“I will believe in the great Axe True God and will never easily surrender to you.”

The god of Saia will be captured by Verdant Ruins, but the eyes are full of unyielding.

“Bane beast?”

Verdant Ruins is slightly startled, and it is a bit of an accident for Saia, but it is related to the Culture System of Primal Chaos’ main lineage…

This title is really true.

It’s just that Verdant Ruins itself is not exactly the same as the Culture System of Primal Chaos’ main lineage, so it’s a bit strange about this title.

“It seems that you are really loyal to your True God, but since you are so confident about your great Axe True God, why are you afraid that I will find you the trace of Axe True God? Or, you The great Axe True God is a weak and coward. You are afraid that he will be found by me, so that the powerful True God you believe in is being slaughtered by me and become the soul of my sword?”

When Verdant Ruins finished speaking, Sayan God would not speak, but some of the surviving fifteenth cultivators could not help but scream.

“shut up!”

“Don’t insult the great Axe True God!”

“The power of Axel True God is far from what you can imagine. One day, the great Axe True God will come true and thoroughly purify your pagans who dare to violate my True God church.”

Looking at these indignant cultivators, Verdant Ruins’s eyes suddenly turned to them: “Since you keep saying that your great Axe True God True God will be able to purify my pagans after coming, then I will give you a chance. I will lead you personally to the Kingdom of the Country where Axe True God is located, in the face of the powerful Axe True God in your mind, when you may wish to see if your invincible Axe True God is really I can purify my pagan as you expected, and all you have to do is tell me the true body of Axe True God, how can you dare to gamble?”

“The great Axe True God is everywhere, and it will naturally appear when he wants to appear.”

The god of Saia will quickly shouted the believers first.

“Yes, since Axe True God is everywhere, then these people who are believers are already dead, and even some people are completely dead. Why have I still not seen the ubiquitous things in your mind? Does the True God appear? Or is the Axe True God simply not showing up in front of me?”

After Verdant Ruins finished, looking at the angry cultivators, he said again: “Don’t you want to return to the real world of Axe True God after you die? Don’t you want Axe True God to see your bravery and Fearless? Then, tell me where Axe True God is, I will take you to see your True God, let you show yourself in front of your True God, right now, just need to tell me Ax True God s position.”

“Infidels, since you are obsessed with it, I am fulfilling you, the great Axe True God is currently…”

A fifteenth-order powerhouse with blind trust and admiration for Axe True God stood up and said, Zhangkou said.

Aside, the powerful Saiya gods who understand the 18th-order life will suddenly scream: “Stop, you…”


The god of Saia will be directly pressed by Verdant Ruins, and the power will burst and the body will be crushed.

“Go on!”

Verdant Ruins Road.

“The Kingdom of Axe True God is currently preaching the doctrine of the gods to the most loyal followers of the Kemo civilization. The pagans, if you really have the guts exposed to the great Axe True God, will inevitably be Axe True God that powerful Divine Saint
The power is thoroughly purified into cosmic dust, and there is no bone. ”

“Very good, as a thank you to you, I will let you witness the war of the time.”

Verdant Ruins said that with a slap in the face, a horrible force exploded in his simple fist-fisting action, and in the center of the surviving cultivator there seemed to be a powerful force pulling over the neutron star. Their bodies were pulled down on the spot, leaving only the people who told Verdant Ruins that the location of True God was alive.

“Let’s go, I will take you to see your True God.”

After doing this, Verdant Ruins quickly rose to the sky with this fifteenth cultivator, smashing through the atmosphere and moving towards the spaceship where he stayed in outer space at the fastest speed.

Since he had completed his mission, he did not hide his own movements when he left. When he broke the atmosphere of this star, he suddenly caused a fierce reaction from the defense system of the stars. All the military bases on the stars were simultaneously alarming and numerous probes. The device locks the Verdant Ruins figure, and as soon as the high-level command is made, it can smash the Verdant Ruins out of the atmosphere.

However, Verdant Ruins’s previous bluffing effect has finally worked. In addition, the technical level contained in his battleship is obviously above the Feka civilization. Finally, the top level of the Feica civilization did not issue an attack command, but instead sent an information contact. From Verdant Ruins, there is a respectful and flattering taste in the words.

Verdant Ruins did not respond too much to the communication of the Flying Card civilization, and completed his own task. He directly launched the spaceship and moved towards the base of the Mexican civilization.

The Jimo civilization also belongs to one of the three 16th-order civilizations of the Galaxy. It is not far from the Feika civilization, and it is less than 10,000 light years.

After all, although the Milky Way galaxy has the diameter of the hundred thousand light years, the real habitable zone is actually only the range of 13,000 light to 35,000 light years centered on the silver heart. If other stars are away from each other, If the silver heart is too close, it will be too difficult to survive because of the extreme celestial bodies inside, and it will be too far from the silver heart, and the environment will not have life.

Take the Earth civilization as an example. It is located in the area of ​​26,000 light years from the heart of the silver.

By virtue of this spaceship, which apparently came from the 18th-order or even the 19th-order civilization, and the maximum speed reached the guaranteed speed of 10,000 times, Verdant Ruins took only a month to appear outside the Jimo civilization.

The control of the Jimo civilization is one hundred light years, but its influence radiation range is more than 2,600 light years. In this territory, it has thousands of administrative stars, as for mineral planets, It has reached tens of thousands.

Compared to the Feika civilization, Axe True God has a greater influence in the Kimmo civilization, and even the entire Kimi civilization has been included in his rule.

Verdant Ruins allowed spaceship to approach the stars with a latent approach, and it was clear that hundreds of millions of people on every executive star believed in Axe True God and organized songs by Axe True God. The name of the gods, carrying out various ceremony activities, under these ceremony activities, the power of faith, which is constantly similar to the spirit of energy, moves toward the capital of the capital, the most central capital of the gems, and grows the strength of Axe True God all the time. .

This is the method of cultivation of the lineage of the gods.

True God, the martial dao, ignited the fire, and absorbed the faith through the power of the Great Dao Law, which was manifested by the gods, and used the power of faith to burn into the power of God. The stronger the power, the more capable. powerful.

At present, the basic ink civilization has at least 3,000 administrative stars. Even if only 1 billion intelligent life in each administrative star is inferred, the entire civilization still has an astonishing three trillion people. Even these people only have 10% believers. True God, still able to provide him with a strong faith, relying on the power of these beliefs to make a backup, even if not in the sphere of power of the gods, Axe True God can still explode nearly 80% in the heyday Fighting power.

Verdant Ruins’s eyes stayed outside the starry sky for a moment, and the spaceship started again, not long after it was outside the capital galaxy.

Here, he can clearly feel the amazing pressure of a big god country with a diameter of more than 20,000 kilometers. Through this battle, Verdant Ruins judged it in the first time. This is not inferior to Caixia Wang. The strongest of the Purple Jade King, but compared to the King of Light, the King of Thunder, the King of God, and the mysterious Tian Lai, it is obviously a bit worse.

“The battle that erupts directly here may cause the attention of the power of the Lord of Time, but… no one should associate this thing with the Earth World of the Solar System.”

At this point, Verdant Ruins without the slightest hesitation stepped out of the spaceship. The previous second was still in spaceship. The next second has already revealed the Divine Saint of the ten thousand meters.
The real body, suddenly entered the scope of the capital star.

Due to Divine Saint
The spatialization of the real body and the horrible resilience after tempering made Verdant Ruins increase its speed to 10% speed of light as it stepped out.

Don’t look at the spaceship with no difficulty, he can reach tens of thousands of times, even the hundred thousand speed of light flying, but it is due to the power of the cosmic tide, if only by acceleration, a spaceship wants to stand still To the extent of the speed of light, at least a few hours, or even several days of acceleration, want to break this limit, or you have a nineteenth level equivalent to Primal Chaos fusion Great Dao, or you already Become a high-dimensional creature.

Even high-dimensional creatures need to take time to accelerate to the speed of light. They can jump and shuttle in the universe at a rapid speed. A shuttle is dozens, hundreds, even thousands, and tens of thousands of light years. The reason.

Verdant Ruins accelerated to 10% of the speed of light, rushing to the capital galaxy in front of him, causing a series of reactions and huge energy fluctuations, which were instantly explored by the capital galaxy, and numerous alarms were heard in the instruments of the capital star.

Unfortunately, the speed of Verdant Ruins is too fast. Verdant Ruins has already surpassed the capital of the capital’s galaxy in the sky, without waiting for the defenses. The crystallized sword qi of a diameter of nearly ten meters has been turned into a virtual hand. The 巍峨giant sword that tears the starry sky, the capital star below the moving towards, falls, if there is no external force to block, this crystallized sword qi will crush the dry weeds and smashing rotten wood into the interior of the star, destroying the star kernel, Until the stars completely collapsed, turned into cosmic dust.

However, Axe True God obviously will not be willing to be able to develop a lot of believers, so that with the collapse of the stars, with a burst of roar, a huge country of God rose from the stars, slammed into the sky This crystallization of the sword qi.


(On Saturday, there is a gathering of everyone, but since there is no manuscript, I have not made up for it, so I will have a third chapter for a while.)

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