The entire Earth World is only 10,000 kilometers in diameter. Even if Earth World was moved to a special space similar to Small World, it would not last much for the existence of the Da Luo Xian class. It was noticed by Verdant Ruins. The big Luoxian smell appeared, and then the big Luoxian came to Verdant Ruins, the whole process, using less than three breaths.

Almost as Verdant Ruins had just looked at the all around environment, the big Luo Xian had led more than a dozen Tai Yixian, the equivalent of Primal Chaos Supreme, to the scene.

“Bohai Xiandi.”

One of the few Taiyixian secrets that were secretly surrounded by Verdant Ruins, one of them went forward for the first time, while the armed toward Verdant Ruins, who was full of alert, glanced: “This person suddenly appeared from the World Teleportation Formation. The cultivator, but after he appeared, there was no other action, and it seems that there is nothing malicious at the moment.”


Nodded by the Bohai Sea Emperor, who was headed by everyone, his eyes fell on Verdant Ruins: “Who are you?”

“Respect is the leader of this gathering place? I am not your enemy. Strictly speaking, I belong to this World of People, but it is just a coincidence that I went to other Worlds, if this World was a hundred years ago. Those leaders, marshals, and generals are still there and should be able to identify my identity.”

“Well? Are you a source of World?”

The eyes of the Emperor of the Bohai Sea to Verdant Ruins suddenly became different.

At this time, a man who followed the Bohai Emperor suddenly came forward and whispered a sentence: “Ouhai Xiandi, this person… When I brought the original World, I really heard the source of the world. The cultivators mentioned that he should be called Verdant Ruins, that is, he is able to lead the souls of the original World and develop them to the tenth-order civilization level, but why he can lead the whole civilization to the cultivation path is still a Unknown number.”

“Void Immortal Jun, the cultivator of the original World is your transfer arrangement, you immediately go find someone to verify.”

Bohai Xiandi Road.

“Yes, Xiandi, I will call and ask.”

“How are people from the beginning of the world? You didn’t hurt them?”

Verdant Ruins heard the whereabouts of the world’s people, and immediately asked.

“Stand up, stay in place, don’t move.”

A fairy shouted shouted: “You better not make anything that makes us feel misunderstood. Otherwise, we will ruthlessly ruthlessly.”

“I said, I am not your enemy. I have come here and brought another person you are familiar with. I should be able to prove to me that I am not malicious to your Immortal Dao civilization.”

After Verdant Ruins finished, he waved his hand.

It is such a simple movement, but let the nearby Taiyixians as strong as the enemy, while some people are stimulating their own power, connecting one, forming a huge block of the town, it is necessary to Verdant Ruins suppressed it in one fell swoop.

Fortunately, Bohai Xiandi seems to see that Verdant Ruins just wants to call someone out, and they stop them before they attack. “And wait.”

While speaking, his gaze has fallen to the seven-star Sword Spirit that Verdant Ruins has moved from Small World.

“Seven stars Senior, have you worked.”

Verdant Ruins snorted.

It seems that there is no such thing as a large array of Fengzhen, which was formed by the combination of several Taiyixians.

Sword Spirit moved towards all around Take a look and feel the change of breath: “Hey, there is a sense of familiarity in the Earth Immortal world, but… Great Dao has long been broken, even though it simulates the environment of the Earth Immortal world.” … um? This is actually reshaped from the World Fragment of Yulong Tengshengtian in thirty-six days?”

Bohai Xiandi saw the seven-star Sword Spirit screaming out the name of Yulong Tengshengtian, and on it, he also felt a noble and graceful Immortal Dao breath, and he cautiously asked: “I don’t know how to drive Yes……”

“Me… I am just a little Sword Spirit that’s all, as for my deity name… Immortal Dao cultivator from ten ten thousand years ago inheritance should have heard of… I am… Seven Dessert Demon Sword.”

“Seven Stars Demon Sword!?”

Bohai Xiandi is slightly startled.

The other immortals are also expression changed when they hear the name.

“Seven Stars Demon Sword… Is it… it’s a saint…”

The attitude of Bohai Xiandi immediately changed, and the words were slightly more cautious.

“I did follow the cultivation of the past.”

Seven Star Sword Spirit indifferently said.

“It turned out to be the Seven Star Senior.”

Bohai Xiandi was slightly in the body, quite a formal ceremony, and he also sent a message, apparently verifying the Immortal Dao civilization cultivator that survived those ten thousand years ago.

“I have already reached the moment of spiritual disintegration. It will take a long time to fall into an eternal sleep and return to nothingness. However, it was pulled by the young man of Verdant Ruins, and I will sell him this old face. To prove his identity, you really shouldn’t be an enemy. On the contrary, I think you should be friends.”

“Of course, there are seven stars of Senior security, and we naturally trust this Verdant Ruins.”

Bohai Xiandi said, with a slap in the face, suddenly, the faint formation of the singularity of Verdant Ruins quickly retreated, indicating his attitude.

“Sorry, I have been offended.”

“Nothing, I expected that there may be misunderstandings between us. This is the purpose of asking the Seven Stars Senior to come out. I don’t know if I can take me to see Earth World…that is, the people of the original World, those people exist. With my friends and family, I really want to know how they have been.”

Verdant Ruins asked.

“Of course, of course, Verdant Ruins, please rest assured that we have made proper placements at the beginning of the World. Innate Talent has directly joined the various Earth Immortal doors. Innate Talent is also able to live and work hard and prolong life… their The treatment is higher than the Mortal in our jurisdiction. I don’t know how many times. I will arrange it and let people bring you in person.”

The Emperor of the Bohai Sea said, pointing to the Taiyixian and True Immortal around him.

At this time, there was also a form that carried a huge sound and quickly broke through the air, attracting a lot of attention, and soon after this scene came to the scene, it quickly became a middle-aged man.

Judging from the breath of his body, this is actually a strong man of the Great Luoxian class.

Obviously, Verdant Ruins is located in the most central part of the Immortal Dao civilization, which is why so many Da Luoxian can sit in person.

After the fall of the middle-aged man, the first time I fell to the seven-star Sword Spirit. After confirming his identity, he quickly rushed to the surprise and said: “Seven stars, seven stars, really You, I heard some of the courage of Bohai Xiandi, but I didn’t think that you, the old guy, really didn’t die?”

“You are… purple gold gourd? You old guy, actually still not dead?”

“Hahaha, you old guy is still not dead, how can I take a step first.”

Middle-aged man Seeing the seven-star Sword Spirit recognizes himself and suddenly rejoices: “I am now shaped, Zijin Xiandi…”

After that, his eyes were on the seven-star Sword Spirit: “How old are you, how do you make this look?”

“Although it’s like this, it’s better than a few other guys. The gossip furnace is broken, the golden rope is broken, and Vajra is ruined… It’s already a big life for us to survive.”

“Yeah… I can live, I am glad…”

The middle-aged man from Zijin Xiandi felt a sigh of relief and seemed to think of the battle of destruction of Heaven Falls and Earth Rends. The expression was full of awe and sorrow.

On the side of the Bohai Immortal, Void Immortal Jun and the others, listening to the two of the old, but did not bother.

Although the Emperor of the Bohai Sea is a fairy emperor, it is obviously a new immortal figure who has been promoted in these years. Before the battle of destruction, he was at best a too good, but even a True Immortal character, compared to following it. The seven-star Sword Spirit around the saint, the birth of more than a little bit, even if the current seven-star Sword Spirit is obviously an arrow at the end of its flight, he is still afraid to have a half-small, to hold the gift of the next generation.

“Well, you want me to protect you, I have promised you, and you are busy with your business, I guess you look at our two old things and have been waiting for it.” ”

Seven Star Sword Spirit and Zijin Xiandi chatted a bit, and noticed that Verdant Ruins, whose expression was somewhat unstable, immediately said.

On the other hand, the Bohai Emperor is also turning to the Void Immortal Jundao in a timely manner: “The imaginary, the person at the beginning of the World is responsible for your arrangement, and you will take the lord with you, for the request of Verdant Ruins, you Be sure to be as satisfying as possible, understand?”

“Xiandi is relieved, I can save it.”

Void Immortal Jun Ying promised, and pointed to Verdant Ruins’s vain hand: “Hi Verdant Ruins, please come with us.”

“There are Lao Xianjun.”

Verdant Ruins sighed and greeted the seven-star Sword Spirit, and soon followed Void Immortal’s moved toward Earth World…the place where the original World Spirits settled.

“This person is… oh… this person gives me the feeling… it’s a bit strange…”

The Zijinxian Emperor survived for countless years, and his vision was obviously not comparable to that of the new Emperor Xianhai. His eyes looked at Verdant Ruins for a moment and soon felt strange.

“It’s strange!”

Seven Star Sword Spirit looked at Verdant Ruins’s leaving silhouette, quite awkward. After a while, he re-requested: “Who is the real one here?”

“It is the discrimination of the sage of the supernatant, Duobao Tianjun.”

Zijin Xiandi said sole solemnly.

“Just a treasure, one person!”

The Seven Star Sword Spirit is incredible.

“It’s a great expert…”

Seven Star Sword Spirit listened, and has been speechless for a long time.

Although it was guessed, the Immortal Dao civilization was defeated, and the losses were inevitably heavy, but I did not expect it to be so heavy to this extent…

Great Expert in the entire Immortal Dao civilization…

There is only one person left.

“But… except for Duobao Tianjun, it seems… there have been people who have been on and off, and have noticed the trace of a big man…”

“Who is it? A Lesser Saint, is it true?”

Seven Star Sword Spirit quickly asked.

Zijin Xiandi shook his head: “We didn’t know… just noticed his trace, not his true body. He never contacted us, but based on some traces left by him… maybe It is Qingping Sword Spirit.”

“Qingping Sword Spirit? Yes, the characteristics of Qingping Sword Spirit… If you say that the most promising Tianjun and Lesser Saints, he will certainly be able to take a seat…”

“Unfortunately… we have never contacted him so far. He seems to have been blocked by some kind of power and cannot contact us.”

“Can’t contact us…”

Seven Star Sword Spirit has some regrets.


Even if I contacted Qingping Sword Spirit, it is estimated that there is no big use. After all, their enemies…

too strong.

When they relied on the power of Great Desolate World, they never defeated terrifying opponents. What about the fact that even Heavenly Dao was broken?

The seven-star Sword Spirit expression faded for a moment, and then he glanced at the side of the Bohai Emperor, seemingly thought of something, and suddenly asked: “Yulong Tengshengtian is in your hands… If I am not mistaken, Da Luotian … should it be in your hands?”

“Yes, Da Luotian is indeed in our hands… But now, Da Luotian has already been broken, and the power that can be transformed is no longer in its heyday…”

“Still, this is the biggest blessing!”

The seven-star Sword Spirit had a faint glow on his face. At the end, it looked at Verdant Ruins who had disappeared with Void Immortal and disappeared. He said: “I want to see Duobao Tianjun, there is one thing to be seen. Things, I want to have a good discussion with Tianjun… This matter may be related to the hope and opportunity of our Immortal Dao civilization revitalization…”

“Related to the hopes and opportunities for the revitalization of our Immortal Dao civilization?”

Zijinxian emperor expression is also serious, with his understanding of the seven-star Sword Spirit, know that the seven-star Sword Spirit will never joke on this major event, and now with the slightest hesitation said: “I will arrange for you!”


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