
Verdant Ruins’ body shape continues to shuttle through the seabed and quickly penetrates into six ten thousand meters.

Finally, Verdant Ruins was aware of the unusualness of the sea in a trench.

“It should be here, hey, this layer of World barriers? But this layer of World barriers is already very fragile, even if it is reluctant to withstand the water pressure under the six ten thousand meters, and, according to this trend, at best, For a hundred or two years, this layer of World Barrier will be crushed by water pressure, thus exposing the World to the outside world.”

Standing in front of this Small World, Verdant Ruins didn’t dare to act blindly without thinking, fearing that he would poke the extremely fragile World Barrier in front of him.

“Seven Star Sword Spirit, please show up, or open your World.”

Verdant Ruins speaks loudly.

The sound spread out for a while, and soon, a layer of ripples rippled into a transparent portal, and Verdant Ruins slowly advanced, and some carefully entered the world.

Compared to a hundred years ago, the seven-star Sword Spirit at this moment is already weaker.

Of course, the so-called weakness is only equivalent to Verdant Ruins. In fact, the energy fluctuations emitted from it are still not under any strong Domain Realm. If you count the various methods it has, even a dozen or so Kilometer is called the mini Small World, it is estimated that even Divine Saint
If the real person is coming, he has to hate defeat in front of it.

“Hey, you…”

The seven-star Sword Spirit stares at Verdant Ruins. It seems unbelievable: “You really are the little guy who went to my mountain 100 years ago? This change… is too big…”

“A hundred years, for Mortal, it is equivalent to a lifetime, is it not reasonable to change?”

Verdant Ruins chuckled.

“That’s a big change, and the feeling you give me… is a little different from the Primal Chaos Supreme…it’s like…”

Seven Star Sword Spirit looked at Verdant Ruins and seemed to think about it. Then, he opened his eyes and stared at Verdant Ruins and looked at it: “No… you feel like this now… it’s like… It seems like the real big Luo Jinxian!”

“The real big Luo Jinxian?”

Verdant Ruins’s heart: “You mean the great Luo Xiandi in the Immortal Dao civilization?”

“No no no! Not the Great Luo Xiandi, but the big Luo Jinxian, the real Da Luo Jinxian, even in the horrible Primal Chaos environment can survive for a short time in the Luo Luo Jinxian! Really out of the Three Realms outside the Five Elements !”

Seven Star Sword Spirit said this, could not help but scream: “How is it possible, now someone can still become a real big Luo Jinxian? The Great World of the entire World Dao has been broken … the Da Luo Jinxian who wants to become Ordinary is extremely difficult, And the Great Expert is completely hopeful, how can anyone still cultivate into a real big Luo Jinxian!?”

Verdant Ruins heard the scream of the seven-star Sword Spirit, and couldn’t help but wonder: “Why, is there any difference between Da Luo Jin Xian and true and false?”

“You don’t understand, you don’t understand! This kind of thing, I just listened to the old master said, too, the old master said that the big Luo Jinxian is divided into two kinds, one is to get the big Luotian, get the big Luotian Law It is also known as the Great Luoxian, but it is only the Ordinary’s Da Luoxian. Their achievements will be confined to World for the rest of their lives, and the other is completely out of their own. The great Luo Jinxian of the road… This Da Luojinxian is even rarer than those of the Great Expert… and only this Da Luojinxian can truly prove the mixed yuan, and achieve the big Luo Jinxian instead of being like a master. Like them, they got a seal from Heavenly Dao and boarded the holy seat…”

Seven Star Sword Spirit said this, can not help but constantly shaking his head: “I read it wrong, I am wrong, I am dim-sighted from old age, spirituality is scattered, there is an illusion, now in this environment, how is it possible There will also be a real big Luo Jinxian.”

Verdant Ruins looked at the Seven Star Sword Spirit and patiently waited for it to stabilize Verdant Ruins.

After seven moments of Sword Spirit, it gradually calmed down and finally fell to Verdant Ruins.

For a moment, it sighed: “Although incredible… but I really want to expect what is happening to you is true, if that is the case… then it proves that we… there is hope…”

“What hope?”

Verdant Ruins looked at the calming Seven Star Sword Spirit and asked.

Seven Star Sword Spirit shook his head and did not continue on this issue. Instead, he said: “I have not planned to intervene in the outside world, but… you have something, you can talk about it, if you can help, I will try my best to help.”

Verdant Ruins quickly said: “I remember I told you that I came from the beginning of World, and now the World has been discovered by the cultivator of Immortal Dao civilization, with their emphasis on the source of the world, now I am afraid that the source will be World brings to the heart of the Immortal Dao civilization, and in that World, my friends and relatives exist, I can’t let them go, so I plan to go to the original World through World Teleportation Formation, but because of me The cultivation is the method of the main lineage of Primal Chaos. It is inevitable that I will be regarded as an enemy by the cultivator of the Immortal Dao civilization. I want to take you there. On the one hand, I can prove my identity. On the other hand, you all belong to Immortal Dao. Members of civilization should be better at speaking.”

“Primal Chaos’ main lineage…”

Seven Star Sword Spirit Looking at Verdant Ruins, expression is a bit weird: “Who told you that you are now a cultivator of the main lineage of Primal Chaos?”

“what do you mean……”

“You now……”

Seven Star Sword Spirit looked at Verdant Ruins, was about to speak, and soon, but thought of something, began to organize the language, for a while, it said: “If I am not mistaken… you are out on the cultivation path The direction has transcended everyone, including the so-called Lord of Primal Chaos, the Lord of Time, the Lord of the Gods, and even… our Immortal Dao civilization.”

“Can you tell me in detail?”

“Your current state… In fact, we can describe it in another way… Do you know the Primal Chaos demon in the ancient legend of Immortal Dao civilization?”

“Primal Chaos Devil? It is said that the great legend of the life plate is the 3,000 thousand Primal Chaos demon gods… You said the Primal Chaos devil, who are those?”

“Not bad.”

Seven Star Sword Spirit nodded: “The space we know is currently dominated by the Lord of Time, the Lord of Primal Chaos, the Lord of the Gods, and beyond the space we know, there is a broader world, but There is a terrifying energy between the heavens and the earth… that kind of energy, we call Primal Chaos…”

Speaking of this, it is fixed to look at Verdant Ruins: “Being able to have your own life, you have the qualification to survive in Primal Chaos, and this creature is collectively known as Primal Chaos.”

“What do you mean… another life essence? The fifth life rank above Mortal, Spirit Beast, Sacred Beast, God Beast?”

“It’s not bad to describe it like this.”

Seven Star Sword Spirit said this, the tone is slightly stopped: “With the information you know, the evil spirit belongs to Primal Chaos life, the Lord of Time, the Lord of Primal Chaos, the Lord of the God belongs to Primal Chaos life, three thousand Primal Chaos belongs to the devil Primal Chaos Life… Even the Creation of the World, which shaped our great existence… is also Primal Chaos life, but some Primal Chaos lives are still in their infancy, and some Primal Chaos lives are in the Peak period. “”

“The Lord of Time, the Lord of Primal Chaos, the Master of the Gods… all belong to Primal Chaos life…”

Verdant Ruins was secretly scared, and then he thought of something again, and quickly said: “The Ruler, the Great Expert, and… the Immortal Dao civilization, the supreme sage, and the incarnation Heavenly Dao’s Daofather? ”

“Ruler? Great Expert? Saints? Daofather?”

The Seven Star Sword Spirit is obviously taboo when it comes to the name of the saint. The expression is also humble and respectful, far less casual than Verdant Ruins’s words.

“I don’t dare to speculate on the sages, but they… should not belong to Primal Chaos life… As for the great Daofather… he is actually one of the three thousand devils… as for Ruler, Great Expert… just A group of Primal Chaos owners used to nurture the twelve God Beast pieces that’s all.”


“Yes, under the seat of Primal Chaos, there are twelve God Beasts… These twelve God Beasts represent the twelve Great Daos. If they grow up, they will be like the gods of the 12 days of the year, simulating the truth of the great disk. Even if the feasibility of this plan is not high, the owner of Primal Chaos can spend billions of years to cultivate these 12 traitors into Primal Chaos creatures…that is, the so-called Primal Chaos Fourth Layer in your mouth, or The standard of evil spirits… and the method of cultivating them by Primal Chaos is to make Great Experts…”


Verdant Ruins suddenly reminiscent of his relationship with Scarlet Abyss sword: “Do you mean… Great Experts can enhance the power of the twelve God Beasts? Or, are they simply the conveyors of the twelve God Beast forces?”

Seven Star Sword Spirit is cautiously nodded: “With my many years of observation, the truth of the matter is exactly the same. Even if you secretly inquire, some ancient Great Experts themselves understand their situation… This is why the evil spirits are Being driven out by the Lord of Primal Chaos, the Lord of Time, and the Lord of the Gods, but there is always the reason for living the soil… Becoming a Great Expert… I want to go further in the future, or get the support of Primal Chaos, become twelve God Beast-like Daofather, either…breaking the imprisonment imposed on them by the Lord Primal Chaos…that is, the legendary Force Prove Dao…”

“Daofather…Force Prove Dao…”

Verdant Ruins quickly got a seat in his mind.


The twelve God Beasts in the main territory of Primal Chaos are the so-called saints in the Immortal Dao civilization…

“The practice of Primal Chaos is to kill chickens and take eggs. How can it be difficult to cultivate twelve God Beasts by using the method of chemistry? And this method is equivalent to burying the potential of all cultivators in their own civilization, because… all cultivators are twelve God Beast’s growth and service… Although the practice of Primal Chaos is to make the twelve God Beast achieve the true Primal Chaos life, evolve to the level of those evil spirits, and observe the true form of the great disk… The price… is too big…”

Seven Star Sword Spirit said this, the tone is slightly stopped: “At present, the main policy of our Immortal Dao civilization to deal with the cultivator of Primal Chaos is to smash the plot of Primal Chaos, the Great Expert who knows the truth. They are quite dissatisfied with this approach. Some people secretly do not follow the orders of the Primal Chaos, or they are arrogant, which is why our Immortal Dao civilization can survive….”

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