“This Chiyang Empire…”

Verdant Ruins stepped into the Chiyang Empire, his eyes moved towards all around and immediately felt unusual: “The Chiyang Empire… was it broken?”

Most of the buildings and war bastions that appeared in front of him were not owned by the Chiyang Empire. In addition, the strong atmosphere of the Chiyang Empire was constantly surging, one victory over one, which was close to the core of the Chiyang Empire. In the region, Verdant Ruins is once again sensing the breath of the six Primal Chaos.

“Zhengyang Great World. Which World is this war against? No! It is not with World. The correct statement should be… and which World…”

The architectural style he can judge is Four Type, which means that in addition to the Great World, there are three foreign forces that are experiencing a war with the Great World.

“How come suddenly so many Great World to play the idea of ​​the Great World? Is there anything that is worthy of the World World?”

Verdant Ruins is a bit puzzled.

After a moment he seemed to think of something, suddenly changed his face: “God is Great World!”

What is Zhenyang Great World? Zhenyang Great World has a direct access to the Great World of God!

At this point, Verdant Ruins’s shape changed, and many of Law and the forces of restraint were freed by him, and he was moved to the Tongtian Valley where the Great World Teleportation Formation was located at the fastest speed.

Not waiting for Verdant Ruins to be close to Tongtian Valley, the breath of Supreme in the four Primal Chaos has been assaults the senses. Verdant Ruins clearly senses the energy fluctuations emitted by the World Teleportation Formation in the breath of the Supreme of Primal Chaos. Energy fluctuations, more than one.

In the few thousand kilometers of the Tongtian Valley, there are at least four or five Teleportation Formations.

As Verdant Ruins came over Tongtian Valley, the power of the World Teleportation Formation interfered, and the figure was inevitably revealed. At this time, the four Primal Chaos atmosphere also locked his figure.


“Give me up!”

With the bursts of energy, each and everyone’s huge World phantom appeared in the sky above Tongtian Valley, almost covering the whole territory of Tongtian Valley and even Tongtian Valley, and carrying a mighty atmosphere to crush Verdant Ruins. And go.

“These people… really came to the Great World.”

Verdant Ruins’s face suddenly looked ugly.

In particular, the hostility of the four Primal Chaos Supreme made Verdant Ruins angry, and the Scarlet Abyss sword, which had already broken into the “Primal Chaos” moment, appeared on his hand, and his own existence and non-existence characteristics. Fully motivated, under the person and sword unites, like a sword light in the Void, directly into a Primal Chaos Supreme full of 20,000 kilometers of Great World, with a torn sky The smashing of the barrier of Great World, Law, is shattered.

“impudent !”

The attacked Primal Chaos Supreme loudly shouted, a God of World that embodies the power of 200,000 kilometers of World, suddenly appears to be less than a hundred meters in size, but if the energy contained in him is released, With no difficulty, you can turn a star into a powder.


Verdant Ruins person and sword unites, the eyes of this World God lock, Scarlet Abyss sword’s sword light is like a road arrow, and the Divine Ability of the World God fights .


With a burst of glassy sound, the God of World that hit Divine Ability is like a tempered glass hit by a bullet, directly penetrated by a sword by Verdant Ruins, and there are a lot of cracks in the place where he penetrates. So that his huge body of hundreds of meters almost collapsed.

“This… what is this means!?”

Under the horror of Primal Chaos Supreme, Verdant Ruins’s sword light directly hits the 200,000 km of World Core, carrying crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. The sharp sword instantly penetrates the core of World. central.

The broken glass sound echoed again.

At the moment when this World core was destroyed, the entire World Center suddenly violently swayed, as if there was a black hole out of thin air, and began to madly swallow up all around the material. According to this trend, this special existence like a black hole It will not take long for the World of 200,000 kilometers to be swallowed up, causing the entire World to collapse and annihilate.

The Primal Chaos Supreme, which is Ruler’s World, is obviously not allowed. With a low voice, the Void seems to have the power of Great Dao. It is the blazing ray of the Great Rays, which belongs to God Beast Golden Crow. The way of the sun.

In the power of this Great Dao, the constant power of madness has fallen from the Void of World, moving toward the black hole that swallowed everything, and soon filled the hole like the existence of the black hole, making The pace of World’s turmoil and destruction has gradually subsided.

At the same time, the god of the world that was hit hard was also angry and shouting, and there was a trace of fear in the voice: “Who are you!? Which side do you represent? Give me out!”

While speaking, the power of the whole World began to frantically impact Verdant Ruins’ body, which greatly excluded Verdant Ruins from the world.

However, Verdant Ruins is a kind of self-existence and non-existence. This makes the Supreme’s unstoppable World repulsion power offset by him. He is like a fish in a stormy sea, letting this wave surge. At best, his body shape is slightly moved. As for wanting to smash him like a giant ship, it is a delusion.

“Great Dao Law…Primal Chaos Supreme is different from one thought Great Boundary. One thought Great Boundary’s World is fragile, defeating their World heart, that is, the delimitation, the whole world’s martial dao will It was completely destroyed, and it will not take long for the entire World to collapse, but Primal Chaos Supreme’s World is not only sturdy, but also has the power of the Great Dao blessing, even though I destroyed their delimitation, relying on the power of Great Dao Constantly, they can still maintain World in a short period of time, and when the battle is over, they will find a delimited thing again, and they will be able to stabilize World again.”

Soon Verdant Ruins has seen the difference between Primal Chaos Supreme and one thought Great Boundary.

Destroy the delimitation of one thought Great Boundary, the probability that the one thought Great Boundary is more than 90%.

Destroy the delimitation of Primal Chaos Supreme…

At best, he can only seriously hurt that’s all, unless his destruction of World exceeds the speed of Great Dao’s ability to repair World, otherwise, a Primal Chaos Supreme is not so easy to kill.

“The power of Great Dao… If it was a decade ago, my Great Dao Law was a little weaker. If it was a collision at the Great Dao Law level, it would definitely be me, but now…”

Verdant Ruins’s eyes flashed, and then the whole person took off and flew away, facing the big day that filled the Supreme in Primal Chaos, or the light of the road.

On the occasion of his sword, the Great Dao character, which is one of the best in the world, is fully ignited, blooming Huaguang, madly expelling the Law power from the bright way, the two Great Dao constantly colliding in the Void, The shock made the power of the Great Dao Law in the Void become a mess, and it was impossible to make up for this 200,000 km of World.

For a time, the black hole that swallowed everything in the World Center lost its energy to fill, once again, and swallowed up the material of the whole World, and did not swallow the World.

“Damn… the power of the martyrdom, the power of the martyrdom, this is the Great Dao Divine Artifact! The Supreme Supreme, the Supreme, and the speed to help me!”

In the midst of a sudden scream of panic in the world, the Primal Chaos Supreme apparently felt the threat of life.

Supreme Divine Artifact, Divine Artifact, and Great Dao Divine Artifact correspond to Primal Chaos, one, two, and 3rd-layer, respectively, which are equivalent to 19th, 20th, and 21st.

Compared to other Divine Artifacts, which are only the size of formidable power, the biggest feature of Great Dao Divine Artifact is that it has the power to spur the power of Great Dao Divine Artifact, even if the power of Great Dao Law will be temporarily Sexuality is cut off against Primal Chaos Supreme, which is a super-killer.

Of course, it is only a huge threat to Supreme. That’s a big threat to the Prime Layer Ruler, which is a self-proclaimed martial dao, the Second Layer Physique within the body.

As the voice of Supreme spread, not long after the two powerful forces have surged from the Supreme World, one of the Supreme should be cultivated by the God Beast Primal Chaos defense Law, the other body Full of blazing violent, apparently also the Primal Chaos Supreme of God Beast Golden Crow lineage.

The arrival of these two Primal Chaos Supremes has indeed made Verdant Ruins no longer able to further destroy the Primal Chaos Supreme World, so his shape is unstoppable through the two Primal Chaos Supreme. Appeared in the new aid of the Red Sharp Supreme World, the same way, ignoring all the defenses in the Supreme Small World, including a 19th-order Array built on the delimitation, directly will have a heavy protection delimitation The things are broken in one fell swoop.

“Damn… what is this Divine Ability!?”

The demarcated object shattered, and a similar black hole suddenly formed. Suddenly, the sharp Supreme immediately became angry and became self-sufficient. He had to mobilize the power of Great Dao to fill the broken World.

Smashed the delimitation of the Supreme, and Verdant Ruins once again shuttled to the World of Supreme.

However, compared to the Red Supreme, the defense-oriented Supreme Supreme is obviously ready to completely implement the impregnation of its own operation in the World, at the moment of Verdant Ruins’ appearance, a huge to enclose the entire delimitation Within the body, the god of World has already appeared, and there are several 19th-order defensive Arrays in his all around. These Arrays are superimposed, and even though Verdant Ruins has the existence and non-existence characteristics, it still feels a headache.

At this time, the whole World is also echoing the nervous voice of the Supreme Supreme: “Who is the lord? Is it for the sacred thing in the World of Great World? If so, The strength of the car has already been recognized by us. We can go to the Great World through the Teleportation Formation. How many things can be obtained. When you look at your own means, why bother to kill you now? It’s cheaper than a few other Great Worlds.”

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