“The extraterritorial demon, actually dare to marry the gods of the great Axe True God, die!”

The kingdom of God rose, accompanied by the boiling anger of Axe True God, and the smashing sword qi that Verdant Ruins strangled.

The crystallized sword qi, which is nearly ten thousand meters long, was shocked by the power of Axe True God. The next moment was like a glass hit by a giant hammer.

However, Axe True God’s god country has a slight crack in the sword mark, and the next moment is supplemented and repaired by the endless power of the gods.

Immediately after the 20,000-kilometer 巍峨God country suddenly opened its mouth, the power of the gods surged, and a handsome man who condensed one-fifth of the power of the whole country and reached a ten thousand meters high stepped out from the inside.

This handsome man has a perfect appearance, wearing the noble Divine Saint
The golden robes hold the white jade scepter, and the scepter is inlaid with a white dwarf-like gem, which emits horrible energy fluctuations.

As soon as he appeared, he was slammed in the direction of moving towards Verdant Ruins.

“The infidels who dare to blaspheme the gods, accept the judgment of this God!”

“True God’s body? But also true, this galaxy is too fragile after all. A country of 20,000 kilometers in diameter is said to be hitting. The gravitational frenzy that is set up when moving quickly is enough to balance the entire galaxy. Complete destruction, although the Kim Mo civilization may have the ability to save the continuation of their civilization, it is estimated that there will be many deaths in this cosmic disaster, which is also a huge loss of believers for Ax.”

Verdant Ruins quickly understood that Axe True God did not use the kingdom of God, but ventured to come out and come to fight with himself.

“A crystal sword qi …… was underestimated…”

Verdant Ruins looked at Axe True God in front of him, and the next moment he snapped into a sword and shot at him.

At the moment when his fingertips formed, a path of crystallization sword qi whistling from his Divine Saint on ten thousand meters
In the real body spurt out, four Eighteen Da Yan sword qi instantly filled the starry sky in front of him.

Axe True God, who thought that the other party could only reach the 18th-order life, was showing his own supreme power in front of all the believers. When he saw the whistling shot, it was called hiding the Sky and covering the earth-like crystal sword qi, suddenly scared face suddenly changed.

“Not good !”

“hong long long !”

The godland, which is responsible for protecting the capital, rises up in an instant, and the map and the body of Axe True God are integrated. Because of the speed and the action, the formation of a kind of gravitational wave instantly forms a kind in the capital galaxy. Unspeakable disasters, even the crust of the capital star is strenuously moving, and there are countless terrorist disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis.

Even so, his movements are still slower. Four Eighteen crystallized sword qi is like a torn Void storm, and instantly smashed the body of Axe True God, even though he strove to hit three of them. Sword qi into a crush, but also rely on the body Divine Artifact and the body Divine Technique will follow the other six sword qi to kill, the remaining sword qi source, the blink of an eye has his real body The thorns are fragmented, leaving less than 10% of energy back to the Kingdom of God.

While he fled into the kingdom of God, Verdant Ruins’s remaining thirty-six sword qis were like one after another. The laser cannon that smashed the starry sky, with a desperate black trajectory, slammed into Ax Among the gods of True God.

The power of the kingdom of God is able to withstand the smashing of a crystal sword qi, and mobilize the power of the kingdom of God to shatter it, but the sword qi that is shot down now is as many as thirty-nine, the first ten Although a few roads were only shattered on the surface of the Kingdom of God to form a circle of ripples, the following ten roads had completely shattered the barriers around the kingdom of God, until the last dozen or so crystallized sword qis arrived. His kingdom of God could no longer come up with a decent defense, watching the twelve crystallization screams whistling into the kingdom of God.

For a time, it was like one after another, a diameter of ten kilometers, and the density did not know how big the meteor slammed into a star at the speed of sub-light.

Although the Axel Kingdom is not as strong as the ordinary stars, how many times higher than the ordinary stars, under the shooting of the twelve crystallized swords, it is still plowed 12 huge from the earth. The wound, a strip of hundreds of kilometers in diameter, is criss-crossed throughout the Kingdom of God. Numerous saints who were originally received by the kingdom of God are dying in this disaster. One of the crystallized sword qi is crushed. The many Laws that make up the kingdom of God make a special existence like a black hole, which constantly devours all the substances of all directions and turns them into nothingness and annihilation.

This is not the end.

49 Great Amplifying Sword Qi Although I don’t get the blessing of Great Dao, Wei Neng can’t be called Peak, and the reliability of the sword array is reliable. Every word qi has an endless ability. In these sword qi, it is injected into Eck. When the gods of True God were destroyed, more of the sword qi that had been defeated by Axel True God had re-aggregated and once again joined the bombardment of Axe True God, directly aimed at the god. The country is full of indiscriminate bombing.

“No! Who are you!? What do you want? If you want this galaxy, I can give this galaxy to you, and I will lead everyone in our gods to withdraw from this galaxy!”

“What I need is to kill a True God. If you really want to give it to me, just let it go.”


Axe True God had a sigh of anger in his eyes, but more was a fear from the heart.

Seeing this kind of formidable power huge, a large number of crystallized sword qi continuous, there is a continuous trend, Axe True God snorted, the huge god country actually cracked open, part of it is like a meteor The smashing slammed into Verdant Ruins, and the other part was going to move towards the depths of the starry sky.

“You can’t escape.”

Verdant Ruins snorted.

However, his sentence lasted for less than a moment, but it has changed slightly.

Spatial curvature drive!

This is a method of driving spaceship to fly at a speed of light through the transformation of time and space. However, because there is a speed limit in this way, it is difficult to navigate the river system by it, and the technological civilization will gradually become after the 18th order. It was replaced by the tidal drive of the universe.

Although it is a relatively backward flight mode compared to the cosmic tide, but…

Verdant Ruins won’t.

He doesn’t even know how to make his Divine Saint
The real body is flying at a speed of light with a curvature-driven method, which is not the master of the timeline cultivation system of Time.

As for his ten 7th grade spaceship…

That is simply a fool-like operation. He only knows the basic functions such as setting goals. It is like a person who uses a pressure cooker to cook, but once he loses the pressure cooker and lets him cook the rice in his own way, he will It has become impossible.

“Axe True God’s practice of the lineage of the Lord of Time has been refined to such a degree… I must not let him fly in the super-light speed. I remember that the curvature-driven flight method requires a great deal of external force field environment. ……”

Verdant Ruins turned his eyes and landed directly on the stars in the capital’s galaxy.

The next moment, he directed Da Yan sword qi to smash this piece of God, which was used by Axe True God to block himself. The right hand slammed, Scarlet Abyss sword seemed to smash Void’s streamlight, and suddenly wore Void. Go straight to the capital galaxy and shoot at a star that is less than 200 million kilometers away.

“Crush the star.”

“weng weng! ”

The manifestation of the Red Sea does not require Verdant Ruins to explain too much. As a spiritual life, it has a unique advantage to this environment, and soon accelerates itself to the sub-light speed state, and then sees only one wear. The starlight’s sword light flashed, and the star that was bigger than the sun quickly began to collapse inside. Many stellar gases slammed into the core at a speed of light near the speed of light, producing a terrifying rebound effect. The medium electrons and protons squeeze the neutrinos. When the neutrinos pass through the stellar gas, they are absorbed, generating huge energy, exploding, bursting out endless rays of light, rays, and messing up the entire galaxy.

The space curvature drive needs to flatten the space behind the body, and then accelerates with the pulling force of the front space, so that it enters the state of super-light speed. At present, the space where Axel True God is located is affected by the gravitational pull of the stellar explosion. How can it be Let the space be flat again? His soon-to-be completed super-light speed flight suddenly came to an abrupt end.

“Do not!”

“So far!”

“xiu! xiu! xiu! ”

When Axe True God’s escape was interrupted, Verdant Ruins used the 49 Great Amplifying Sword Qi, which Axe True God used to block his Small World smash, tore the Void again, catching up with Eck at the speed of light. True God, re-enter his World.

This has split a big chunk, and the broken Axe True God can’t bear the sniper of these sword qis. The whole World is like being hit by dozens of diamond-like meteorites at a speed of near-speed of light. Innumerable shock waves spread from the world, annihilating the life of his world, but also smashing World barriers and smashing World barriers. In a short time, this broken country of God has already collapsed.

“Ah, you killed me. The lineage of your Primal Chaos is also thinking about taking over this river system. I have already incorporated your information into the electromagnetic waves in the tides of the universe, moving toward the surrounding galaxies, it will take decades. This information will be captured by the powerful scientific civilization of the surrounding galaxies, and now I will use the cultivation of the timeline’s main lineage incarnation black hole to imprison you, and the Lord of Time has a simulated nature in pursuit of the legendary ‘eternal’. Time Law, gravity and time correspond to each other. Under the horrible gravity of the black hole, even if I only imprison you for a day or even an hour, it may be decades before. When you break free of my black hole incarnation, you are The day of extinction under the attack of powerful scientific and technological civilizations of alien galaxies!”

After the words of Axe True God, the kingdom of God suddenly broke out, and a black hole with infinite gravitational moments formed instantly. The endless radiance radiated from the blasting supernova was suddenly captured by this black hole, making the whole black hole look like a black hole. The vortex of light, made up of intense rays of light, devours everything.

“Not good !”

Verdant Ruins complexion greatly changed.

He is not afraid of the interception of scientific and technological civilization. There are no particularly strong technological civilizations among dozens of river systems around the Milky Way. Even if those technological civilizations are really coming, at best they are only disgusting.

What he really worries is that the Lord of Time is looking for the “eternal” realm to simulate the incomplete time of Law in his own territory.

If he is really trapped in a black hole, heaven knows how many years the outside world will go.


(This is the addition of the alliance in February, thank you for your support, the fourth alliance lord of the book friends, you are too powerful.)

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