“Since you call yourself a fairy, a fairy, it’s not good to fight and kill all day.”

Verdant Ruins looked at the next-minute burning of Xianli to fight with you, the colorful fairy, and so on. With a direct speechless command, Great Dao was running, all around the power of Law was expelled under his finger. , even to be cut off, suddenly let the colorful fairy, such as the inside of the body, the force of the force is almost stagnant.

Taking this opportunity, he once again made a real shot. The thunderous battle hit the colorful clouds fairy and the others’ movement techniques, Immortal Arts, and all the Immortal Dao civilization cultivators in the entire palace were suppressed.

“Great Expert…”

Feeling the power of the Great Dao who was expelled, the face of the Fairy Fairy is full of despair.

Although the power of Great Dao Law used by Verdant Ruins is more than a little bit worse than the real Great Expert, the Fairy Fairy itself has only ten 7th grades. In her opinion, a Great Expert wants to give birth to her naturally. To do her best, the more she associates, the more she is desperate in her heart.

“This galaxy belongs to the range of power radiation of the Lord of Time. It is troublesome to use the personal space that Son of Primal Chaos can use. It seems that when you have enough merits, you have to exchange a space device that can accommodate living things. Used to imprison the target that was born to me.”

Verdant Ruins said, but he quickly grabbed the 100-year-old Immortal Dao civilization cultivator headed by the fairy, and involved them in his ten 7th grade luck Star Ship spaceship.

This spaceship was originally designed to take into account the need to capture the target, there are several rooms dedicated to the prisoners.

“You can’t think of the whereabouts of any fairy friend from my mouth.”

Caiyun Fairy stared at Verdant Ruins, his eyes filled with anger.

“I said that there is a misunderstanding between us. I am not malicious to you. In fact, I am also an inheritor of the Immortal Dao civilization.”

Verdant Ruins Road.

Caiyun Fairy sneered at Verdant Ruins, and he would not reveal half a word to him.

Verdant Ruins’s eyes turned to others: “I just felt that a message has been passed on by you. The instrument that passed the message is quite mysterious. I can’t track where the information goes, then, that is, if I Can’t find the position of the Taiyi Xianjun in your mouth in a short time. The Taiyi Xianjun in your mouth will soon transfer their target with their people and hide it?”

“Yes, we have had a good understanding of your cultivation power over the years. We already have a special magic weapon to shield your induction. You want to find Void Immortal Jun by conventional methods. It is simply an idiotic dream, even if you use special The secret treasures have to take thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years. As a Great Expert, you must be in a key position. Can you leave your position for thousands of years?”

Among the people, the man named Kun Jing was the first coldy.

“Thousands of years… tens of thousands of years…”

Verdant Ruins looked at these people and looked at the Yunyun Fairy. “I didn’t want to deal with you. I want to find the Immortal Dao civilization. The real purpose is to confirm, have you taken the Galaxy Galaxy?” The Orion Arm Gould has a star in the solar system.”

When I heard Verdant Ruins say, the other people didn’t react. It was the fairy, Verdant Ruins could clearly feel the moment of her Spiritual Fluctuation, although she soon covered up the Spiritual Fluctuation, but Verdant Ruins still felt it.

His gaze fell directly on the Fairy Fairy: “Very good, what do you know, then tell me now, who took the star? Where are they now?”

Caiyun Fairy looked at Verdant Ruins coldly, his pretty face full of ridicule.

It seems to be laughing at his attitude of asking himself.

“I said, I have no hostility to you, I only want that star…”

Verdant Ruins is a bit unhappy.

However, when he said this, he immediately felt that there was a problem with his own words.

What does he want only that star?

That is the source of World.

Who doesn’t want it?

Compared to his Great Expert, which is clearly the main lineage of Primal Chaos, the original World is obviously heavier in the minds of the Immortal Dao civilization.


The taunting color of the fairy in front of the cloud has become even more extreme.

Verdant Ruins knew that he couldn’t draw the fate of Immortal Dao civilization from the mouth of Fairy Fairy in the usual way. Now his eyes turned to the one hundred Immortal Dao civilization cultivator that was born by himself: “Colorful Fairy is right, you don’t For your own consideration, you have to think for yourself, maybe you are not afraid of death, for the Immortal Dao civilization’s inheritance can contribute to the life with the slightest hesitation, but your subordinates…”

“We are ready to sacrifice before we take over the task of lurking in the Andromeda!”

Verdant Ruins’s words were not finished and they were interrupted by the voices of these people.

“For the glory of our Immortal Dao civilization, we are not afraid to sacrifice.”

“Invaders… No, you are not even an intruder. You are just a group of poor worms blinded by the Lord of Primal Chaos. Wake up! Don’t forget, this is our World, the Lord of Primal Chaos, The Lord of Time, and the Lord of the Gods, they are only despicable and brutal invaders, giving us the endless pain and life of this World, and now, what you are doing is just taking the side of The evil-doer !”

These people have a decisive gaze in each and everyone’s eyes. No one has a little fear in their hearts. Some of them look to towards his gaze and even with a trace of pity.


In front of the prisoners, life and death are not their own, but Verdant Ruins.

“When awake people are only a minority, or even if they are awake, they may not want to lose these wonderful lives, and they are not willing to abandon the lofty powers they currently have. They still choose to sleep, and you, never wake up. Sleeping people.”

Caiyun Fairy said, expression is cold and looking at Verdant Ruins: “I said, you have a sharp butcher knife, we can’t stop the destruction of our life form by the butcher knife in your hands, but you can never destroy us by the butcher knife in your hand. The spiritual will, the glory of Immortal Dao civilization is immortal.”

Verdant Ruins looked at the Fairy Fairy and looked at the hundreds of Immortal Dao civilization cultivators that came with the Fairy Fairy. He could see that these people really had their own life and death.

Although some of them have fears of death in their hearts, their lofty dedication to the inheritance of the Immortal Dao civilization has depressed the fear of death in their hearts, and wants to ask Earth World from these populations. That is the information of the original World of Immortal Dao civilization…

Basically impossible.

Even if he told these people to be born at the beginning of the World, these people would never believe it.

Even Verdant Ruins gave them the opportunity to contact Void Immortal to make Void Immortal judge their information from Earth World’s population and they would not execute it.

Great Expert’s approach is too mysterious, and the original World is too important for the Immortal Dao civilization. They can’t guarantee that they will let them leave. It will be a slap in the face, even if they really will contact Void Immortal Jun one day. The forces are estimated to wait for them to fully confirm their safety, and this will take at least a thousand years and a thousand years to calculate.

Verdant Ruins, who realized the problem, was silent for a while.

For a long time, he looked up and turned to Caiyun Fairy and the others: “I am not malicious to you, and I am not malicious to the Immortal Dao civilization. I also had the help of a Sword Spirit. I will Prove to you.”

Caiyun fairy looks at Verdant Ruins, expression is as cold as ever.

Apparently, she made clear that her mindset would not be subject to Verdant Ruins’s words, or even any spiritual confusion.

“It looks like you can only detour from Great World, the Great World, and the Great World. You have turned a big circle and you are doing nothing, even killing Axe True God. I don’t have to worry about it. Since Immortal Dao civilization has a Taiyi Xianjun intervening in this matter, Axel True God’s threat to the Earth civilization is naturally unbreakable…”

Verdant Ruins shook his head and gave up the idea of ​​getting Earth World information from the Fairy Fairy.

Of these people, it is obvious that only Fairy Fairy knows the information of Earth World, and even if he kills the Fairy Fairy, the Fairy Fairy does not necessarily inform Earth World about him.

As for other Immortal Dao civilizations…

Verdant Ruins does not intend to continue looking for it.

Not to mention that Immortal Dao civilization is entirely by luck. Even if you find an Immortal Dao civilization, the Immortal Dao civilization may not belong to Void Immortal. Even if it belongs to Void Immortal, can he from those civilizations? It is also a problem for the leader to ask about the whereabouts of Void Immortal Jun.

Going on is just a waste of time. It’s better to transfer it directly from Earth World to Earth World.

Anyway, Earth World has now been taken away by the Immortal Dao civilization, Void Immortal Jun. If Void Immortal is to persecute humans on Earth World, humans are estimated to have died almost. If he values ​​Earth World, then Earth World The human beings must have embarked on the path of Immortal Cultivator.

And there is a Void Immortal Jun behind the support. In the past hundred years, Earth World is afraid to have a large number of Golden Core Realm, Divine Ability Realm, Dharma Heavenly Transformation, and even the cultivator of divine Realm.

According to him, the Immortal Dao civilization is more promising than the Millennium System of Primal Chaos. The breakthrough to 7th grade will have thousands of lifespans. If you can cultivate the thirteenth-order life equivalent to divine Realm, it will not be a problem. He doesn’t have to worry about wasting too much time, and father will face the fate of old age.

“Is it fortune or misfortune, it depends on the creation of our Earth civilization.”

Verdant Ruins sighed and returned to the headquarters of the eight hundred twenty districts.

At this time, his identity token suddenly projected a phantom, which is the deputy Captain Yin Yu of the Jinpeng team.

Seeing the information turned on, Yin Yu was slightly startled, followed by amazed joyfully said: “Dongyang, is you? Where are you? If the information can be connected, the distance between us should not exceed 10 million light years.”

“I am in the fairy galaxy.”

Verdant Ruins Road.

“The fairy galaxy, great, we are in the triangle galaxy, Dongyang, we are eyeing a 19th-order civilization, we need your help.”

Considering the help of the Jinpeng team, Verdant Ruins has hesitated for a moment and has decided: “Give me your position, I will pass.”

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