
Verdant Ruins There are still some flaws in the spirit at the moment, and it seems that it has not recovered completely from the madness of the recent past.

Or, it has not recovered from a series of changes.

After a while, he seemed to have sensed something, and the spirit suddenly immersed himself in his spiritual world, and stayed on the fortune of the gods for the first time.

I don’t know when, the sacred god jade has already stopped the Great Dao deduction that completely fits itself.

And when he saw the creation of the god of jade, he had already understood that the Great Dao, which was derived from him and made him completely fit in with him, was exactly what it was.


One of the first students.

One of the best.

This kind of Tao, except for all the changes he has, eventually evolved into a universal one.

The attack technique mastered is one, and the energy of the body is one.

The form of life is one.

Everything is one.

When the evolution of Great Dao, which is completely in line with itself, is completed, the essence of his life that has reached the critical point and is about to breakthrough is also a complete transformation, reaching the level of God Beast that can be integrated into the Tao.

But the metamorphosis of his life is obviously different from the nature of God Beast he knows.

God Beast will break into the 18th order, with the body will produce each and everyone micro World, until the 19th order, the micro World will be blessed by the power of Great Dao, self-running, endless, this is mixed Yuan Saint Physique.

As for the 20th-order form of God Beast…

Verdant Ruins has never seen it before, and has never heard of it. It just seems to be faintly heard to go back to the source of the return of the ancestors.

Verdant Ruins’s form at the moment…

A whole.

His Divine Saint on ten thousand meters
The real body is directly compressed to the human form of ten meters…

No, not on ten thousand meters.

Verdant Ruins has a hunch that if he re-own his Divine Saint at this time
The true body is released in the largest form that can be maintained, and there will be a giant of ten ten thousand meters.


However, it is equivalent to the level of God Beast in Primal Chaos.

Divine Saint of ten ten thousand meters
The body is compressed into the body of ten meters…

It is conceivable that the strength of the body contained in his body is so strong. It is no wonder that even the gravitational blessing of the black hole and the influence of the four basic forces in the main domain of time have become dispensable.

It’s not that these things don’t exist, but…

Compared with the horrible celestial body of black hole, he has become a terrifying that is not inferior to the black hole.

Even in the intention, he is more above the black hole.

A singularity that exists and does not exist.

The evolution of Taoism is the yin and yang of all things.

A strange life that is not in the Three Elements and is not in Five Elements.

When he fully understands the magic of this realm, he thoroughly understands this perfect fit and his path. Even if he stands in the middle of the black hole, the black hole can’t help him half.


When Verdant Ruins jumped out of the gravitational circle, the Scarlet Abyss sword, which seemed to be quite exhausted, greeted him for the first time. The humanized martyrdom: “Father, I can’t destroy the gravitational circle of this black hole to save you. ”

“How long has passed.”

Verdant Ruins looked down on the Scarlet Abyss sword and shook it, asking his mental state to recover before asking.


Scarlet Abyss sword has calculated a bit: “I am also affected by the gravitational circle. The estimation is not accurate, but… it should have been sixty years.”

“Sixty years.”

Verdant Ruins in ones heart trembled.

Sixty years!

Even if he did his best and realized the big Dao at the last moment, was it still sixty years old?

Sixty years…

Count the previous thirty-six years, and the year that rushed to the galaxy…

He has been away from Earth World for the last time. It has been a full ninety-seven years, nearly a hundred years.

a hundred years……

Earth World The enchantment supported by the god tree has dissipated, that is, Earth World should now be exposed to the vision of the Lord of Time…

Thinking of this, Verdant Ruins sighed.

“Although it may not be too late, but… we rushed to the Sun Star system as quickly as possible, Chiyuan, you have worked hard during this time.”

“But I didn’t help father at all.”

The Scarlet Abyss sword is frustrating.

“You have done a good job.”

Verdant Ruins said that with a slap in the face, Scarlet Abyss sword was turned into a sword and worn by him.

After doing this, Verdant Ruins stunned and moved towards the place where his spaceship was hiding.

As he moves between his body, he can clearly feel that the whole world has become very small in his bondage. The great Dao, the foundation of the Lord of Time in his own territory, is far superior to him in power. On, but at the level can no longer have much impact on him.

“Beyond the Three Realms is not in Five Elements… This is the realm that should be in the Immortal Dao civilization. And according to the news from the people of the Great World, Immortal Dao civilization, there are True Immortal, Taiyi Xian, as well as Da Luoxian, Da Luoxian refers to the Da Luo Jinxian, and Da Luo Jinxian corresponds to the Primer Chaos Second Layer to form the Ruler level of the mixed Saint Physique…”

Verdant Ruins frowned.

He has never seen the real Primal Chaos giant, nor has he ever been exposed to real Ruler-level characters, but he feels it…

Now that I am stronger than the 18th-order, I have already made a big cut. After he completely smelts his own understanding, he should be enough to reach the Supreme level, but it is far from the Ruler level.

However, since it is not a Ruler class, why can we have a mystery similar to the Ruler class or the Da Luo Jinxian class?

Verdant Ruins meditates.

For a moment, his gaze focused on the road that fits perfectly with him.


This is where the problem lies.

He thought of twelve God Beast, six Divine Saint
The difference.

The twelve God Beast, when entering the Primal Chaos, will be able to build the sacred Saint Physique, a human with ten times the strength of Primal Chaos.

Six Divine Saint
The cultivation is not the twelve God Beast Great Dao, but the Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth winds that have been passed down from ancient times. Because these ancient Great Dao have long been broken, the Six Divine Saint
Despite the ability to achieve Primal Chaos, both strength and development potential are far from being comparable to the twelve God Beast.

From these perspectives…

All the problems should be on the so-called “Great Dao.”

Great Dao is strong, then cultivation. The Great Dao is stronger, the Great Dao is weak, and the cultivation of this Great Dao is weaker.

Six Divine Saint
The ruined Great Dao made them a lot weaker than God Beast.

And compared to the six Divine Saint
The ruined and ruined ancient Great Dao, his new Great Dao, which has just been derived from him and does not belong to the ranks of the 3,000 Great Dao, is obviously weaker and weaker to his Primal Chaos. In fact, it can only compete with the Primal Chaos of the twelve God Beast Great Dao.

Do not……

It is not the first weight of the 12th God Beast’s Primal Chaos, but the first weight of the human Primal Chaos.

Compared to God Beast’s Primal Chaos, the human Primal Chaos is the first and weakest, from the Primal Chaos, the God Beast is ten times more powerful than humans, and the God Beast is the first in Primal Chaos. The singular Saint Physique that can be built can only be seen when it comes to the Prime Layer in Primal Chaos.

One is weak and weak everywhere.

“So, what I need to do next is to constantly improve my Great Dao? Until one day, I can make my Great Dao great accomplishment? What is the Tao? The ultimate world view of the universe, the law of the universe, the road The search for it comes from thinking. It stems from sudden inspiration. It stems from the answer that has not been answered for a long time. No matter how to think and seek, it is vague at first. Therefore, it is like a scientist’s physical formula. Before the formula becomes a formula, it needs to undergo numerous certifications and analysis, and then the information and experience that it has learned and its one after another certification, to confirm the correctness or not is actually the process of the sermon.”

Verdant Ruins sat on the spaceship and set his mind on the fairway to Earth World.


Gradually clear in the process of meditation.

“At the moment, my path has already had a direction, which is equivalent to the foundation of the formula. The next step is to use the words and deeds to prove this. If you can continue to practice it until the end, it is the testimony. ”

Verdant Ruins’s heart is clear comprehension.

His way, to the simplest one.

Don’t need Divine Ability, no spells, no fields, no Law, just need to follow the great Dao to Jane It becomes a singularity, and makes your own Sword Dao become one, and even ends up with a singularity as a sword, person and sword unites…

This is his way.

“Singularity… Jumping out of the Three Realms is not in the Five Elements. It is already the basis of the singularity. What I need to do is to make this singular perfect annotation exist and not exist, while Sword Dao is doing everything. It can be simplified, until a sword is thrown out, perfect, so that it is natural to have no trace of Sword Dao, as if it represents the Tao itself, representing existence and representing eternity.”

Exist and not exist.

Black holes are a concept of existence and non-existence in human observation.

Say it exists, but it will devour all the material in the universe, and even the rays of light can’t escape in front of it.

It is said that it does not exist, but people can judge their location through various external factors, gravitational waves and magnetic field changes.

The singularity is obviously a more mysterious phenomenon than the black hole.

Its existence may not only engulf many substances in the universe, rays of light, neutrinos, but even gravitational waves, magnetic fields, etc., will be swallowed by him, thus completely erasing any trace of its existence. No one can understand the information, no one can understand its form, no one can explain its phenomenon, but it can be biased…

He exists.

This is the final form of the way he is chasing.

“Singularity cultivation… My current form has just been able to get rid of the black hole, but in fact I can get rid of the black hole that Axe True God has made, because the black hole is not strong enough, if it is replaced by the center of the silver heart That black hole, I may not be able to get rid of it, then, the First Step of my cultivation, is to continue to increase my own volume, and then use the path I have learned to transform the mass into mass, simplify and simplify, Great Dao Until one day, my way of being, even the black hole in the center of the silver heart, could not be swallowed up. It is estimated that it is the small accomplishment of my understanding and the time of the Battle of Ruler.”

Verdant Ruins has a heart.

The new road, the new road, is gradually clear in this meditation.

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