Extinguishing Immortal Sword.

Verdant Ruins smashed his sword and continued to bless the power of Great Dao in Divine Dragon’s ancestral world.

If it was before, Verdant Ruins’s power to smash down the Great Dao will be like a knife-cutting water, although it can break the Great Dao Law in a short time, and it can accumulate with the upstream flow. The river that was cut off will eventually be refilled, as is the power of Great Dao.

But now, what Verdant Ruins has done is no longer a simple knife-cutting water. With the cultivation of the sacred sacred sword, he has become a big force when he smashes the power of the Great Dao. The dam, the students will intercept the banned Great Dao Law. Perhaps over time, the dam will eventually collapse, and the power of Great Dao will be blessed again to the Divine Dragon ancestor, but at that time…

Whether the Divine Dragon ancestor is still alive is unknown.

“The power of the road? Great Dao Divine Artifact !?”

Divine Dragon’s ancestors were slightly changed when Verdant Ruins broke the connection between the god of World and the power of Great Dao Law. However, his heart was not too concerned, but the power of World wanted to move. More Great Dao Law blessed the body of the God of World, and together with the power of World, expelled Verdant Ruins.

But when he intends to let the God of World communicate with the outside Great Dao Law, the gain of Law is not as good as the heyday, and the result is that the god of World that Divine Dragon teaches the ancestors changed his face. .

Taking this opportunity, Verdant Ruins is like a tearing Void’s sword qi, directly shot on the delimitation of Divine Dragon’s ancestors, and the sword qi burst, which is barely called a solid, stable delimiter. The scene shattered, and then collapsed to form a circle of shock waves visible to the naked eye, destroying everything in the hundreds of kilometers.

After the collapsed shock wave hits hundreds of kilometers, it is like a river flowing back, suddenly moving toward the center of the explosion, madly swallowing up all the things that can be swallowed, a black hole-like vortex suddenly formed.

“Damn! What’s going on!? Is it the power of the annihilation!? No, the inductance between the power of my World and Great Dao is not completely cut off…but why, the power of the Great Dao that I can get is already a few Near no!?”

Divine Dragon’s ancestors were a little confused, and at the same time staring at Verdant Ruins in his own world: “It’s your ghost! Give me death!”

Along with the roar, the god of World swept the mighty powers, like a giant who came out of the wild and wild, and moved away to Verdant Ruins. As he grabbed it, the space of thousands of kilometers seemed to be It solidifies, and time seems to freeze in this space.


This kind of approach to ordinary one thought Great Boundary can be said to be unfavorable, even though Primal Chaos Supreme will be affected, but for Verdant Ruins, it is not worth mentioning.

The Great Dao rule, which is the same as the law, makes the space force that shackles his body close to him. It has been simplified. If Divine Dragon teaches his ancestors to use Verdant Ruins, the power is probably equivalent to a train. But when his attack against Verdant Ruins’s ubiquitous Great Dao power, it has become a car, and when his attack is about to attack Verdant Ruins, it has become a bicycle, to his When the attack completely hit the target of Verdant Ruins, the bicycle has become a toy car bought for a few dollars.

Trains, cars, and bicycles can all cause fatal to minor injuries. Can a toy car bought for a few dollars want to hurt someone?

That is an idiotic dream.

This is the hegemony of Verdant Ruins Law.

Moreover, this is the external characteristics of his Law.

When this force of Law acts on himself, it turns the original fleshly body into a copper-headed iron arm, and then turns the copper-headed iron arm into an alloy body.

The toy vehicle hits the fleshly body and it doesn’t have any effect, let alone hit the body of an alloy.

The horrible power of Great Dao Law makes Verdant Ruins with no difficulty to avoid the counterattack of Divine Dragon’s ancestors condensing the power of World God. Then Scarlet Abyss sword is like a rainbow, and the sly squatting at Divine Dragon’s ancestor Small World On the World Barrier, the sword qi broke out, 30,000 or so, a huge sword mark like a scorpio, stretching to the end of the sky.

“hong long long !”

Such a terrifying scar rips the World of Divine Dragon’s ancestors, and the world that Divine Dragon’s ancestors did not receive the power of Great Dao swayed, especially the dark cracks all around. When matter and energy are close to the crack, they are constantly swallowed and turned into nothingness, making this crack bigger and bigger.

“Damn, what is this Divine Artifact!”

Divine Dragon teaches the brothers shocked and angry, the will of the World God with the power of World, constantly want to hold Verdant Ruins, but Verdant Ruins does not play against him at all.

Despite all the steady flow of World’s powerful force towards him, he seems to be a spurt of arrows, free to shuttle in this world, every time a sword swings, inevitably Bringing tens of thousands of kilometers of sword marks to this Small World. These sword marks contain the ban of the singularity of the sword. They cannot be repaired by Great Dao Law. A dozen breaths, Small World of Divine Dragon It has been faintly showing the fragmentation.

“Stop! Stop! What do you want? This continent? OK! OK! As you wish! This continent, I will give it to you!”

Divine Dragon’s ancestors looked at their world, which was continually torn apart and looming, and finally feared.

“This continent!? What I want is more than just this continent.”

“What do you want? I will give you! I will give it to you! Do you have to kill me to the last one?”

“kill to the last one? When your Yujing Great World destroyed the Sword Sect, why not the crime of our Sword Sect and the Elders kill to the last one?”

“Damn… a group of cultivators that don’t even have a thought Boundary, kill them, and you still want to kill me to help them revenge!? If you need, I will give you one hundred Unrivaled Realm slaves… Stop! Stop! Dean ancestors, white elephant ancestors, come quickly to help me…”

Divine Dragon’s ancestral words couldn’t stop Verdant Ruins from half-pointing. Seeing that Verdant Ruins was still vandalizing in his World, he finally began to ask for help in horror. The powerful consciousness went straight into the sky, and the rapidly moving towards the end of the Yujing Great World. Rui Laozu, the white elephant ancestors passed…

In fact, the battle between Verdant Ruins and Divine Dragon has attracted a lot of attention.

Although at the beginning, this war broke out in the Small World of the Divine Dragon ancestor, there was no loud noise. When Verdant Ruins first sword rips the world of Divine Dragon, the movement here is impossible. At the time of the nearby Primal Chaos Supreme, at least five or six Supremes will cast their attention on this battlefield, including the two Ruige Chaos Supreme ancestors of Yurui Great World. .

However, although the two ancestors witnessed this battle, they obviously did not expect that the speed of the death of Divine Dragon’s ancestors would be so fast. Thirty breaths could not be reached. He actually injured the need to ask for help. Do not let the two ancestors be scared.

“Divine Dragon teaches your ancestors, you will resist for a moment, we will come soon.”

“I am on the continent of 19 million kilometers away from you, I will be there in a moment.”

The two great ancestors heard the help of Divine Dragon’s ancestors, and immediately succumbed to it, and quickly moved to move away to Divine Dragon.

“Fast! Fast! Fast! I can’t stop it!”

Divine Dragon ancestors kept yelling, and there was a path of huge cracks in the entire Small World torn the World barrier, exposed to the crowd, if not because he is Primal Chaos Supreme, the framework that constitutes World is Great Dao Law , World was injured and it has already collapsed.

Seeing that the two ancestors of Duan Rui and Bai Xiang were hard to come by in a short time, Divine Dragon had to turn to the nearest Primal Chaos Supreme: “The secluded Supreme of the Great World, you know his identity.” He is the god of the Great World local Sword Sect Supreme Elder, and the mixed Sword Sect is that we have even destroyed a Great World. If I die, our Yujing Great World will be defeated, and he will never let After you, you are not going to shoot quickly and stop him from continuing to do evil.”

“God is a Great World local power Sword Sect Supreme Elder…”

Only one thousand hectares from the Divine Dragon ancestor, the sacred Supreme, hesitated. After a delay of one or two breaths, he asked: “The mixed Yuan Tianzong Supreme Elder is also said to be Primal Chaos Supreme. Go? You can’t even support it with such a little time? Can you have any conspiracy?”

“No conspiracy! There is absolutely no conspiracy! I swear to God! Ah! No, I can’t hold it…”

Divine Dragon’s ancestors shouted in horror, and he never felt that death was so close to him.

The sacred Supreme on the side seems to feel the desperate atmosphere in Divine Dragon’s ancestral language. Now I don’t hesitate any more: “Well, you hold on, I will come here to help you…”

He is less than a thousand kilometers away from the Divine Dragon ancestor, the distance is about 9.6 hundred thousand thousand kilometers, and the Primal Chaos Supreme flying speed in the Great World is difficult to reach the speed of light, and even the fastest one night speed. A breathing room can only fly two 300,000 kilometers. It takes more than 30 breaths to cross the 9000-kilometer journey. Even if Divine Dragon teaches the ancestors in the Yutong Great World, two other Supreme layout conspiracy traps, he 趁Take a look at these thirty breath times and see some of them.

“Hurry up……”

Divine Dragon screamed in horror, and rushed to the Supreme at the fastest speed, wanting to meet him.

But this horror screaming lasted for less than three breaths, and the Divine Dragon singer in the rushing rush seemed to have another dramatic change, stared wide-eyed, and a desperate roar of a stinging soul: “This… no… …”

“hong long long !”

In the fragmented World of Divine Dragon, a huge hole suddenly appeared, madly swallowing up the already fragmented World Barrier.

This scene is like a planet’s star nucleus being suddenly put into tens of kilograms of antimatter. The whole earth’s crust begins to move towards internal distortion, collapse, and collapse. The magnificent scene of destruction, paying attention to this The six Supremes of the battle were also at the same time.


World collapsed.

A Small World with a diameter of 240,000 kilometers collapsed.

At the moment of World’s collapse, the Divine Dragon ancestor who fled the run has stopped and stopped at Void.

Just a moment of pause, the body of Divine Dragon’s ancestors has become like a weathered sand sculpture, broken and smouldering…

At the time when his apparent body was deserted and the ash was annihilated, the Small World with a diameter of 240,000 kilometers was completely collapsed and directly evolved into a singularity similar to a black hole.

In the center of the singularity of the black hole, a form strode out, and the ripple of the Great Dao Law escaped like the shadow cast by the sun shining, completely devour the singularity of the black hole…

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