these things first. Incorporate into the personal space, and then have the opportunity to exchange one after another for the resources that are beneficial to you.

After a short walk, Verdant Ruins’s body suddenly stopped in front of a peak of 40 diameter.

“True God Yuan!”

Looking at the top of the mountain, the Array protected by the Array is less than the diameter of the clear spring pool, Verdant Ruins’s face is finally a smile.

True God Yuan fluid has little effect on human cultivation, but has a significant nourishing effect on special life. It should be owned by the Red Dragon.

“Your chance is coming.”

Verdant Ruins smiled and took the Scarlet Abyss sword and threw it directly into the clear spring of the diameter of the bay.

And Akira clearly understands the effect of True God Yuan on himself, cheers and immersed himself in True God.

“Time is tight, we only have a maximum of one year. Within a year, you will completely refining the energy in the True God elemental fluid as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will only be wasted.”

Verdant Ruins Road.

“Father, don’t worry, I know.”

Verdant Ruins nodded, continue to move towards the next mountain.

After a short time, his figure has stopped in front of a fruit tree: “The dragon fruit tree!”

Verdant Ruins’s gaze was carefully examined on the fruit tree. After a slight comparison, it was discovered that the dragon fruit tree that was carefully taken care of by the Emperor of the Dragon Emperor was not as good as his one, which made him have to It is indeed a correct choice to sigh the magic of this kind of creature, which he used to spend 1400 rhymes.

“This planted dragon fruit tree is ripe, if I transplant it to my World, and then use Muling to cultivate it, it will bloom in half a year, and then there will be a group of dragon fruit.”

Verdant Ruins thought that the movements on her hands were not slow. The power of World spread, and soon the dragon fruit trees were included in their personal space, and then some of the wood spirits were distributed and wrapped around the dragon fruit tree. The dragon fruit tree, which was originally grown at Ordinary speed, quickly exudes vitality.

Verdant Ruins continues to move forward, and although it is precious to pick up the things along the way, there are not many that can really get into the eyes of Verdant Ruins.

It was not until he came to a mountain with a diameter of 60 kilometers in the west that he suddenly stopped the silhouette.

This mountain…

There is a Divine Beast

A scale that looks like a horse but is covered with blue blue.

Looking at this God Beast, Verdant Ruins’s heart was moving, and a name of God Beast emerged in his mind.

“Jun Jun

辍 in the twelve God Beast

This God Beast, known as one of the four True Gods in Earth World’s ancient mythology, was once in the same name as Nuwa, Haotian, and Fuxi. Although Verdant Ruins did not know whether this rumor was true or false, God Beast 芰θ Word screaming

This dignity

Verdant Ruins took a closer look and the expression was amazed.

“A ten 7th grade

Verdant Ruins’s gaze looked at the mountain for a moment, and soon fell to a stone monument outside the mountain. After a little induction, he suddenly realized that this God Beast was actually the lord of the ruins, and was sealed in the mountain. Just waiting for someone with a royal Bloodline to sign a contract with the God essence and become the owner of this God Beast.

Despite this 曛 惺呓 惺呓 惺呓 碌 碌 碌 碌 碌 碌 碌 碌 恳丫懔 恳丫懔 恳丫懔 趸湍芄 趸湍芄 趸湍芄 趸湍芄 趸湍芄 趸湍芄 趸湍芄 趸湍芄 趸湍芄 趸湍芄 趸湍芄 趸湍芄 趸湍芄 趸湍芄 趸湍芄 趸湍芄 趸湍芄 趸湍芄 趸湍芄 趸湍芄 趸湍芄Paddle disaster

The owner of the ruins is very thoughtful, just on the other side of the mountain, there is still a mountain, which contains ten sacred gas, and a Qi of Profound Yellow.

This so-called Qi of Profound Yellow is derived from an ancient rumor, Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow, Universe Great Desolate.

At the beginning of any World, there will be a Qi of Profound Yellow, and Qi of Profound Yellow is equivalent to a World blessing.

Although this statement is overthrown, it can also prove the mystery and power of Qi of Profound Yellow.

The formation of a stable Great World will inevitably involve the operation of Great Dao, Qi of Profound Yellow, which can almost be regarded as the power of Great Dao. This kind of treasure, for any God Beast breakthrough to the 19th order, set foot on Primal Chaos The path of the Yuan Saint Physique is immeasurable.

“This head smashed and smashed, smashed, smashed, smashed, smashed, smashed, smashed, swayed, sighed, sighed Pu type 蕹苫煸ヌ澹ど 苫煦缟锏 苫煦缟锏 苫煦缟锏 ∪绻嫒闽锪酃 ∪绻嫒闽锪酃 ∪绻嫒闽锪酃 ∪绻嫒闽锪酃 ∪绻嫒闽锪酃 ∪绻嫒闽锪酃 玫 玫 玫 玫 玫 玫 玫 玫 玫 玫 玫 玫 玫 玫 玫 玫 玫 庾鹕袷蓿 庾鹕袷蓿 庾鹕袷蓿Yun Zhengjun

Verdant Ruins looked at this God Beast and had to say that the lord of the ruins had almost thought of all the things that could be thought of, and the remaining backs were enough to ensure that their descendants continued to maintain the royal family after opening the royal treasure house. Domination, peace of mind.

“God Beast is far superior to human beings. The human cultivator is said to have only completed the first cultivation of Primal Chaos, and its own Law thoroughly fits and smelts with the 12 God Beast’s Law before it can be mixed. Yuan Saint Physique, to the Prime Layer of Primal Chaos, and God Beast…they are the incarnations of the twelve Great Dao. There is no such thing as a true harmony with the Da Da, and the smelt of the Great Dao Law can directly condense the Saint Physique. … No wonder, even without Small World, Primal Chaos’s top Go Beast is still so much stronger than the human Primal Chaos.”

Verdant Ruins gave a sigh of relief, but his eyes fell on the mountain with the sacred atmosphere and the Qi of Profound Yellow.

This ten 7th grade Peak’s God Beast 晟砩媳徊枷 踉 踉 挥 挥 挥 涤 涤 涤 谢 谢 谢 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 し し し し し し し し氐目植来嬖诓 茫嘈娓疚薹 茫嘈娓疚薹 茫嘈娓疚薹 茫嘈娓疚薹 簿 簿 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

After doing this, he did not disturb the sleeping God Beast in the semi-seal state, and searched again on other peaks.

Three days later, he had already turned around the entire mountain of Small World and collected all the things he had useful.

Among these things, Verdant Ruins also found a set of Supreme Divine Artifact in addition to True God Yuan Liquid, Dragon Fruit Tree, and Wilderness.

Yes, not one, but a set.

Excalibur, divine armor, and a flying craft that can be used as a flying weapon.

What makes him speechless is that there are Bloodline brands on these swords and divine armors, and it is difficult to use non-Royal direct Bloodline.

Fortunately, this banned brand in the divine weapon weapon is not placed in the God Beast 晟砩 踉 踉 踉 踉 湔 湔 湔 湔 湔 湔 湔 湔 洌 洌 洌 洌 洌 洌 洌 洌 洌 洌 洌 洌 蚰サ簦 蚰サ簦 蚰サ簦竦 跛 跛 跛 鸸馍 鸸馍 鸸馍 鸸馍 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

After collecting all the useful things, Verdant Ruins came to the peak of the Dragon Rain Princess retreat.

All the Arrays on the entire mountain have been turned on. He can’t reach the Dragon Rain Princess in the Array, and the Dragon Rain Princess itself is in the process of retreating, and is no longer going out.

As for tearing this World is gone…

This method was also rejected by Verdant Ruins.

Primal Chaos Supreme’s World is based on the Great Dao. It’s stronger than the world of one thought Great Boundary. Is it so strong?

Maybe change to God Beast, and do everything in his power. He can tear this World apart, but after tearing World, it will inevitably be worn out. Plus, there must be one thought Great Boundary from outside. Keeping guards, when he is very weak, can he get out of the containment of those who thought Great Boundary? It is very problematic…

For safety reasons……

“You can only wait for the transfer to cool down.”

Verdant Ruins looked at the cooldown that lasted for a year, and he was very sad: “I just hope that it will be too late.”

There is no other way, he began to retreat and practice, and he will get a new ten-abandoned one after another refining.

However, his physical strength has reached ten 7th grade, and the help of his ignorance is no longer as significant as it was at the beginning.

In the half year, ten sacred spirits went down. Although his physical strength has increased, it is obviously worse than reaching the level equivalent to 18th order, even if he has collected a round of dragon fruit during this period. The complete refining of the dragon fruit from the dragon fruit tree in this World is still only the tempering of its body strength to ten 7th grade, from the breakthrough to the eighteenth order…

Still worse.

Thinking of this, his eyes could not help but fall on the Qi of Profound Yellow.

Qi of Profound Yellow, but there is a high probability that it can shape the top treasure of a Primal Chaos God Beast…

Used in this human being, he broke through to the 18th order, it is a bit violent.


Think of the situation that you are currently facing and the various crises encountered by the Earth civilization…

Verdant Ruins finally made a decision.

“Using resources is the best resource. In history, resources have been reluctant to be killed and killed. The example of cheaping the enemy is not uncommon… What is the price/performance ratio? Since Qi of Profound Yellow is very useful for my breakthrough, Refining again.”

With this in mind, Verdant Ruins without the slightest hesitation pulled this most precious Qi of Profound Yellow from his personal space and smelt it.

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