“This is the current territory of the world where people live.”

Void Immortal took a moment with Verdant Ruins and finally stopped on a land with mountains, rivers, and grasslands that were very similar to Earth World.

In terms of area, Yulong Tengshengtian is only a big deal compared to the World of Great World, Great World, and Great World. However, because the current Yulong Tengshengtian has been broken, It is equivalent to the residual part. In terms of total area, it is only 100 million kilometers in diameter, which is smaller than the Great World, not to mention the Great World, the Great World, and the Great World.

Of course, this is just the area of ​​Yulong Tengshengtian.

In fact, the headquarters of the entire Immortal Dao civilization was formed by a large number of World Unions. These Worlds have a 36-day remnant and more of a World of Heaven.

Although these caves are only ten to one million kilometers in size, they can’t hold a large number.

Therefore, the entire Immortal Dao civilization headquarters is in no way inferior to a powerful 21st-order civilization.

Earth World is divided into ten levels on the level. It can still be treated specially because of its origin in the beginning of the World. The population with a total population of nearly 100 years of rest and development is still less than 10 billion. The people occupy a total of tens of billions of square kilometers. Twenty times the original Earth area.

Ten times the area, even distribution, and rational use, the total number of Earth World students with a total population of about six 1 billion people has enough space, except for those who spontaneously gather together, most people have Your own private courtyard, manor, or Cave Mansion.

In addition, with the inclusion of Earth World in the Immortal Dao civilization and the support of the Immortal Dao civilization, Earth World has completed the transformation of the technological civilization to the Immortal Dao civilization in just a hundred years, currently moving through Earth World. The instruments of the living space of the people are no longer a spaceship, a vehicle, but a flying sword and a variety of flying instruments.

Verdant Ruins stood outside this territory and looked at him. He was able to clearly feel the huge transformation of the Earth civilization.

There is True Immortal equivalent to one thought becomes a World and Tai Yixian of Primal Chaos Supreme personally support. The Earth World civilization has been upgraded from the previous tenth order to the current fifteenth order in just a hundred years. In other words, the current Earth World is no less inferior to the Great World when Verdant Ruins never crossed the past.

Do not……

It is a bit higher than the original Great World.

After all, before Verdant Ruins has yet to reach the Great World, the top powerhouse in the Great World is three Tearing Void Realm that’s all. Now, Earth World has more than four people in the world’s six billion population. ,Tearing Void Realm, dozens of Domain Realm, Golden Core Realm’s cultivator accounted for three 1%, reaching 20 million, and the Immortal Dao civilization is proficient in longevity, the life of the Golden Core Realm cultivator It is a long stretcher than the Golden Core Realm cultivator of Primeline’s main lineage, reaching nine thousand years old and only one step away from Wanshou.

With all kinds of benefits, everyone in the Earth civilization has no rejection of the big family of Immortal Dao civilization. Instead, they are proud to join the family of Immortal Dao civilization. Hundreds of millions of people have stepped out of Immortal Dao civilization for them. The arrangement of the settlements, joined the Sect that is willing to accept them, has become a part of the Immortal Dao civilization.

“Verdant Ruins can be assured that these people will come from the beginning of the World, and Tianjun adults have learned of this matter and personally ordered them to settle them. Finally, Bohai Xiandi gave this task to me. I have not lived up to the expectations of the Emperor and Emperor Tianjun. These clansmans have been assisted as much as possible in these years. In the past 100 years, they have developed significantly and entered the fifteenth order civilization. level.”

Void Immortal 君said with a faint smile.

Verdant Ruins listened, and I couldn’t help but feel helpless.

According to Void Immortal, he led the Earth civilization from tenth to fifteenth with one person. Verdant Ruins should be thankful. He can really understand the current situation of Immortal Dao civilization, but he does not want Earth civilization and The Immortal Dao civilization has too much involvement.

after all……

Immortal Dao civilization, but at the same time facing the three great existence of the Primal Chaos Lord, the Lord of Time, the Lord of the Gods, the cultivator of the Immortal Dao civilization is constantly provoked, making the strong existence of those strong under the jurisdiction The ones have closed their eyes to their existence, but how long can the Immortal Dao civilization support once the strong men of the great existence have begun to take up the Immortal Dao civilization?

But these words are in the face of Void Immortal and the others, he naturally can not say.

“Many thanks Void Immortal Jun, I have been delaying for hundreds of years because of some things. If it is not because of Void Immortal, they will bring them in time, transforming Earth civilization into cultivation civilization, I am afraid many of my family and friends, I am I can’t see them.”

“Verdant Ruins is so polite. Since I brought the people of the original World to our Immortal Dao civilization, it is natural to be responsible for their survival.”

Verdant Ruins nodded.

When Verdant Ruins and Void Immortal Jun appeared in this territory, they had their own sense of the Immortal Dao civilization who taught the Earth civilization cultivation. Soon, three men equivalent to Unrivaled Realm came over and respectfully bowed. : “pay respects to Void Immortal Jun.”

“Oh, are you three on duty today? Are these clansmans at the beginning of the world all right?”

“No, the clansman of the original World is extremely enthusiastic and curious about our Immortal Dao civilization. At present, most people are wholeheartedly in the process of retreat. In addition, there are resources provided by Xianjun, they do not have to worry about resources, and they will not cause no The necessary hatred and fight.”

Among the three, the highest one of the cultivation base is respectful. At the end, he added: “Just… because the environment is too comfortable, many people’s state of mind cultivation has not kept up. If it is not solved as soon as possible. The problem is that their civilization is afraid that it will be difficult to climb again.”

“Then open the magical illusion, let them experience a second round of reincarnation in the illusion, constantly defeating the Heart Demon evil, tempering the soul.”

Void Immortal.

“The magical illusion? The cost of opening the magical illusion is not small… Every year, even if it is only 10,000 people, the resources are enough to cultivate an Earth Immortal…”

“It’s okay, let’s get started.”

After Void Immortal finished, he turned to Verdant Ruins and introduced: “This is Verdant Ruins. It is a guest of Bohai Xiandi and Zijin Xiandi. He should have some questions to ask you, you must not be slow. “”

The names of Bohai Xiandi and Zijin Xiandi are obviously extremely embarrassing. Three Void Immortal, who are equivalent to Unrivaled Realm, have bent down and bowed: “I have seen Xianjun, and if necessary, Xianjun is told.”

“I have something to ask the three people. I was originally a person from the beginning of the world. It was a coincidence that I went to the outside world. When I returned again, everyone in the original World has already been transferred here. I want to Please find someone for me.”

“Looking for people?”

Several Void Immortal pico startled.

Want to find a person with the strength of a god of Taiyi Xianjun, can you just scan it over? Still using them to get them out?

On the side of the Void Immortal, I learned about the origins of Verdant Ruins. I immediately said, “I can do this for you. Verdant Ruins does not know who to look for?”

“My biological father, I have a job.”

Verdant Ruins said that the image of Sapphire was passed on to Void Immortal.

After receiving the communication from Verdant Ruins, Void Immortal quickly spread the thoughts, like spring wind transform to rain, which infiltrated into the mountains and rivers of the thousand thousand kilometers. Soon he had found the information given by Verdant Ruins. And gave the position feedback to Verdant Ruins: “Found, right here, Verdant Ruins, Xianjun, are we now?”

“Many thanks Void Immortal, we are here.”

Verdant Ruins had some surprises, and he was envious of the sophistication of the use of Void Immortal.

In terms of strength, his mental ability is never under Void Immortal. Under the outbreak of the spirit, it is not difficult to razed this square for thousands of kilometers, but it is as precise as Void Immortal. God’s thoughts are scattered to everyone and judge whether they are the targets they are looking for. This ability is far beyond his imagination.

However, hunting thousand kilometers is not the limit of a Primal Chaos Supreme mental sensing range. If you only look for one or two targets, you don’t need to accurately determine where the ants are. Shouldn’t it be difficult?

With the foundation of Primal Chaos, can he learn how to use Void Immortal Jun, and then use this method to find Jiang Ningzhi?

Thinking of this, Verdant Ruins took the liberty and quickly asked: “I don’t know if Void Immortal can teach me this way of seeking God?”

“Oh? Naturally, but…”

Void Immortal Jun clearly understands that Verdant Ruins is from the main lineage camp of Primal Chaos. Some of the euphemisms are now: “This method of discovery is based on the cultivation of God and the knowledge of God. Before you run this method, you You need to polish your own spirits into gods, and then polish the gods into gods, so that you can refine them to a thousand thousand thousand kilometers for a moment, and judge the smell of him. Verdant Ruins … afraid it will take a while…”


“If Verdant Ruins has something to help, I am very happy to help.”

Verdant Ruins indulged in, and finally dismissed the idea.

In the argument of Void Immortal Jun, it is obviously not an easy task to polish the spirit into a god and then turn God into a god.

When the next road: “I want to ask Xianjun to find another person for me.”

“This is a small matter.”

Void Immortal smiled.

At the moment, Verdant Ruins passed the image of Jiang Ningzhi to Void Immortal.

Void Immortal once again shed his own thoughts and explored in this area for a thousand thousand kilometers. However, after a while, he has been already owned and turned to Verdant Ruins. Some regrets: “Verdant Ruins, I am afraid I will disappoint you. I didn’t find the person you were looking for…”

“could not find it!?”

This result, let Verdant Ruins breathe a little.

Although he didn’t find Jiang Ningzhi when he came to Earth World last time, he had some preparations in his heart, but now he could hear Void Immortal, and he still felt like he was crushed with a big stone, heavy let He can barely breathe.

Ginger Senior Sister…

Really already…


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