The eight hundred twenty three districts are not far from the 800 district.

Verdant Ruins took less than a year and has arrived in the 800th district.

At the 800 War Zone, Verdant Ruins went straight to the trading market.

This time, although there is no Jinpeng Captain, the deputy Captain Yin Yu has followed.

Silver feather experience is better than Jinpeng, but it is much stronger than the one thought Great Boundary who came out of World. When they came to the market, they quickly strolled.

Most of the materials he buys are biased towards special life, tempering himself, and the top prizes that are useful to God Beast.

The nature of the special life is the Scarlet Abyss sword. The Scarlet Abyss sword is made up of his Sword Intent and is absolutely trustworthy.

And as he began to have his own “Dao”, he could already let Scarlet Abyss sword comprehend his own derivative “Dao” to evolve in the move towards Primal Chaos.

It’s like the Primal Chaos cultivator gets the same as the Great Dao blessing.

Because his Great Dao Law is not worth mentioning, Scarlet Abyss sword spirit even if he comprehend his way, evolved into Primal Chaos, and the estimated strength can only be doubled on the original basis, at best It is equivalent to the king of the gods, the most level of the sword king, but can not stand this is the way of Verdant Ruins itself.

When the Scarlet Abyss sword breaks into the Primal Chaos, Verdant Ruins uses the Scarlet Abyss sword to fight in the form of a divine weapon, and the power of his Great Dao Law is doubled.

By that time, his combat power would not be better than the shoulder of the Primal Chaos God Beast, but above the giant Primal Chaos giants but not a problem.

Not to mention that he is constantly tempering his body, moving toward real singularity to evolve.

It took a month for Verdant Ruins to squander nearly two thousand of the things on the road.

The corresponding gains made him extremely satisfied.

The extremely expensive Qi of Profound Yellow is a two-way, one-hundred-thousand 40 four-way, in addition to six copies of True God Yuan liquid, and a series of treats that are beneficial to them.

In addition to these things, Verdant Ruins also bought a 12-stage Golden Crow God Beast, which was domesticated in less than three days and then thirteenth in the next few days.

God Beast is different from cultivator. Any God Beast must be cultivated before they are still a child. Once in adulthood, God Beast has a complete memory inheritance and will not yield to anyone. The best result is to sign the contract that’s all.

Like the owner of the ruins of Great Dragon, the Azure Dragon Supreme, which guards the Great World for him, was also cultivated by the lord of the ruins. Otherwise, the master would never die like this, still to his descendants. Dedicated to protect the safety of descendants.

After buying everything he wanted to buy, Verdant Ruins bid farewell to Silver Feather, no longer wasting time, moving away from the blood-blade World through the time-spaced cannon.

On the road…

A full decade.

During this decade, Verdant Ruins began to use the Great Dao Law tempering derived from her own to start the Scarlet Abyss sword spirit, and at the same time enhance the spirit of the Scarlet Abyss sword with the True God element, and both have a big source. The deep-rooted Scarlet Abyss sword resonated with the Great Dao of Verdant Ruins within the body in the sixth year of his journey, becoming the “Primal Chaos” creature that was blessed by Great Dao Law.

Of course, due to the weakness of Verdant Ruins itself Great Dao, Scarlet Abyss sword is the weakest Primal Chaos in history.

In addition to the Scarlet Abyss sword breakthrough, Verdant Ruins itself will be two Qi of Profound Yellow one after another refining.

By the constant restraint of Great Dao Law, his own energy is increasing, but his volume is gradually shrinking. After the two Qi of Profound Yellow refining, his true height has been reduced from ten meters to six. Meter.

At this time, if he releases his own energy field in the territory of the Lord of Time, all the information and photons of all around will be swallowed up by him. In the observation of people, he will be like a black hole, so that all Information can’t escape.

Only at this time, the intensity of his black hole is worse than that of a black hole that can support the operation of a galaxy. Some stars are swallowed up. Some galaxies are not in the air. It is necessary to maintain or engulf a river system, which is still worse.

In addition to Scarlet Abyss sword and itself, the little Golden Crow is thriving under the influence of his large number of Qi of Profound Yellow and Dragon Fruit. When Verdant Ruins truly sets foot on World of Blood, this little Golden Crow has grown to the 16th-level Peak level, not far from the 7th grade.

“God Beast is truly unique. If you switch to humans, even if you have enough resources, you want to be promoted from Dharma Heavenly Transformation to Divine Saint in just ten years.
The true body is still just a luxury. ”

Verdant Ruins sighed and soon came to the Teleportation Formation area.

Since he spent hundreds of hours in this time, the authority level has reached Level 5, but he is qualified to return to Great Dragon World by Teleportation Formation. With familiar transmission fluctuations, others have already returned to Xiaolong. Among the great cities of Great World.

“For nearly a hundred years…”

As the environment of all around became clearer, Verdant Ruins was the first to release his spirit and sense the change of the Imperial City.

Compared to the previous one, what makes Verdant Ruins feel the deepest is the atmosphere of one of the great Boundary in the Imperial City.


A total of twenty one thought Great Boundary strong in the city.

Among the twenty one thought Great Boundary strong, Verdant Ruins also sensed several familiar flavors, such as the King of Light, the King of Shenwei, and the King of Caixia.

In addition to these one thought Great Boundary strong, in the direction of the imperial city near the palace, there is a vast expanse of land, carrying the atmosphere of horror power to cover the entire imperial city, even with the imperial city as the center, affecting tens of millions of kilometers .

“Azure Dragon Supreme?”

Verdant Ruins looked up at the palace.

On the breath side of the Azure Dragon Supreme, there is a breath above the ordinary thought Bundary, but it doesn’t reach the spirit of Primal Chaos. You don’t have to guess, this must be the new one that got the royal treasure house inheritance. The Emperor, Long Yu Princess… No, it should be called Queen Long Yu.

Almost in the direction of Verdant Ruins’s moving towards the Royal Palace, inside the palace, a plate lying in the mountain, full of hundreds of kilometers of horror giant dragon, suddenly opened his eyes, eyes as if it were piercing Void The rapidly moving towards the Imperial City is close to the Teleportation Formation.

“Great Azure Dragon Supreme, I don’t know what you are asking.”

A girl with Unrivaled Realm, who is always waiting for Azure Dragon Supreme, is respectful after she notices the Azure Dragon Supreme anomaly.

Azure Dragon Supreme didn’t answer, staring at the Imperial City and scrutinizing it carefully. After a while, some doubts retracted.

Just now, it clearly felt a sense of horror, as if there was a terrifying presence suddenly, that feeling…

Somewhat similar to the most powerful war weapon of the 20th-order civilization, the Black Hole Fortress seems to be able to devour everything.

However, this breath has disappeared without a trace, and it is short-lived to make Azure Dragon Supreme think it is an illusion.


As a creature of Primal Chaos, it is impossible to have an illusion.

It can feel the breath of the coming and it is not malicious, and then consider the opponent’s feeling of oppression that is more powerful than himself and the attitude that the other party does not seem to want to pay attention to it. It does not act to act blindly without thinking. Continue to explore.


The other party is passing by.

In fact, Azure Dragon Supreme guesses well, Verdant Ruins is passing by.

“Let’s go find Caixia Wang and let Caixia King give me the coordinates of the Great World. I can use Rainbow Bridge World to send it back to the Great World.”

Verdant Ruins sensed the residence of the King of Caixia. In a short time, he came to a manor with a diameter of ten kilometers.

The manor in this manor is the King of Caixia, and a series of relatives and friends attached to her existence, the subordinates, the total number of people is no more than the thousand people, and most of them are based on the cultivator above the divine Realm.

Verdant Ruins walked quietly and silently in the manor of Caixia Wang by his own existence and non-existence. On the way, all the pheromones emitted by him were swallowed up by his own characteristics, as long as he did not show up, any People are thinking about sensing his existence.

Even he suspects that even the promotion can not be able to deduce his whereabouts at the moment is very problematic.

With this kind of divineness, he soon came to the courtyard where Caixia Wang lived.

At this moment, Cai Xia Wang is pointing out a girl who is similar to her, who is 80%, but full of youthful and beautiful, and there are several Unrivaled Realm and Divine Saint.
The cultivator of the real body is accompanied.

“The key to the cultivation of Space Law is to make it possible to guide the situation, especially before the Tearing Void Realm has not fully grasped the space Law. Compared with the vast space of Great Dao, our cultivator is extremely small and can rely on The movement of space is one of the hundreds of millions of people has been the limit, do not think about controlling it…”

Caixia Wang pointed to the clear anatomy of the space Law.

And the girl in front of her who looks quite similar to her with the Tearing Void Realm is also comprehensible. From time to time, there will be bursts of ripples on the body, and the scene looks quite harmonious.

Caixia Wang met, quite satisfied: “Photographing, according to your current cultivation progress, you should be able to do Shattering Void in a few years. When you can hit the power of Shattering Void at random, that is Can you try to condense Divine Saint
It’s time for the real body… If you can do this in 30 years, I can give you a 16th-order flying sword as a reward. ”

“The 16th-order flying sword?”

The girl named Zhao Ying listened and suddenly appeared: “Thank you Master.”

Caixia Wang smiled and was about to say something, but at this time, her eyes were suddenly caught in the crowd, and Verdant Ruins, who seemed to have been around for a while, suddenly felt complicatedion changed: “You…”

“Hello of the King of Caixia.”

Verdant Ruins is nodded to the Caixia King.

At this time, other people in the yard seemed to notice his existence. One of the people who had identity had dissatisfied with the stranger who appeared in the sudden: “Who are you? How come here? A little rule nothing……”

“shut up!”

Caixia Wang sighed, and then, his face changed for a while, and this was before, some unnaturally asked: “Er… sir, how come you.”

In the past few years, they have already figured out that they have verified each other with the information they have mastered. Yuqing and Dongyang are just one person.


(There is no deposit at the beginning. The fifth chapter of Chapter 4 will be a little later, but today’s five chapters will be filled even if the code reaches 12 o’clock.)

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