The eight hundred twenty three War Zones have a total area of ​​about 600 galaxies, ranging from about 80 million light years.

Among the six hundred galaxies, the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way Galaxy, although larger in size, may have no strong civilization due to their proximity to the General Command. Although the Triangle Galaxy is not far from the Milky Way and the Fairy, it is because of the timeline. The general command is also located in the star field and the main command of the main lineage of Primal Chaos. It is close to the command, and there are dozens of galaxies that are smaller than the Milky Way and the fairy. Eighteenth civilization and a nineteenth civilization.

Verdant Ruins received the help information from Silver Feather and the others, and did not delay, moving to the location they shared with the fastest speed.

Along the way, he relied on his own understanding of the high-level dimension and the tyranny of his own body, constantly carrying out dimensional jumps, and each jump can advance at least hundreds of light years.

This number may not be as large as thehund thousand times the speed of light, but a thousand times the speed of light can take a year to fly out of the hundred thousand light years. Verdant Ruins can now jump in dimensions, spanning four or five hundred light years at a time. And he can make nearly a thousand dimensional jumps in the next day, that is, one day can span four five hundred thousand light years, which is faster than the thousand times light speed. ?

“In terms of speed, I can’t compare with the real Great Expert, but it’s not slower than Ruler.”

Verdant Ruins has a heart to mind as he moves through the dimension.

Unfortunately, dimensional jumps must be carried out only by the high-level dimension of the Light Lord in his territory. In the World of Primal Chaos, you want to shuttle between the two worlds, still relying on Teleportation Formation and Void shuttle, the efficiency is better than time. The dimension of the main lineage jumps to a big discount.

This is also the lord of Primal Chaos who obviously has the power to be stronger than the Lord of Time and the Lord of the Gods. As he occupies more and more territory and has more and more resources, the battle is gradually unfavorable. the reason.

In the hurry, the Lord of Primal Chaos lags behind the Lord of Time.

“Silver feather, I am here, your specific location?”

Verdant Ruins first communicated after entering the triangle galaxy.


The silver feathers that received the news slightly startled, it seems to be somewhat unbelievable: “You bought the spaceship of the 21st civilization? I will send you our current position.”

Not long after, Verdant Ruins had received the message from Silver Feather: “Not far, only 3,000 light years.”

The next moment, he has once again made a dimensional jump.

Dimensional jumps are very burdensome on the body of the cultivator. Even the first Supreme-class characters in Primal Chaos are so frequently performing dimensional jumps. At the moment of ascending and dimension-reducing, the released force continues to act on the body, and it will still last for a long time. It does not cause any harm to themselves. It is like an Ordinary person running, running for a few kilometers is exercise, but running a few ten thousand meters regardless of his own limit will only damage his body.

Only the Ruler-class characters who have been cultivated in the sacred Saint Physique can continue to make dimensional jumps without interruption, but they rely on the force of the the loop to resist the load of the dimension jump on itself, which is like Verdant Ruins. The particularity of the “Dao” itself, relying on the magic that does not jump out of the Three Elements and not in Five Elements, is hardly affected by the dimensional jump, if not because of his own “Dao” too weak, the high-dimensional space is reduced to Even in low-dimensional space, it doesn’t even cause any ripples.

“just in front!”

As Verdant Ruins’s eighth dimension jump was completed, a burst of blast in the stars appeared in front of his vision.

It is a rays of light that a star is detonated.

The star’s detonation will emit strong energy fluctuations. Although it can’t stop the dimensional jump, it has no small impact on the cosmic tide and curvature drive. It is obvious that Yin Yu and the others are using this method to block the continuous pursuit of tactical pursuit of technological civilization.

“Yin Yu, Jin Peng, Hale.”

The voice of Verdant Ruins echoed directly in the fleeing Jinpeng team and the others.

“Dongyang, are you here? Your spaceship? Fast, we use your spaceship to escape. Although this civilization has reached the 19th order, his development is very deformed. The advantage is limited to war. At speed, they are only ten at best. At the level of the eighth-order civilization, your spaceship can arrive so quickly, and it must have the ability to jump in dimensions. The ability to jump in dimensions is not affected by black holes, so we can retreat.”

Yin Yu’s anxious voice passed over.

“Black hole.”

Verdant Ruins’s eyes moved toward the front.

In the huge battleship group ahead, he did feel the existence of thousands of special celestial bodies, most of which were neutron star bastions less than ten kilometers in diameter, and in addition to the neutron star fortress, six were difficult to catch by. The black hole to.

The technological civilization under the master of time will be restricted by material before the 19th order. In other words, no matter what kind of battleship they make, they must rely on material energy, such as meteorites, planets, stars, etc., but civilization develops to ten. After the ninth order, they will be able to use the power of the “Great Dao Law” to make Void into energy, so that the energy they have mastered is almost endless.

In fact, this is similar to the nature of the Primal Chaos giants who can get the blessing of Great Dao.

“These black holes are no different from the black holes that Axe True God has made in terms of formidable power. It is no wonder that silver feathers and the others are somewhat protected by Jinpeng, who is tempering to the 18th order. Hard to get out.”

“The 19th-order civilization, if you have time, you want to see what is different, but now I want to return to the Great World, and then borrow the Great World from the Great World, return to Earth, and return to Earth. It’s not a waste of time for you…”

After Verdant Ruins finished, he went straight to the front and grabbed the hand, and already grabbed the battleship of Silver Feather, Jinpeng, Hale and the others, and then the dimension of all around began to change. There was a lot of energy vacuum, and there were waves and storms in the endless sea of ​​stars, and instantly scared the battleships that were about to continue to attack.

However, just as Verdant Ruins planned to leave completely, a ripple was quickly erupted from a very deep battleship hidden in the front, not only disturbing the stability of the dimension of Verdant Ruins’ space, but also made a certain The dimension reduction is to separate the universe from the main universe and form a small universe with a diameter of several tens of light years.

“Cosmic cutting technology!? This… This is the cosmic cutting technology that can only be mastered by the 20th-order civilization? How is it possible? In a short time, how can this civilization develop to this extent!?”

Yin Yu saw this scene can not help stared wide-eyed, exclaimed.

“Twenty-order civilization…”

Verdant Ruins is also somewhat surprised.

The 19th-order civilization has been upgraded to a 20th-order civilization. This is not a good phenomenon. He can compete with the 19th-order civilization, but it does not mean that he has obtained a 20-order civilization.

“Well! The balance of the small universe is being destroyed at a very fast rate…”

“It is the principle of entropy increase! They intend to destroy this small universe by entropy increase, together with us and buried with the small universe!”

Yin Yu first noticed the intention of the other party’s attack method.

This is the ability to directly destroy a small universe, put it in the main territory of Primal Chaos to destroy a Great World, and even kill a horror of a ruthless Saint Physique class.

Fortunately, the technology of this civilization is obviously not perfect. Verdant Ruins can still faintly perceive the connection between this cut small universe and the big universe. In addition, the entropy increase attack and efficiency used by this 20th-order civilization Slower, according to Verdant Ruins’s speculation, he wants to enrich and destroy the small universe of 40 light years by entropy. It takes about a month.

Thinking of this, Verdant Ruins didn’t dare to delay the special system of existence and non-existence. For a time, let alone the six big Laws in the territory of the time, even the ancient Great Dao left in the original universe. The bondage to him also fell to the lowest point. After grasping an opportunity, his figure suddenly shuttled, directly following the connection between the small universe and the big universe, and leaped out of this small universe and returned to the big universe.

In the big universe, Verdant Ruins didn’t dare to delay too much and jumped at full speed.

A 19th-order scientific and technological civilization, he is still interested to understand, even take this civilization to verify how they differ from themselves, but a 20th-order civilization…

That is the equivalent of the Prime Layer Ruler character in Primal Chaos. Before Verdant Ruins did not refining his true body, he did not intend to confront these civilizations.

“weng weng! ”

Relying on the dimension jump, Verdant Ruins quickly got out of the battlefield and appeared hundreds of light years away, but this distance is still not safe for the 20th-order civilization, he has to make another second dimension jump.

It wasn’t until after the tens of light years of the 20th-order civilization that Verdant Ruins was able to slow down some of their own jumping speeds.

“It should have left the crisis.”

Verdant Ruins snorted.

The expressions of Yin Yu, Jin Peng and the others are also full of happiness: “Fortunately, the technological civilization under the jurisdiction of Time is not the same as our cultivation direction. A 20-stage technological civilization, all the fleets add up to kill Primal. The power of Chaos’ Second Layer Ruler, and what we have just dealt with is just a fleet of the 20th-order civilization. It is equivalent to a ruler’s incarnation… Otherwise, can we escape from this civilization? It’s very problematic.”

Verdant Ruins nodded, asked: “How do you get into this 20th-order civilization? Also, there are 20-order civilizations in the triangular galaxies?”

“This thing is too ridiculous. If you say it, you may not believe it. In our understanding, this civilization should have only ten 7th grades.”

“Ten 7th grade?”

Silver feathers nodded: “We have dealt with this civilization four thousand years ago. At that time, this civilization really only had ten 7th grades, but according to our understanding, this civilization took less than 13 times to ten 7th grades. Three thousand years, that is to say, they have not been more than 20,000 years since they were born.”

“Three thousand years!? What you mean is that this civilization has only been promoted from the thirteenth order equivalent to Domain Realm to the twenty-order order now called Ruler in seven thousand years!?”

Verdant Ruins was suddenly surprised.

“Yes! This is the main reason why we came to this War Zone this time… I just didn’t think that they actually evolved into the 20th order in such a short time. If it wasn’t for Dongyang, our team was afraid to plant it. “”

Jin Pengdao, the words are full of gratitude to Verdant Ruins and the joy of escape.

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