
In the more than two million light-years of the Milky Way galaxy, Verdant Ruins flies at a speed of light with a curvature driven by a spaceship of only fifteen levels.

This spaceship was exchanged for him with five merits.

The reason why I don’t use the previous Lucky Star gift from the Silver Star is that the level of the Lucky Star Ship is too high.

Being able to take ten 7th grade spaceships, how can there be no less than ten 7th grades, and even most of the life bodies that ride ten 7th grade spaceship belong to the 18th order, the 19th order, and even the 20th order civilization. As part of the current situation of Immortal Dao civilization, if he is looking for such a spaceship, I am afraid that he will not wait for him to see the shadow of the Immortal Dao civilization cultivator. The cultivators of the Immortal Dao civilization have no idea to hide. Which corner went.

Therefore, camouflage with a fifteen-order spaceship is neither too inefficient nor beat the grass to scare the snake.

Verdant Ruins put down a book on the technique of dimension jumping, and his eyes fell on a compass again.

This is a compass dedicated to detecting information. It is the product of the 20th-order civilization, the name interstellar compass. All the information about this space in the space of the hundred thousand years of light will be collected by this compass, that is, it It is able to detect half of the fairy galaxies, which has a value of one thousand military exercises, and each time it is opened, it has to spend an extra hundred yuan of precious materials.

You know, killing a one thought Great Boundary can only gain a thousand military strengths. In other words, the value of this compass is enough to buy the life of a one thought Great Boundary, now Verdant Ruins is looking for The trace of Immortal Dao’s civilization has cost so much military power, and it is absolutely worthy of the blood.

“Three years… There is no information. The Immortal Cultivator of the Immortal Dao civilization is too deep… Should I turn back to the Bloodblade World, and then turn to the Great World from the Blood Blade World, ask Caixia Wangshou After the coordinates of the Great World of Zhenyang, use Rainbow Bridge World to rush to the Great World, and then use the Array of Zhenyang Great World to send back to the Great World. The Divine Formation on the continuation of the Great World is connected to Earth. Or, straight to the original World, the cultivator of the Immortal Dao civilization, since the entire Earth has also been moved, if I really transfer directly from the continuation continent, there is a high probability that it will reach Earth World directly.”

Verdant Ruins looked at the dead starry sky, and the fear of Earth World’s unknown made him have some urgency.

Although he guessed that Earth World would fall into the Immortal Dao civilization, there would be no persecution, but…

The Earth civilization and the Immortal Dao civilization are too different.

The technological level of Earth civilization is only ten steps up and down, and Immortal Dao civilization…

Even if the Immortal Dao civilization lurking in the Milky Way and the Fairy is estimated to be no less than ten 7th grade, this is equivalent to the difference between a Golden Core Realm cultivator and an Unrivaled Realm, even if the two belong to the same camp, if the Unrivaled The Realm strongman was dissatisfied with the Golden Core Realm cultivator and was able to kill the Golden Core Realm cultivator.

“Immortal Dao civilization, where is it hiding…”

Verdant Ruins talks to himself.

Just as Verdant Ruins looked for nothing, a message suddenly picked up from his interstellar compass.

“zi zi… help, help, we are the fourteenth-order civilization Manyun civilization… We were attacked by unknown … suspected Immortal Dao civilization, requesting the Confucius Civilization Alliance rescue…”

“Man cloud civilization? Suspected of encountering Immortal Dao civilization attack?”

Verdant Ruins’s gaze suddenly locked this message and launched the tracking function of the interstellar compass, which traces the source of this information.

Among the main lineages of time, within twelve orders, they belong to the civilization of the galaxy. Only when they reach the thirteenth order, they are called true galaxies and are qualified for interstellar sailing.

Although the Manyun civilization in front of it has reached the fourteenth order and has the ability to fly at a speed of light, its flying speed will never exceed ten times the speed of light. This is the limit for the rescue information to be played until a hundred light years, unless countless years. After the High Rank civilization passed by, otherwise it was impossible to be captured by the Fairy Galaxy Alliance, and at that time, the Immortal Dao civilization had already taken away what they wanted and re-hidden.

“Found, the source of information is just six light years away… Damn, this information is not super long-distance communication, the information is spread at the speed of light… In other words… they have been attacked, has it been six years? I hope that the Immortal Dao civilization has not yet left.”

Verdant Ruins immediately took the fifteenth-order spaceship.

His spaceship is only 80 times faster than the speed of light. It takes nearly a month to get to the six-year-old spaceship by this spaceship. Fortunately, he has not lost anything in the three-year purposeless drift. It is not only a deeper understanding of the Tao of his own, but also a chance to learn the method of dimension jumping in the civilization of the Lord of Time. Six light years, for him, it is simply not a distance…

As Verdant Ruins appeared in the starry sky, the next moment, the figure was vertical, the universe was blessed in his four basics, logic, causal power, and even those deprived by the Lord of Primal Chaos and the Lord of the Gods. Law and the Law left in the universe itself dissipated. He with no difficulty broke away from the constraints of these Laws and made himself into the high-dimensional space opened by the Lord of Time, and then fell down according to the information coordinates.

Less than a few breaths, his figure has reappeared from high-dimensional space and landed in low-dimensional.

The decline of the dimension makes him sweep out a mighty energy, like a solar storm, moving towards all directions, causing the galaxies in front of them to be inferior to the energy of a star burst.

However, without waiting for this force to spread, Verdant Ruins has shook his hand and shattered all the energy of this explosion. At the same time, his eyes moved toward the Manyun civilization.

Although the Manyun civilization is a fourteenth-order civilization, it is obviously not too refined in the interstellar navigation. In addition to the development of twelve mineral planets in its own galaxy, and the transformation of a livable star, There are no other executive stars.

In other words, this is a small civilization whose influence has just stepped out of its own galaxy, less than a light-year.

Verdant Ruins’s eyes swept away, clearly showing the traces of war left on this civilization…

Do not!

If you can’t call the war, it should be a one-sided crush.

At least the number of battleships that this Verdant Ruins sees now is less than thirty, and the calculation of the order of a fourteenth-order civilization, they should also have a thousandships of 10,000 to 10,000 ships, the only reason There are less than thirty battleships left, and the answer goes without saying that all of them are blown up.

“It seems that the war has ended for four years. After two years of fighting, destroying a fourteenth-order civilization, it should be the 16th-order Immortal Dao strongman. The 16th-order Immortal Dao strong is not yet capable of mastering the dimensional jump. Ability, and if they fly at a speed of light, their speed should not exceed one thousand times the speed of light, that is, they have only 4,000 light years after they left this civilization.”

Verdant Ruins’s eyes flashed, and the rapid search for speculations about the retreat of the Immortal Dao civilization cultivator.

Soon, he has already cast his gaze on a star system not far away.

The cultivators of the Immortal Dao civilization wanted to eliminate their traces with the influence of that star.


After four years, it was shorter.

Their means of eliminating the traces, if replaced by a strong one of the one thought Great Boundary, fear that they can only help but give up, only Primal Chaos Supreme can rely on the instrument to track the direction they go.

Can be a 16th-order Immortal Dao strong, a Primal Chaos Supreme even if they can detect the direction of their departure is too lazy to pursue.

After all, the 16th-order Immortal Dao is stronger than Divine Saint.
The real situation is quite that’s all, from Primal Chaos…

It’s too far.

But Verdant Ruins is different…

He searched the universe for three years, did not find any clues, there is a trace of the moment, he is not willing to give up.

And he understands that at least the 18th-order Immortal Dao strong can move the stars. In other words, there must be an Immortal Dao power led by the 18th-order Immortal Dao strong in this star field, if it is in front of the eyes. The 16th-order Immortal Dao strongman is related to the 18th-order Immortal Dao strong…

He might be able to find the Earth World by finding the 18th-order Immortal Dao strongman, just like finding Axe True God.

I thought that Verdant Ruins had stepped out of the way and used the high-dimensional jump method to move straight forward for ten light years.

Ten years before, Verdant Ruins once again sensed the traces left by the 16th-order Immortal Dao strongman. After a little modification of his pursuit direction, he has already chased it again.

Curvature-driven flight at super-fast speed requires modification of time and space. This kind of trace is not so easy to smooth out for a while, even if the 16th-order Immortal Dao strong consciously eliminates the traces left by him, still avoiding Verdant Ruins. Capture.

Ten times, twenty times, thirty times…

Verdant Ruins made dimensional jumps again and again, constantly approaching the 16th-order Immortal Dao strong, and in the process of jumping, he could clearly feel that he was getting closer and closer to the 16th-order Immortal Dao.

When he once again made a dimensional jump, a spaceship that was flying at a speed of light was on the horizon.

“Four hundred light years… It seems that after flying a certain distance with his own ability, it is doubtful that he used a spaceship from the 16th-order civilization to hurry… These Immortal Dao civilizations are so hidden It’s no wonder that I have an interstellar compass, and the Great Expert, which is not inferior to those of Primal Chaos 3rd-layer, has taken three years to find them.”

Verdant Ruins stared at the spaceship: “Let me see their course…”

Verdant Ruins took theuck Star Ship out and quickly broke through the spaceship defense system of the Immortal Dao civilization cultivators with the photon computer on the luck Star Ship and got their star map.

However, in addition to their destinations on the star map, they have all been eliminated. It can be said that they will be carefully exercised to the extreme.

“The destination is Xueer civilization? I have explored this civilization. There is no trace of the immigration of Immortal Dao civilization. It seems that they still have the task… In the speed of their spaceship, they reach the Xueer civilization and say ten. I can’t wait that long for four years of sailing.”

Thinking of this Verdant Ruins no longer wasting time, with a virtual hand, the spaceship that was flying at full speed was directly held by him, and the self-curvature flight was smashed out.

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