“Void Sword Court.”

The shape of Verdant Ruins appears outside the Void Sword.

As a huge force with Ruler sitting and more than one Ruler, the Void Sword Pavilion still has out of the ordinary even if it is a temporary mountain gate. Verdant Ruins can judge that the area is only a hundred kilometers. Resident weight, inside, Verdant Ruins felt the fluctuations of Small World.


Still an internal loop, even if isolated from the world, still able to survive the Small World.

This Small World, because it no longer needs to use external power to supplement its own consumption, is often run into the fortune, one thought Great Boundary and Primal Chaos Supreme’s Small World is like a defense in front of Verdant Ruins, want to enter, think Out of the box, you can face such an inner circle of Small World. Entering it is equivalent to entering an Array of at least 20th order. There are only a few Primal Chaos Supreme personally hosted, realm is better than the Great Expert. He is afraid that there will be inevitable results.

Verdant Ruins stayed outside the Void Sword for less than a moment, and immediately there was a majestic drops from the sky. There was a hint of sorrow: “This is the site of the Void Sword Pavilion. I don’t know where the car is coming.” Guigan?”

As the breath descends, there is a more powerful silhouette slowly coming out.

This form is an old man who looks like a fairy, and the out of the ordinary, which itself is in harmony with the power of the ubiquitous Great Dao in the main territory of Primal Chaos, from his Great Dao Force cutting, sharp character judgment…

This is a Primal Chaos Supreme that understands the space Great Dao and develops the space Great Dao moved towards attack.

Verdant Ruins stared at the Primal Chaos Supreme for a moment, then moved toward the Small World behind him and glanced at it.

Void Sword has left a lot of staff in the station, but Verdant Ruins didn’t feel any familiarity among those people, so he speculated that if the person of the mixed Sword Sect was really saved by the Void Sword staff. Should be placed in this Small World.

Verdant Ruins didn’t go straight to the subject because he didn’t know what the situation of the Sword Sect was. Instead, he replied: “I came here for white-skinning, I don’t know where he is?”

“White shadow?”

The old man’s eyes with a sacred bone are staring at Verdant Ruins with a hint of alert: “You want to see her, who are you?”

“It looks like she is there. I have to tell you about it for me. I bought the old man from Wu Zhuri True Scripture cultivation.”

Old man frowned, feeling the faint and unpredictable atmosphere of Verdant Ruins, or nodded, not willing to offend such a strong one who is obviously Primal Chaos Supreme: “Then wait a little.”

While speaking, a consciousness has been sent by him, directly into the Small World, no trace.

In just a moment, Small World has already responded, and the body shape of Bai Hengjian’s main white shadow appeared in the first place outside Small World.

When she saw the man standing in Void and the man standing on the wind, the pretty face with surprise and surprise, the first time came: “Verdant Ruins, you… you are back Already?”


The white man who saw the old man on the side actually knew the unfathomable Primal Chaos Supreme in front of him, and seemed to have a good relationship. He couldn’t help but ask: “Scatter, don’t know where this Supreme is?”

“Supreme !?”

White shadow hears the old man’s name for Verdant Ruins, slightly startled: “Supreme Elder, you mean… Verdant Ruins is Supreme?”

The old man named Fuguang smiled and touched the beard: “The old guy I still have in this eye, this Verdant Ruins Supreme cultivation base is not a Primal Chaos, and the cultivation method, Bloodline should be extremely So deep, I can’t see how his Small World power has expanded.”


After being confirmed by the floating Supreme Elder, Bai Shuying looked at Verdant Ruins’s eyes with surprise and surprise.

“Sketch… I want to ask about the Sword Sect.”

Verdant Ruins said solemnly.

When I heard Verdant Ruins’s inquiry, Bai Xiaoying also suppressed the joy of reunion of his old friend and gave a tribute to the floating Elder: “Supreme Elder, Verdant Ruins is my friend, can I take him into the virtual world?”

“of course.”

With a faint smile on the face, Void Sword is a top-level force, but a Primal Chaos Supreme still has an extremely important weight. The disciples and a mysterious one in the door. Primal Chaos Supreme is a good place to be, whether it is to broaden her future social circle or enhance the Void Sword Pavilion itself, it has vital benefits.

Especially now…

Void Sword Court is competing with other forces for the distribution of Great World resources. Only four Primal Chaos Supremes are dispatched here. In this environment, the number of Primal Chaos Supremes on one side is naturally as high as possible.

Thinking of this, Supreme Elder smiled and added: “If you have a chance, I hope to communicate with Verdant Ruins Supreme.”

“There is a chance.”

Verdant Ruins snorted and followed White Shadow directly into this Small World.

As Verdant Ruins stepped into this Small World, he immediately felt the unusualness of this World.

As far as he guessed, the entire Small World has already been built into a solid foundation. Not only does the World Barrier get a lot of Great Dao Law, but it is also equipped with a large number of strangled Arrays. Some Arrays are powerful, and the ordinary Primal Chaos Supreme is caught in it. Will face the situation of nine deaths.

Of course, due to the characteristics of Primal Chaos’s main lineage, everyone has only focused on volume after one thought Great Boundary, and the individual’s strength has been greatly reduced. The Array’s formidable power naturally began to decline sharply. The arrangement of this Small World can make Three or four Primal Chaos Supreme hosts the invasion of the supreme Chaos Supreme, but it is still a luxury to rely on this Small World to block the Ruler-class character who has become a singer of Saint Physique.

“Verdant Ruins… I am sorry about the Sword Sect.”

The white shadow is taken inside Verdant Ruins moved towards World, with regret in expression.

“At present, Great World has suffered such a disaster. The efforts you can make are also very limited. I just want to know, what are the main members of our mixed Sword Sect?”

“This should be one of the most fortunate things.”

The white shadow is slightly sighed in relief. “Although our mixed Sword Sect was smashed by the invading forces in the battle, the biggest advantage of our side is that Primal Chaos is extremely high, any one. The top level of the mixed Sword Sect has almost twenty-nine Primal Chaos ranks, even if not, they have accumulated a lot of things in the past few years. When they realize that the enemy is strong enough, they are not able to confront them. For a time, I chose to escape with teleportation.”


When I heard the white shadow, Verdant Ruins couldn’t help but sigh: “The sky is on the people, the candle is on the people, the Tibetans are on them…”

“They all managed to escape. They are hiding in every corner of the Great World. In addition, a small number of people who are Sword Sect are intercepted by the lighter Elder and are kept in our Small World.”


Verdant Ruins had some accidents: “The candle shines on the people, the sky is on the people, and the Tibetans are not hiding here.”

“Void Sword is not a piece of iron in the Void Sword Pavilion. In the Supreme Elder of our Void Sword Pavilion, the two Supreme Elders are the main lineage of my Master. I rely on my Master’s feelings. They promised to shelter us. The original core disciple of Baihong Jianmen can be left with a dusty and blue heart. The two Supreme Elders are the main lineage of the other robbery swords. They have played the long-term Elder Elder, the Fuyin swordsman and so on. The idea, in this case, I dare not let the other people of the mixed Sword Sect get into the mystery of World.”

Bai Shuying said this, with a hint of weakness in the tone.

“I understand.”

Verdant Ruins nodded: “I believe you have done your best.”

After he finished, he glanced at the white shadow and smiled a little. “I haven’t congratulated you on the cultivation base breakthrough. I thought it would take a hundred years to break through to the Unrivaled Realm level. I didn’t expect you to condense the Small World. It’s incredible to step into the realm of one thought becomes a World.”

“I can have today’s achievements, and it is inseparable from the big source that you sold to me. In addition, my master is also very helpful to me.”

“Dayuan is good, but it depends on who is using it. The news I heard on the road, our gods are Great. So far the strongest is Divine Saint.
Really? Should it be a candlelight and a scorpio? They also have big sources on both of them, but in the past hundred years, they only condensed Divine Saint.
Really, compared to those who have already made up to Small World, how far is it? ”

Bai Yuying listened, also said with a smile: “You still said that I just heard Supreme Elder, but I can hear it clearly, Primal Chaos Supreme, Verdant Ruins Supreme… In our Void Sword Pavilion, The first Supremes in Primal Chaos are called Swords, and the Ruler in the Primal Chaos Second Layer is called the Sword Master. This is the name of your sword, which is the real not just in name only, but also in Reality.”

“Sword Zun… My sword name was also promoted after becoming a Sword Sect Supreme Elder… But in the end I never did the duty of the Sword Sect Supreme Elder to defend the mixed yuan. The safety of Sword Sect’s children.”

Verdant Ruins said, and he is not going to continue to chill: “I look at Changde Elder and the others, they are fine, I am relieved, it is dangerous to hide the truth, the scorpio, the candle, the people, etc. I will contact them immediately. I also have a small defensive Small World. When I put them into the Small World, we will come back and deal with these intruders. Great World is our Great World. It’s the place where we recuperate. Anyone who wants to get rid of it, these alien invaders dare to commit adultery in our Great World, and they have to pay for what they do, and the Yujing Great World and Northern World Great World, destroying my mixed yuan Sword Sect, I can light them.”

Verdant Ruins expression is fierce. In the end, it is already killing intent.

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