Zhenyang Great World.

Verdant Ruins’ body shape is directly stepping out of the World Teleportation Formation occupied by the Great World.

Seeing Verdant Ruins, a cultivator that clearly does not have the characteristics of the Great World cultivator of the North, came out from it, and Supreme, who was guarding the outside of Primal Chaos, groaned and felt a bit strange.

But he didn’t wait for him to ask Verdant Ruins about his identity, Verdant Ruins shot directly.

He left the Great World, and the main purpose of coming to the Great World from the Teleportation Formation was to kill the ring.

Since it is a big kill, there is no need to talk nonsense.

As soon as he appeared in the Teleportation Formation and stabilized his body shape, he shot directly and looked like a cockroach. In a flash, he slammed into the Primal Chaos Supreme who guarded the Teleportation Formation.

The Primal Chaos Supreme also wants to ask Verdant Ruins identity, seeing Verdant Ruins brief remark and direct shots, is also very angry: “Mixed, who are you, dare to impudent in front of my ancestors!”

While speaking, World appears, a powerful pressure from the suppression, and at the same time, there is a God of World began to appear under the cohesion of the entire World power.


His methods are barely enough to face the attacks of Primal Chaos Supreme, but on Verdant Ruins…

“weng weng! ”

With a burst of invisible ripple spread, a path of condensed into the ultimate sword qi in the moment, in the North World Great World, the celestial ancestor’s World barrier indulge in cutting, on the spot to tear the world’s ancestors’ wall barriers apart, At the same time, Verdant Ruins’s figure once again rushed forward, directly breaking through the World Barrier of Tiandu’s ancestors and rushing into the world of Tiandu’s ancestors.

Stepping into World, Verdant Ruins spurs its own speed to the extreme. At the time of the flight, there are countless words of light that flew past him where he passed, smashing the world barriers of all around, The turbulence of the World’s barriers was cut, and the cracks in the tunnels continued to spread and derivate.

“impudent !”

The ancestors of Tiandu uttered an angry roar, and the god of World appeared, turning into a giant giant of ten thousand meters, aiming at Verdant Ruins, and seemed to take all his space around him, and then Space and matter burst into one fell swoop…

“All the means of Primal Chaos are the same…only believe in purely level competitions?”

Verdant Ruins feels this familiar attack method, and the light-skilled way out of this forbidden space, while the person and sword unites, condenses one’s own strength into a little, like the most fierce peerless sword, instantly the god of World The giant hand that smashed and smashed through, and then his unrelenting leap, Void, crossed the space of the hundred thousand, and fell directly to the delimitation of the ancestors of Heaven, the power of the whole World. As the rushing down intends to expel him, he has already smashed the delimitation.

“Still, I want you to die!”

Seeing that Verdant Ruins destroyed his delimitation, the ancestors of the celestial ancestors who did not understand the seriousness of the matter made an angry roar. The power of the whole World rushed to the body of Verdant Ruins, and seemed to want to mobilize World. Power crushed Verdant Ruins into pieces.

Verdant Ruins, who is in the center of the world, took a sigh of relief. Then, in the eyes, Sword Intent bursts, and countless words qi rushed with his Sword Intent, and went straight into the sky. Ten thousand kilometers of Void tearing a piece of smash.

“The best!”

Great Dao is banned and Law retreats.

Originally, the deconstructed thing was destroyed, but the angry ancestors suddenly felt that something was wrong.

If Great Dao has not been banned, even if the delimitation is shattered, he is also reliable with the Great Dao Law blessing, keeping World not falling, but now with Great Dao Law ban, his dignified Primal Chaos Supreme is equal to being beaten Everything is just one thought Great Boundary. At best, it is equivalent to one thought Great Boundary, which has the Great Dao Law to form the foundation of World. As a result, the delimitation is destroyed, and the whole World is in danger of collapse…

“What is this power!? Great Dao Divine Artifact? Is it really the power of Great Dao? Can it really make me fit back with Great Dao Law?”

There was a panic in the eyes of the ancestors of Tiandu.

Seeing the second round of the outbreak of the sword qi once again rushed over, over the World, tearing out a path of different sizes, terrifying cracks ranging from 1,000 to 10,000 kilometers in diameter, and the ancestors finally felt To a fierce crisis of life and death.

“The old Mu ancestor, the black ancestor, the enemy is coming, I can’t resist one person, come to help me quickly!”

The ancestors of Tiandu shouted, the voice passed, and quickly alerted all around the Primal Chaos Supreme.

The Chiyang Valley in the Chiyang Empire is the closest to the Great World, with several World Teleportation Formations. There are four Supremes in the Primal Chaos of these Teleportation Formations, plus the Primal of these Teleportation Formations. Chaos Supreme, saying that a dozen is not too much.

Before Verdant Ruins and Tiandu ancestors fought, everyone saw that Tiandu’s ancestors directly included Verdant Ruins in his World, and thought that the battle won the game.

After all, for most Primal Chaos Supreme, they are able to explode several times more power in World than in World. Therefore, although they have noticed the anomaly here, they have not left much energy to pay attention to. After a while, the situation seems to have changed three hundred sixty degrees. The ancestors of the next day were forced to ask for help from the other two Primal Chaos Supreme in Great World.

In this scene, the eyes of the top-ranking Primal Chaos Supreme in this range were all moved towards this direction.

“What is going on in heaven? Is it dangerous?”

“The silhouette that he just swallowed into World looks familiar. But with the spatial fluctuations of the World Teleportation Formation, I can’t tell the difference. Divine Saint.
. “

“It seems painful to look at the heavenly capital? Can it not be true? If we can consider considering the teleportation of his teleportation, even if it can’t take over, destroying is also a good choice… Destroying the World Teleportation Formation that connects their Great World and North Great Great World, the Great World of North Ming is equivalent to being excluded from competition.”

“That has to have a chance. If we don’t have the opportunity, we will do it. It will inevitably bear the hatred of irreconcilable until death with the other Primal Chaos Supreme in the Great World. It will inevitably fall into the endless civil war. There is still time to go to the Great World to collect the things that are being scraped. The consumption and loss caused by the civil war alone is enough to make us have a headache.”

The onlookers of the Primal Chaos Supreme exchanged, but they all looked like a lively look, and no one wanted to help.

The other two old Mu ancestors and black ancestors who got the information of the ancestors of Tiandu were quickly coming from the end of the sky at full speed.

However, because the two were in the Great World, and the other was in charge of another World Teleportation Formation, the rushed figure was tandem, with a difference of at least 20 million kilometers.

20 million kilometers is a matter of minutes for Primal Chaos Supreme, while Primal Chaos Supreme and Primal Chaos Supreme are often killed, often taking hours, days, months, or even years. They have already done their best to pay for this speed.


The speed of Verdant Ruins cannot be measured by the usual Primal Chaos Supreme.

When he sensed that the old Old Mu ancestor who was the first to leave was about to approach the ancestors of Tiandu, he immediately put himself into the limit of Great Dao’s special system and directly transformed into a black hole similar to the singularity of the universe.

At this time, the whole world of Tiandu’s ancestors had already been smashed by his sword qi. Although it was based on the Great Dao Law, it was no problem to support it for a while, but it was still built by Verdant Ruins. At the speed, with the Verdant Ruins incarnation black hole, it immediately became the last straw to crush the camel, and the entire broken Small World began to collapse inside at a terrible speed.

The last second is still urging the old Muzu, the ancestors of the black ancestors, the eyes of the ancestors of the heavens are also deep despair, followed by the body annihilation, with their Small World, into The singularity was swallowed up by Verdant Ruins.

“The seventh fruit… I realized that after returning to Great Dao and then using instant flower bloom, this supreme Immortal Arts will affect my cultivation. This is a disadvantage. Fortunately, the advantage is that the Immortal Arts will not be used. It’s as harsh as before…”

Verdant Ruins sighed, and then his eyes locked in a hurry, from the dead Old Mu ancestors who had been less than a thousand thousand kilometers.

The old Mu ancestors saw the celestial ruins of Tiandu collapse, and Small World turned into a singularity. The verdant Ruins that were manifested were swallowed up, and the figure has come to an abrupt end, but he is still somewhat unbelievable, or He said that he did not want to believe that his ancestors, Primal Chaos, were dead like this. He did not turn around or escape the first time.

For a moment, the delay, Verdant Ruins has been person and sword unites, turned into a sword glow, instantly pierced Void, and shot into the World of the Dead Old Mu ancestors.

At this time, the fall of the ancestors of Tiandu was also brought to the Supremes who were on the lookout. They and everyone looked at each other in dismay. I don’t know how to be good.

Soon, the Supreme Supreme, which had previously fought with Verdant Ruins, had already thought of something. He said: “Isn’t that… is that person? But… a year ago, he beat me, smashed, and destroyed. My delimitation, but the strength he showed is far from reaching this level. At least, he can’t kill a Primal Chaos Supreme in a hundred breaths, but now…”

“There is news!”

At this time, the Primal Chaos Supreme Nightmare Supreme, which belongs to the Dream Great World, suddenly spread the news: “I received a message that the Primal Chaos Supreme was a cultivator of the Great World, named Verdant Ruins. He is the Supreme Elder of the Great World, called Sword Sect Sect, the Supreme of the Great World and the Great World of Yujing Great World, which destroyed the Sword Sect he built. Now he is In revenge and hate…”

“Is it a private hatred?”

“That doesn’t matter what we are, we can watch it.”

“Not bad, Yujing Great World, Beiming Great World killing himself, who is strange.”

The Primal Chaos Supreme, who had some concerns, listened, and each and everyone relaxed.

I don’t know if it is really relaxing, or I am lucky.

After all, Verdant Ruins is powerful at the moment, almost above the Supreme of Primal Chaos. If someone asks to deal with Verdant Ruins, and if they can’t get a response, at least it must be offended by Verdant Ruins. After the real fight, Verdant Ruins is the first person to kill. It is definitely the person who made this request. In this case, there are several people who can insist on their own reasons.

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