The situation in the East contingent is calm.

Although Verdant Ruins has occupied two continents, the continuation of the continuation of the sword, and the crime of the Primal Chaos Supreme in the World of Dreams and Yujing Great World, but since he has won the two continents, he has not Further movements, and then, many Supreme taboo his powerful combat power, after discovering that there is no external expansion, it also defaults to his Ruler right to the East contingent and the Tibetan continent.

After all, in terms of the size of the Great World, a Supreme is divided into two continents, and it is not the main continent near the continuation of the continent. It cannot be overemphasized.


“The Great World can’t be delayed for too long…Earth, I have to go over and understand the specific situation of the situation. Then, the things of God’s Great World must be as soon as possible. The sooner this has been improved. The better the swordsmanship, the better, the only thing I have to fight the power of Primal Chaos Supreme, can deter the entire Great World, and expel the invasion of the Great World’s Primal Chaos Supreme. Go out and let the Great World regain a short period of calm.”

Verdant Ruins stood on the site of the original mixed Yuan Tianzong, but his eyes were concentrated on the Scarlet Abyss sword in his hand.

Scarlet Abyss sword got the blessing of his Great Dao. In terms of realm, it is actually called Primal Chaos, but because of Verdant Ruins itself, it is simple and unified. Great Dao It’s too weak, so that the Scarlet Abyss sword, which is blessed by his Great Dao, has a realm of Primal Chaos, but it can be really limited, but it is limited to the level of one thought becomes a World.

“Scarlet Abyss sword’s growth, in addition to spirituality, also includes his own energy level, spirituality, can only be slowly maintained by my Sword Intent, and soon can not go faster, but energy level… But there is no way…”

Verdant Ruins eyes cold light flashed.

Since his cultivation has turned into a simple, one-size-fits-all, Great Dao, he has stopped using the Immortal Arts and other Divine Ability he has mastered, for no reason…

Since his Great Dao needs to be simplified and succinct, if he does not follow this belief, he will use other Divine Ability Immortal Arts to return to Great Dao. Over time, his Great Dao Law will inevitably be affected and the entry will be slow.

But now…

In order to let the Scarlet Abyss sword grow up as soon as possible, grow to the level of real Primal Chaos, enough to sit in the Great World…

After he killed the Primal Chaos Supreme, he had to run the instant flower bloom Immortal Arts to make them into a fruit for the Scarlet Abyss sword to refining.

“Now… it’s the singularity of the singer… No… This sword has been remodeled and transformed by me. It’s already blue and better than blue. It’s not really a singer. If it’s me One day, I will prove Great Dao… Depending on this sword, the Great Expert, the evil spirits outside the domain, fear that it is not difficult, then, rename it to the sacred god sword qi.”

Verdant Ruins sighed, and Spirit World concentrated on the creation of the gods, constantly digesting the mysteries of the gods and swords that were passed down from the creation of the gods.

This sword was rebuilt in the same way as the Great Dao, and it was only a moment that Verdant Ruins knew about the Sword Technique.

“The most important thing about this Sword Technique is that it’s a ‘must’ word, desperate, and desperate. Under my initial training, it may not be able to annihilate the Great Dao. However, it can create a special effect similar to the magical demon. When a sword is thrown out and the power of Great Dao is broken, the effect of the Great Dao is also banned. The power of Great Dao is banned. The ruler of Saint Physique is nothing, they have the body to cycle, even if Great Dao is banned, it will not be affected for a short time, but for those who need the help of Great Dao to have great power. Primal Chaos Supreme, this is the downright Sword Technique…”

The biggest feature of Primal Chaos Supreme is that its own World is blessed by the Great Dao. Not only is it stronger than the ordinary Small World, but even if it is penetrated and defeated, it can still be maintained by the power of the great Great Dao.

If their Great Dao power is banned by Verdant Ruins’ Sword Technique…

Primal Chaos…

At best, Small World is derived from the ultimate one thought Great Boundary that’s all.

Verdant Ruins quietly realized that he was renamed the sword of the sacred god sword qi, and with the help of the god of jade, this Sword Technique has already been perfected with his own great Dao, and his thoughts are turning, countless Inspiration has emerged, and Sword Technique has already entered the prize after he has completely complimented the Sword Technique.

The Entry level makes this Sword Technique have enough ban, but it also allows him to have the ability to kill Primal Chaos Supreme. There is still a certain distance from the rapid killing of Primal Chaos Supreme, so Verdant Ruins is still not Stop the continuation of this Sword Technique, comprehend.

Time passed.

It has been a year.

During the year, Changhong Swordmaster and the others reconnected with the candlelight, the Scorpio, the Zangshen and the others, and they were personally presented by Verdant Ruins and received them in Small World.

Although Verdant Ruins’s Small World is only a hundred kilometers away, it is built by the Great Expert. It is not only a space inside, but also has a variety of Great Dao manifestations, even though these Great Dao are Great Expert simulations, let one go Powerful comprehend These Great Dao cultivation will only go astray, but in the Great World, except for Verdant Ruins and white shadows, the strongest is Divine Saint.
Really, let them practice in his 100-meter-diameter Small World, but they are also strong.

“Single sacred sword qi ……small accomplishment, although it would be easier to cultivate this sword qi to the great accomplishment realm to kill the Primal Chaos Supreme, even if it is finally a decade old Great World Primal Chaos Supreme is a combination of everyone’s self-defense, I can also crush it with crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, but it has been wasted for a year, can’t wait any longer, God is desperate World is important to me, but it can’t be compared with Earth World. The fallacy of one year is already the limit.”

Verdant Ruins stopped cultivation.

“In addition, there is the mysterious seven-star Sword Spirit… There are these Primal Chaos Supreme delays. I have never found it down so far… So, let me clear the Great World, and then launch the whole gods. The power of World is looking for the Seven Star Sword Spirit.”

Verdant Ruins said that he stepped out in a step, and his body quickly shuttled through the Void. At the same time, he took his own special and non-existent special system to the limit. In a short time, he crossed the tens of millions of kilometers and came to the original Yujing Great World. Divine Dragon teaches the ancestral site.

Verdant Ruins touched the Divine Dragon ancestors slightly, moving silent towards him.

The power of his Great Dao is simple and succinct, and all Great Dao Law and Divine Ability will encounter his Great Dao Law, which will be simplified and eventually turned into a great relationship with himself. Dao is exactly the same new trait.

This great Dao power looks simple, but it is actually full of exclusivity.

You know, even a bunch of sunlight actually contains red orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. It’s so hard to make Worldization a simple one.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a dictatorship on the road to cultivation.

But now he relies on his own Great Dao character to directly break into the hinterland of the Divine Dragon ancestor, until the distance between the two is less than a thousand kilometers, the Divine Dragon ancestor sitting above a great hall of altar seems to have Perceived, the eyes suddenly moved towards all around.

After discovering that he couldn’t push closer, Verdant Ruins didn’t waste time. The squatting body suddenly appeared. The whole person was like a flying fireball shooting from Void, carrying the smashing Void’s sharp sword light. , assassinated to the front of Divine Dragon.

For the Primal Chaos Supreme, where World is immovable for hundreds of thousands and a few hundred thousand kilometers, a thousand kilometers is a short-lived one.

The Divine Dragon ancestors just had time to be loudly shouted: “Who!”

Verdant Ruins person and sword unites, the sharp sword qi, is like a stunned rainbow that smashes the sky, and the world barrier of Divine Dragon’s ancestors.


Along with the light sound like broken glass, Divine Dragon’s ancestors have not yet ignited the ultimate World Barrier, directly breaking a hole hundreds of kilometers in diameter, revealing the blue sky and white clouds inside World.

And this scene falls in the eyes of the cultivator inside the World. The sky in their eyes is suddenly torn apart by a crack, as if the sky is broken, and the violent airflow is influxed by the effect of internal and external hedging. The area’s creatures were smashed on the spot by this influx of violent air.

However, Verdant Ruins did not pay attention to the changes of Divine Dragon’s ancestor Small World, and penetrated the World Barrier. He rushed toward the delimitation of the Divine Dragon ancestor at full speed. The next moment was obviously to delimit the Divine Dragon ancestor. Crush!

“It’s you!? You won’t be enough to win me a continent. I still want to get an inch. I really thought I was afraid that you couldn’t!! Damn, my World, you can’t impudent, get out!”

After Divine Dragon’s ancestors discovered that they had invaded the silhouette of their own world, suddenly the angry roar, the whole world’s power surged, as if a tsunami, constantly slamming Verdant Ruins’ body, trying to force him out of World.

The tsunami-like power was continually offset by the simplification of the Great Dao rule on Verdant Ruins’ body. Law was converted into high-energy energy, high-energy energy was converted into low-energy energy, and low-energy energy was converted into Ordinary. The natural energy, dissipated in the world, under the influence of the power of Great Dao, Verdant Ruins’ body shape is not only rejected by Divine Dragon ancestors, but let him take the opportunity, a shuttle, closer to the delimiter Where.

“A person actually resisted the pressure of my entire World!?”

Divine Dragon’s face was shocked.

However, his movements are not slow. In the middle of the tsunami-like world, the god of World, which was condensed by the divine dragon’s own will, is also manifested and turned into a ten thousand meters high. The giant, roaring, slammed into Verdant Ruins.

Looking at the god of World, Verdant Ruins glanced at the Great Dao Law, which is closely related to World and the World. The next moment, Scarlet Abyss sword is like an electric light, and the Thunder kills!

“Extinguishing Immortal Sword is out, you will be the first soul to die, hehe!”


(Today’s fifth, God’s Great World is taken away!)

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