“The great Chero Ruler, the Jinpeng team brought it to the three.”

The man took the three men into a great hall with thousands of flats and respected the man in the center of the great hall at the center of hundreds of light curtains.

“Okay, let’s go back.”

The man in the center of the hundred light curtains said a word, and then a hand waved, all the light curtains disappeared.

As the light curtain disappeared, Verdant Ruins also really saw the appearance of the Chero Ruler.

To be exact, it is clear about the operation of his scented Saint Physique.

The man apparently became Ruler soon, unable to perfectly converge the power of his own singular Saint Physique, which will be revealed in front of Verdant Ruins.

Under the eyes of Verdant Ruins, the man Saint with the body of Saint Physique is simply a complete small universe, just like the 20th-order technological civilization has the technology to cut the small universe into the universe, the same as Saint Physique. .

But they are not arrogant universes that will cut the small universe, but instead transform their Small World into a body.

The Small World of one thought becomes a World needs to be continuously supplemented by external forces to stabilize. Even the Primal Chaos Supreme, which also needs the blessing of Great Dao, can work normally, but the Saint Physique is not used.

The universe in the mixed Saint Physique is already a perfect universe, with the body self-contained Great Dao Law, although these Great Dao Law are simulated from the outside, but it is equivalent to an independent loop system, can do To the end of life, self-sufficiency.

Such a piece of World, even if Ruler, who is the master of World, has fallen, it can still exist for a very long time. Even if the souls inside are not allowed to lift the outside world, they will never judge whether they are living in others. World is still a real World.

“This is the hybrid Saint Physique…”

Verdant Ruins muttered to himself.

A perfect Small World.

A small universe that is endless.

At this moment, he could not help but have a doubt about the World he lived in.

If, in the Primal Chaos, the second layer of the Second layer, the soul of the universe will never leave its own universe, and it is impossible to judge whether it is someone else with the body World or true World. Then what about them?

Who can guarantee that the big universe that they are living now is also the same as the body World?

Even if they are the Lord of Time, the Lord of Primal Chaos, the Lord of the Gods, who are huge in size to a few hundred thousand light years, are they the same?

But they may be more advanced, but it is also possible to live in a timeline where there is no place to exist.

Even those who are supreme may only exist in the mind of a living body that cannot be said.

Thinking drifted, Verdant Ruins suddenly silenced.

Until I didn’t know how long it was, Jinpeng was anxiously reminded of Verdant Ruins that he was awake from this suspicion and guessing about the unknown.

Verdant Ruins returned to God a little and found that Chero Ruler had already set his sights on him, with a hint of wonder and a curious look: “Your life form… very strange, like a kind of completely incompatible with World The special existence of the Great Dao Law in World is hard to capture your traces… If it is not because of the energy intensity of your with the body, I have to wonder if you are a great expert. It is.”

“This…may be related to my cultivation, which is the Great Dao that was broken in the ancient times…”

Verdant Ruins has already thought about the strangeness that may have been seen in his own body.

The cultivator that destroyed Great Dao in ancient times is quite similar to its current state.

of course……

Just like it.

“Is it a great Dao in ancient times…”

Chero Ruler slightly nodded: “This World was a rather great World before it was destroyed. It is said to hide the eternal mystery. Some Great Dao circulated in this World is also extremely mysterious. Unfortunately, these Great Dao are completely broken. Even if it is refined, it is very difficult to achieve much success. As far as I know, the people who have the deepest research on the Great Dao in the ancient times are all at the level of the Prime Layer of Primal Chaos. So far, there has not been any The Great Expert was born.”

“I understand, but since I have already embarked on this road and have reached this realm, it is really unwilling to give up. Therefore, I will continue to go.”

Chero Ruler nodded, but did not think much.

After all, the defects of the Great Dao in ancient times are well known. He mentions one thing, only because they have just made up their credits. As for listening to them, it is their own business.

“I have learned about the matter from Jin Pengkou. According to your statement, that civilization is quite special. When I arrive, I will send an incarnation to see the civilization in person, to see what secrets are hidden inside, and to discover this world. You, I will also give you the reward of the hundred thousand merits.”

“hundred thousand merit!”

Upon hearing this number, the breathing of Yin Yu and Jin Peng suddenly stagnate.

This is equivalent to killing a Primal Chaos Supreme or destroying a 19th-order civilization.

I can get such a generous reward for merit, even if I have experienced the sinister life of nine deaths.


Considering that they had promised to hand over all the merits to Verdant Ruins beforehand, they were only admired at the same time.

After all, they knew that if it weren’t for Verdant Ruins, they couldn’t come back to bring the news to Chero Ruler.

“Thanks to the generosity of Chero Ruler.”

Jin Peng, Yin Yu, Verdant Ruins and the others at the same time.

Chero Ruler smiled and said: “I am also very interested in the civilization you provided. Moreover, the 20th-order civilization, or each and everyone has just developed into a 20th-order civilization, or it is good to kill them before they have grown up. Otherwise, when they become climate, they will be in trouble.”

After that, he said again: “Now, after the official business is over, let’s talk about private affairs.”


Chero Ruler’s eyes fell on Verdant Ruins: “I see the information, you are from the Great World?”


Verdant Ruins complied, after a moment, he guessed something based on Cherro Ruler’s somewhat inexplicable question and the soon-to-be-promoted Ruler scent on his body. Suddenly, “I take the liberty to ask, you and the Dragon World Great World’s Chero Supreme I don’t know what it is?”

“You haven’t already guessed it?”

Chero Ruler smiled.


Chero Ruler nodded: “I am the Chero Supreme of Great Dragon World… I haven’t gone back for nearly 10,000 years… I have a great World.”


Verdant Ruins doesn’t know if it’s good or not.

For a while, he said: “The Great World was a bit messy some time ago, but now the ruins of the Lord’s Bloodline descendants have returned, and the inheritance of the ruins of the Lord left in the Great World of the Dragon, now should be in Azure Dragon With the help of Supreme, it became the new queen of the Dragon Empire.”

“Oh, is the descendant of the lord of the ruins rule the Great World?” Well, it doesn’t cost him the layout when he left.”

Verdant Ruins looked at Chero Ruler and asked if he was indulged: “I wonder if the Lord of the Ruins is doing now?”

“The Master of the Ruins… It has fallen for thousands of years…”

In the eyes of Chero Ruler, there was a trace of sorrow: “We used to launch a war against this star field. In that battle, there were more than twenty-eight twenty-order civilizations in the battle. At the last moment of the battle, The fleet of twenty-first-order civilizations was fully involved in the battlefield. The ruins of the ruins, as the front-ranking Ruler, were attacked by the twenty-first-order civilization… unfortunately fallen, despite the critical moment, our side The famous Great Expert giant dragon City Lord also rushed to defeat the main fleet of the 21st-order civilization, but also destroyed the flagship of that civilization, but … after all, one step slower…”

“Twenty-first-order civilization…”

“The Lord of the ruins is actually the discipline of the giant dragon City Lord. In order to avenge himself, the giant dragon City Lord, who originally ruled another battlefield, chose to sit in this star field. This is also the ability to take this star field. The reason for the promotion of the layout layer, in just a few thousand years, not only the large area of ​​the star area we occupied, but also the twenty-first-order civilization that was broken by the giant dragon City Lord reached three, destroying the top battleship in his hands. Three billion.”

“Three billion.”

Verdant Ruins was secretly scared.

Although the battleship in the twenty-first-order civilization is strong and weak, often the weakest one of the battleship can kill a Divine Saint.
Real body, even the Unrivaled Realm strong.

“It seems that Azure Dragon Supreme has fulfilled its duties. Since the Dragon Empire is still under the control of the lords of the ruins, then forget it.”

Verdant Ruins looks at this Chero Ruler…

According to him, if the Emperor of Great Dragon is not a descendant of the lord of the ruins, he still has to intervene?

Is he going to be responsible for the lord of the ruins, or is there anything good in the Great World?

Shaking his head, Verdant Ruins personally did not intend to intervene in the chaos of the Great World.

After the interview, Verdant Ruins entire group withdrew from the great hall.

And out of the great hall, Jinpeng also fulfilled his duties, the first time transferred the hundred thousand merits to Verdant Ruins.

Verdant Ruins was also polite. After accepting the merits, he asked: “I want to buy a Small World that can hold a living thing. This Small World is best able to open in any great life.”

“That is the 20th-order Small World. The price of Small World with a complete internal loop is not cheap. If you have a merit, you can only buy a small universe with a diameter of no more than a thousand kilometers.”

“One thousand kilometers, enough!”

Verdant Ruins said: “Can you buy?”

“of course.”

Jinpeng flashed a arrogance in his eyes: “We are fighting for the great Primal Chaos. Some of the top treasures that military merit can redeem are said to have been personally given by the great Primal Chaos. Don’t say you only want one. The tenth-order small universe, even the twenty-first order, and even the legendary Creation God Artifact, as long as you have enough merit, may not be able to redeem it.”

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