“Verdant Ruins Swords.”

Void Sword, floating and glimpse, Supreme Elder has already greeted him. Verdant Ruins, who came back with the two swords of Mingyu and Comet, has a smile on his face.

“I have seen two swordsmen.”

Verdant Ruins arched a few people.

“Congratulations to Verdant Ruins, the Swordsman, sweeping the Great World, and from now on, it is the king of the innocent Great World.”

“That’s thanks to the Void Sword Pavilion’s willingness to stand by, otherwise it will not be so easy for me to clear the Great World.”

Verdant Ruins snorted.

Keeping the Void Sword Pavilion in the Great World Although it is necessary to separate some of the things that are carried, the advantage is that if there are one or two unopened Primal Chaos Supreme happens to crash into the Great World, there is also the Void Sword Court. Go and clean up, without Verdant Ruins personally, so that he can free up his hand and concentrate on the upcoming Earth World trip.

“I came here this time, mainly because I want to discuss with you the methods of collecting the things that Great World has carried.”

When I heard Verdant Ruins mention the things that were carried, the two lighters, the light and the glimpse of Elder, and the bright jade and comet behind Verdant Ruins, did not dare to neglect, and the expression dignified: “Verdant Ruins swords please say “”

“I don’t know how many son of Primal Chaos at Void Sword Court are in our Great World?”

“There are quite a few, one of our son of Primal Chaos, one thought Great Boundary has eighty-three, Unrivaled Realm has two thousand people, Divine Saint
The real body reaches 10,000 people. ”

“There are a lot of them, but it’s not a simple matter to cover the entire Great World. And we can’t guarantee that when someone collects the things in the road, will anyone have a private pocket, isn’t it?”

This problem raised by Verdant Ruins has caused some headaches for Elder, such as floating light, glimpse, bright jade, and comet.

In fact, many of World’s track production is not low. At least, World with over one thousand years of production should account for 20 to 30% in All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

The annual output can be thousands, which does not mean that the income of Ruler’s existence of World can reach this number. In the final analysis, it is because the cultivator that searches for the things in the possession will secretly hide the possession of the road, or simply use it. To upgrade your Primal Chaos.

The other party really spent the money on the road, and no one can judge it.

In this case, a World that produces a thousand-dollars a year belongs to the World Ruler, and half of it is not bad.

This is still the case that this World has only one Ruler.

If World is like the Great World, the three empire of the Flame River, True Martial, and Chiyang, the number of roads that several high-level officials can collect is less, which is a problem that no one can avoid.

You can only collect the things of the road, and only let the son of Primal Chaos go.

If it is not the son of Primal Chaos, he will not be able to judge a piece of the thing in front of him.

“Verdant Ruins means “…”

“Use the grouping method to search for the things that carry the road.”


Elder Elder is somewhat puzzled.

Is this method useful?

“I said that the grouping is not a group of son of Primal Chaos in the Void Sword Pavilion, but a son of Primal Chaos in the Great World and Void Sword Courts, and the two men teamed up to search for the things in the road. Even if the two people want to smuggle the goods, because they represent different Worlds, they will naturally have different ideas and the monitoring effect will be much better.”

Elder, listening to the light, listened to Verdant Ruins, but he estimated that it was mainly because Verdant Ruins didn’t trust their Void Sword cabinet to search for the son of Primal Chaos.

Thinking of this, he knows that there is not much improvement in the efficiency of searching for the things that are carried, but it should be done: “Okay, as Verdant Ruins said, grouping.”

“Since it is necessary to organize, it is necessary to establish a reporting agency. This reporting agency, I think it is most appropriate to lead by Bai Shuying. Next, dozens of auditors will be set up to review the reports submitted below. These auditors We are sent by our Great World and Void Sword Court.”


Floating Elder nodded.

The two men have once again discussed the details of this institution, and after three full hours, they reached a consensus.

When the matter was settled, Elder was only slightly sighed in relief and smiled. “When the business is done, let’s just say something off. We have already sold Verdant Ruins, Elder and the. Other clues to Scarlet Roc were handed over to the shadows, she was disposed of, but she has been waiting for Verdant Ruins to honor you, saying that in the face of others in Baihong Jianmen, try the cultivator called Scarlet Roc, Verdant Today Since Ruins is now, it’s just a matter of doing it.”

“Scarlet Roc…Scarlet Roc Juggernaut…”

Verdant Ruins heard his name more than once.

Because of him, the cultivator of their camp was in crisis twice.

In fact, in addition to Scarlet Roc, there is still a traitor remnant sword in Great World. It’s just that the remnant sword doesn’t know where to hide. When the candle is taken over by the Great World, he has not found his whereabouts for a hundred years. Know if he is dead, or leave the Great World.

“So, I will judge this traitor with the people of Baihong Jianmen.”

Verdant Ruins said, following the floating Elder, and so on, stepped into the mysterious World.


In the trial of Scarlet Roc, Verdant Ruins handed over to Changhong Swordmaster, Pengguang Swordmaster, Baihengjian, and others. He spent most of his time working with several swordsmen, including glimmers, glimpses, Mingyu and comet. The institution that collects the possession of the road, which was eventually named by the people as “Tao Zang”, means to collect the rhyme.

It took half a month to get these things done, and then I was calculating my trip to Earth World.

“The Earth World is a Taiji Xianjun, and the Immortal Dao civilization’s Supreme Unity Realm is probably the level of Primal Chaos Supreme… I should be able to deal with it… but, be careful, Earth World is in Immortal Dao civilization. It is called the original World, and the weight is not comparable to that of the Ordinary World. Although it is just a Taiyi Xianjun, it is only a few hundred years ago, but now it has been decades. Transferring it to a great Luo Xiandi is not a miracle. If the great Luo Xiandi treated me as the invader of the main lineage of Primal Chaos, even let me not give me the opportunity to say it… then trouble It is.”

Verdant Ruins is addicted and he has to pay attention to this issue.

Moreover, with the weight of the original World, Earth World was moved to a fairy country of the Great Luo Xiandi, and it was completely reasonable.

“You still have to go to the Tibetan sword continent.”

Verdant Ruins thought, already moved towards the Tibetan sword continent.

The problem of Great World has been solved. All the Primal Chaos Supreme in the Great World has been expelled. The seven-star Sword Spirit originally stationed at Wanjianfeng still has not returned, but Verdant Ruins has tried to find the Seven Star Sword Spirit. Going to the Immortal Dao civilization to endorse him, naturally will not give up easily.

In the Tibetan Sword Sect, he did not notice the trace of the Seven Star Sword Spirit. At present, with the Sword Sect as the center, one inch of land and one inch of land were searched.

After a year, Verdant Ruins searched the continuation of the continuation of the sword, but never noticed any traces of the Seven Star Sword Spirit.

After a year of waste, Verdant Ruins couldn’t help but feel anxious. He just thought of the Immortal Dao civilization crisis that he might face when he used Teleportation Formation to go to Earth World. He had to endure and continue to expand, not just looking for a continuation. Even the sea with the Tibetan sword continent all around, even the ocean and the underground have not been let go, this kind of search strength, said that it is not too much to dig the ground.

“Seven Star Sword Spirit, where are you hiding?”

Verdant Ruins muttered to himself.

At the same time, part of the spirit is sent to sense the sword swordsmanship, and the figure is found to be the fall of the seven-star Sword Spirit through the sword swordsman who disappeared with the seven-star Sword Spirit.


There is still no movement.

“If you look for another three years, if you still can’t find the Seven Star Sword Spirit after three years, I can only choose to retreat the cultivation Extinguishing Immortal Sword. If I can extutuishing Immortal Sword gas cultivation improvemention for decades, I may not be able to Primal Chaos and Ruler compete…”

Verdant Ruins is determined.

As for the safety of everyone on Earth, he can only think in the right direction.


Just as Verdant Ruins planned to continue looking for the Seven Star Sword Spirit, a slight wave of volatility spread.

Then, Verdant Ruins clearly felt his own Sword Intent, and even the Great Dao he had learned, all of which began to take place without being huge, but with obvious progress.

Representing his great Dao Divine Saint
The real body is constantly compressed during this metamorphosis, and the life is compressed to four meters.

Although it has not yet reached the same level as itself, this progress is still remarkable. If he had this cultivation base two years ago, the invaders against the Great World would not need to break through, even if all Primal Chaos Supreme, plus the Void Sword Club’s six Supreme, can be pushed forward.

“this is……”

Verdant Ruins’s eyes instantly fell on the Scarlet Abyss sword.

Scarlet Abyss sword, with his great Dao blessing, is already equivalent to Primal Chaos on realm, but because Verdant Ruins itself’s Great Dao is so weak that Scarlet Abyss sword has Primal Chaos The realm, which is truly combative, is still limited to the level of one thought Great Boundary, the weakest Primal Chaos ever.

Fortunately, during this time, Verdant Ruins killed a dozen of Supreme in Primal Chaos, risking the stagnation of Great Dao Law. More than a dozen fruits have spared no effort to support Scarlet Abyss sword spirit, and after a year of precipitation The Scarlet Abyss sword finally breaks through, and the quality of life changes, really stepping into the Primal Chaos level.

Due to the relative relationship between Scarlet Abyss sword and his life, when the Scarlet Abyss sword breakthrough went to Primal Chaos, he immediately gave feedback to Verdant Ruins itself, which led to a significant increase in his cultivation base.

“Cultivating the Scarlet Abyss sword becomes the true Primal Chaos Sword Spirit, which actually enhances the cultivation base…”

Verdant Ruins is thoughtful…

Perhaps, the cultivation of Great Dao Law has gone awry.

The sermon, the sermon, what is the sermon?

It is to let the own Dao get other creatures, and the recognition of other ways.

Just as Mortal World is running for president by speech, the success of running for the president is tantamount to success.

“The only problem, then, is that the strength of my road is limited. It is no harm to bless the Scarlet Abyss sword. But if there are too many targets for blessing, it will drag my Great Dao Law and, in case I will Great Dao Law blesses other lives, while other lives are halfway through cultivation, and other Great Dao is changed… The power of the Great Dao that I am holding on him is equivalent to not receiving any return, and it will only be wasted… It is equally important to choose the goal of evangelism.”

Verdant Ruins has a heart.

The sound of the Scarlet Abyss sword suddenly rang when Verdant Ruins realized a series of changes brought about by the Scarlet Abyss sword.

“Father, do you want to sense the seven-star Sword Spirit Senior?”


Verdant Ruins was in the heart, as if he had thought of something, and quickly asked: “Hey, you and the seven-star Sword Spirit are spiritual life. Can you sense where it is?”

“I seem to have some relationship with the Seven Star Sword Spirit, which can sense its position. It is just under the sea three million kilometers away from us!”

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