“The rabble!”

In the direction of Void Sword, Ming Yujian has some powerless sarcasm.

“There is no way, they and everyone from different forces, can not really unite together is also reasonable, if it is our Void Sword Pavilion, this kind of thing will not happen at all, in some critical moments of life and death, Even if we know that we are going to die, the swordsmen of our Void Sword Pavilion will never back down.”

The comet swordsman is very open to seeing this.

“Our Void Sword Pavilion is also not a piece of iron, and the four-legged sword master formed by the four-door Xeon Sword Technique still has a fight.”

Ming Yu Jian Zun said, reminiscent of the contradiction between the two dusts, the blue heart and the floating light, the glimpse of the two Elder, is also frowned.

“There is no fight, but once the enemy is really enemies, I believe they will still unite with the slightest hesitation. It is like this time, it seems like this time, four Elders are not suspending the gap and made a Void Sword for us. Is the cabinet the most favorable choice?”

The star of the sword is smiling.

“Tell them a few… Comet Sword, you say… If our Void Sword Court also joined the battle, kill Verdant Ruins, Verdant Ruins, and finally… Can you win?”

Ming Yu Jian Zun suddenly said.

The comet Jianzun slightly indulged, and finally said: “I think … the result will not change much, it is nothing more than Verdant Ruins need to spend some time that’s all.”

“Oh? Are you so good looking at Verdant Ruins?”

“The means that Verdant Ruins showed during this time should be clear. If he wants to escape, no one can stop him.”

“Upgrading Primal Chaos to the sixty-order dimension lock may not stop him.”

鈥渉ehe, how much does it cost us to raise Primal Chaos to the 60th order? And Verdant Ruins? He was already the 60th-order son of Primal Chaos hundreds of years ago, and heaven knows how much he accumulated. If you are carrying the Primal Chaos, etc., do you think that whoever consumed it in the end? As long as he can escape us, then the initiative will be in his hands, he Just need to avoid our positive fronts and kill us from time to time, unless we stay together and don’t go out easily, otherwise…”

“It鈥檚 not easy to go out together…”

Yu Mingjian thought for a moment and finally shook his head.

They can’t stay together all the time.

Moreover, even if they stay together, where should they stay?

Great World or World Teleportation Formation of Great World? After all, the Teleportation Formation has to be guarded by both sides. Otherwise, Verdant Ruins can completely destroy the World Teleportation Formation and trap them in the Great World or the Great World for a hundred or two years.

In the past two hundred years, he has been able to practise with patience, and he has tried his best to scrape the things in the road, but they have not received enough material to supplement them.

If there are not enough things to add, they will not be able to maintain the order of Primo Chaos of the 60th order. Primal Chaos has less than 60th order and there is no dimension lock. Without the dimension lock, there is never hope of killing Verdant Ruins. Even have to face his forced attack…

This is a loop with no solution.

With this in mind, Ming Yujian can’t help but be glad that their Void Sword Court made the right choice in time.


Primal Chaos, such as Supreme and Meng Yu Supreme, survived one after another.

Verdant Ruins, despite chasing them into the depths of the endless Void, and after killing a Primal Chaos Supreme, the Primal Chaos Supreme will eventually escape far and wide, making Verdant Ruins pursues innocently.

After a month of continuous sleepless chase to kill, Verdant Ruins returned and returned to the Great World.

At this moment, True Martial Supreme and Flame River Supreme in the Great World are gathering the subordinates who were oppressed by foreign Supreme and hiding in Tibet. After sensing Verdant Ruins entering the Great World, the two Primal Chaos Supreme I greeted him for a moment and respected Verdant Ruins.

“I have seen Verdant Ruins.”

The two Supreme rituals are quite embarrassing. After all, the Great World has also invaded the Great World, even if they were not involved in the war because of the critical moments of cultivation, but in case Verdant Ruins wants to settle accounts after the fall, and the two of them still can’t escape.

Fortunately, Verdant Ruins’s eyes swept through the two Supremes, but they recognized the original promise: “The Great World has become a barrier to the Great World from now on, as long as you guard the Great World, and When the enemy invaded the Great World, I planned to use the Great World Great World as a springboard to invade the Great World. I was the first to inform me that I could not do anything that happened in the past.”

鈥渕any thanks Verdant Ruins Swords are generous, please Verdant Ruins Swords Relief, True Yang Great World From today, it is the gateway to the Great World. If any force wants to invade the Great World, we have to live our Great World. This is the end.”

Flame River Supreme immediately stated.

The True Martial Supreme on the side is also nodded: “I will move towards moving towards Guardian, and I will be Guardian and guard the Great World.”

“So good.”

Verdant Ruins nodded, recognized them both.

The flames Supreme and True Martial Supreme saw each other, slightly lightly sighed in relief, and quickly said: “According to the news we got, God’s Great World was widely spread. It is said that Ruler learned that And these Ruler-level forces, we have already learned about the three parties, the Void Sword side, the Red Moon Demon Sect side behind the three-phase sect, and the Sun Temple where Chiyang Supreme went to ask for help… The Rulers among these forces are six 70. Years, slow for a hundred years, will inevitably enter our Great World, we can’t stop it, when…”

“The existence of the Ruler level, you don’t have to pay attention to it, I will not be difficult. When I will destroy the World Channel of the Great World and the Great World, they will want to rush from the Great World to the Great World. It takes hundreds of years to go on the road, and when they arrive in the Great World for a hundred or two years… I may not be able to compete with the Rulers when I arrive.”

“Counting Ruler…”

Supreme and True Martial Supreme have been a little familiar with Verdant Ruins’ Legendary experience over the years, but he can still rely on Ruler for a hundred or two years, still not a punctuation.

However, in the face of Verdant Ruins, these words will not be said naturally, but rather a compliment: “At that time we will wait to see Verdant Ruins sword divine prestige.”

“With Verdant Ruins, the Void Sword Pavilion, the Red Moon Demon Sect, and the Temple of the Sun are naturally not impudent in our Great World and Verdant Ruins.”

Verdant Ruins nodded, did not elaborate with the two, just added: “In this time, you have to check it, absolutely can not let people leave the World Teleportation Formation in the Great World, so as not to eventually become a hidden danger “”

“Verdant Ruins swords are assured, we understand.”

“it is good.”

After Verdant Ruins finished, he gave a few more words, and then his body flashed, going straight to the Void Sword Pavilion’s Ming Yu Jian Zun and Xing Xing Jian Zun.

Seeing the arrival of Verdant Ruins, the two swordsmen did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly greeted them with a passionate hand: “Verdant Ruins.”

鈥淐ongratulations to Verdant Ruins, the swordsman has broken the strong enemy and laid the foundation of the Great World.鈥?/p>

“Two polite, Void Sword in the dust, the heart of the two Supreme Elder is quite prejudiced against me, just relying on the light, glimpse of the two Supreme Elder, afraid that it is not a good balance, therefore, I want to ask two Supreme Elder goes to the Great World, and if there is any dispute at the time, the two can talk about it again, how?”

鈥淕oing to the Great World?鈥?/p>

Ming Yu Jian Zun and Xing Xing Jian Zun looked at each other and understood that Verdant Ruins was afraid that the two of them would stir the rain in the Great World.

“This is no longer necessary. In the Great World, there are floating lights, glimpses, dust, and a few Supreme Elders in the heart. It鈥檚 enough for us to go again. It鈥檚 just a icing on the cake.”

“However, if the two went to the Great World, they could at least completely guarantee the interests of the Void Sword Court. Don’t worry about the problems between the agreements between us. After all, the four Primal Chaos Supreme hosts. The power of the mysterious World and the six Primal Chaos Supreme hosted by Xuan Virtual World is different.”

Verdant Ruins smiled.

Although these words are not very happy to hear, but Ming Yu Jian Zun, Xing Xing Jian Zun slightly thought, really feel a little truth.

If Verdant Ruins really wants to win the Void Sword, even if he breaks into the mysterious World, with the power of a dust, a blue heart, a floating light, and a glimpse of the four Supreme Elders, it is estimated that he can barely compete and stand in an invincible position. To trap Verdant Ruins and even strangle it in the mysterious World, it鈥檚 not enough, but if you count them, it鈥檚 different…

Cooperation is often based on the fact that the strengths of the two sides are equal or each has a card.

Even though Verdant Ruins is just sensible, it will never turn to Void Sword at this time, but…

In the face of the proceeds of tens of thousands of roads per year, not afraid of 10,000, just afraid of it!

Coupled with Verdant Ruins, they don’t want them to stir up the wind in the Great World. Because of the trust of both sides, the two swords of Mingyu and Comet hesitated for a moment, but they agreed to it: “So, then we Just follow Verdant Ruins to the Great World.”


Verdant Ruins is a virtual hand.

Ming Yu and Yu Xing must leave the Great World, otherwise they know that they can cooperate with the dust, the hearts of those who should be outside, and open up a World channel.

Now, through the World Teleportation Formation, the three quickly came to the Great World.

As soon as the Great World, Verdant Ruins took the shot and destroyed the last World Teleportation Formation connected to the Great World. This scene suddenly changed the face of the two swords of Mingyu and Comet.

“Verdant Ruins Swords, what do you mean?”

“Supreme, Meng Yu, a few Supreme, although I was expelled from the Great World, but they are returning, stirring up the wind, or completely disconnecting the Great World and the Great World. Think?”

“But this way, in the future, the sword owners of our Void Sword Pavilion will have to rush to the Great World…”

“How can the two swordsmen know that the first person to reach the Great World will be the sword master of your Void Sword Pavilion, not the people of the Red Moon Demon Sect and the Sun Temple? If it is the Red Moon Demon Sect and the Sun Temple People, we are disconnecting the two Great World transmission channels, can we not get more time for the Void Sword Pavilion?”

Verdant Ruins smiled.

At the end of the day, I added a sentence: “In addition, in the Great World of our God, you can get 1,500 to 2,000 rhymes for each year, and if you spend more than a hundred years, you can get a total of There will be as many as 150,000 to 200,000, and these will be private to you. Why not?”

Ming Yu Jian Zun, Xing Xing Jian Zun two people looked at each other, and finally nodded.

The World Teleportation Formation has been destroyed by Verdant Ruins. What can they do without agreeing? Is it really impossible to fight Verdant Ruins?

If they really want to go to war, they will only be blocked by Verdant Ruins in the mysterious World. They will not be moved. At that time, the extra proceeds of the road will be completely lost.

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