Under the leadership of Jinpeng, Verdant Ruins soon came to the area dedicated to military exchange for many cultivation resources, heavenly materials, earthly treasures.

Verdant Ruins suddenly collapsed shrinking as Kingpeng pulled out the list of resources that he could redeem and let Verdant Ruins clearly see what was available for purchase.

“This this……”

At the forefront of the redemption list, the most precious thing is the legendary Creation God Artifact.

These Creation God Artifacts fall into two broad categories. One is to create a special Creation God Artifact for the cultivator. Each Creation God Artifact needs to kill one of the gods of the gods, an Extreme Divine Venerable or thirty. Ordinary High God, in addition to destroying twenty twenty-first-order civilizations can also be exchanged.

As for the other category, Creation God Artifact, which is not tailored, but now has inventory, often needs to kill a Divine Venerable or ten High God, and destroy ten twenty-first-order civilizations.

The Culture System of the King of the Gods is composed of Lower God, Middle God, and High God, corresponding to Primal Chaos to 3rd-layer, but their Culture System has a special structure called the Lord God, the Lord God. It is equivalent to the leader and king of the gods. It not only has amazing strength and power, but also can use the power of other gods in the gods.

The more gods in this god system, the more powerful the power, the stronger the combat power. According to the size of the gods and their strength, they often call themselves Divine King and Divine Venerable. Divine King belongs to the gods of Ordinary. Divine Venerable’s combat power is powerful to several times the ordinary Great Expert, often requiring a few digits or even ten Great Experts to kill it.

As for the special existences that are faintly above the Third Layer of Primal Chaos, they are often given the title of Legendary and top powerhouse. Once the Extreme Divine Venerable and Legendary characters appear on the battlefield, they are almost invincible.

“I don’t think of the Great Experts in the Third Layer of Primal Chaos. They are all divided into three or six.”

Verdant Ruins looked at the information above and couldn’t help but feel.

“hehe, as far as I know, the Primal Chaos Situation Third is much different from the Primal Chaos Fourth Layer. It is a double change in quality and quantity. It is because the two realms are too far apart, so in Primal Chaos. In front of the fourth layer, the geniuses of countless surprises will be stopped. These geniuses, despite their long lasting step, are in the essence of life and the Lord of the great Primal Chaos, the Lord of the Gods, The Lord of Time has a shoulder to the Legendary, but the accumulation of countless years is enough to make them invincible in the realm.”

“Primal Chaos is a four-folder, life is essentially the Lord of Primal Chaos, the Lord of the Gods, and the Lord of Time?”

Verdant Ruins asked curiously.

Jin Peng listened, and some embarrassed said: “I just mentioned that when I talked to two Rulers, I heard that the gap between Primal Chaos and the Fourth Layer is too big to calculate, but Primal Chaos is four-fold, 5th. Layer, and the gap between the Primal Chaos 6th-layer, which represents the great Primal Chaos, the Lord of Time, and the Primal Chaos of the Lord’s life, is rapidly shrinking, which is also reported to be only Primal. Chaos is the four evil, 5th layer evil spirits have been defeated and expelled by the three great existences, but still dare to stir up the wind in front of the three great existences, and do things small.”

After he finished, he quickly added: “The great existence is not something we can measure, so I can’t guarantee the authenticity of these messages.”

Verdant Ruins listened to nodded.

“The great existence of the three supreme invincibles is to prevent those evil gods from seeing, so most of the time they will look in the depths of the distant universe to stop the evil spirits from coming, and there are temporary agreements between the three supreme beings, the territorial battles, only Can maintain the Primal Chaos 3rd-layer and below, so that they do not have the three great existences of each other, the three loses, so that the evil spirits, demons have a chance, so Primal Chaos horizon Third layer this realm It is a vital realm, and the well-know figures of the Great Divine Ability Realm are often able to get the attention of the Lord of Primal Chaos. If you make a great contribution, you may even be able to get the guidance of the great Primal Chaos.”

Jin Peng said this, with a hint of envy and a touch of fanaticism: “Like the general manager of our War Zone, the powerful giant dragon City Lord belongs to one of the top powerhouses that were personally summoned by Primal Chaos. ”

“The evil spirit…top powerhouse…”

Verdant Ruins listened, and couldn’t help but feel a sense of wide openness.

Although Jinpeng is only a one thought Great Boundary cultivator, but because of his perennial slogan in the battlefield, he can’t match the general Primal Chaos Supreme in his vision and knowledge, plus he has the heart to make Verdant Ruins the future. The infinite cultivator, introduced from the best is to do everything.

“Actually, the name “Great Expert” is still used in the World from that year, that is, a realm in the world’s native culture civilization – Immortal Dao civilization… because the realm’s cultivator is too strong, it gets Primal Chaos 3rd- Layer The recognition of the top big people, even though they were defeated by us, but it is because they are too few, and there are too many great lives to intervene directly… In order to show respect for them, those big people are spontaneous The Prime Layer of Primal Chaos is called Great Expert to commemorate the uninielding of the top cultivators of this civilization.

“The battle…”

Verdant Ruins has a heartbeat: “I remember that the battle should have been in a dozen years. I should be able to check out the details of those battles now.”

“Of course, this kind of information requires permission. Only when the authority reaches level 7 can you investigate, that is, the merits you consume here reach a total of 10 million.”

Jinpeng said this, the tone is slightly stopped: “But if you are interested in this information, you may wish to visit the vast Great World. The vast Great World collects almost all the materials in our cultivation civilization. If you made it there, Contributions should be able to access relevant information.”

“What about the vast Great World.”

Verdant Ruins took the matter down and he will go there if he has the chance to find out the truth about the battle.

The two then chatted and read the Small World that they needed to buy. For a moment, Jinpeng seemed to find something, and his eyes were slightly bright: “Dongyang, look here.”

The next moment, he has already adjusted this information.

“Great Expert opened up the Small World!? Diameter…100 kilometers!? The price is just a hundred thousand merits?”

Verdant Ruins’s eyes also fell on this introduction.

“It seems that this should be a big Expert’s discipline, a descendant, holding the Small World from the elders of the division to sell or alleviate the urgent needs. The interior of Small World opened up by Ruler can form a cycle, but the Great Expert The opening of Small World already has the birth of Dao’, which can run independently from anywhere. In addition, those roads, although simple, have great benefits for the one thought Great Boundary who has not yet realized his Great Dao. Almost equal to a Great Expert, you will leave a Great Dao in front of you for your comprehend, its value is almost comparable to Gou Shishi. Of course, Wu Daoshi can enhance the sentiment of the 18th Great Dao, but this Small World can only enhance the Great Dao sentiment of the Great Expert.”

“One hundred kilometers, if it is just to accommodate some important people, it is almost the same.”

Verdant Ruins said that he immediately bought this Small World.

“The shortcomings of this Small World are obvious. It is too small. After all, the body of a Primal Chaos God Beast and Sacred Beast can reach 100 kilometers, but the advantages are also very significant. It contains Great Dao Law, which is the biggest advantage. In addition, these Great Dao Laws can also be added to the comprehend of the cultivator in Primal Chaos, increasing the probability of their promotion to Primal Chaos in the case of Law. For us, the absolute value of the hundred thousand merits… Unfortunately… One thought Great Boundary’s cultivator is able to get the reward of thousands of merits.”

Jin Peng’s tone is somewhat envious.

Verdant Ruins smiled and didn’t say much. After a short time, a delivery person had sent Small World.

The entire Small World is sealed in a palm-sized crystal ball, which clearly shows the sun and the moon running and the Law running.

Verdant Ruins carefully sensed for a moment. Although this Small World is only a hundred kilometers, it actually has a series of elements such as sky and atmosphere on its periphery. Together with a virtual sun, the real area actually reaches. Three hundred kilometers, from this point of view, already worthy of value for money.

Verdant Ruins is very satisfied with this Small World. It is rare to have such a good opportunity. He once again asked: “Yes, I don’t know if I can trade the goods in the War Zone?”

“Of course, Daoyun is the hardest trading currency of all World.”

Jin Peng said this, slightly lowering some voices: “If you really want to use Tao Yun to buy the materials that can be exchanged on the military power list, I suggest you go to the 800 area, that is, the chief commander giant dragon City Lord personally sits in the town. The War Zone, where there are more powerful people, and there are not many people who are rich in family. There are many people who are willing to buy the rhyme with high prices. In different places, the exchange ratio of military and rhyme will be several times, even a dozen. Double the distance.”

“How do you say the ratio?”

“Fortunately, you can meet a ratio of hundred thousand, or even more than 100,000. If you are not lucky, one to ten thousand, thousands are possible. The key is where you go, if it is the general commander in War Zone. The area is located, the ratio of one to ten thousand is guaranteed. If you are willing to wait patiently for opportunities, one to two thousand is not difficult. The higher the ratio depends on those who are in a hurry to take the road.”

“One to ten thousand, twenty thousand…”

Verdant Ruins has actually spent a lot of things on the road, and there are still less than two thousand left.

Less than two thousand…

For those who have Primal Chaos and other 40 fourth-order Ruler-level characters, they spend more than 700 dollars a year. This number is not much compared to the Ruler-level characters, only in Primal Chaos. The Supreme-class power is considered rich in the eyes.

“In any case, I will soon return to the Great World. If it is a good time to scrape it, even if I can only get the half of the Great World in the world, I can get thousands of dollars a year. …compared to the income of the Great Experts…”

Verdant Ruins thought, with the slightest hesitation made the decision.


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