“Not good, we were attacked!”

“Is it a matter of Manyun civilization? But we have made a full disguise and eliminated all traces. Even the 18th-order civilization may not be able to detect what we did.”

At the moment, in the spaceship that was shackled by Verdant Ruins, the two men and one woman were the first, and the dozens of people in the spaceship who were responsible for hosting the spaceship were working at the same time.

“Don’t be self-defeating. What we disguise is the cultivator of the technological civilization under the Lord of Time. As long as we don’t automatically use the Immortal Dao secret law, no one can understand our identity. There is a civilization alliance among the fairy galaxies. It consists of two civilizations of up to ten 7th grades, 40, and fourteenteenth-order civilizations, which banned the insignificant aggression and attack within the civilization. At the moment, although we are shackled, presumably he does not dare to hurt our lives easily.”

For the first three people, the middle-aged man has the highest sound transmission, and the two people are ordered at the same time: “Listen, you will stabilize other members, Fu Jian, you try and this oyster us. A powerful individual contact for spaceship.”

“Ah, move the mountain!”

The two were complied and were about to take action. At this time, the central computer that was taken over in the spaceship opened the door directly. Then, a form appeared in front of the three.

“Hello, Immortal Dao Civilized cultivator.”

It was Verdant Ruins who stepped into it.

“Immortal Dao civilization!”

When Verdant Ruins spoke these four words, the three people who moved headed, listened, and raised the sword felt a little breath, but soon, moving the mountain forced them to calm down: “This great high civilization Messenger, are you talking about the Immortal Dao civilization? I think there must be some misunderstandings in this. We are not members of the Immortal Dao civilization. We are from the distant 16th-order civilized Xueer civilization. Right now we are returning to our own civilization. I don’t know what the great messenger is stopping us.”

“Sher’s civilization?”

Verdant Ruins understands with a little conjecture that it must be that this civilization has been infiltrated by them so that they can gain the identity on the bright side, but…

“Infiltrating a sixteenth-order civilization, your Immortal Dao civilization must have Void Immortal equivalent to ten 7th grade strongmen? The last time I explored Sheryl civilization, it was a stunned one if there were ten 7th grade Void Immortal hidden. With the characteristics that Void Immortal can make itself fickle and real, I may indeed ignore their existence. Then, as you said, take you to Xueer civilization to see if the Void Immortal is still there. In civilization.”

After Verdant Ruins finished, he did not respond to the three people. With them three, and even their entire spaceship, they began to jump directly.

When he bursts out of powerful energy to break through the dimensional barriers into high-dimensional space, and then descends from high-dimensional space to low-dimensional space to complete a jump and release powerful energy, the face of the entire battleship becomes pale at the same time. stand up……

“Dimensions jump, and do not rely on external equipment, relying entirely on their own strength to make dimensional jumps… This… This is at least the ability of the 18th-order life body to be fully mastered… True Immortal, this life body is a True Immortal !”

There is some gloom in the heart of moving the mountain.

He couldn’t understand why a predecessor of the True Immortal level would suddenly stare at them, knowing that their Immortal Dao civilization’s cultivator, despite being offered a very high price, would not let a True Immortal move for them. , after all, True Immortal compared to Divine Saint
It’s really too big to come.

If you let this life equivalent to the 18th-order True Immortal class go to the Sherwood civilization and find the Void Immortal fairy who is hiding in the Sherlock civilization, they are the greatest sinners of civilization!

“Captain … This power of life is not the transformation of the technological civilization, nor the god of the gods. In him, I feel the trace of the direction of the evolution of Primal Chaos…”

“The Lord of Primal Chaos? What is the use? The Lord of Primal Chaos, the Lord of Time, the Lord of the Gods, are our enemies, and we all want our Immortal Dao civilization to be extinct…only our Immortal Dao civilization is thoroughly Extinction, belongs to our Immortal Dao civilization, the broken ‘Great Dao’ will disappear forever, this universe will not be completely hindered to them, they can with no difficulty to radiate power to the whole universe, master the universe birth and death… instead of As they are now, many times they are able to radiate their own power and can be disturbed by ‘Great Dao’, but they are unable to monitor every corner of his power range…”

Moving in the heart of the mountain is a cold.

“You don’t have to worry, I am not malicious to your Immortal Dao civilization, and I am not going to send you to the Lord of Primal Chaos for the merits!”

At this time, the voice of Verdant Ruins suddenly inserted into the conversation between the three of them.

The passage was heard by three people, and suddenly the three men were pale.

“You…how can you capture our gods? Our God’s thoughts are a high degree of spiritual cohesion. Even the top spirits of the most powerful spiritual powers under the Lord of Time can’t decipher our gods. Know the sound transmission, what about you from the direction of Primal Chaos biological evolution…”

“God read the sound transmission? Is this called God? It is really subtle, the 18th-order True God, one thought Great Boundary, and even the Spirit Master may not be able to decipher it, but unfortunately, you are thinking about sound transmission. The information in it can be easily captured, so your conversation is just under my nose. I don’t want to hear it… Of course, you don’t have to worry, even though your gods have heard that the sound transmission has already exposed you. It belongs to the life of Immortal Dao civilization, but as I said, I am not malicious to you. You don’t have to worry about your life being threatened. Just take me to see the person in charge of your galaxy. can.”

Verdant Ruins finished, all around again a violent energy fluctuation, which is the release of energy from high dimensionality to low-dimensional natural existence.

“Sherr civilization, it is here.”


Move the mountain in ones heart trembled.

They are separated from Xueer civilization, but there are more than 1,400 light years. Even if they jump in dimensions, they must be at least dozens of times, hundreds of times, but just now…

Did this terrifying existence make several dimensional jumps?

Three or four times! ?

A jump across three-four hundred light years! ?

It should be known that the farther the dimension jumps, the more energy is needed, and the greater the load on itself. Without the help of foreign objects, the eighteenth-order life body jumps up to ten light years and nineteenth life. The body’s one-dimensional jump will not exceed one hundred light years, and now…

In front of this, the suspected 18th-order life body actually jumps three-four hundred light years by its own ability…

Twenty steps!

This is a great feat that can be done by a twentieth-order living body. In other words, a terrifying creature is most likely to be the equivalent of the Great Luoxian class in the Immortal Dao civilization.

“Let me take a closer look at the Void Immortal, the last time it was just a glimpse, not too careful.”

Verdant Ruins stayed outside the Sherwood civilization.

Although Xueer civilization also belongs to the 16th-order civilization, it can be compared with the rule of the Milky Way, which belongs to the Yinhe civilization. It is a little worse. The control range is only 60 light years, and the influence range is less than one thousand light. Years, after all, there are two big 7th grade civilizations on them. They can’t dare to be as unscrupulous as the Kimmo civilization.

“There is a deep hidden, but… after reducing the range from a few galaxies to tens of light years to sixty light years, it is still very easy to find, hey, find it.”

Verdant Ruins was careful for less than half a day and soon noticed anomalies.

Even this kind of anomaly is still much worse than moving the mountain and the others.

Because he felt that the Void Immortal class was quietly retreating, apparently moving the mountain with a method he didn’t know to send to the 10 7th grade Void Immortal, let the Void Immortal escape quickly. And if the Void Immortal was still, Verdant Ruins had to spend a few years or even ten years to find her, but she moved naturally and fluctuated, so it was naturally captured by Verdant Ruins.

“It should be within this 1 billion kilometers, I don’t know which area is specific, but I can still infer it, then…”

Verdant Ruins took a deep breath, and suddenly moved to the area to scream and shoot, and at the same time, the power of “Great” of Great Dao was ignited to the extreme.

Great Dao Law is the cornerstone of World’s existence.

In the territory of the Lord of Time, it is composed of four basic forces, causal forces, and logical forces. In addition to these six types of Law, there are still broken Laws like Time and Law, and the original existence of the universe itself. It is because the existence of these Laws maintains the normal operation of the universe, but now Verdant Ruins ignites the “existence” power of its Great Dao Law, which is equivalent to a new Great Dao Law being injected into the fully operational universe Law. It’s like a precision-operated machine, suddenly with a screw, it will naturally fail.

With the spread of his Great Dao’s “existence”, Law in this territory was suddenly disturbed. Originally, a Void Immortal cloud that was secretly sneaked by Verdant Ruins could not be seen. Her palace magic is also clearly presented in front of Verdant Ruins.

After the exposure, the female Void Immortal pretty face, known as Caiyun, whitish without any hesitation: “Kun Mirror, using the hole to meter the maximum power to the virtual Taitai Xianjun communication, let the virtual virtual Taiyi Xianjun to the most Quickly withdrawing from this galaxy, we are exposed, we are stared by a Great Expert with its own way… Let him go, the farther the better! After the communication, immediately destroy the cave, do not leave Any traces that can be traced!”


Known as a 16th-order cultivator of Long Kun, the painful promise of the eye.

This is the fate of all Immortal Dao civilization cultivators. Once exposed, immediately let the upper layer escape and completely hide, and then disconnect all the connections with the upper layer, willingly become a deserter, with his last life as the upper retreat. Delay a little bit of time.

“Wait a minute!”

It took some time for Verdant Ruins to parse out the fairy tales of the Fairy Fairy, and quickly wanted to stop it.

Almost at the moment of his voice, a message that was concealed quickly and even Verdant Ruins himself could only blur the induction quietly dissipated, and then the violent explosion has spread from the magic of the palace, leaving the information behind. The traces are completely erased.

Obviously, Kunjing has perfectly executed the command of Caiyun Fairy, sent information with Dongtian, and destroyed Dongtian.

After understanding this, Verdant Ruins was speechless.

“Great Dao is fighting for the past, my Immortal Dao civilization Immortal Cultivator, fighting with the sky, fighting with the earth, fighting with people, you can destroy the shape of our Immortal Dao civilization, but it is absolutely impossible to destroy the will of our Immortal Dao civilization! Friends, I am very happy to be able to work with you all these years. Now, let us finally join hands again, burn Xianli, and bloom the brilliance of our Immortal Dao civilization, let these invaders understand that we are Immortal Dao civilization. Will never unyielding clothes, even if the battle to the last person is not hesitating! Kill!”

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