Qi of Profound Yellow is the first element of the birth of World, the mystery contained in it is higher than the mysterious atmosphere.

When this Qi of Profound Yellow was re-enacted by Verdant Ruins, his spirit seemed to be stripped from the fleshy body, directly touching the beginning of the world, the scene of the beginning of the universe, like the supernova explosion, endless brilliance and erosion In an instant, he is filled with his spiritual world. In that brilliance, he can clearly see countless Worlds, and countless things return to silence and end.

In this wonderful insight, his fifth sword, which was originally spurred by the seven-star Sword Spirit, has gradually become clear, and the fifth sword after the black sword has never been derived.

What is behind the black hole?

The black hole itself is nothing more than a special celestial body that cannot escape even the rays of light. If a black hole does not calculate its internal collapse and shoots out the matter, it grows only one way, that is, it expands and expands. , and then expand until you have swallowed up all the things you have come into contact with.

When it swallows up without any substance to swallow, his own interior will begin to collapse quickly…

At this time, if there is a high-level external force to intervene, its final form after the collapse will form a special substance.

A “singularity” substance.

But if there is no external force to intervene, in the end, the black hole will explode and eject, forming a scene like a big bang, which will be born into a new universe.

Under the influence of Qio Profound Yellow’s mysterious and self-accumulated sentiments, he has become very clear about the next cultivation, and the body naturally begins to change, just like he had guessed himself, with the body each and everyone inside the cell. Beginning to create a space, it seems to have opened up countless miniature planes, micro Worlds in the body with itself, and finally connected these Worlds into one, forming a vast universe.

However, Qi of Profound Yellow has made this feature faint in his body, but the energy it contains is obviously not enough to support Verdant Ruins to take this step. After all, the human body’s cells reach 40 to six hundred billion, so much. How much energy does it take to develop cells into each and everyone, micro-space, micro-planets, and even micro-World?

At least until he has not broken into the Primal Chaos, got the support of Great Dao, and has the constant inexhaustible energy, don’t think about this realm.

“The power of Great Dao…”

Verdant Ruins’s eyes fell on the gods of creation.

In addition to maintaining the basic consumption of Primal Chaos, the Taoist rhyme derived from the creation of Shenyu has been invested in the Great Dao that belongs to himself in the 3,000 Great Dao, but so far… …

The Great Dao that fits perfectly with him is not even a shadow. This scene even makes him doubt whether the God of Fortune can deduct the Great Dao that belongs to him.

However, this suspicion only lasted for a while and was overturned by Verdant Ruins himself.

The god of jade, this is the Lord of Time, the Lord of Primal Chaos, the Lord of the Gods, etc. The most Peak has the treasure that he tries to obtain, and its magic is beyond doubt.

These difficult phenomena are emerging at the moment…


It is not related to the fact that the god of creation is not complete.

“The amount of energy that can be contained inside the cell is much higher than before.”

Verdant Ruins senses the changes after his own refining Qi of Profound Yellow, and he has clear comprehension in his heart. Now he is already called the 18th-order life of not just in name only, but also in reality.


He also felt a limit.

If he wants to break through again, he must rely on the help of external forces. This kind of assistance should be the power of the “Great Dao Law” that is passed down from the crowd.

Whether it is necessary to compress the energy limit of itself with the body, or let the body do the black hole to the extreme and then erupt into the universe, you need to have Great Dao Law.

Without the power of Great Dao Law, the energy of his with the body could not continue to be compressed. Once the black hole broke out, he would be directly bombarded by the power of this explosion.

Moreover, without explanation, he can guess the direction of cultivation in the next Primal Chaos.

Primal Chaos is the first and most important, and integrates with the power of Great Dao. With the power of Great Dao Law, it is constantly replenishing and exploiting its potential. It is probably the same as the Primal Chaos, who are constantly expanding and enhancing their own Small World. .

The Primal Chaos Second Layer, cultivator needs to be built into the mixed Saint Physique, forming a mixed loop in the body, so that its Small World can be separated from the power of Great Dao, and it has its own characteristics. Even if I left the Pangu Shenu, I left the 12 Great Dao Law to go to the outside world, and I still don’t have to worry about energy consumption.

Because the hybrid Saint Physique itself has the ability to circulate internally.

As for Primal Chaos, the Third Layer…

Verdant Ruins has never seen it, and even the knowledge of the Primal Chaos’s Third Layer is extremely rare, but it is impossible to judge.

“18th-order body strength…”

Verdant Ruins has a virtual hand, and a sword qi condensed by the power of blood has emerged in his hand.

However, compared with the previous sword body, the blood is red. At the moment, the word qi, faintly, has already shown a crystallization. Although the color is still mainly red, it is no longer like a bloody gas, but like a handle red. A fine sword made of spar.

“49 Great Amplifying Sword Qi’s formidable power is much stronger than before. However, this Sword Technique practice has reached its limit until now. 40 Nine Swords came out simultaneous, and the Primal Chaos giant does not have to think about it. But the suppression of the King of Light, the King of Thunder, and even the flow of the King of God is not to be said, but I don’t know how it compares to the King of Heaven, who is called the First King.”

Verdant Ruins paused for a moment on the crystallized sword qi and took it down.

He has already felt that his cultivation has gone wrong.

If he wants to breakthrough into Primal Chaos, there are only two methods. The first method is to wait for the gods to continue to push the Great Dao Law, which is exactly the same as the Great Dao Law. Choose to continue the breakthrough.

And another way…

Naturally, it is to rebuild the Culture System of God Beast Bloodline.

As long as he adds Scarlet Abyss sword refining, he can not only get the power of Scarlet Abyss sword, but also regain the power of Golden Crow and Candle Dragon. If you accumulate again, wait until one thought becomes a World Peak. The power of these two God Beasts blends into one, melting the Great Dao, with a high probability of rushing directly into Primal Chaos.


In this way, his accumulation over the years has been wasted.

“And wait and see, see if God of Fortune can deduct the Great Dao that belongs to me. Anyway, I am defeating Axe True God with my current ability. It is not difficult to disintegrate the current crisis of Earth World. Then chasing after the race as before.”

Verdant Ruins thought, temporarily putting this thing down.

The most important thing now is to find a way to return to the Great World as soon as possible, and then return to God World from the Great World.


Verdant Ruins flew at full speed and soon came to the peak where True God was located.

The True God element in this mountain has been refining by Scarlet Abyss sword. With the help of these two True God Yuan and Dayuan, the Scarlet Abyss sword has changed at the moment, although it still looks like a sword. But inside, it is filled with a large number of crystals. Each crystal contains a space. The red can be injected into the crystals by injecting its own energy. When it needs to attack, it will burst out. It is many times larger than before.

This kind of property is similar to Small World, except that one is pure World, and the other is divided into each and everyone crystals through the characteristics of the sword.

“Father is an adult.”

It seems that the arrival of Verdant Ruins is coming, and the Akane, which is digesting this year, jumped out for the first time.

“Not bad.”

Verdant Ruins had a glimpse of his eyes: “This is the 18th order, very soon.”

“Thanks to the cultivation resources provided by Father.”

“Well, it looks like you haven’t had time to settle and be familiar with the power you have gained. You have to retreat this time.”

“Yes, father.”

The red horse said, turned into a sword shape, worn by Verdant Ruins.

Scarlet Abyss sword breakthrough To the 18th order, with a powerful boost, Verdant Ruins was in a good mood and soon came to the peak of the Dragon Rain Princess retreat.

The Array of the mountain is still there, there is still no movement. The only change is that during the year, the peak of the Dragon Rain Princess and the entire World’s air machine have become more and more connected. If he did not guess wrong, Long Yu Princess now I don’t fully grasp the full power of this World, but it’s just a basic application.

“Miss Long Yu, please show up.”

Verdant Ruins shouted at the Array of the mountain, and the sound penetrated directly into the mountain through a special method, which led to the independent operation of the mountain’s defense Array.

This scene, let Verdant Ruins slightly frowned, had to start talking again: “Miss Long Yu, I have something to go back to the Great World, and please show up, open Small World.”

Still no movement.

For a time, Verdant Ruins couldn’t help but sink.

Dragon Rain Princess Although she does not fully master this World, she already knows the basic ability of this World. He does not believe that Dragon Rain Princess will not notice that he is outside the mountain, and now is avoiding somebody, perhaps he is practicing. There is no distraction at the crucial moment, or maybe…

It is intentional.

Thinking of this, Verdant Ruins said solemnly: “Miss Long Yu, I have an extremely important thing to leave immediately, please open World and let me go. Otherwise, I can only find a way to break World away. If Dragon Rain Princess is temporarily unable to distract because of cultivation, then it is fine. I am here waiting for Dragon Rain Princess for a month. I hope that this month, Dragon Rain Princess can take a moment to open World and let me go out. ”

After that, Verdant Ruins stopped talking and sat down on the side of the mountain, waiting for the reply from Dragon Rain Princess.

At this moment, he has been faintly able to conclude that he came to Zhenyang Great World to use the thoughts of Dragon Rain Princess, and Long Yu Princess learned that he could protect God Beast, and he did not use his idea of ​​obtaining the royal treasure house. ……

But think about him, he can understand, Long Yu Princess, she lived with the Emperor Chonglong for hundreds of years, and has been a Princess for hundreds of years, and she will be as innocent as she is, innocent to herself. Unreserved trust and no heart?

This is not logical.

The truth is that they calculate each other, cooperate and win, and take what’s all.


(The eruption that did not last last week.)

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