“Verdant Ruins, there are currently 19 people in the Primal Chaos Supreme in the Great World. Even if we don’t count the four Supreme Elders in our Void Sword Court, there are still fifteen people. You have become Supreme… but should breakthrough Soon? If you want to deal with fifteen Supreme, I am afraid…”

Verdant Ruins was silent for a moment and said: “I don’t have a decisive means to quickly kill a Primal Chaos Supreme, but that’s because I haven’t mastered the powerful killings, but I’m hurting them with my strength. It’s not difficult, and first dispel their arrogance, so that they don’t want to say anything else in our Great World. Other things give me enough time. I always have one after another to find a solution.”

“What do you mean… If you master a powerful kill, you have the ability to kill Primal Chaos Supreme!?”


Verdant Ruins nodded.

“I may have a way to solve this problem for you.”

The white shadow immediately pondered: “Verdant Ruins, can you join our Void Sword Pavilion?”

“Join the Void Sword Court? Why?”

“There are four extremely powerful killings in our Void Sword Pavilion, but the four killers, only the sword master itself, or the cultivator of the sword master’s lineage can practice, I rely on the help of my master. In one hundred years, you can break through to one thought Great Boundary, and you have achieved Primal Chaos Supreme in such a short time. Innate Talent is obviously above me. If I introduce it, you will be able to enter my Master. Let him pass on this killing trick to you, and you will be justified.”

“Void Sword Court has a huge killing of formidable power!?”

Verdant Ruins frowned: “What about those killing formidable power?”

“There are not many Rulers in our Void Sword Pavilion. The reason why we can be famous in many Great Worlds is to be the second-class force behind the Great Expert. The main reason is that these four Sword Techniques are the same. It is rumored that the four Sword Techniques are more than a dozen years. When the Lord of Primal Chaos occupied the Primal Chaos, the Void Sword ancestor made a great battle, and finally the world of the great Primal Chaos personally collected this World IV. The broken Great Dao is deriving and refining. Once these Sword Technique cultivation Perfections are made, even if the environment of Ruler can break out of the power, it will damage the level of Great Expert. If anyone can make these four strong. Sword Technique is all refining and melting, and it is said that it has a reluctant power against Great Expert.”

“The power to destroy the road!”

Verdant Ruins has a glimpse.

The power of the martyrdom is just to cut off the Great Dao, but the Great Dao is invisible. The Great Dao is gone. Even if you can temporarily break the Great Dao, the other party can still renew it. This ability is only for that. Primal Chaos Supreme, which relies heavily on the power of Great Dao, threatens that’s all.

The power to destroy the road is different.

The power of annihilation is to destroy and erase a Great Dao power directly, so that it can be attributed to nothingness, let alone the Primal Chaos Supreme, even for the Great Experts who are able to make a difference. Injury, and if you use these Sword Techniques to deal with Primal Chaos Supreme…

You can even annihilate the Great Dao from Primal Chaos Supreme, and then drop it from Primal Chaos to one thought Great Boundary. This ability is far from the Primal Chaos Supreme with Great Dao Divine Artifact. .

“There is such a Sword Technique among the Void Sword Courts!”

Although Verdant Ruins is unwilling to join a Sect, he has too many secrets. Once the other party uses Sect to suppress it, let him hand over the secret. If it is not good, it will end up being a result of revenge.

But now, God is ruining the Great World crisis. If he wants to solve the dilemma that Great World is facing, the best way is to show the powerful power of killing Primal Chaos Supreme. With this threat of life and death, let those unscrupulous Primal Chaos Supreme was frightened and had to withdraw from the Great World.

As soon as they quit the Great World, Verdant Ruins only needs to find a way to disconnect the Great World and the Great World, even if the Ruler level wants to rush from the Great World to the Great World. Still need to spend another hundred years, or even hundreds of years, there is a period of time as a buffer, whether he chooses to evacuate the Great World or retreat to strengthen his own combat power to cope with more serious threats, can have enough Time to continue to consider.

“I can join the Void Sword Pavilion, but according to the method you said, the Xeon Sword Technique is often mastered by the sword disc master of the Ruler and the direct disciple of the swordline lineage, and the Great World has already violently destroyed the World Teleportation Formation. Unless you have been to the cultivator of Great World, there is a Divine Artifact in the two worlds. Otherwise, it takes hundreds of years and hundreds of years for anyone to fly to the Great World and then to the Great World. God is a Great World, this process…say it for decades? This is not in line with my plan.”

“It doesn’t take decades!”

White eyes looked at Verdant Ruins, and my heart seemed to have decided: “I believe that your Innate Talent is bound to be above me. Since my Master is the master of the sword, I will accept it as a discipline. I will teach you carefully, then you will not be under him. Difficult, I can pass on the master sword mastered by my Master now, and I will also call Master to explain your situation, please Master to accept you as a discipline.”

“Does this have no effect on you?”

Verdant Ruins frowned.

“The impact will not be too big.”

Bai Shuying shook his head, and for a moment, she replenished: “As long as you are fighting with the Supreme who killed the Primal Chaos, try to kill it. Once it is dead, even if it is dead, even if it The news, dead men tell no tales, Void Sword Court can not handle the direct disciple of my sword master for this matter.”

Verdant Ruins knows that this is a big problem, but it is a lot of trouble, but at the moment he really has no way.

In order to solve the problem that the Great World is facing, he must have the power to kill Primal Chaos Supreme. Only kill three or five Primal Chaos Supreme, kill them, fear, they will After withdrawing from the Great World, I dare not stir up the wind in the Great World. So, he can have a hundred years of rest before Ruler arrives. If you want to do this, you must use the white shadow. In the hands of the Void Sword Court’s Supreme Sword.

“I will try my best to modify the swordsmanship that you said as much as possible to avoid being seen by people.”

Bai Shuying shook his head and shook his head: “The sword is not the sword of the Japanese glory that we have previously cultivated. The mystery contained in this Sword Technique is far beyond our imagination. When I got this Sword Technique, Not to mention that it has been modified. Even if it is cultivation, it has only reached the level of small accomplishment so far. It is too early to get away from great accomplishment, let alone Perfection. I know that you are worried that this Sword Technique will cause me trouble. But if you are worried that this will lead you to refine the Sword Technique, and the power will drop, what is the point of my adventure? Verdant Ruins, although you can cultivate, this is ultimately our Void Sword Court. Internal things, as long as we both show enough combat power and Innate Talent, plus my Master’s master of the sword, I don’t necessarily get too serious.”

Pass the Sword Technique in Sect to the top…

This is a big sin.

Anyone who mixes Yuan Tianzong will face a big trouble if he or she will pass on the pyramid. This is due to the fear of Bei Zhongguang and the struggle of Golden Crow to teach Supreme Secret Art in the foreign mission. I saw one or two.

But at this moment, he really needs this Sword Technique to solve the current crisis of Great World. In addition to the intention to take this Sword Technique and change it, he has no better way.

“When it is not too late, let’s go to see the original Baihong Jianmen, and then I will pass this Sword Technique to you. You will stay in Xuan World for a while. If you don’t understand anything, it is despite ask me.”

“it is good.”

Verdant Ruins took it.

In some conversations, the two were also the peaks of Changhong Sword Master, Pengguang Sword Master, Fuyin Jiansheng and others.

Of course, since the Void Sword is called the Supreme of the Primal Chaos, it is called the sword master, and the cultivator of the Changhong sword master and the phoenix sword master Tearing Void Realm. The sword master will undoubtedly make people laugh at the big teeth, and everyone is now famous by name.

When Verdant Ruins and Bai Shuying reached the mountain, they were seeing a white clothed, handsome man who was concentrating on Changhong, Pengguang, Fuyin and others, explaining the Sword Dao for them. Mysterious and magical, the original swordsmen and swordsmen of Baihong Jianmen, each and everyone are fascinated and addicted. Many people look to the white clothed man’s eyes full of respect and even For worship.

“The shadow of the Junior Sister is coming.”

The white clothed man who is telling Sword Dao Xuan Qi seems to have sensed something. He has stopped a little bit of his own explanation. He turned his head and smiled at the white shadow that was flying, nodded, even if he saw standing on the side of the white shadow. When Verdant Ruins was still a well-conceived dagger, it was full of the warmth of Wenruerya.

“Shadowing Junior Sister, this one doesn’t know…”

“This is Verdant Ruins, we mix Yuan Tianzong Supreme Elder and it is also my good friend.”

After the white shadow, he turned to Verdant Ruins and introduced it for him: “This is the same as the one that I went to under the main master of the clutch sword. The same is the best genius of our young Void Sword Pavilion. One.”

“Genius Junjie can’t be called, we don’t know which discipline we Void Sword Club, and you are the number one genius in this session. According to the current practice of the Junior Sister, I am afraid that it will not be thousands of years. It is hoped that the situation of Primal Chaos will be awaited. If it is re-precipitated for a long time, it will be difficult to refine the sword of the Void Sword Court to the great accomplishment.

Luan Yu said with a smile, making people look extremely comfortable.

Verdant Ruins’s eyes fell on the man of this famous man. The man also had a cultivation base of one thought Great Boundary, and his World was more stable than the white shadow, and the fluctuations were even larger.

However, in terms of sharpness, fierceness and aggression, his World is a lot worse than the world of White.

Verdant Ruins estimates that if both of them are cultivating, they will practice the small accomplishment, and at best he is the Entry level or the level of the threshold.

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