The next battle did not appear too suspense.

Yujing Great World and Beidung Great World There are two or three people in the Primal Chaos Supreme in the Great World of Great Yang. These people are killed by Verdant Ruins in each of the broken methods one after another.

After killing the two Great World Primal Chaos Supreme, Verdant Ruins further destroyed the Great World Link to the Great World’s Teleportation Formation and the two Great Worlds in the Great World. World’s Teleportation Formation.

Although his practice has caused some people’s suspicions and embarrassment, these Primal Chaos Supremes are afraid of Verdant Ruins’s horrific warfare when killing more than a dozen Primal Chaos Supreme in Yujing and Beiming. Force, in the end, still pressed the mind that was ready to move.

Coupled with the Broken World of Great World and the World Teleportation Formation of Yujing Great World, they are equivalent to less than two competitors of World’s more than a dozen Primal Chaos Supreme. In terms of comprehensive aspects, it still outweighs the disadvantages. .

In this case, when Verdant Ruins strangled two Great World’s Primal Chaos Supreme and returned to the Great World, the faint Supremes of Primal Chaos who had joined forces to Verdant Ruins, Finally calmed down.

But this calm lasted less than two months…

Broke again.

The years Supreme and Supreme escaped from the Great World, and brought news that all Supremes stationed in the Great World Primal Chaos were shocked and angry.

Verdant Ruins once again shot the Great World of Great Wall, the Dream Great World, and the other forces of Primal Chaos Supreme.

He first quietly killed the two Primal Chaos Supreme, until the violent battle fluctuations were transmitted when the third Primal Chaos Supreme was launched, and everyone was aware of his insidious means.

Realizing that Verdant Ruins intends to kill them, the remaining Primal Chaos Supremes can be called thunder wrath.

However, when they wanted to unite, the Void Sword Club chose to remain neutral, even if the previous one said that the Supreme Elder is also the light and glimpse of the two Supreme Elders in the Void Sword Pavilion. Blocked, can’t join their alliance.

They had only 11 of the remaining Primal Chaos Supreme, and they went to four on the spot, only seven.

The seven people held a meeting. Before they even had time to discuss whether to unite against Verdant Ruins, Verdant Ruins had already killed the Primal Chaos Supreme that he had sneaked on, and did not stop any direct killing to them. Mature alliance.


Two of them escaped by teleportation. The Supreme and Supreme Supreme rushed into the World Teleportation Formation while Verdant Ruins killed other Primal Chaos Supreme, fleeing to the Great World, as for the remaining three Primal. Chaos Supreme ……

Needless to say, everyone can guess their end.

For a time, the Primal Chaos Supreme, which is still in the total of thirteen in the Great World of the Great Yang, is in danger of being in danger of the Supreme Elder of the two Void Sword Pavilions.

There is almost no need for a special call. In the years Supreme and Supreme passed the news out for less than half an hour. Eleven Supremes have spontaneously joined together, and even True Martial Supreme has no time to care.

“You, we were all cheated by the villain called Verdant Ruins. He is playing the role of revenge for the mixed Sword Sect. He is currently killing one of our fifteenth Primal Chaos Supreme, and the other two using teleportation. The fugitive Supreme and Hongbo Supreme don’t know where they are going now. At the moment, there are only 13 Supremes left on our side… even if we find the infinite Supreme and Hongbo Supreme that fled with teleportation, at best, Can only extend our team to fifteen people!”

The expression of Supreme in the years is full of exhaustion and anger that is being bullied.

“The fifteen is the best result. In fact, don’t forget, True Martial Supreme of Great World is still in rebellion. True Martial Supreme is constantly increasing its volume during this time. In the short period of more than a decade, his volume has grown from the previous 240,000 kilometers to 350,000 kilometers, although the newly added volume has not been transformed into pure Fighting power, but among us all, we can surely win him, and only the years Supreme, Meng Yu Supreme, and the Taoist ancestors.”

翌 S Supreme whispered.

“In any case, we can’t give up the benefits of the 10,000-dollar thing in Great World. In general, there is still good news. At the beginning, the Great World was not considered a Void Sword Pavilion. Primal Chaos Supreme The number is 16th. That is to say, the strength of Verdant Ruins is still not enough for the 16th Primal Chaos Supreme. This is why he chose to break each of us. The next thirteen people, but when it comes to combat power, it is not necessarily worse than the 16th Supreme of Great World. That is to say, our thirteen Supreme teamed up and has the confidence to defeat Verdant Ruins.”

Meng Yu Supreme slowly started talking.

As the strongest of all Supreme, she is almost worthy of three Primal Chaos Supreme, and her words are still very important in everyone’s mind.

Supreme looked at the dreamy Supreme wearing a neon feather coat and full of grace and luxury. She also had some conviction in her heart: “I don’t think it’s too late, we will enter the Great World in the wild, and he has just recovered from the war. Pace, don’t give him any chance to breathe, kill him directly.”

“Do we… wait for the unlimited Supreme and Hongbo Supreme?”

A Supreme started talking: “If we wait for the arrival of both of them, the winning percentage of our side can be at least higher, and the two Supremes are always good.”

“I can’t wait, who knows where they passed with the transfer.”

Dream feather Supreme Road.

“That’s good, we…”

The years Supreme is about to promise, but this time a burst of spatial fluctuations is rapidly spreading, affecting a small half of the Great World.

“We and the Great World World Channel of Taihua were destroyed.”

Supreme Supreme sinks in his heart.

“Our World Channel connecting the Dream Great World was also destroyed?”

The illusion Supreme is also suddenly looking up, moving toward the end of the sky.

“It’s the True Martial Supreme and the Flame River Supreme!”

In the eyes of Meng Yu Supreme, there was a raging anger: “True Martial, really act recklessly, thinking that I can’t kill him? I dare to break our way!”

In the three Supremes of the Great World, the Flame River Supreme was disfigured. It was escaped a few years ago with a teleportation. I don’t know where to hide, but True Martial Supreme, relying on its own power and Primal. The advantage of Chaos is always entangled with Meng Yu Supreme, but most of the time is Meng Yu Supreme pressing True Martial Supreme.

Right now, these two Supremes are actually screaming at the time when the dream feathers Supreme and the others gathered in the Tiantian Valley of the Chiyang Empire to destroy the space channel they built in the Great World of the Great Sun. It is…

Possible !

“Before you must be outside, you can live in the Great World, but we occupy the bridgehead of the Great World. We must not let it go because of the existence of two little mice. You, see us and first shot, these two The little mouse solves, how?”

Meng Yu Supreme’s delicate face is full of cold and severe colors.

She is the strongest of all, and the words she said are naturally very weighty. For her request, even if she can’t wait to see Verdant Ruins’s “weak” years, Supreme is not good to refuse, just nod. “Well, then clean up the True Martial Supreme and the Flame River Supreme.”


As soon as the dream feather Supreme is finished, it will take off in the direction of moving towards True Martial Supreme and Flame River Supreme.

But when they killed the True Martial Supreme and the Flame River Supreme, a form suddenly appeared and appeared in front of everyone.

It is Verdant Ruins.

“Why, don’t discuss how to deal with me, why are you so anxious to do?”


Supreme saw that the place where Verdant Ruins appeared was not the Teleportation Formation of Tongtian Valley, but the direction of the Flame Supreme, True Martial Supreme and the others. What was suddenly recalled, Complexion changed: “You and True Martial Supreme, Yanhe Supreme colluded together?”

“You can unite, why can’t we unite?”

“The Great World of Great Yang was the chief culprit invading your Great World, you actually…”

“If they are willing to admit their mistakes and spontaneously merge into our Great World, become the subordinate forces of our Great World, why not?”

“you guys……”

“Well, don’t talk nonsense, is Verdant Ruins? You killed a dozen or so Primal Chaos Supreme on our side by stealing chickens and dogs. But if you think that this will stop us, then it is a big mistake. , you, don’t talk nonsense, at the same time, shot, it will be heavy, and, I will temporarily upgrade my Primal Chaos level to the 60th order, lock his body shape with the dimension lock, will never let him in front of us escape.”

“Sixth order!?”

Supreme, Supreme, Supreme, Supreme and the others heard the dreams of Supreme, and they were shocked.

You know, most of their Primal Chaos ranks only 40 fourth-order, and this 40 fourth-order, most of them have recently been picked up from the Great World of God, and the mass of the road has been raised, otherwise a Great World’s nearly 10 Primal Chaos Supremes, each of which is above 30th order, will cost an astonishing three thousand dollars a year. This number definitely exceeds the output limit of the Great World and Dream Great World.

Even if the assumption is that 40 is in the fourth order, it is necessary to waste a whole thousand or six hundred tracks from the fourth order of 40 to the sixty order of the point lock. This is a lot of Great World one year. The output of the Tao is divided into eighty-nine Supreme, which is equivalent to the total income of 1989, even for the Primal Chaos Supreme!

After all, income is not equal to savings.

A working salary of 10,000 a month and an annual salary of 120,000 will still be painful in the face of the additional loss of the hundred thousand.

An annual salary of 120,000 does not mean that he can save a hundred thousand, and all kinds of extra expenses are too much. If there are car-rental parents and children, it is grateful to be able to save ten-twenty thousand every year.

Meng Yu Supreme is willing to raise Primal Chaos to the 60th order, and point out the dimensional lock against Verdant Ruins, fully reflecting her determination.

“Well, I will wait for my life today!”

“If you don’t want to kill this child this time, we will never have a chance in the future. The rich income of God’s Great World will also be lost to me, even if the Rulers have 80 years to come, this is also Two thirty thousand years, the loss of things, you, I will go all out.”

“This is the only chance, don’t worry about morality, let’s shoot together, kill!”

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