“Give me a drive!”

Verdant Ruins Divine Saint
The power in the real body is surging, constantly resisting the black hole attraction of Axe True God in the incarnation of the fallen country of God, trying to escape from this gravitation.

True God, True God, is a powerful True God whose strength is not inferior to Caixia Wang and Ziyu Wang. It is so easy to break free from the black hole at the expense of its own country.

Under the fierce struggle, Verdant Ruins could not escape from the black hole, except that he could not continue moving away to the black hole. It seems that he can only rely on the black hole to devour the foreign matter to reach the critical point and then weaken the gravity. And the hope of going.

“go with!”

Divine Saint
Verdant Ruins, whose real strength is constantly surging, suddenly pressed, a path of Da Yan sword qi screamed into the Black Hole Abyss, but without exception, quickly swallowed by the black hole power, even interfered by this engulfing power The Array of 49 Great Amplifying Sword Qi is running. These sword qis have not been re-derived after being swallowed, making him feel a sense of weakness from the heart.

At this time, he suddenly found out…

He didn’t have any big formidable power at all, and he was able to strike a powerful killing trick to lay the victory.

Whether it’s a change, 49 Great Amplifying Sword Qi, even Scarlet Abyss sword, let him have the power above the ordinary one thought Great Boundary, but these wars take time.

It’s like when he wanted to give birth to Cai Xia Wang. Ming Ming Cai Xia was not his opponent in terms of combat power. He didn’t have any power to fight back because he didn’t have the decisive means to quickly defeat Caixia Wang. So that the battle time is repeated again and again, if not relying on the mystery of the son of Primal Chaos, he will not be able to take the one of the bright kings in the bright king camp. .

This is the same for Aix-en-True God, who has the same strength and color.

At this moment he was deeply introspective.

If he pays attention to this problem early, he will not only face the troubles when dealing with Axe True God, but also the black hole gravitation circle can break through the black hole gravitation circle. The bondage, get out of one fell swoop.

From Shattering Void to Divine Saint
True Body, Unrivaled Realm, and even one of his thoughts at the World level, he has gone too far, so that he is not aware of these problems, and now he will face the pains of his own relaxation… …

“Incomplete time Law…”

Verdant Ruins had a slight pain in his eyes.

This is the Great Dao created by the Lord of Time, the Lord of Primal Chaos and the Lord of the Gods, in pursuit of the legendary “eternal” realm, which is almost equivalent to the future breakthrough direction of the Lord of Time. Not to mention his small 18th-order life, even if the Great Expert can’t avoid its influence, I am afraid that even the existence of the two Supremes, the Lord of Primal Chaos and the King of the Gods, cannot fully support this force. Turn a blind eye.

If he does not want to be affected by this force, he must struggle to go out!

“I have been rushing back to the Galaxy Galaxy from the Great World for a full 20 years. It has been more than 20 years since I was sixteen years old. Even if Axe True God has been killed by me, the crisis of Earth civilization is reasonable. It’s solved, it’s such a long time to change, what the heavens know Earth Earth has become…”

Verdant Ruins is filled with uneasiness.

Thirty-six years!

Life can be a few thirty-six years! ?

In addition, his return to Earth World has always had the greatest belief, that is, to re-find his Senior Sister Jiang Ningzhi, but a previous thirteen years, and now another thirty-six years, so the calculation, Jiang Ningzhi Senior Sister is at least Above 70, if you spend decades in the black hole gravitation circle…

Even though Jiang Ningzhi did not die in the fierce beast disaster, she will die at the end of life essence…

“This is not the result I want, not…”

Verdant Ruins Lenovo’s possible outcome is even more intense.

“There is a way, there is a way, there must be a way to go out! Black hole gravity? Rays of light can not escape, then how? As long as my strength is strong enough, as long as my quality is large enough, even if it is a black hole, will be I smash, it will be blown up by me!”

Verdant Ruins flashed a madness in his eyes.

Not crazy, not live.

At this moment, if he is not crazy again, his life will probably face a huge regret that can never be recovered. If this regret is not supplemented, it will be like a demon to swallow his heart and make him lifeless.

“Give me a drive!”

Verdant Ruins pinched his sword into a sword, and a huge crystallized sword light emerged from his with the body, aiming at the constantly distorted dark Void.



That devours everything, the horrible black hole that binds him, and even a trace of ripple has not splashed.

The action in the hands of Verdant Ruins did not stop.

A sword can’t work, then two swords, two swords can’t do it, then three swords, three swords can’t do it, then ten swords, hundred swords, thousand swords, Wanjian…

“Crush! Crush!”

The crystalized sword light flashed in the hands of Verdant Ruins and stifled.

Here, every time he stays for a second, the outside world may pass a minute, an hour, a day, or even a month. He must completely shred the black hole in the fastest, most violent attack, the most neat way. .

“Fast! Fast! Fast! I need to be faster! Stronger!”

The crystalized sword light is madly strangled by the powerful beliefs of Verdant Ruins’s uneasy feelings.

“Not enough! Not enough! My sword, not fast enough, the sword’s formidable power, not big enough, beyond… I need to go beyond this limit… beyond…”

Thoughts, under the slash of a sword and sword, are constantly being tormented and tempering. In order to break the bondage of this black hole, his will and belief will begin to change under the influence of reason.

He understands that his sword is only faster, only stronger, can be detached from this black hole. Under this belief, the power to break the black hole is transformed into the will to surpass itself, even his body. In the constant sword, he has reached the limit, but he still has not stopped.

It’s like an Ordinary person running a ten thousand meters long distance. His limit may be only four kilometers. On the next six kilometers, he is no longer relying on his strong physical strength, but his belief that he will be able to complete it. Believe that you will be able to reach the end of the faith.

It is the existence of faith that drives him to be a mechanized source of progress, never stop, never stop…

Just when Verdant Ruins didn’t know how many swords he had already pulled out, he was in abrupt…

He seems to have sensed something.

Under the influence of this induction, his excitement has finally grown to Divine Saint on the ten thousand meters.
The body began to gradually compress and shrink.

It is like a star with a diameter of one million kilometers, which begins to compress from the inside to the inside of the moving towards. It no longer grows its own mass indefinitely, but starts to increase its density.

Under this kind of action, the word light power that he killed was not only not reduced, but gradually increased.

When his Divine Saint
When the body was narrowed down to a kilometer, the black hole in front of it could finally “see” a trace of ripple.

When his Divine Saint
When the body was narrowed down to a hundred meters, the black hole had begun to vibrate slightly.

And when his Divine Saint
When the body is reduced to only ten meters, the black hole in front of the eye has become more and more obvious, and it has reached the critical point of collapse.

At this moment, the spirit, will, and even the essence of the body in Verdant Ruins seem to be perfectly melted into a whole, turning into a simple action that cannot be simple, that is…


Swords, swords, and swords.

As he was at the beginning, he had just come into contact with Sword Dao cultivation, and he was deeply immersed in the mysterious Sword Technique, immersed in it, and thus waving the feeling of sharp sword in his hand.

Although he is now a lot more powerful than the cultivation base when he was just on the road to cultivation, at this moment, his feelings are exactly the same as when he first entered Sword Dao cultivation.

Turbulent, he blessed the soul, and at this moment he finally understood what he wanted.

A Mortal.

It is like a sword in Mortal.

What Divine Ability, Domain, Law, World, for him, is something that is illusory and not supposed to exist, or something that is not what he is good at, not what he wants.

What he really wants to do is like a Mortal general, Wu Jian, practicing swords, repairing swords, and practicing swords…

What he can do is also like a Mortal, Wu Jian, Jian Jian, Jian Jian, Xi Jian…

Too mysterious things, too superb things, too esoteric things, he can’t realize, he is unclear, can’t fix, can’t learn.

He is really good at, and confident, only such a simple action…


Don’t forget your heart, you have to always.


Make it simple, Great Dao is one!


Finally, there has been a change in the constantly oscillating black hole.

Then, the black hole, which was still consuming all the time, began to slam and collapse rapidly. It was like a complete explosion of the universe. All the substances it swallowed over the years have been ejected through the explosion.

But these Verdant Ruins are too lazy to pay too much attention.

At this moment, he faintly felt that there was a change in his body that he could not understand. Under the influence of this change, the black hole’s horrible gravitational distortion of time and space seems to be drastically reduced for him, or All around comes from the four basic forces, the logic, the causal power, and even the incomplete Force of Space-Time, it is difficult to bless his body, except that he can still ensure their existence, it is difficult to him again. What caused too much impact.

As he was moving forward, he appeared on the edge of the gravitational circle, and then stepped back again. He had already pulled out of the gravitational circle.

Starry sky…

Or, because it was swallowed up by the black hole, there was a lot of starry sky, and it appeared again in front of him.

He has left the shackles of the black hole.

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