Under the leadership of Cangwu, Verdant Ruins quickly came to the place where the statue was stored in the Sword Sect.

This is an underground palace protected by a heavy Array.

Compared with the previous one, this statue has obviously become a lot bigger, growing up to ten meters high, the whole statue is blood red, and it looks like a cruel, cold atmosphere, especially its ruby-like eyes. It is full of a kind of spirituality, heart, and strange atmosphere. Don’t say that the people on the sky and the people on the candle look a little shudder. Even if Verdant Ruins suddenly saw the statue, his heart rose with a chill. sense.

“This statue… When did it become so huge?”

Verdant Ruins expression is serious.

When he first saw the statue, the chilly and strange feelings were already in his mind. At that time, he only thought that his cultivation base was too weak, but…

At this moment, he has grown to the point of approaching the Great Expert, and the horror of the statue is still not completely dissipated…

what does this mean?

The meaning behind this statue is at least a Supreme Great Expert, even…

May be the evil spirit above the Great Expert.

The only thing that makes Verdant Ruins strange is that the evil spirits reasonably want to find ways to rob the things that are carried. Why is this evil god offering the cultivator to the cultivator when he or she uses the cultivator to sacrifice? Over the years, Sword Sect has been tens of thousands of things in the hands of this bloody statue.

“As we continue to sacrifice with the cultivator of God Beast Bloodline, this statue is growing, from the previous four meters to four meters, but with the help of the Void Sword Court during this time After killing some cultivators of Yujing Great World, Great World, Taibei Great World, and Dream Great World, and after they sacrificed, the growth speed of this statue suddenly grew geometrically. In just ten years, Less than five meters has risen to the height of ten meters now.”


The previous cultivator and the others used the cultivator of Sacred Beast and God Beast Bloodline to sacrifice the blood-colored statues, which were limited by the cultivation base of the cultivator. In the last hundred years, only the blood-colored statues grew less than one meter, and now, With the offerings replaced by the cultivator below divine Realm, those who have become Divine Saint
Real body, even the strongest of Unrivaled Realm, the efficiency immediately skyrocketed…

“You will not sacrifice this statue again during this time. I will study it well.”

“it is good.”

The sky, the candle, and the man, nodded quickly.

Not only is there such a precious piece of treasure that is dissatisfied with Verdant Ruins, but rather a sense of relief.

Verdant Ruins quickly took the bloody statue to his courtyard and sensed it.

However, although this bloody statue gives him a chilling feeling, no matter whether Verdant Ruins uses mental stimulation or some foreign objects to test, nothing happens. Even it can be directly incorporated into Small World without being a Small. What is the damage caused by World’s own Law.

“Where is the problem with this bloody statue…”

Verdant Ruins muttered to himself.

For a moment, he seemed to think of something. Suddenly his heart moved and he ran his own greatness. Da Dao: “For so long, the secret of this bloody statue has never been revealed. It can be seen that the bloody statue itself is absolutely impossible. It is the rank of Great Expert, which is related to the evil spirits… and the evil spirits have always been the lord of Primal Chaos, the Lord of the Gods, and the eviction of the Lord of Time. How does this bloody statue truly represent the evil spirits and can be safe and sound? The existence of the Primal Chaos in the territory of the Lord for so long, it can be seen that this evil spirit must understand the means of the Primal Chaos, which will lead to conventional means, and even the conventional means of the Great Expert is useless… This bloody statue is really attached to something or some unknown creature and power. My ability to turn it into a Great Dao is simple, and the one-size-fits-all feature will be the only way to force it out.”

Great Dao is not any Great Dao in the territory of Primal Chaos. It has not even appeared in the territory of the Lord of Time and the Lord of the Gods. The evil spirit knows the Lord of Primal Chaos, and even the Lord of Time. The means of the Lord of the Gods can prevent the detection of such similar means in advance, but it does not mean that the newly born Great Dao rules are still fully immune.

“Let me see your true face.”

Verdant Ruins stared at the blood-colored statue, Great Dao was running, the sword light quickly dissipated from him, and began to cut around the blood-colored statue. When cutting the blood-colored statue, it was contained in the sword Da, the kind of simplified Da Da The force continues to escape, infiltrating into the deity of the blood-colored statue, and began to consume the statue.

But as his Great Dao Law penetrated into the Scarlet Statue, he clearly felt that the power of his Great Dao Law was being resolved and swallowed by an invisible force, but this resolution was better than its previous It’s a lot of times to solve Verdant Ruins’ other attacks.

“Sure enough, the new Great Dao Law can’t adapt? I have to see if you still choose to be indifferent and not show up when your body is completely destroyed.”

Verdant Ruins while speaking, with a bloody statue rising into the sky, no need to labor, space retreat, he has directly entered the endless Void, and moved towards the endless Void deep.

In this regard, the VIPs of the Void Sword Pavilion, Primal Chaos, had a feeling in the heart, but no one kept up, lest it cause misunderstanding.

Verdant Ruins shuttled through the endless Void for a long distance, until the Great World had only one basketball size in front of him, and then stopped his body shape, and then took the bloody statue again, suddenly, Great The power of Dao broke out. The sphere of an intangible material suddenly formed with him as the center. It madly swallowed and annihilated all the material, energy and even space storm within the thousand thousand kilometers. All these things were distributed by himself. The Great Dao Law came out as a simple, refining one, becoming a source of power for the Great Dao, and finally transformed into 49.

This 49 road word qi constitutes a sword array, which is based on the Great Dao. It starts to wrap the bloody statue and kills. It instantly breaks the limit of the bloody statue to offset and transform, which makes the bloody statue appear on the road quickly. Cracks, and cracks continue to expand under the cutting of sword qi, and there is a great tendency to destroy the entire blood-colored statue…

Just as Verdant Ruins was about to tear this bloody statue completely, a dark red mist suddenly appeared in the blood-colored statue, and the fog appeared, which seemed to contain the horrible power of ecstasy, even if it was his great Dao Can not be resolved for a time, so that his breath has once again skyrocketed, the Great Dao began to be swallowed, transformed, turned into exclusion, detached and separated.

“Stop, young guy, we are not enemies.”

A cold, unbearable, chilling voice came from the dark red mist, and then I saw the dark red blood mist that formed a huge face of severe ten meters.

Standing in front of this huge face, even though Verdant Ruins has its own Great Dao and can smash a Great World with a diameter of several hundred million kilometers with no difficulty, there is still a sense of smallness from the heart.

It was like an ant looking up at a giant elephant, and the horrible feeling of falling made him creepy.

“Crazy God?”

“The evil spirit? It really is a ignorant and lucky guy.”

“It seems that you have not had the desire to talk to me. I can feel your strength, but your power is obviously not built on a statue in my hand, but… very far away…maybe, This bloody statue is just a Spirit Sense transform to God, and your deity, actually not knowing hundreds of billions of light years from here? In other words, I don’t have to be scared by your bluff?”

“Young guy, I said, we are not enemies. Instead, we should have a common opponent… an opponent you should be afraid of!”

Verdant Ruins said in his heart, “The Lord of Primal Chaos?”

The face formed by the dark red blood mist was silent for a moment before retelling: “Yes, that is, the powerful existence, the Lord of Primal Chaos will not sit and watch the second Primal Chaos life grow in his territory, once You are caught by the Lord of Primal Chaos, who will only take you over and turn it into the twelve of his six…

“Twelve, six and a half chess pieces?”

Verdant Ruins associates with the original rumored twelve God Beast, and now only the remaining 鲲鹏, Primal Chaos, Golden Crow, 辍(18)蛄VII梓搿(15)

“What are the six and a half pieces you said, twelve God Beast?”

“In the words of Primal Chaos’s main lineage, it is indeed the twelve God Beast. The Lord of Primal Chaos wants to use the twelve God Beasts, with the World’s broken Great Dao Law, plus the cultivation of its own efforts. These twelve God Beasts make a truly great Primal Chaos life, but unfortunately… his plan has been destroyed by us. At present, there are only six and a half left in the God Goast column, and the other five are in the Lord of Time. In the hands of the Lord of the Gods.”

“You… the war between the evil spirit and the Lord of Primal Chaos?”

“Crazy God?”

The face of the dark red mist misted and looked at Verdant Ruins: “Young guy, if you really can grow up, you will also belong to one of our evil spirits.”

“I am also a member of the evil spirits?”

Verdant Ruins associates with the Seven Star Sword Spirit and some of his conversations: “All evil spirits belong to Primal Chaos life?”

“Accurately speaking, all the growing Primal Chaos lives are called evil spirits. Those who died halfway through it are not in this rank, and the Lord of Primal Chaos in your mouth is now the master of time in this territory. The Lord of the Gods belongs to the most Peak, the most strong Primal Chaos life, only one step, you can complete the final transformation, become the ultimate, become eternal!”

The face of the bloody fog is obviously awkward when it comes to the name of the Lord of Primal Chaos, the Lord of the Gods, and the Lord of Time, and when it comes to the ultimate and eternal words, it is full of desire.

“Primal Chaos, which is based on the chance to synthesize, wants to grow up too hard. Nine of the ten will die halfway. Lucky little guy, now we might as well make a deal, I will become your biological growth in Primal Chaos. The guide on the road, and you… just need to help me with a little busy…”

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