It is inevitable that the swordsman will bring trouble to the white shadows. After receiving this sword, Verdant Ruins will put him into the god of jade, and use the power of the gods to make this sword. The change comes.

He thought that he had spent countless years on his own great Dao, which is similar to the Swordsman, which is a supreme sword in the Void Sword Pavilion. A few years, a dozen years, but he did not expect that he left the continuation of the continuation to the Tibetan sword continent, and then to the east continent, full time is only one day, but this day…

The immortal swordsmanship is actually calculated?

“The god of jade should not learn negative work. Don’t push out a power that is less than half of the original sword, or even one third of the Sword Technique…”

Verdant Ruins’s spirit turned and quickly concentrated on the new sacred swords that were derived from the gods of creation.

His standard of mind is to re-examine the sacred sacred swords. The power of the sword can at least have 80% in the heyday, only retaining the formidable power of 80% or more of the original sacred swords, and then practicing after Perfection. There is hope that he will fight Primal Chaos’s double Ruler in Primal Chaos. If he does not meet this standard, he would rather re-introduction or no longer practice direct cultivation. After that, he will completely kill anyone who has witnessed this Sword Technique. .

However, it took only a little time from the creation of Shenyu to deduct it.

The effect may be weaker than he thought.

As I thought about it, Verdant Ruins has self-created the comprehend of the gods and jade from this newly deduced sacred sword.

Just a moment, Verdant Ruins, who didn’t have much hope in his heart, had already opened his eyes with some shock…

“This Sword Technique…”

Although the Sword Technique, which was derived from the creation of the god of jade, took less than a day, it has been changed to almost unrecognizable, and it can only be seen in the shadow of some singular swords.

This is not the point…

The point is that this Sword Technique seems to fit the Verdant Ruins’s own Great Dao. If you can combine this Sword Technique with your own Great Dao, the formidable power… will be more than the original Hey.

“If you can really practice this Sword Technique… No, there is a god of jade, and it fits into my own Great Dao. This Sword Technique is equivalent to me, it is created by me. To Perfection is almost equivalent to where water flows, a canal is formed, is nothing more than how much I am willing to spend to verify that’s all.

Verdant Ruins took a deep breath, and there is already a feeling that I can’t wait.

“I immediately found Nalan and Zhuo Family, and then retired and practiced this Sword Technique. Just train this Sword Technique… Don’t say it is now in the Primal Chaos of Great World. Supreme, even if Ruler came to the scent of Saint Physique in other forces decades later, I don’t necessarily have to be one after another!”

When Verdant Ruins stepped out and shuttled to Void, he quickly came to the center of the East Continent.

Due to the collapse of the Supreme Supreme, the cultivators of the Dream Palace, which had been raging in the contingent of the East, are also withdrawing from the East contingent. At present, the overall atmosphere of the Eastern contingent is calm.

Verdant Ruins carefully recalled the skills used in mental power and quickly spread his mental power out like a large net with tiny lattices. The rapid moving towards all directions spread, and soon, it covered the entire east. Absurd continent.

Due to the existence of those small lattices, the cultivator Verdant Ruins below Longevity can’t be sensed, and the thoughts of Immortal Cultivator can’t be seen at all, but the atmosphere above the Longevity is all in his sense, and the breath is more Strong, the more obvious the inductive power.

“Mixed Yuan Tianzong … Nalan 翡 … found! Has been cultivated to Divine Ability Realm? It is also good, this cultivation base, sitting in the East contingency has been more than enough!”

Soon, Verdant Ruins felt the smell of Nalan.

Then the body shuttled, and soon appeared in a dense forest.

Verdant Ruins, a mountain forest, looked at it for a while, and felt a little familiar. When I thought about it, I remembered it immediately. This was the first time they had traded with Bai Hengjian. In this mountain, there is a huge In the underground space, the internal environment of the underground space is very complicated. Once there is any danger, people can hide inside and avoid the enemy’s pursuit.

Although this underground space is not a big deal for one thought Great Boundary in terms of area, it is not difficult for the other party to destroy the entire underground space, but it is like a one thought Great Boundary on the continuation of the Tibetan sword. The cultivator that can be used to collect the things of the road is also the Divine Saint.
Reality and Unrivaled Realm are the mainstays. These people will not spend their time and find the cultivator hidden in this space unless they understand that there is a good interest in the underground space.


Verdant Ruins appeared in the underground space.

Some basic warning Arrays set up outside the underground space seemed to be non-existent to him, quietly and silently crossed. In a short time, he had already arrived in the cave where Nalan and the others were located.

This group of caves not only resides in Nalan and the others, but also includes many high-level figures who mix Yuan Tianzong. Among the high-level figures, Verdant Ruins really knows a few, similar to the original high-level Yuan Tianzong. Such as the sacred sage, the Elder of the Qin dynasty, the Elder of the butterfly, the Elder of the star, the sect master of the left, the old sect master of the original, and the old man of the original Beiyuan, have disappeared, so that he is familiar, only the original veteran Tang Xun, Yuan Empty Peak Master, and Zhuo Family 寥寥 a few unrelated characters.

Few of these people are able to breakthrough into Saint, most of which are confined to Longevity.


Verdant Ruins appeared in the underground space. For a while, Tang Xing Elder, who had already practiced at the Endless Realm level, quickly woke up and screamed.

“Tang Xun is old, it is me.”

Verdant Ruins snorted and walked out.

The excitement of Tang Xun’s elders has already caused the underground space to be chaotic. Many people rushed out with a panic, but when they saw the forms coming in from outside, they and everyone were on the spot.

“Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder? is Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder?”

“Really Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder is back?”

“Verdant Ruins Supreme Elder? Great.”

Everyone in the crowd saw Verdant Ruins, who suddenly appeared, and the color of surprises that couldn’t be stopped on his and everyone’s faces.

But soon, they seem to think about something.

Verdant Ruins, although mixed with Yuan Tianzong is equivalent to the Legendary character, even though it is the name of the world’s first strongest in the Great World, it is comparable to the invaders facing the World of God. However, it is not worth mentioning. Even if he really comes back, what can be said is nothing more than a victim of that’s all.

Thinking of this, the eyes of light in the eyes of everyone were once again dimmed.

“Verdant Ruins !”

“big brother ……”

At this time, the two pleasant voices came out again from the crowd.

Both Nalan and Zhuo Yunqing, who got the news, ran out of the cave at the same time.

Verdant Ruins looked at the two, nodded: “You are fine.”

“We are really worried that we will not see you again in the future…”

Nalan’s expression stunned: “Sect master, several Supreme Elders, these people are extremely valuable to those invaders, and they are focused on… Finally, they are almost dead…”

“Well, don’t worry, don’t be sad, this kind of thing will not happen again in the future. I have already solved the contingent of the East, and you don’t have to hide in the cave again. If you want to go back to the land, you will return to the land.” If I feel that it is not safe outside, I also bought a Small World, which is like the singularity of Saint Er Physique of Primal Chaos. It is a self-contained space, a Law cycle, and you can live in it. ”

“Things have been solved? What do you mean? Is it the sword owner in the legendary Void Sword?”

Nalan 翡 slightly startled, some puzzled, after a while she said: “Not long ago I felt a huge battle broke out in the overseas direction, but the atmosphere of the two sides of the battle is too terrifying, even if I am inland, slightly Inductively, there is still a shudder and fear from the soul, is it… Is the master of the Void Sword Pavilion expelling this invader called the Dream Palace?”

“Oh? Have you heard of the Void Sword Pavilion?”

“I’ve heard that the Void Sword Pavilion seems to be the only one after another, the willingness to shelter our World cultivator, but to get their shelter needs to provide a lot of things, or to have relevant information, and We… can’t get so many things to carry.”

Zhuo Yunqing replied next to him.

“Void Sword Court… They are also one of the invaders, not trustworthy. As for the battle fluctuations that you sensed not long ago, I was in the Primal Chaos with the Dream Palace. Supreme 翌幻搏杀… The final result, 翌The illusion Supreme was defeated by me. Now, the East continent is under my control.”

Verdant Ruins said, Naran couldn’t help stared wide-eyed: “Verdant Ruins…you…what are you talking about? You defeated the dreamy Supreme of the Dream Palace… I heard…Supreme Is a more powerful terrifying than the legendary one thought Great Boundary, you…”

“Why make a fuss about nothing, you don’t forget, I have spent more than ten years practicing the genius of the world’s first strongest man, from Longevity to Shattering Void, I have used it for more than ten years. At the moment, more than a hundred years have passed, I broke into the Primal Chaos Supreme, is it strange?”

Verdant Ruins tried to be as relaxed as possible, reducing their mental stress.

And listening to Verdant Ruins, Nalan slammed his mouth and didn’t know how to answer it…

For more than a decade, from Longevity to the Shattering Void, fifteen realm spans, and then spend a hundred years from the Shattering Void breach into the Primal Chaos Supreme, the span of four realm…


It seems that it is really something that cannot be understood.

It makes sense to say that she really can’t refute.

Just think…

I don’t think there is anything wrong with it.

“Well, it’s not too late, let’s go out, you can tell them, from today, everyone in the East contingent does not need to hide in Tibet.”

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