God is a Great World.

The original top Primal Chaos organization is the eternal station.

The shape of Verdant Ruins appears directly in the Teleportation Formation.

In this Teleportation Formation, there is also a Primal Chaos Supreme, although he is somewhat strange to Verdant Ruins’s face, but he understands that the ability to embark on this Teleportation Formation must be through the Supreme, Supreme Supreme And the others’ joint blockade, with the qualification to compete for the Great World’s resources, for these strong, even the Primal Chaos Supreme who is sitting here is not familiar, still polite nodded.

Verdant Ruins swept the Primal Chaos Supreme, the expression was indifferent, and it quickly rose to the sky and quickly left.

This scene fell to the face of Primal Chaos Supreme, which made him look ugly, but he did not say anything after all. His duty was to take care of the Teleportation Formation of their Great World, avoiding the destruction of the Teleportation Formation. The retreat of the Great World of Taihua.


Verdant Ruins flies to Void, his eyes seem to be able to penetrate a lot of space, moving towards the Great World all around.

The Great World is centered on the continuation of the continent, with a radius of about 1,500 kilometers to 200 million kilometers, which is no more than 400 million kilometers in diameter. Although it has a territory of 400 million kilometers, the real core is only the sky. The continuation of the contingency is 100 million kilometers that’s all, and this billion kilometers is the real bustling place.

Compared to a hundred years ago, the Great World at this moment is undoubtedly a great change.

Verdant Ruins can detect a strong breath in the Great World without the need for careful sensing. Most of these breaths are Divine Saint.
Real body, Unrivaled Realm is the main, from time to time there is still one thought becomes a World and even Primal Chaos is breathtaking.

You don’t have to guess Verdant Ruins to know that this is necessarily the conflict that they are aware of.

Under this kind of conflict, the entire Great World is now in chaos. There are smog and flames everywhere. When Verdant Ruins looks up, he can see a black hole like a black hole outside 300,000 kilometers. The material of the Great World.

If this whirlpool appears in the Small World of one thought Great Boundary, at most three or five hours, you can swallow a world of one thought Great Boundary, and make it fall, but because of the Great World Big, the quality is amazing, this black hole has been around for ten days and a half, and it still has not completely disappeared. It just turns the number of the Void square into a vital desert, and even the raw spice plant on the ground is quickly Die.

“It should be two Primal Chaos Supreme shot here, and … still go all out… According to this trend, it will not take long for the entire Great World to be beaten by them…”

Verdant Ruins looked at the scene and his face was a bit ugly.

Now he spends ten days and a half months, it is not difficult to kill a Primal Chaos Supreme, but the problem is that most of the Primal Chaos Supreme that came here this time are three 20% group, some people are four The 60% heap, before he was slightly above the Supreme of Ordinary Primal Chaos, but had no ability to control the situation before it was rushed to kill a Primal Chaos Supreme killer, a bad one, may also cause other Primal Chaos Supreme The sense of self-confidence, and thus united together, to deal with him alone.

“Let’s go to the Sword Sect first.”

Verdant Ruins took a turn and quickly flew in the direction of Scorpio.

When he left, Scorpio has integrated the sword shadow, Bai Hong Jian Men and other forces into a mixed Sword Sect, which is located in the area of ​​the 15th-order Array of Heavenly Dao.

However, the fifteenth-order Array was sturdy and sturdy in the Great World at the time, and it faced the current Divine Saint.
Reality, Unrivaled Realm, and even one thought Great Boundary’s top power and the ability to sit on one side of World, protect the Great World’s stable Primal Chaos Supreme, but not worth mentioning.

In fact, it is true.

When Verdant Ruins really came to the Sword Sect, the entire squad of Sword Sect was tens of thousands of kilometers. The mountains have been uprooted, and some of the broken ruins have been hidden. During this period, some faintly visible can also be seen. The body of the Sword Sect disciple.

“I actually killed my mixed yuan Sword Sect! You invaders, all damn!”

Verdant Ruins’s eyes blazed with raging anger, and the killing intent erupted from him, stabbing Void.

His gaze turned and directly moved away from the two Unrivaled Realm strongmen who he was fighting recently. A leap has already appeared 20,000 kilometers away.

Here, headed by two strong Unrivaled Realm, dozens of Divine Saint
The camp that is supplemented by the real body is not open.

Verdant Ruins came down, there was no half-nonsense, and the terrorist field that was powerful enough to be inferior to a black hole had already covered the Divine Saint, which was originally in a fierce battle.
The real-life strong man has no chance to even scream, but he has been smashed and smashed by the natural force of his body, and even the two unfamiliar Realm who are still fighting fiercely in the last second is also Screaming, real body manifestation, resisting the strangulation of this force field.

According to their eyes, Divine Saint
The speed of the collapse of the body seems to be at least a few dozen breaths, waiting for them to still be the fate of a death.

“Rain! Forgive! Supreme is a life!”

“Under the subordinate of the Great World Sea Emperor Supreme, I don’t know where I offended Senior, but also asked Senior to give me a chance to make a sin.”

The two Unrivaled Realm screams, and the expression is full of panic.

“Northern Great World?”

Verdant Ruins’s eyes fell to another Unrivaled Realm strongman: “Your identity.”

“I am asking for a Taoist bishop… follow us to teach our ancestors…”

“Seeking Taoism… You are all among the first cultivators to enter the Great World of God. I ask you, 20,000 kilometers away, which Sword Sect, which was originally a sacred Great World native Sect, was destroyed by which force? ”

“Mixed Sword Sect? That is the strongest in the country, but still only one Divine Saint
The real body cultivator sits in the Sect! ? It’s none of our business. This Sect is made by Primal Chaos Supreme from Yujing Great World and Great World two great influences… It’s not related to us. When we arrived at Great World, we’re a Sword. Sect has been completely emptied by them. ”

“Yujing Great World, Taihua Great World…”

Verdant Ruins shot in the cold.

Another Unrivaled Realm who seeks Taoism looks at the violent Verdant Ruins and scares trembling in fear. At this time, he has already seen it. The Supreme is the cultivator of the Great World. Perhaps it was ten thousand years ago, leaving the Great World, the Peak character who was fighting outside, and the other person directly killed him under anger. He suddenly used his brains and racked his brains to think about all the information that would be beneficial to his life. Under such a full-fledged thinking, he really thought of some useful information.

At the moment, he quickly said: “The great Supreme, the Sword Sect, faced a catastrophe under the attack of Great World and Yujing Great World, but in the Great World of Great Wall, Yujing Great World At Sect, some people in the Void Sword Club also wanted to take a share in the Sword Sect. Later, the three sides broke out a big battle. The final Sword Sect Sect was destroyed by the Great World of Great Wall and the Great World of Yujing. However, the young Master characters in the Sword Sect are taken away by the people of the Void Sword Pavilion, forcing them to surrender their possessions and Primal Chaos…”

“Void Sword Court?”

Verdant Ruins thought of the Void Sword Pavilion and first thought of Bai Hengjian.

Bai Hengjian’s main white shadow is in the Void Sword Pavilion.

According to these people, in the past 100 years, the candlelight has been broken through to Divine Saint.
Reality, then, into the Void Sword Pavilion, with a better environment, Innate Talent, and also the white shadow of the big source, the cultivation base will only be higher, the minimum should be Unrivaled Realm, if it is Void Sword Court I really spare no effort to train her, even if she is now practicing one thought Great Boundary is not a strange thing.

After all, in the environment of the Great World in the past, Bai Hengjian only spent less than three hundred years to cultivate into the realm of the field…

If she really breaks into one thought becomes a World, she will have a weight in the Void Sword, and if she comes out, it is perfectly enough to ask the Void Sword staff to keep the core members of the Sword Sect.

“Where is the Void Sword Court?”

“On the other side, it is less than a million kilometers away from here.”

The Unrivaled Realm strong man quickly pointed to a direction.

That is the direction of Baihong Jianmen…

Void Sword Club is able to set up temporary headquarters in Baihong Jianmen…

It seems that the white shadow is not too low in the Void Sword Pavilion.

Thinking of this, Verdant Ruins squinted and went straight to the temporary residence of the Void Sword Pavilion.

Seeing Verdant Ruins leave, the two undefeated Unrivaled Realm strong sighed in relief.

However, before they could completely wait for this tone, the two sword lights directly smashed the Void and shot it. In a moment, the two people’s eyebrows were pierced, and it was contained in the sword qi that the method of returning to the Great Dao was on the spot. They have annihilated all their vitality.

“Invade my god, Great World, in my god, Great World, vandalism, damn it!”

After the death of these two people, it seems that Void has faintly heard the voice of Verdant Ruins.


Killing the two Unrivaled Realm strong, Verdant Ruins was extremely fast and quickly moved towards Void Sword.

The Void Sword Court is awesome compared to World like the Great World, the Great World, and the Great World. This is where the Void Sword Pavilion can enjoy the Great World, the Great World, and the Great World. Great World and Yujing Great World set up a branch to recruit talented disciples, but these Great Worlds dare not come forward to stop the loss of these talented characters.

It is rumored that there is a Ruler inside the Void Sword Court, and…

There is more than one.

Such a powerful force, even if it only sends a part of the power, can still make Taihua Great World, Beiming Great World, Zhenyang Great World, Yujing Great World taboo.


It’s just a jealous of that’s all.

In the face of the amazing profits of tens of thousands of roads every year, let’s not say that the Rulers of the Void Sword Court have not arrived yet, even if Ruler visits, the Great World, the Great World, the Great World, the Great World, and the Yujing Great World and the Supreme of Great World are dare to take risks.

After all, as long as you can get enough rhyme and buy a life-saving Great Dao Divine Artifact, Supreme may not be able to live in front of Ruler.

The ability to save lives means that they can smash more dangers and get more resources. In the future, it will be easier to build the sacred Saint Physique and embark on the situation of Ruler.

This is the battle of the Great Dao, and it is not allowed to retreat.

In this case, although the Void Sword Pavilion occupied a place in the wild, it could not be too arrogant because it did not have the power to make a decision.

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