Verdant Ruins listened, slightly nodded.

Although the Lord of Primal Chaos can radiate his power to All Heavens and Myriad Realms, he is obviously not a great life with fine details. Roughness is his style of acting.

The immortal Dao civilization was still unable to withstand the invasion of the top life of Primal Chaos, the Lord of Time, the Lord of the Gods, etc., and now there are only two or three small fish and shrimps.

The lack of great expertise in the jurisdiction of the Immortal Dao civilization is the main reason why Immortal Dao civilization can continue to this day.

“Primal Chaos Life and Primal Chaos The following lifes are essentially different. Life below the Primal Chaos level will become unchangeable after being branded with World, but Primal Chaos level life… as long as you want, you can Simulate any lineage cultivation style, Immortal Dao martial dao, God Beast martial dao, technology martial dao, belief martial dao? Only need the appropriate cultivation technique, with no difficulty.”

“with no difficulty ……”

Verdant Ruins shook his head.

For others, it may be called with no difficulty, but he cultivated the Great Dao, if too much simulation of other cultivation martial dao, it will only interfere with his own cultivation.

“For the sake of safety, I hope to invite the Seven Star Sword Spirit to join me in the Immortal Dao civilization.”

Verdant Ruins said again.

Seven Star Sword Spirit looked at Verdant Ruins, but saw Verdant Ruins expression awe-inspiring, with a hint of pleading, after all, it is not good to refuse directly.

After hesitating for a moment, it still sighed: “Whether it is worth it, it is directed at the hope that may be carried on you. How about I accompany you with you? But what I have to explain to you is that those old I may still be able to have a little face in the generations of the great Luoxian. The other person has heard my name more or less, but if I am born in the recent years, I am powerless.”

“I understand that, in fact, as long as it is not surrounded by a number of big Luoxian, it is not a problem to use my current ability to just save my life.”

Verdant Ruins Road.

Before Scarlet Abyss sword had not yet broken through to Primal Chaos to give him a round of feedback, he had a life of nine deaths, and now he got the feedback of Scarlet Abyss sword, his fighting power…

It is estimated that the level of Supreme can be matched to the 40th Primal Chaos. Although it is still impossible to fight with Da Luoxian, it is impossible for Da Luoxian to kill him in a short time, as long as it can be maintained for a while. With his own existence and non-existence characteristics, it is not difficult to quickly retreat.

“That is, you are also a person who is expected to make a real big Luo Jinxian… But you are now…too weak… I am afraid that I am not even qualified to step into Primal Chaos. I really don’t understand, so weak you. How can I get out of such a path, I am afraid that apart from the old guy who used to be with the saints, even if they are big Luoxian, even if Great Expert sees you, you can’t see the true mystery of you. It’s as if no one would imagine a beggar-like man as a prince, even if he and the prince are almost exactly the same.”

Seven Star Sword Spirit is a martyrdom.

Verdant Ruins heard the seven-star Sword Spirit…

I always feel that his metaphor is not quite right.

After a while, he re-reported: “Have you ever seen the real big Luo Jinxian? Don’t know how they cultivated?”

“The real Da Luo Jin Xian is the Primal Chaos life in the general sense. Since it is the life of Primal Chaos, it is natural to go to cultivation in the Primal Chaos Void. It is like a whale in the sea. If you give a small pond, Whales are either stunted or starved to death. There is no other way.”

“Primal Chaos Void ……”

Verdant Ruins remembered it.

“But you can now absolutely impossible to go to Primal Chaos Void. As far as I know, at least the equivalent of Da Luoxian can absorb the Primal Chaos and want to survive in Primal Chaos Void, even temporarily. Survival, you have to achieve Great Expert, you are now rushing to Primal Chaos Void, only dead end.”

“Da Luoxian… I understand.”

Verdant Ruins promised: “When it is not too late, I see that we go to the continuation of the continent, and then self-created the contingency to start the Teleportation Formation to the Immortal Dao civilization?”

“You can lead the way, yes, do you have Small World, Xianguo, etc. It will be OK to take me in the past. My spirituality is not strong enough to withstand too much toss along the way.”

“I have a Small World created by Great Expert, and you have to rest for a while.”

“What about the World opened by Great Expert? It’s OK.”

The Seven Star Sword Spirit should have come down.

Verdant Ruins took the Small World out and asked: “Seven Star Senior, Tibetan Sword Sword should also be in this Small World, why not see others?”

“The little guy who hides the sword… His cultivation is no longer a road. Under some pleading, he intends to change the sword immortal lineage. Now I am retreating in the place where I live, with my breath hiding, you naturally look Less than…”

Seven Star Sword Spirit finished, with a wave of hands, in a Cave Mansion in the depths of Small World, which is more than a dozen kilometers in diameter, is seeing an old man is suffering a sword qi, who is not a sword?

There is a seven-star Sword Spirit personally pointing, and the efficiency of the sword sword change is very fast. The sword qi that he has cultivated is not inferior to Divine Saint.
The real body strong hit, considering that the word immortal is good at killing…

The Tibetan sword sword should now belong to the level of the Shattering Void.

“Need to wake him up?”

“No, let’s go and make the continent.”

Verdant Ruins said, hinting at the seven-star Sword Spirit, putting it all together with Small World, and then no longer has a half-lost, flying at full speed, going straight to the continuation.

This period of creation has also caused a lot of damage. Fortunately, because the continuation of the continent is too remote, coupled with the cultivator that came to build the continent, it is directed at the things that carry the road, and will not deliberately destroy any buildings. Although the forces that existed in the continuation of the continent were almost shuffled, the situation has stabilized rapidly during the two years.

The current continuation of the continent is still under the control of the core.

Verdant Ruins came to the continuation of the continuation and directly called the core of the Golden Core Realm cultivation base, which gave her a lot of resources.

Over the years, he has killed more than a dozen Primal Chaos Supremes, each time smashing into the Small World of these Primal Chaos Supreme. From time to time, he will naturally plunder some valuable resources from time to time. The flow of resources is enough to make countless one thought Great Boundary smashed, even though some of them have been given to the candlelight, the heavenly man and the others, but the remaining margins are enough for the core. In the next period of time, practice by leaps and bounds.

At the same time, she was able to completely reassure her in the creation of the continent, to take care of the Teleportation Formation for him, and to reopen the Teleportation Formation ten years later.

This time of ten years is also carefully considered by Verdant Ruins.

He has been away from the Great World for a long time. Void Sword can’t detect his silhouette. Maybe it will make a noise. If it is like the last time, he will turn back and return in a year, but he may not be able to return Earth. World’s things are solved smoothly, and this number is best for ten years.

It is clear that Verdant Ruins did not waste too much time and went directly to the Teleportation Formation center to quickly release a piece of empty spar.

After doing this, he did not start Teleportation Formation in the first place, but took Rainbow Bridge World out.

“I don’t know if Rainbow Bridge World can lock the coordinates of the two Worlds through this transfer. If it can be locked, it may be able to open a fixed channel in Great World and Earth World in the future… At the time of Earth World It will be much easier to get back and forth to Great World.”

I thought, Verdant Ruins started the information collection function of Rainbow Bridge World, and then rolled a space to inject Array.

As the force of space influxes, the energy in the grit is quickly absorbed by the Array, and a spatial fluctuation suddenly emanates from the Array.

When the space fluctuated, Verdant Ruins focused on Rainbow Bridge World and wanted to see something, but soon he regrettably collected Rainbow Bridge World: “The fluctuations are too small… …the person who arranging this Array is at least the existence of the Great Expert class. Otherwise, it is impossible to arrange the Array so succinctly. It does not know how many trillions of light years can be transmitted, and the energy fluctuations can be emitted. World Teleportation Formation has less than 1%…”

This is the highest embodiment of technology.

It’s like taking a nuclear bomb to perform a fixed-point blast on a building.

The World Teleportation Formation is running, the environment around all changes rapidly, and the red and blue streams are constantly flying around him.

I don’t know how long the past disappeared, and the fading light has gradually subsided. With the volatility of the space, Verdant Ruins has appeared in a huge artificially built square.

As Verdant Ruins appeared, the ray of light quickly screamed from all directions, and the powerful atmosphere that appeared in front of Verdant Ruins reached three 40 tracks. Obviously, these people are all sensing the World Teleportation Formation. The first wave of volatility came to check the situation.

Verdant Ruins’s eyes swept over these people.

In the cultivator of dozens of Immortal Dao civilizations, there are three Taiyixians in the Supreme of Primeal Chaos. The remaining dozens are equivalent to True Immortal of one thought Great Boundary, and ten are equivalent to Unrivaled Realm. Void Immortal, this power is still within the understanding of Verdant Ruins.


Without waiting for him to look at the cultivators of these Immortal Dao civilizations, a terrifying atmosphere is full of more than a dozen energy fluctuations that are not inferior to Primal Chaos Supreme, flying in this direction at an extremely fast speed. When the man is not there, the piece of hiding the sky and covering the earth has already come first, letting the Verdant Ruins expression condense slightly.

“Da Luoxian!”

Can make him feel terrified, terrifying, the non-Daluoxian class is strong.

Taking into account the purpose of returning to Earth World, Verdant Ruins forcibly pressed the thought of turning around and went to the heart, staring at the direction of the dozens of Dao Aura’s rapid arrival, waiting quietly.


(Suddenly I want to have more chapters.)

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