Spaceship keeps moving through the stars.

At this moment, the driving method of spaceship is the tide of the universe. This is the method of navigation that is second only to the dimension jump in the main territory of time.

Of course, some powerful civilizations can build star gates in rivers and rivers. Through the star gates, they can shuttle tens of thousands and a few hundred thousand years of light. This is because the outside environment is not conventional. Flight mode, so it is not included.

By the tide of the universe, the Sun Star is in the same direction as he is only half a month away from that’s all.

“The bondage is small, but… the fit is also reduced.”

Verdant Ruins stood in the spaceship and carefully sensed the changes brought about by his realm breakthrough.

His realm is similar to the big Luo Jinxian, and he is not in Five Elements outside the Three Realms, so that the influence of many powers and blessings on him will drop a lot.

Correspondingly, due to his particularity and uniqueness, his use of Law, Divine Ability, and Immortal Arts is also greatly reduced.

Of course, realm has reached his level. In many respects, he only needs to understand the principle a little, and he can do it with no difficulty.

It is like the dimension jump in the main territory of time. As long as he understands the theory of dimension, with the characteristics of his own Tao, low-dimensional will not form any restraint on him. He can enter high-dimensional with no difficulty. Shuttle, a flash, is estimated to be a few light years, tens of light years, and even hundreds of light years.

There are also various Immortal Arts.

He has the characteristics of existence and non-existence. Inverting Yin-Yang, Immortal Arts, has no effect on him. Even Observing Qi Technique himself has not used it, and he has the characteristics of “Dao”. It makes him “eye” to be able to operate according to the Great Dao rules and judge a lot of things.

As for One Qi Becomes Three Purities, Reverse Future Prediction, etc. Immortal Arts, Wiener also reduced a lot.

His own existence and non-existence characteristics make his In Qination power manifested by One Qi Becomes Three Purities difficult to reach the Primal Chaos of the deity. It is not bad to maintain the 18th-order combat power.

As for Reverse Future Prediction…

The moment he jumped out of the Three Realms and not in Five Elements, his future could not be explored, that is, he could not explore his future, and others could not detect his future.

Overall, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

It is like an official who has lost the power he has in his hands but has the privilege of being above the law.

This is the current situation of Verdant Ruins.

“weng weng! ”

With a slight shock, the spaceship gradually slowed down from the speed of light, and the picture in front of Verdant Ruins became familiar with the strange star sky, especially in the middle of this small galaxy. The star is full of nostalgia for him.


Verdant Ruins snorted.

But the next second he already noticed something, his face suddenly changed.

The step of the virtual step, the space and the speed of light Law seems to be non-existent in front of him. He is easily crossed by him, and his figure appears directly in the position of Earth.

What makes him incredible is that at this moment, where Earth is located, it is no longer the star of Earth’s blue water, but…

One is very similar to Earth, even if the quality is almost the same, but it is not the stars of Earth.

This star also has life derived from it. It has many flowers and trees, mass, volume, atmosphere, and position in the solar system. It is exactly the same as the previous Earth, and it has not even caused the gravitational anomalies of the solar system.

Can be biased…

It is not Earth!

“what happened!?”

Verdant Ruins was a little shocked, and he stepped out in one step, and it had already fallen into this star that was similar to Earth but not Earth.

“Is it a simulation of Earth by the enchantment of God Tree? But…”

Verdant Ruins reached out and touched the dirt he was stepping on under his feet. The feeling was so real.

This is by no means an explanation of the occult simulation of Earth World.

Moreover, if the real tree enchantment simulates the Earth environment, it cannot be completely invisible to his current realm.

You know, with own Dao, that’s the equivalent of the big Luo Jinxian realm, and even Verdant Ruins estimates that on the realm, even the Great Expert of the Primal Chaos Third Layer is estimated to be.

After all, the Great Expert is just a way of turning itself into a Great Dao incarnation. It is the Great Dao. It is nothing more than cultivation of the Great Dao derived from the twelve God Beast, which makes it very powerful. That’s all, if they let the ancient Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth Wind Great Max, to the Primal Chaos 3rd-layer, they can not force the big Luo Jinxian are very problematic.

“This is not Earth World, where is Earth World going… is it impossible… It was discovered by the Lord of Time and destroyed? No! If the Lord of Time really discovered Earth World and destroyed Earth World, then he did not need it at all. Then come to such a star to cover up what… From the other side’s intention to cover up Earth World… The other side clearly understands the value of Earth World and does not want it to be perceived by the Lord of Time… Then, move away the Earth of Earth Only the main lineage of Primal Chaos, the lineage of the gods… and in addition to these two veins, there is still a possibility, that is, the possibility of the greatest probability…”

Verdant Ruins looked up and looked at the empty galaxies that had little change before, even the sun and the moon’s position…

“Immortal Dao civilization!”

Verdant Ruins said: “Only the Immortal Dao civilization will move a star without disturbing anyone, hide your eyes and ears, and then leave with Earth. Because only they understand this is called the source. What does the Star of the Early World mean to the Immortal Dao civilization…”

The authenticity of this guess is above 90%.

It has been nearly a hundred years since the time has passed, and the enchantment of the god tree has disappeared. The Earth is completely exposed to everyone’s vision. Since the forces under Axe True God can detect this star, Immortal Dao civilization Nature also has the probability to find this star.

Moreover, in addition to the Immortal Dao civilization, Verdant Ruins couldn’t think of anyone who would have moved to a star like Earth to keep the solar system stable.

Verdant Ruins’s gaze began to look again in the solar system, and he wanted to find traces of the Immortal Dao civilization coming here.

Being able to carry a star and quietly leave it must be the existence of the Immortal Dao civilization True Immortal. Only True Immortal can move a star into its own fairy country before moving it away.

The operation of Xianguo is actually equivalent to a World, a star, as long as the time is not too long, there will always be some traces left.

These traces, if he did not get his own “Dao”, could not realize that the other six Great Dao in the main territory of the time could not be sensed before, but now he can try it…

“The traces, there really exist… According to these traces, I can only judge that Earth was moved much earlier than I thought. It should be…90 years ago…”

In other words, Earth World was removed shortly after Verdant Ruins first came to Earth World and left.

“Immortal Dao civilization!”

Verdant Ruins searched the solar system for three days and confirmed that he couldn’t get to the Immortal Dao civilization cultivator that moved away from Earth with these simple residual information. He quickly got on the luck of the Star Star Shipship and set the destination. After that, go to the command center of the 800 Zone Wentian three War Zone at full speed.

After more than a year of flight, the space of the command center was in front of him, and Verdant Ruins quickly came to the great hall that took over the mission, putting his identity token in front of a light curtain: “Complete Mission, to explore the Axe True God trail mission of the Lord of the Gods, I not only completed the mission of exploring Axe True God, but also killed Axe True God and asked for more meritorious reissues.”

“Program review… Please wait… According to the information you provided, Axe True God is indeed killing you, you will get the 16 missions of the mission, and kill the Axe True God. Qian Gongxun, the merits have been recorded in your identity token, please check it yourself.”

Soon there was bursts of information on the light curtain.

Verdant Ruins’s eyes glanced at the information and were quite satisfied with the merit award.

On this battlefield, one thought Great Boundary’s killing merits are flocking between one thousand and ten thousand, while some people with special value can reach more than 10,000, killing an enemy equal to the 19th order. The merits that can be achieved are guaranteed thousand, and the 20th order is 10 million.

As for the 21st order of the Third Layer Great Expert of Primal Chaos…

Not only can you get a lot of great feats, but you will also be given precious treasures, such as the main Divine Artifact, the Divine Artifact, and even the Great Expert, may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, Creation God Artifact, etc. .

After receiving these merits, Verdant Ruins had no reservations. The first time he took out the three thousand merits and spent the inquiry on the information of the Immortal Dao civilization in the eight hundred twenty three districts. At the same time, he also exchanged a thousand merits for a copy. The relevant information of Gao Wei World’s full solution, to avoid the fate of flying beyond the speed of light once the spaceship is lost.

As the three thousand merits were quickly spent by him, he quickly got a detailed information about the Immortal Dao civilization.

Since the Lord of Time, the Lord of Primal Chaos, and the Lord of the Gods are expelling the Immortal Dao civilization, the Immortal Dao civilization wants to survive in the three great territories and does not dare to expose itself. Every and everyone is doing their best. The hidden, but the three great battles of the War Zone, Immortal Dao civilization cultivator is quite active, as one of the War Zone, eight hundred twenty three War Zone, naturally there are many traces of Immortal Dao civilization activities.

Verdant Ruins’s gaze stayed in this material for a moment, and soon locked in three areas suspected of having Immortal Dao civilization.

These three areas are in the Milky Way Galaxy, the Andromeda Galaxy, and the Triangle Galaxy.

Although the existence of the Immortal Dao civilization in these three areas is still unknown, Verdant Ruins has also taken the task of exploring the traces of the Immortal Dao civilization, and has once again started the spaceship and restarted at the fastest speed. Going to the nearest fairy galaxy from the command center.

He must ensure the specific attitude of Immortal Dao civilization to Earth World humans and ensure that Earth World is in a safe position.

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