
Long Yu watched Azure Dragon Supreme with a jealous color and talked to Verdant Ruins. For a time, he felt that his brain could not turn around.

Azure Dragon Supreme is also a heavy stunned dragon rain: “What happened just now, why is the end of the squad that opened up the squad? Fortunately, the singer is better to talk, if you take the initiative to open the ten The array caused the misunderstanding, even if it was violent to kill you, I can’t say anything, you inexplicably start a big battle, no matter which target is targeted, it is also the first to provoke, and ultimately can only die. White died, I only have to find a way to find a descendant of the owner, Bloodline, to spend a lot of energy to re-cultivate.”

Long Yu heard Azure Dragon Supreme saying that his face suddenly became a little white. At this time, she dared not say that she opened the Array anyway to trap Verdant Ruins.

After all, Azure Dragon Supreme is her biggest backing, and even Azure Dragon Supreme can’t keep her, and Verdant Ruins really wants to fight back to kill her…

She is absolutely dead and white.

For a while, Long Yu only came back to his senses from the shocking picture of the moment, with a trace of trembling with fear: “Supreme… that one, is it… Supreme!?”

“At least Supreme, or a stronger presence than Supreme… Of course, it’s also possible that he is a top-ranking descendant with a top-notch gift. In short, you can’t easily provoke it. Not to mention you, even me, have not provoked the courage of such terrifying.”

Azure Dragon Supreme said, I took a look at the dragon rain: “I can feel it. He seems to be quite young. He has such achievements in his youth. The future potential is limitless. If you can marry this, whether it is for you or not. It is invaluable to rule the Great World of the Dragon, or to protect the Great World. The future is not immeasurable. Unfortunately, the other side is just passing our Great World and we are not planning to stay. You don’t have this blessing.”

After that, Azure Dragon Supreme shook his head for a while and quickly turned away, and the huge pressure was gradually dissipated.


Looking at the Azure Dragon Supreme turned away, I think of what I have been doing since the years of expansion. Long Yu opened his mouth and suddenly felt a bitter bitterness in his heart.


She lost something incomparably important.

At this time, Shenweiwang, Tianjianwang, Peony King, Guangming Wang and the others also shuttled out of the Ten Spheres of Tianyu. Looking at the Azure Dragon Supreme that turned away, the expression was full of awe: “That… that’s Azure Dragon Supreme? The great Azure Dragon Supreme has just been here!?”

“Is this thing Azure Dragon Supreme involved?”

Peony King said curiously.

The Caixia King is like what he has sensed. He suddenly looks at the direction of Verdant Ruins just leaving. He is proudly said: “It is Rainbow Bridge World, the atmosphere of Rainbow Bridge World. Dongyang this child started Rainbow in there. Bridge World, the distance from … will not exceed the thousand thousand kilometers, we rushed over, maybe it can stop him… If you can then ask the great Azure Dragon Supreme to shoot, even if his Primal Chaos is higher And there is a transmission, and it is absolutely impossible to escape, now…”

“All right!”

Caixia Wang’s words have not been finished yet, and they have been drunk by Longyu and interrupted.

Her eyes gradually returned to coldness, and her body reunited with the pressure of the Queen: “The Dongyang Young Master has ended here. From today, we must not be disrespectful to Dongyang Young Master. If Dongyang Young Master re-enters Our Great World, we need to be treated as the most distinguished guest.”

Caixia Wang couldn’t help but stared wide-eyed: “Your Majesty, this…”

“This is an order!”

Long Yu slammed his hand and did not give Caixia Wang the opportunity to resist. After the order was issued, his body shape flashed and disappeared directly into the eyes of several top thoughts of the great Boundary.

Seeing that Long Yu left, Cai Xia Wang was somewhat unwilling: “What is this? The result of the development of the singer is such a tiger’s head, snake’s tail ……”

“Well, Caixia Wang, can’t you still see it?”

At this time, Tianjian Wang, who has never been very good at words, spoke up.

He first glanced at the direction of Azure Dragon Supreme’s departure, and took another look at the direction of energy fluctuations that Rainbow Bridge World opened. After a while, he soled solemnly: “If I didn’t guess wrong, just now, Azure Dragon Supreme should be with that Dongyang. Young Master has met… This Dongyang Young Master should be more difficult than we think.”

“Dongyang is more difficult than we think?”

The bright king on the side seems to think of something, complexion changed: “You mean… even Azure Dragon Supreme has no tenth to deal with him? Then his cultivation base is not…”

Tianjian Wang is cautiously nodded.

“How can this be……”

The god of the gods who played with Verdant Ruins is unbelievable.

“Nothing is impossible. Don’t forget, he has entered the royal treasure house. Compared to Long Yu, he may be the biggest winner in the royal treasure house.”

“The royal treasure house…”

Hearing this word, the face of the King of Light and the King of Shenwei became difficult to look at the same time.

“In short, if you don’t want to die, just follow what Her Majesty has said. From now on, don’t provoke the Dongyang Young Master. At least, I don’t plan to provoke him again.”

After that, Tian Jianwang’s body shape flashed and disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

Seeing the departure of the King of Heaven, the King of Light, the King of God, the King of Caixia, and the others, although they are unwilling, consider the strength that Verdant Ruins showed up a hundred years ago. With them, they may not win Verdant Ruins. Even if they won Verdant Ruins a hundred years ago, they may not be able to catch him.

The transfer of Primal Chaos, which can be mastered by the 30th order, is definitely a weapon to escape.

For a time, they can only help one after another.


In the other direction, Verdant Ruins, who had no interference from Long Yu, Tian Jian Wang, Shen Wei Wang and others, started Rainbow Bridge World easily and smoothly, and opened the channel in the Great World by relying on Rainbow Bridge World. He stepped directly into the channel. I experienced a familiar space shuttle, and for a moment, I have already crossed the unknown light years.

Compared to every previous World shuttle, it was passive. This time, Verdant Ruins, who owns his own Great Dao, can see more of the things behind the two worlds.

As he carefully observed, he could not only see the fierce operation of the space Law, but also see the numerous Great Worlds like the stars and galaxies flying fast behind him. In a flash, he passed at least dozens and hundreds. The distance of Great World.

“It seems that there will be a chance to re-examine the space Law in the future. The space Law is one of the most strong Laws under the 18th Law of Primal Chaos. No, actually, the real seat of Primal Chaos is really There are only twelve species of Law, and the remaining six are plundered from the Lord of the Lord and the Lord of Time. In fact, several of the twelve Laws are facing the danger of being plundered. For example, the darkness of the Great Dao Law, which I have never seen before, is said to have been completely looted by the Lord of the Gods, so that now the glory of the Bloodline Cultivation System has almost been lost. The existence of name and death…”

Verdant Ruins stared at Rainbow Bridge World, which spanned two worlds, and thought about it.

I don’t know how long it took, a world like the galaxies was zoomed in on the front of Verdant Ruins, and then he quickly approached the World under the undulating package of space Law.

Just when he was about to enter this Great World, he was surprised to find that there was a huge war outside the Great World of Zhenyang. In the war, it was obvious that the giants of Primal Chaos personally shot, and the mighty power could radiate millions of dollars. Ten thousand kilometers of Void, under the influence of these shocks, he has not had time to completely land on his own transmission point, the two channels have actually collapsed…

“Someone destroyed Rainbow Bridge World!? The other end of Rainbow Bridge World is based on the Great World. The ruins of the Great World of the Dragon are falling, but the news is not secret, so many people should know. In this case, Zhenyang Great World has the courage to offend a Great World with Ruler sitting!?”

Verdant Ruins suddenly changed his face.

It is not a trivial matter to destroy the World channel.

An inadvertent, cultivator that is going through the World shuttle will be thrown directly into the endless Void, and in the endless Void, wanting to go from one World to another, even one thought Great Boundary has to spend a few A hundred years, as for Unrivaled Realm, Divine Saint
The real situation, according to the distance from the World, spends more than a thousand years or even thousands of years.

This kind of thing is easy for both sides to form a deadly enemy.

Fortunately, Verdant Ruins is close to the Great World on the one hand, and is also a Peak character on the realm that is directly involved in the Great Expert. At the moment when the two worlds opened up in Rainbow Bridge World, he has already Quickly cut into the existing and non-existent states, and pull out from the World Channel to directly manifest in the endless Void on the periphery of the Great World.

“My return destination was set up in the True Martial empire, destroying my two-way passage, and in all likelihood is the master of the True Martial Empire…”

Verdant Ruins has a ugly face.

However, when he saw the two sides of the endless Void fighting forces, it was faintly dispelling this speculation.

At the moment, there were two battlefields exposed to his eyes, and the Primal Chaos who participated in the battle had reached four.

Just to make Verdant Ruins somewhat surprised, the atmosphere of the four giants of Primal Chaos, he is only familiar with one person, that is the True Martial Supreme of the True Martial Empire, True Martial Supreme.

The remaining three Primal Chaos…

He is convinced that the three Primal Chaos giants are not afraid of being born in the Great World. They have volatility in their lives. Each has tens of thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, and even hundreds of years. breath.

Verdant Ruins thought about it and suddenly guessed something: “Is World playing the Great World?”

He didn’t want to intervene in the meaning of the Great World and the World War. He was not caught by several Primal Chaos giants while he was still in existence and non-existent. He was swiftly swept in the outer layer. After waiting for the territory of the Chiyang Empire to reach the territory of the Chiyang Empire, it has already entered the Great World.

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